Методическая разработка по дисциплине "Иностранный язык" по теме "Система образования в англо-говорящих странах"
методическая разработка
Методическая разработка предназначена для обучающихся I-II курса для формировния умений сравнивать, обобщать, делать выводы; развивать коммуникативные умения обучающихся на основе полученных знаний.
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Предварительный просмотр:
Областное государственное автономное
профессиональное образовательное учреждение
«Яковлевский политехнический техникум»
Методическая разработка
по дисциплине «Иностранный язык»
«Система образования в англо-говорящих странах»
подготовила преподаватель
иностранного языка
Фанина Е.В.
г. Строитель, 2020
All British children must stay at school from the age of 5 until they are 16. Many of them stay longer and take final examinations when they are 17 or 18. Before 1965 all children of state schools had to go through special intelligence tests. There were different types of state secondary schools and at the age of 11 children went to different schools in accordance with the results of the tests.
State schools are divided into the following types:
Grammar schools. Children who go to grammar schools are usually those who show a preference for academic subjects, although many grammar schools now also have some technical courses.
Technical schools. Some children go to technical schools. Most courses there are either commercial or technical.
Modern schools. Boys and girls who are interested in working with their hands and learning in a practical way can go to a technical school and learn some trade.
Comprehensive schools. These schools usually combine all types of secondary education. They have physics, chemistry, biology laboratories, machine workshops for metal woodwork and also geography, history and art departments, commercial and domestic courses.
There are also many schools which the State does not control. They are private schools. They charge fees for educating children, and many of them are boarding schools, at which pupils live during the term time.
After leaving school many young people go to colleges of further education. Those who become students at Colleges of Technology (called “Techs”) come from different schools ages between 15 and 17. The lectures at such colleges, each an hour long, start at 9,15 in the morning and end at 4,45 in the afternoon.
Answer the questions:
- At what ages must British children stay at school?
- What groups are state schools divided into?
- What is a private school?
- What do many young people do after leaving school?
Translate into English:
- Британские дети должны учиться в школе с 5 до 16 лет.
- Учащиеся государственных школ сдавали экзамены на уровень интеллектуального развития и шли в среднюю школу в соответствии с его результатами.
- В «грамматических» школах учились дети, которые обнаруживали склонность к академическим предметам.
- «Технические» школы предлагают (offer) коммерческие или технические курсы.
- В «современных» школах дети получали профессию.
- В общеобразовательных школах сочетаются все виды образования.
- Государство не контролирует частные школы.
- Обычные частные школы и частные школы-интернаты берут плату за обучение.
- После школы молодые люди могут поступать в колледжи дальнейшего образования.
There are about 90 universities in Britain. They are divided into three types: the old universities (Oxford, Cambridge and Edinburgh Universities), the 19th century universities such as London and Manchester universities, and the new universities. Some years ago there were also polytechnics. After graduating from a polytechnic a student got a degree, but it was not a university degree. 31 former polytechnics were given university status in 1992.
Full courses of study offer the degree of Bachelor of Arts or Science. Most degree courses at universities last 3 years, language courses 4 years (including a year spend abroad). Medicine and dentistry courses ale longer (5-7 years).
Students may receive grants from their Local Education Authority to help pay for books, accommodation, transport and food. This grant depends on the income of their parents.
Most students live away from home, in flats or halls residence.
Students don’t usually have a job during term time because the lessons, called lectures, seminars, classes or tutorials (small groups), are full time. However, many students now have to work in the evenings.
University life is considered “an experience”. The exams are competitive but the social life and living away from home are also important. The social life excellent with a lot of clubs, parties, concerts, bars.
There are not only universities in Britain but also colleges. Colleges offer courses in teacher training, courses in technology and some professions connected with medicine.
Answer the questions:
- What are the three types of universities in Great Britain?
- What degrees do students get after finishing full courses of study?
- What grants do students receive?
- Why don’t students have jobs during term time?
- Why is the university life considered “an experience”?
- What courses do colleges offer?
Translate into English:
- После окончания политехнического института или университета студент получал степень бакалавра.
- Степень бакалавра в политехническом институте не соответствовала университетской степени.
- Курс обучения в институте длится 4 года или больше.
- Студенты получают стипендии для оплаты стоимости учебников, жилья и питания.
- Поскольку занятия занимают полный день, студенты работают по вечерам.
- Колледжи предлагают курсы подготовки учителей и технические курсы.
The federal government pays little attention to school education in the USA. There is neither a uniform school system in the USA, nor a uniform curriculum. Each state has its own system of schools. But there are some common features in the organization of school education in the country.
Schools in the USA can be divided into state, or public schools, and private schools. State schools are free, and private schools are fee-paying.
Elementary and secondary schools consist of twelve grades. Classes meet for about ten months a year, five days a week and five hours a day. At elementary school English, mathematics, science, social studies, music, sports and other subjects are taught.
