Методическая разработка на тему "Painting Jobs"
методическая разработка на тему
Данная методическая разработка предназначена для студентов второго курса специальности 26.02.03 "Судовождение". Разработка содержит тексты лексический материал и задания на отработку лексического материала по теме "Покрасочные работы". В методической разработке также предоставляется материал для самостоятельной работы и тесты для контроля усвоения материала.
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Методическая разработка на тему:
Painting Jobs
по дисциплине:
Иностранный язык
специальность: 26.02.03 «Судовождение»
Дюкарева И.В.
I. Read and translate the following text. Use lexes given below the text.
Painting. Cleaning decks and spaces.
The principle reasons for putting paint on any surface are preservation and decoration. This is especially important when we speak about ships, because their surfaces are usually affected by environment and sea water.
A sailor must have sufficient knowledge and practical skills to do painting jobs.
Very often sailors don’t have much time to put paint on properly and no time to wait for good weather, that’s why painting becomes a “slap-dash work”. As a result paint is blistering and peeling.
The surfaces, too, are very often dirty and greasy, not to mention the rust and dust. In some parts of the ship, such as over the side this cannot be avoided.
There are different kinds of paint: oil paint, dull paint, enamel and so on. Most of paint sent on board ship is ready mixed and only requires a little thinning before use. But paint used for deck houses and the ship’s sides is often mixed on board.
The tools with which paint is put on surfaces are different brushes, paint rollers and spray guns.
Any surface to be painted must be clean and dry. You should remove any grease and rust before the primer is applied. Metal and wooden surfaces must be smoothed and polished.
reasons | причины |
surface | поверхность |
preservation | сохранность, защита |
to be affected by | быть под воздействием чего-либо |
environment | окружающая среда |
sufficient | достаточный |
practical skills | практические навыки |
“slap-dash work” | халтура, небрежная работа |
blistering | образование пузырей, вспучивание |
peeling | отслаивание |
greasy | замасленный |
rust | ржавчина |
dust | пыль |
over the side | за бортом |
oil paint | масляная краска |
dull paint | матовая краска |
enamel | эмаль |
require | требовать |
thinning | разбавление |
deck houses | палубные рубки |
tools | инструменты |
brushes | кисти |
paint rollers | катки |
spray guns | краскораспылители |
dry | сухой |
remove | удалять |
primer | грунтовка |
apply | наносить, применять |
smooth | гладкий, ровный |
polish | полировать |
II. Answer the following questions:
1) What are the principle reasons for putting paint on any surface?
2) Why painting is so important on ships?
3) Why does painting very often become a “slap-dash work”?
4) What types of paints can you name?
5) What tools for painting jobs do you know?
6) What should be done with the surface before painting?
III. Find out if the following statements are true or false. If any statement is false, correct it.
1) The principle reason for putting paint on any surface is only decoration.
2) Painting on ships must always be done perfectly.
3) A sailor must know how to do painting jobs.
4) There is often a lot of rust and dust on ship’s surfaces.
5) Most of paint sent on board ship is not ready mixed and must be mixed only on board.
6) The surface to be painted may be wet.
7) Any grease and rust must be removed before painting.
IV. Translate the following words and word combinations into English.
Красить, особенно важно, подвергаться воздействию окружающей среды и морской воды, наносить краску должным образом, ждать хорошей погоды, небрежная работа, краска вспучивается и отслаивается, грязная и замасленная поверхность, нельзя избежать, готовая краска, разбавить, удалить ржавчину перед нанесением грунтовки, подготовить поверхность, гладкая и отполированная поверхность.
V. Listen to the dialogue. Act it out.
The boatswain is giving instructions to young sailor concerning the preparation of the surface to be painted.
B: Say your name again.
J: Jim, Sir!
B: Well, Jimmy, remember the following: when you are removing rust from the surface to be painted don’t forget to wear goggles to protect your eyes from flying rust particles.
J: And where can I get the goggles?
B: You can get them in the store room together with required tools and working gloves.
J: What tools?
B: First, never interrupt me unless I’ve finished. Second, the storeman will issue you all necessary tools such as chipping hammer, a wire brush, scrapers and so on. Any more questions now?
J: No, Sir! All’s clear.
B: Good. And now, get on with the job.
