Конспект урока по английскому языку с использованием информационных технологий на тему "THE RISKS OF SMOKING" («Опасность курения»)
методическая разработка
Конспект урока по английскому языку с использованием информационных технологий на тему: "THE RISKS OF SMOKING" («Опасность курения»)
Предварительный просмотр:
СОГБПОУ «Рославльский многопрофильный колледж»
урока по английскому языку с использованием информационных технологий на тему: "THE RISKS OF SMOKING" («Опасность курения»)
иностранного языка
Ветрова Е.В.
Тип урока: комбинированный
Образовательная: систематизировать и обобщить знания обучающихся по теме о здоровье и вреде курения “The Risks of Smoking". Способствовать формированию коммуникативной культуры обучающихся, развитию речевого навыка (монологическая и диалогическая форма речи), формирование грамматических навыков говорения, восприятие речи на слух с извлечением специфической информации.
Воспитательная: обратить внимание обучающихся на плюсы здорового образа жизни. Продолжить воспитание культуры общения, способности к совместной работе в группе, воспитание чувства ответственности за совместную работу.
Развивающая: продолжить развитие памяти, внимательности, способности мыслить и делать выводы на иностранном языке самостоятельно. Тренировать навыки обобщения и умение работать с учебным текстом. Развивать навыки анализа, способностей к сравнению, развитие познавательного интереса.
- формировать коммуникативные навыки по теме «Опасность курения»;
- совершенствовать навыки чтения, используя материалы урока;
- пополнять словарный запас обучающихся по теме;
- развивать навыки аудирования и письма по теме;
- развитие навыков монологической и диалогической речи в рамках указанной темы;
- работать над навыком подведения итогов по теме, используя грамматические конструкции «there’s/there are», вспомогательные глаголы в Present Simple, Present Continuous, Future Simple.
Тема занятия: “The Risks of Smoking"
1. аудиовизуальный;
2. личностно-ориентированный.
1) изображения формата А4 с фразами «Нет курению», «Здесь не курят», «Не курить», «Курение убивает» и т.д. на английском и русском языках;
2) раздаточный материал: карточки с ЛЕ, карточки с поговорками о здоровом образе жизни;
3) технические: компьютер, проектор, экран для проецирования, аудиозаписи в формате mp3;
4) наглядные: презентация в Power Point.
I. Организационный момент. Вступительное слово преподавателя. Постановка целей и задач занятия.
Речевая зарядка (2-3 мин):
Учитель: Good morning! Sit down, please. How are you today?
Приветствие обучающихся. Good morning! We’re glad to see you.
Беседа с дежурным:
T: Who is on duty? What date is it today? | S1: I’m on duty. Today is … |
T: What day of the week is it today? | S1: Today is Friday. |
T: Who is absent today? Etc. | S1: Ivanov is absent, the rest are here. |
Введение в тему урока (2 мин).
Look at the whiteboard. What can you see?
S2: We can see posters and pictures.
T: Right, there are several posters. What do they show?
S3: They demonstrate healthy and unhealthy people.
T: As you understood, today we are going to discuss an acute issue of smoking, talk about consequences of smoking and, finally, try to create anti-smoking advertisement.
II. Введение новых лексических единиц по теме, активация их в речи (2-3 мин).
Teacher: Look at the board. Listen to the guide and repeat after him.
to quit smoking, to deceive, to ban, conscience, lukewarm, discreetly, harmful, to increase, drastic, welfare, insidious, virile, utter, nonsense, consequence, habit, wealth
бросить курить, обмануть, запретить, совесть, вялый, незаметно, вредный, увеличить, радикальный, благосостояние, коварный, мужественный, полный, бессмыслица, следствие, привычка, богатство
Look at the screen and match the beginnings and the endings of the proverbs (2-3 мин).
An apple a day/ is above wealth.
Good health/ keeps a man healthy, wealthy and wise.
Early to get up and early to rise/ keeps the doctor away.
As far as you see, today we will touch upon the negative impact of smoking on human health.
As you know, young people have a lot of problems. Do you agree that smoking is a problem? Do many people around you smoke? Do your relatives smoke? Do you try to help them to stop smoking?
S1, S2: …
At the end of the lesson you’ll suggest solutions how not to acquire bad habits.
III. Аудирование с извлечением детальной информации (6-8 мин).
Используется презентация на экране.
Audio guide: “Many teenagers become really addictive from smoking since school.
Sad statistics. In Russia smoking kills 332 thousand people a year, or 15% of all death. 240 thousand (231 thousand males + 9 thousand females) or 72% of them are still in middle age when they die. Men in Russia smoke more and are more severely affected smoking hazard than women.”
Express your point of view to the following facts using the words in the word-cards.
Предполагаемые ответы обучающихся.