Elementary education begins at the age of six, when a child goes to the first grade. Secondary education is offered at high schools. At the age of 14 pupils go to junior high school. At the age of sixteen children leave junior high school and may continue their education at the upper grades of high school.
Besides giving general education some high schools teach some other subjects. Students choose these subjects if they want to enter colleges or universities or hope to find jobs in industry or agriculture. Many schools include classes teaching basic computer skills.
A growing number of young people go to colleges or universities. Nevertheless, many students of high school don’t finish it. One per cent of American citizens from the age of 14 can neither read nor write.
Answer the question:
- How can you characterize the organization of school education in the United States of America?
- What groups can schools in the United States of America be divided into?
- What subjects are taught at elementary school?
- At what age do children study at a high school?
- What kind of education do high schools give?
Translate into English:
- В США нет единой системы школ и единой программы.
- Школы в США подразделяются на бесплатные государственные и платные частные.
- Начальное образование начинается в шесть лет и включает обучение математике, естественным наукам, общественным наукам, музыке, спорту и другим предметам.
- Средняя школа включает средние и старшие классы.
- Дети, продолжающие образование в старших классах средней школы, получают (receive) общее образование.
- Кроме того (besides), им преподают предметы, необходимые для поступления в колледжи и университеты или для получения работы.
In the United States, a student who has finished high school, may want to continue in higher education. There are several ways to do it: universities, colleges, community colleges, and technical or vocational schools.
A university in the United States usually has several different colleges in it. Each has a special subject area. There may be a college of liberal arts where humanities, social sciences, natural sciences and mathematics are taught. There may be a college of education and a college of business. A program for undergraduates usually takes four years. University students get an undergraduate degree in the arts or sciences. If they complete a course of study they get Bachelor of Arts or Science degree. Students may leave the university at this time. They may also go on for a graduate or professional degree. The university always has programs for graduate and professional study in many subjects.
The university may get money from several different sources. A publicly funded university gets some money from the state government. A privately funded university gets money only from private sources. Or the university may be funded by a religious group.
College students usually spend four years at school, too. A college does not have graduate or professional programs. If a college student completes a course of study in arts or science, he or she gets Bachelor of Arts or Science degree. If college students want to continue for a graduate or professional degree, they must go to University. The college is usually funded in one of the three ways already described.
The program of study in the community college usually lasts two years. Not all of the subjects taught there are the usual subjects. The community college may give courses in the regular academic subjects or subjects like dental technology, sewing and other non-academic subjects. Not all students of the community college have a high school Diploma. They may then go to a college for two more years to get the bachelor’s degree. Community colleges are nearly always publicly funded.
The technical or vocational school has only job training, it has no academic program. Students may have a high school diploma, or not. Programs may take from six months to two years and more. The technical or vocational school gives training for work in areas such as electronics, carpentry and others.
Answer the questions:
- What are the ways to continue in higher education in the USA?
- What colleges does a university in the United States usually consist of?
- What degrees are offered at universities?
- What sources can a university get money from?
- What programs and degrees are offered at a college?
- What courses are given at a community college?
- What kind of program does a technical or a vocational school offer?
Translate into English:
- Молодые люди, окончившие школу, могут продолжить образование в университете, колледже, техническом или профессиональном училище.
- Колледжи университета специализируются в различных областях: гуманитарных, общественных и естественных науках, образовании или бизнесе.
- Университет предлагает программу для студентов, аспирантов и профессиональные программы.
- Если молодой человек заканчивает курс обучения, он получает степень бакалавра гуманитарных или естественных наук.
- Если студент продолжает обучение, он получает степень магистра или доктора или профессиональную степень.
- Университеты могут финансироваться из общественных или частных источников, а также религиозной общиной.
- Если студент колледжа заканчивает курс обучения гуманитарным или естественным наукам, он получает степень бакалавра.
- Местный колледж предлагает академические курсы и курсы неакадемических предметов.
- технические и профессиональные училища предлагают подготовку в различных областях.
Every citizen of our country has the right to education. This is guaranteed by the Constitution. It is not only a right but a duty, too. Every boy or girl must get secondary education. They go to school at the age of six or seven and must stay there until they are 14-17 years old. At school pupils study academic subjects, such as Russian, Literature, Mathematics, History, Biology, a foreign language and others.
After fishing 9 forms of secondary school young people can continue their education in the 10th and the 11th form. They can also go to a vocational or technical school, where they study academic subjects and receive a profession. A college gives general knowledge in academic subjects and a profound knowledge in one or several subjects.
After finishing a secondary, vocational, technical school or a college, young people can start working or enter an institute or a university. Institutes and universities train specialists in different fields. A course at an institute or a university usually takes 5 years. Many universities have evening and extramural departments. They give their students an opportunity to study without leaving their jobs. Institutes and universities usually have graduate courses which give candidate or doctoral degrees.
Education in this country is free at most schools. There are some private primary and secondary schools where pupils have to pay for their studies. Students of institutes and universities get scholarships. At many institutes and universities there are also departments where students have to pay for their education.
Answer the question:
- What does the phrase “the right to education” mean?