J: Aye, aye, sir!
goggles | защитные очки |
particle | частица |
store-room | кладовая |
working gloves | рабочие рукавицы |
storeman | кладовщик |
chipping hammer | молоток для отбивания ржавчины |
V. Learn the following lexes by heart.
paint | краска | |
white lead | белила свинцовые | |
oil paint | масляная краска | |
waterproof paint | водоотталкивающая краска | |
enamel | эмаль | |
heat resisting paint | жаростойкая краска | |
dull paint | матовая краска | |
rusty parts | ржавые части | |
chipping hammer | молоток для отбивания ржавчины | |
loose paint | облупившаяся краска | |
paint bucket | ведро с краской | |
paint drum | бочка с краской | |
paint can | банка с краской | |
paint kettle | бадейка | |
ladder | стремянка | |
grinder | шлифмашина | |
paint brushes | покрасочные кисти | |
flat brush | плоская кисть | |
round brush | круглая кисть | |
roller | валик, каток | |
thinner | растворитель | |
sandpaper | наждачная бумага | |
polishing paste | притирочная паста | |
scraper | шпатель | |
grill | решетка для удаления излишка краски | |
thick | густой | |
red | сурик | |
putty | шпаклевка | |
spray gun | краскораспылитель | |
paint remover | раствор для удаления краски | |
varnish | лак | |
sand paper block | брусок, обернутый наждачной бумагой | |
rags | ветошь | |
primer | грунтовка | |
Verbs | ||
to paint | красить | |
to chip the rust | отбивать ржавчину | |
to scrub the deck | лопатить палубу | |
to prepare surface | подготовить поверхность | |
to grind | шлифовать | |
to polish | полировать | |
to make undercoat | грунтовать | |
to apply two coats | нанести 2 слоя краски | |
to coat twice | покрыть дважды | |
to fill | наполнять | |
to thin | разбавлять | |
to add | добавлять | |
to mix | смешивать | |
to put the coat | нанести слой | |
to bring | приносить |
VI. Translate the following commands into English
1. Look for the rusty parts.
2. You must chip the rust and prepare
surface for painting.
3. Grind and polish where necessary, after
that make undercoat and apply two coats of
oil paint.
4. You, please, come with me.
5. You will fill up paint buckets from this
drum and also bring on deck some cans of
6. The others must take some ladders, paint
brushes, rollers and canister for thinner
from the store room.
7. Don’t forget to bring some sandpaper,
polishing paste, scrapers and grill to remove
excessive paint from the brush.
8. So everything is here. The paint is too
thick, add some thinner.
9. Mix these two paints and add some more
white paint, the color is quite dirty. You
need flat brushes and paint roller.
10. Don’t take so much paint; the coat will be too
thick and uneven. When it dries put the next coat
and after that – here and here – some varnish.
11. It’s easier to polish the surface if you take sand
paper block.
VII. Read the dialogue and find all the Imperatives in it.
Boatswain: Sailor Ivanov, come here, please! I have some for you.
Sailor: Ok, Sir! What should I do?
Boatswain: You must start painting the ship’s board. Chip off the rust with a chipping hammer. Then take one can with black paint and one can with red paint and start painting.
Sailor: Sir, I think red paint is too thick. Shall I add some thinner?
Boatswain: Of course! If you don’t add some thinner the surface will be uneven.
Sailor: And, Boatswain, where can I take that thinner?
Boatswain: You can take the thinner, the paint, brushes and rollers in the paint-locker.
Sailor: How many coats must I apply?
Boatswain: You must apply two coats of paint and one coat of vanish. Don’t forget to make undercoat before painting.
