методическая разработка

Лешко Наталия Олеговна

Тренировочные тексты содержат лексику, необходимую для сотрудников пожарно-спасательных подразделений, осуществляющих свою профессианальную деятельность при работе с иностранными гражданами на территории России и зарубежных стран.


Предварительный просмотр:

Text 1                       The fire in the flat

On 15.03.2015 in the area of departure of 4 FFD 9 RFS at: 11th Krasnoarmeyskaya Str., 5, flat 7a fire occurred in a residential 6-storey house of 3rd degree of fire resistance. In a separate three-bedroom apartment on the 4th floor in kitchen with area of 12 m2 furnishings and combustible construction on a total area of 8 m2 were burning. Personnel were using the stairway and with the help of rescue devices 13 dwellers were evacuated. From the burning apartment using aerial ladder, a man of1951 year of birth was saved. With the diagnosis "intoxication with combustion products" he was sent to a medical institution. The fire was eliminated with 2 brunch pipes RSK-50 from tankers installed on the fire hydrant of urban networkin 100 meters. Using mechanized tool interfloor overlapping with the area of 2 m2was dismantled.

There are no violations of safety rules and bounce of equipment during the fire.

Объём текста:

Страница 1

Слов 159

Знаков (без пробелов) 778

Знаков (с пробелами) 949

Абзацев 3

Строк 14

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Text 2                        Truck traffic accident

On the 16th  of April, 2016 at 12:30 a.m. a traffic accident occurred in Saint Petersburg. According to initial reports it was established that the truck driver hit a road worker and pinned him against a concrete block.

The casualty is under the bumper. His feet are pinned, a hip fracture is suspected.The rescue team are immobilizing and extracting the casualty.

The driver is one of the injured, in the vehicle. He's bleeding heavily from the wound. The passenger is in shock.

 The arrived rescue team used screw jacks to shift the vehicle. The casualties were retrieved. Neck retainers were applied. After receiving first aid the casualties were carried on stretchers to the ambulance.

Объём текста:

Страница 1

Слов 119

Знаков (без пробелов) 599

Знаков (с пробелами)  731

Абзацев 5

Строк 13

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Text 3                   The fire in the underground

On 13.03.2013  in the area of departure of 38 FFD 7 RFS in the premises of the main electrical panel of the "Electrosila" metro station  at the platform level as a result of short circuit ignition of cable equipment on a total area of 1.5 m2 took place. Emergency evacuation of the station was performed. Electric network was de-energized by metro emergency service. Ignition was eliminated using a powder extinguisher personnel of 38 FFD. Train traffic was restored in 20 minutes after fire elimination.

Объём текста:

Страница 1

Слов 91

Знаков (без пробелов) 447

Знаков (с пробелами) 556

Абзацев 2

Строк 12

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Text 4                  Bus and light-motor vehicle collision

On the 16th of April, 2016 a car crash happened involving a GolAZ bus and a Ford Mondeo light-motor vehicle. Five passengers were on the bus, and only one person was in the car.

Rescuers arrived at the emergency scene. They set up rescue equipment and with the manual cutting and lifting device extracted the car from under the bus and retrieved the injured driver.

First aid was administered to the casualties that were on the bus and one driving the car. Bandage and neck retainers were applied to the two heavily iniured casualties. The casualties were extracted from under the bus and carried on stretches to the ambulance.

Объём текста:

Страница 1

Слов 116

Знаков (без пробелов) 557

Знаков (с пробелами) 686

Абзацев 4

Строк 12

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Text 5                        Special  fire-fighting technique

In some fire-fighting department there are special fire trucks for elimination of fires in high-rise buildings. These truck transport equipment, stock of assault ladders, rescue ropes, special devices, and equipment for hoisting of fire hoses to the height. Car combat units are equipped with smoke divers from among the most physically trained personnel, who runs additional training according to specially developed thematic plans. Because of the difference of the types of the hose couplings on domestic plumbing and fire protection equipment, transported by fire cars, in combat units of fire brigades it is reasonable to have specially made junctions.

Объём текста:

Страница 1

Слов 104

Знаков (без пробелов) 590

Знаков (с пробелами) 695

Абзацев 2

Строк 12

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Text 6                  Traffic accidenton the Moyka River

On the 18thof March, 2016 at 10:30 p.m. a Zhiguli smashed into a road barrier when driving on the bridge. As a result a barrier was crushed through. The car drove off the bridge and plunged from a 4-meter height into the Moyka River landing on ice. The casualty managed to get out of the car on his own. Bystanders called the ambulance.

One passer-by witnessed the car crash. The sight of the accident made him lose consciousness. Rescuers arrived at the emergencyscene. They evaluated the condition of the casualties. First aid was administered to the casualties.

Using rescue equipment and a tether the rescuers tide the rope to the car and extracted it from the river.

Объём текста:

Страница 1

Слов 124

Знаков (без пробелов) 590

Знаков (с пробелами) 727

Абзацев 4

Строк 12

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Text 7                    The fire in the flat 2        

On 27.03.2016 in the area of departure of 16 FFD 4 RFS  in a residential high-rise 25-story building on 10th floor in a separate two-room apartment fire occurred as a result of burned furnishings in the room of 13m2 across the total square and the square of 6m2balcony was burning. From the upper floors on stairways around 56 people were evacuated. A badly burned corpse was found in the apartment. Gender, age, circumstances of death are being stated. The fire was eliminated with 2 brunch pipes RSK-50 from tankers installed on the fire hydrant of urban network in 50 m from the internal fire cock.

Объём текста:

Страница 1

Слов 113

Знаков (без пробелов) 518

Знаков (с пробелами) 643

Абзацев 2

Строк 10

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Text 8           Traffic accident with the threat of fire

April 22, 2015 in St. Petersburg at: Narodnaya Street, house 100 at 4:30 p.m., there was a traffic accident.

In the car Lada Kalina, damaged in a collision with a stationary object - pillar, there was a threat of fire.

There were two injured persons (driver and passenger) in the damaged vehicle.

At the place of carcrash an Emergency Rescue Unit came.

Rescuers evaluated an emergency situation (state of the vehicle and victims), determined the probability of fire occurrence in damaged vehicle.

     Started to provide first aid to injured persons.

The rescuers applied neck fixing collars to the driver and the passenger on the neck surfaces released from the clothes.

Next rescuers deblocked the victims from the damaged vehicle using hydraulic rescue tools and removed the affected people from the car using for their hard stretcher-shields transportation.

At the end of the emergency measures, the victims were handed over to a professional team of doctors for the further course of the diagnostic and therapeutic and rehabilitation activities.

Объём текста:

Страница 1

Слов 176

Знаков (без пробелов) 918

Знаков (с пробелами) 1101

Абзацев 10

Строк 20

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