Важнейшие изобретения 20 века.
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Презентация по теме "Важнейшие изобретения 20 века." для 3 курса
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The aims of the lesson Практическая – To develop lexical skills of speaking to improve skills of reading and listening, to form an ability of working with your partner. Воспитательная – To train respectable attitude to your classmates, to form the culture of communication and understanding of the actualization of your personal experience. Развивающая – t o give an opportunity to develop pupil’s cognitive interests to a certain discipline, to improve the memory, attention, an ability to guess, to analyze, to compare.
Let’s remember these word constructions I'm(very much) in favour of/(really) against I think/I believe/I fell that I agree to some extent, but Fair enough but/believe it or not, but I can say from experience that Just for the record If i'm not mistaken/if I recall correctly Either way/I am afraid you are wrong.....
What most important inventions of the 20th century can you name? Fill in the the follo wing list. The most important inventions of the 20 th century:
Look at the example! 1) I think/I believe/I fell that (weapons...) can be considered as one of the 10 great invention but if I' m not mistaken TV is unnecessary thing in our life. … 2) I can say from experience that.. . I agree to some extent, but...
Watch the video “Top 10 intentions of all time” Go to this site https://yandex.ru/search/?text=the%20ten%20world%20inventions%20yuutube&lr=11&clid=2270456&win=300#/videowiz?filmId=12482104960907124727
Have you changed you opinion? Models : I've changed my opinion because.... I will always stick to the point that.... because I can’t disagree that… My opinion doesn’t correspond to… I have another presupposition…. My opinion is quite different from …
Read the following information and say if your point of view are the same or not… MOBILE PHONE (A surprising medal for the gadget that's revolutionized communication. Moreover, it really harms health, people who often use it, can get brain tumour and other dangerous illnesses) WEAPONS (Bombs, guns you name it-innovations that go bang or cause bodily harm were the most widely frowned upon in our survey. They've only been used twice in warfare in 1945, US dropped the bomb “Little Bomb” on the Japanese city of Hiroshima) NUCLEAR POWER ( These accidents are rare but can have devastating effects. It isone of the first way of pollution of our earth.)
Read the following information and say if your point of view are the same or not… CIGARETTES ( Cancer-causing chemicals in mean that men who smoke are twenty-two times, and women twelve times, more likely to develop lung cancer than those who don't. Smoking is also linked to other cancers and heart attacks) CARS( cars have disadvantage like air pollution. For example too much cars in the street.. When people walk beside the street they will smell the carbon coming from the car, then they will getsick after long time. Also cars make people lazy. Many people stop doing sport after they having a car,so we should try to do soprt even we have a car.) FAST FOOD ( It's clear that the risks definitely outnumber its positive effects. The bad side of fast food is that it has almost "zero" nutritious value. Despite this fact, we can definitely include them in our menu and exercise proper control over their consumption. The craving for fast food among various individuals right from a child to an adult is so much that one cannot avoid their consumption.)
Ask your partner Models 1)Do you agree that…? 2) Are you sure that…? 3) Do you believe….? 4) Is your opinion different from…? 5) What do you think…?
Debates Model : A Fast food is a good idea because you can eat tasty and quickly B I don't support your point of view because fast food harms our health....
The results of the lesson Pupils, do you like our today’s lesson? What was the most interesting task for you? Your work was excellent today. Your marks for today are…
Homework Your homework is to imagine that you are a great person who creates his own invention. Rework the name of it, how does it work, what advantages does it has and prepare a approximate model. Next lesson you should demonstrate your invention.
Список использованных источников 1. Изображение «10 inventions that changed the world » https://www.laughalaughi.com/wp-content/uploads/2016/02/Top-10-inventions.jpg 2 . Изображение «Диалог» https://i.pinimg.com/originals/db/2b/4b/db2b4b0068f920dda55b5f766b266777.jpg 3.Изображение «Дебаты» https://cdn.1tv.ge/app/uploads/2018/09/72a97d5d0896b9b0d753931a4adc758b-1538218748.jpg
Список использованных источников 4. Изображение « Смайл » https://avatars.mds.yandex.net/get-pdb/1779763/64c8a89c-a29d-4937-9070-6922e8f7577b/s1200?webp=false 5. Изображение «Книги» https://st2.depositphotos.com/2769299/7110/i/950/depositphotos_71102609-stock-photo-a-stack-of-books-on.jpg
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