S1: I’d like to add that smoking is badly injurious to health and adverse effects on passive smokers is well established. Therefore, I strongly favour the ban imposed in many public places and office buildings in various countries.
S2: I totally agree with you. Smoking in public places irritates and causes discomfort to non- smokers. Moreover, the passive smokers are also highly susceptible to various diseases like cancer and other ailments based on the findings of various researches.
S3: Since public places are open to all people, no one has any right to knowingly cause harm, injure the health of other people.
S4: It would also be better if advertising stopped offering cigarettes from posters and the screen in various ways.
S5: Despite the law prohibiting the sale of cigarettes to teenagers, shop-assistants often break the law. That’s why it would be wisely if our government increase fine to these offenders.
T: What do you think why many teenagers start smoking since early age?
S6: Maybe, the image of smoking hero convince teens that it will increase their personality among others.
S7: In my opinion, first of all, the family and the school should be responsible for bad habits. If children learn to appreciate a healthy way of life since very early age, they will appreciate it for the rest of their life. Schools must have strict rules and family must lead by example.
III Активизация речевых умений в рамках темы «The Risks of Smoking» (6 мин)
Обучающиеся читают и переводят устно небольшой текст:
The problem of smoking is very acute in modern society.
You can see lots of men, women and even teenagers smoking in the streets. It is, of course, the shortest way to bad health.
There are many other harmful waste gases in the air nowadays. They come from industrial or automobile manufacturing. However, smoking is the worst of all fumes.
Even if we don’t smoke ourselves but simply inhale these fumes from other smokers’ cigarettes, it is harmful. Those who don’t smoke but sit next to smoking people are called passive smokers.
In the past few years measures have been taken to reduce smoking. In a number of countries the anti-smoking campaigns were launched. As a result smoking was banned in public places in some cities.
Our country is also on its way to struggling with smoking. Not a long time ago a new law was introduced that all restaurants should have separate areas for non-smokers.
Many schools run a series of lectures on the harm of smoking and it has a bad effect on children.
Apart from breathing problems and bad smell, smoking leads to heart attacks and strokes at an early age. Other than that many people suffered from cancer because of smoking. Appearance also suffers: the teeth become yellow, the skin and hair look unhealthy and pale, the immune system become weak.
The harm of cigarettes for women should be especially highlighted. They give birth to children and it’s difficult to have a healthy child being a smoker.
Above all, cigarettes are costly and they worsen the personal budget. As you can see, there are no advantages of smoking at all, only harm and danger.
Teacher: Choose the best completion of each sentence according to the text.
Обучающиеся отвечают на вопросы в раздаточном материале. Ответы высвечиваются на экране после выполнения для самоконтроля. Учитель опрашивает обучающихся, сколько баллов набрал каждый из них.
- People who don’t smoke should…
- demand to ban smoking in public places
- keep quiet
- shout loudly about the dire consequences
- ignore smokers,
- If really concerned, governments should…
- ban all cigarette advertising
- increase cigarette taxes
- ban smoking altogether
- conduct aggressive anti-smoking campaign
- hear, see and smell no evil.
- The advertisements always depict…
- virile, clean-shaven young men
- profit to the tobacco industry
- real smokers coughing up their lungs
- smoking/cancer link
- Smoking is always associated with…
- relaxing, e/g/ with a cup of coffee after a meal, etc.
- good living, making contacts
- danger of breathing in cancerous death
- many psychological benefits.
IV Работа в группах на отработку лексико-грамматического материала
Обучающиеся работают в группах (8 мин).
Work in groups of three. The first group will be the representatives of heavy-smokers. The second group will be doctors and the third group will be non-smokers. All of you must discuss and write advantages and disadvantages of smoking and you must convict your friend to quit smoking. You’ve got 5 minutes for making up a story.
Teacher: Your time is up. Please, come to the board and show what you’ve got.
S1: I am a heavy smoker. I feel unwell. I cough a lot and have a short sleep.
S2: I am a non-smoker, I am sure that smoking is a harmful and dangerous habit. Sport is healthier, no doubt.
S3: As a doctor, I must say that smoking leads to the loss of memory, heart disease and lung cancer. Smoking kills about 3 million people every year. Please, think before lighting up a cigarette. For tobacco companies cigarettes mean money. Money is invested in advertising cigarettes.
T: In our turn, let’s create anti-smoking advertisement.
Обучающиеся придумывают и рисуют рекламу о вреде курения. Результаты вывешиваются на доску. Работа в группах по 5 человек. Время: 5 минут.
V Подведение итогов урока (Рефлексия)
Teacher: Well done. All ads look wonderful. What do you think? Происходит «защита проекта». Максимум 3 минуты на каждую рекламу.
Thank you very much. I hope you have learned a lot of things about the harm of smoking. Did you like our lesson? You all get only good marks today. Your home task is…Please take care and do not injure your health.
The lesson is over! Good bye!
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