VIII. Read the following words and word-combinations. They will make your speech more emotional. Try to remember them.
1. Look after this! | Присмотри за этим! |
2. You, please, come with me! | Вы пойдемте со мной |
3. The others must bring… | Остальные должны принести |
4. I’ll see to all that | Я прослежу за этим всем |
5. Hurry up! | Живее! |
6. Avast! | Шабаш! |
7. Good job! | Хорошая работа! |
8. Good for you! | Молодец! |
9. This is a slapdash! (careless job) | Это халтура! |
10. You’ll have to do it over again! | Вам придется все переделать! |
11. You have spilled some paint. | Вы разлили краску. |
12. Remove the spilled paint from the deck. | Уберите разлитую краску с палубы. |
13. This is a very slipshod job. | Очень небрежная работа! |
14. You’ve made a mistake through carelessness. | Вы допустили ошибку по небрежности |
1. Do you want me to do this? | Вы хотите, чтобы я это сделал? |
2. It has happened by chance. I’m sorry. | Это произошло случайно, простите! |
3. May I be absent for a moment? | Могу я отлучиться ненадолго? |
4. I need your help | Мне нужна ваша помощь. |
5. I would like to verify the scope of work. | Я бы хотел уточнить объем работ. |
6. The primer is not dry yet. | Грунтовка еще не высохла. |
7. Let’s delay the painting till tomorrow. | Давайте отложим покраску на завтра. |
8. What kind of putty should I use? | Какую шпаклевку мне использовать? |
9. Is the paint locker open? | Малярка открыта? |
10. Don’t go down to the engine room with painter’s things. | Не спускайтесь в машинное отделение с малярными принадлежностями. |
11. Give me, please, the key to the paint locker. | Пожалуйста, дайте ключ от малярной. |
12. How many coats must I apply? | Сколько слоев нанести? |
13. Are these enamels quick-drying? | Эти эмали быстросохнущие? |
14. This spray paint-gun is faulty. | Этот краскораспылитель неисправен. |
15. Must I take another or repair this one? | Мне взять другой или отремонтировать этот? |
16. I’d like to look through the manual of this spray-gun. | Я хотел бы просмотреть инструкцию к этому распылителю. |
17. Wherever has the solvent got to? | Куда же делся растворитель? |
18. But there is the canister, under the bench! | Да вот канистра, под верстаком! |
IX. Make up your own dialogues. Use the words and word-combinations given in the previous exercise. Take the previous dialogue as an example.
loss of gloss (потеря блеска)
dirty areas (грязные места)
chalking (меление краски)
blistering (вспучивание краски)
cracking (растрескивание)
chemical attack (воздействие химикатов)
mechanical damage (механическое повреждение)
corrosion (коррозия)
X. Fill in the blanks with the words and word combinations given below:
1. A sailor must have sufficient … to do painting successfully.
2. The tools usually used for painting are … , rollers and spray guns.
3. Don’t take so much paint; the coat will be too…
4. You must apply two coats of paint and one coat of…
5. Ship’s surfaces are constantly affected by …
6. Chip off the rust with a…
7. Before a primer is applied grease and…should be removed from the surface.
8. Don’t forget to wear… to protect your eyes from flying rust particles.
9. Most of paint sent on board ship is ready mixed and only requires a little… before use.
XI. Match English and Russian equivalents:
- To wipe подержать стремянку
- To sweep наполнить ведра краской
- To bring oil paint мести, подметать
- To grind the surface оббить ржавчину
- To take sandpaper block вымыть палубу шваброй
- To chip the rust протирать, вытирать
- To fill up paint buckets принести масляную краску
- To hold the step ladder взять брусок, обернутый наждачкой
- To mop the deck наложить один слой лака
- To put one coat of varnish зачищать поверхность
XI. Translate the following sentences into English.
1. Не добавляй растворитель, краска и так слишком жидкая.
2. Перед покраской загрунтуй поверхность!
3.Когда краска высохнет, нанеси два слоя лака.
4. Краска вспучилась, ее нужно удалить перед нанесением свежей краски.
5. Принесите, пожалуйста, банку зеленой матовой краски, плоскую кисть и ветошь из малярки.
6. Не забудь принести наждачную бумагу и решетку для удаления излишка краски с кисти.
7. Смешай синюю и белую краску и добавь немного растворителя, краска очень густая.
XII. Fill in the blanks with the names of the tools on the pictures.
Read these safety rules and don’t forget them during your work
Material Safety 1. Paint locker should be kept clean, tide and in order. 2. Cans of paint stored so that they do not turn over and leak. 3. All tins containing coatings and solvents must have leads. 4. Watch out for fumes and ventilate if necessary. |
Personal Safety 1. Minimize contact of paint with your skin. 2. Cover as much as possible with sensible working clothes. 3. Wear gloves and eye protection. 4. Use a suitable barrier cream on exposed skin. 5. Use mask or respirator in confined spaces. 6. Remember! Good housekeeping contributes to safety. |
Fire Hazard 1. Never allow naked flames – matches – cigarettes – in the same area where paint is being applied or stored. 2. Always thoroughly ventilate any area where pain is spilled. Clean up immediately any dispose of the cleaning material in a closed metal container. 3. AND if fire should occur, do not attempt to put it out with water – use powder or carbon dioxide (CO2) fire extinguishers. |
Text for Original Reading
Safety during Painting Jobs
The Deck Department spends most of time maintaining the ship, her equipment in good condition. This means constant cleaning, painting and repair work.
Paints may contain toxic or irritant substances, and the solvents may give rise to flammable and explosive vapours, which may also be toxic. There should be no smoking or use of naked flame during painting or until the paint has dried. Interior and enclosed spaces should be well ventilated, both when the painting is in progress and until the paint has dried.
Painted surface should not be rubbed down dry unless it is known that the old paint is free from lead or other substance, the dust from which could be toxic if inhaled. Rust removers are acids and contact with the skin should be avoided. Eye protection should be worn against splashes.
Suitable protective clothes such as suit, gloves, cloth hood, and eye protection should be worn during spraying. A suitable respirator should be worn according to the nature of the paint being sprayed. In exceptional circumstances it may be necessary to use breathing apparatus. Dust masks should be worn as protection against dust.
If a spray nozzle clogs, the trigger of the gun should be locked in a closed position before any attempt is made to clear the blockage. Before a blocked spray nozzle is removed or any other dismantling attempted, pressure should be relieved from the system. The pressure in the system should not exceed the recommended working pressure of the hose. The system should be regularly inspected for defects.
A man painting over side should wear a life-line and buoyancy garment and should be under observation by a seaman on deck; a life-buoy with a sufficient length of line attached should be ready for immediate use. The person in charge should have due regard to the strength of tides and other hazards, such as wash from passing vessels, before a painting punt is put to use. Painting punts should be stable and provided with suitable fencing.
When painting is to be done at or near the stern, the person in charge should inform the duty engineer and deck officers so that warning notices are put up in the engine room, at the controls and on the bridge. When painting is done in the vicinity of machinery, especially in the engine room, care should be taken to ensure that the power supply is isolated and the machinery immobilized in such a way that it cannot be moved or started up inadvertently.
contain | содержать |
irritant substance | раздражающее вещество |
solvent | растворитель |
may give rise to | вызывать, порождать |
flammable and explosive vapors | легковоспламеняющиеся взрывоопасные пары |
toxic | ядовитый |
naked flame | открытый огонь |
painting is in progress | идут покрасочные работы |
lead | свинец |
inhale | вдыхать |
acid | кислота |
avoid | избегать |
splashes | брызги |
hood | капюшон |
in exceptional circumstances | в исключительных обстоятельствах |
breathing apparatus | дыхательный аппарат |
spray nozzle | распыляющее сопло |
clog | засоряться |
trigger | курок |
lock | блокировать |
clear the blockage | удалить засор |
dismantle | разбирать |
pressure | давление |
exceed | превышать |
hose | шланг |
over side | за бортом |
buoyancy garment | |
under observation | под наблюдением |
due regard | должный учет |
strength of tides | сила течений |
hazards | угрозы |
wash | волна |
punt | плоскодонка |
fencing | леерное ограждение |
warning notices | предупредительные таблички |
control | панель управления |
power supply | подача питания |
inadvertently | ненароком |
Variant 1
Task 1 Cross the word that doesn’t belong to the group
1. Oil paint, dull paint, enamel, waterproof paint, loose paint.
2. Chipping hammer, roller, thinner, paint brush, grill.
3. To mix, to grind, to thin, to fill.
4. To polish, to chip the rust, to make undercoat, to thin.
5. Paint bucket, paint drum, paint kettle, paint brush.
Task 2 Complete the dialogue:
A: Cadet Petrov, come here, please! I see some spilled paint on the deck. Who did that?
B: …
A: Remove the spilled paint from the deck. You can find the rags in the paint locker. Any questions?
A: When you clean the deck, mix these two paints and paint this surface.
A: Yes, this paints can be mixed, but you should add some thinner.
Task 3 Translate the following sentences into English
1. Вы хотите, чтобы я это сделал?
2. Я бы хотел уточнить объем работ.
3. Грунтовка еще не высохла. Может, отложим покраску на завтра?
4. Какую шпаклевку мне использовать?
5. Сколько слоев я должен нанести?
6. Эти эмали быстросохнущие?
7. Мне использовать масляную краску или эмаль?
8. Эти краски можно смешивать?
9. Куда подевался растворитель?
10. Не разбавляй краску, она и так жидкая.
Task 4 Match each English verb with its Russian meaning:
1. to tidy up | окатить водой |
2. to wipe | разъединить |
3. to flush | мыть шваброй |
4. to mop | собирать |
5. to renew | оснащать |
6. to bend on | делать приборку |
7. to assemble | протирать |
8. to wash | омывать струей воды |
9. to rig | обновлять |
10. to disconnect | привязывать, крепить |
Task 5 Translate the following text into Russian.
Paints may contain toxic or irritant substances, and the solvents may give rise to flammable and explosive vapours, which may also be toxic. There should be no smoking or use of naked flame during painting or until the paint has dried. Interior and enclosed spaces should be well ventilated, both when the painting is in progress and until the paint has dried.
Painted surface should not be rubbed down dry unless it is known that the old paint is free from lead or other substance, the dust from which could be toxic if inhaled. Rust removers are acids and contact with the skin should be avoided. Eye protection should be worn against splashes.
Variant 2
Task 1 Cross the word that doesn’t belong to the group
1. Putty, red, oil paint, enamel, dull paint.
2. Paint remover, varnish, spray, thinner, putty.
3. To paint, to mix, to fill, grill, to scrub.
4. Roller, scrape, polishing paste, hammer.
5. Thick, thin, normal, sandpaper, loose, rusty.
Task 2 Complete the dialogue:
B: And where should I take that chipping hammer?
B: Ok, Sir! What should I do after chipping the rust off?
B: Should I apply some varnish after this?
B: Of course, Sir! Thank you.
Task 3 Translate the following sentences into English
1. Краска слишком густая. Растворитель – вон в той канистре.
2. Вы уже прочли инструкцию к этой краске?
3. Посмотрите, где есть ржавчина и оббейте ее.
4. Загрунтуйте очищенные участки, не оставляя трещин.
5. Уберите лишнюю краску с кисти.
6. Лучше возьмите круглую щетку.
7. Вы поняли задачу, которую я перед вами поставил?
8. Я прослежу за всем этим.
9. Вы допустили ошибку по небрежности.
10.Сколько слоев я должен нанести?
Task 4 Match each English verb with its Russian meaning:
1. to bail out | мыть шваброй |
2. to rig | подметать |
3. to bend on | зачищать |
4. to add | обновлять |
5. to chip | привязывать |
6. to polish | оснащать |
7. to spray | оббивать |
8. to renew | вычерпывать |
9. to sweep | распылять |
10. to mop | добавлять |
Task 5 Translate the following text into Russian.
Suitable protective clothes such as suit, gloves, cloth hood, and eye protection should be worn during spraying. A suitable respirator should be worn according to the nature of the paint being sprayed. In exceptional circumstances it may be necessary to use breathing apparatus. Dust masks should be worn as protection against dust.
If a spray nozzle clogs, the trigger of the gun should be locked in a closed position before any attempt is made to clear the blockage. Before a blocked spray nozzle is removed or any other dismantling attempted, pressure should be relieved from the system. The pressure in the system should not exceed the recommended working pressure of the hose. The system should be regularly inspected for defects.
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Методические рекомендации по самостоятельной работе Обществознание, Методическая разработка кураторского часа "Коррупция как особый вид преступлений", Методическая разработка"Выбор за нами".
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Методическая разработка урока-викторины «Знатоки финансовой грамотности» /методическая разработка дополнительного учебного занятия по учебной дисциплине «Обществознание (включая экономику и право)» /
Методическая разработка составлена для обучающихся, изучающих дисциплину «Обществознание (включая экономику и право)» включая раздел «Финансовая грамотность».В ходе...
Классный час "Герои Великой Отечественной войны". Методическая разработка награждена Дипломом Министерства Образования,Науки и Молодёжи Республики Крым 3 Степени в региональном этапе 2 Всероссийского конкурса на лучшую методическую разработку.
Моя методическая разработка награждена Дипломом Министерства Образования ,Науки и Молодёжи Республики Крым 3 Степени в региональном этапе 2 Всероссийского конкурса на лучшую методическую разработку....