- Why is education a duty, too?
- What subjects do pupils study at school?
- What can young people do after finishing the 9th form?
- What subjects do young people study at technical schools and at colleges?
- What can young people do after finishing 11th form?
- What departments are there at institutes and colleges?
- Do children and people in this country have to pay for education?
Translate into English:
- Право на образование в России гарантируется Конституцией.
- В средней школе ученики изучают академические предметы.
- После окончания 9 класса средней школы молодые люди могут пойти в техникум или ПТУ.
- Там они изучают академические предметы и получают специальное образование.
- Молодые люди могут продолжить образование в 10 и 11 классе или колледже, дающим углубленные знания по одному или нескольким предметам.
- Молодые люди, поступившие в институт или университет, учатся там 5 лет.
- Студенты вечернего и заочного отделений могут получить образование, одновременно работая.
- Начальное и среднее образование бесплатно в большинстве школ.
- В частных школах и на некоторых отделениях институтов и университетов нужно платить за образование.
The quality of a country’s future life, commercially, industrially and intellectually, depends on the quality of its education system. From the end of the World War II the state in the United Kingdom provides a full range of free educational facilities. Those parents who prefer to send their children to private institutions, and could afford it, are free to do so.
The organization of state schooling is not as centralized as in most European countries. Firstly, there is no prescribed curriculum. Secondly, the types of school available and the age ranges for which they cater vary in different parts of the country. In each area Local Education Authority is responsible for education. At any publicly-maintained school no tuition fees are payable. State schooling in the United Kingdom is financed partly by the Government and partly by local rates.
Schooling is voluntary under the age of five, but there is some free nursery school education before that age. Primary education takes place in infant schools for pupils aged from five to seven years old and junior schools (from eight to eleven years). Some areas have a different system in which middle schools replace junior schools and take pupils aged from nine to twelve years. Secondary education has been available in Britain since 1944. It is compulsory up to the age sixteen, and pupils can stay at school voluntarily for up to three years longer.
Until 1964 children took an “eleven plus” exam at the age of eleven. At this exam they were selected, or “streamed” according to their current level of academic attainment, for education in different types of secondary schools. Grammar schools provided a mainly academic course for the top 20 percent; modern schools provided a general education with a practical bias. There were also a few technical schools-academic equals of grammar schools but specializing in technical studies.
In 1965 non-selective comprehensive schools were introduced. Most local education authorities have now completely changed over to comprehensive schooling.
At the age of sixteen pupils take school-leaving examinations in several subjects at the Ordinary level. The exam used to be conducted by eight independent examining boards, most of them connected with a university. This examination could also be taken by candidates at a further education establishment. This exam was called the General Certificate of Education. Pupils of comprehensive school had taken the examination called the Certificate of Secondary Education either with or instead of the General Certificate of Education, Ordinary level.
A General Certificate of Education of Advanced (“A”) level was taken two years after the Ordinary level exam. It was the standard for entrance to University and to many forms of professional training. In 1988 both examinations were replaced by the more or less uniform General Certificate of Secondary Education.
The private sector is running parallel to the state system of education. There are about 2500 fee-charging independent schools in Great Britain. Most private schools are single-sex until the age of 16. More and more parents seem prepared to take on the formidable extra cost for education. The reason is the belief that social advantages are gained from attending a certain school. The most expensive day or boarding schools in Britain are exclusive public schools like Eton college for boys or St.James school for girls.
Answer the questions:
- What is State schooling in the United Kingdom characterized?
- What are the stages of schooling in the United Kingdom?
- According to what principles were children streamed until 1965?
- What kind of school-leaving exams do children take at schools of different types?
- Why do many parents send their children to fee-paying schools?
Translate into English:
- С конца второй мировой войны за обучение в государственных школах не нужно платить.
- Родители в Великобритании могут выбирать школу из ряда бесплатных учебных заведений либо послать своего ребенка в частную школу.
- Государственное школьное обучение в Великобритании не так централизовано, как в других европейских странах.
- Школьное обучение в Великобритании подразделяется на необязательное (факультативное) - до 5 лет и с 16 до 19 лет – и обязательное – с 5 до 16 лет.
- Начальное образование осуществляется в подготовительной школе (с 5 до 7 лет) и начальной школе (с 8 до 11 лет); среднее образование обязательно до 16 лет и факультативно с 16 до 19 лет.
- До 1965 года детей в возрасте 11 лет разделяли в соответствии с успеваемостью.
- В зависимости от результатов экзамена «11+» детям предоставлялось академическое образование, техническое образование или общее образование с практическим уклоном.
- «Всеобщие» школы предоставляют неселективное образование.
- Выпускные экзамены сдаются по нескольким предметам в уровнях «О» (обычный) или «А» (продвинутый).
- Многие родители, которые могут это себе позволить, посылают детей в платные школы.
Pupils going on to higher education or professional training usually take “A” level examinations in two or three subjects. Universities accept students mainly on the basis of their “A” level results, although they may interview them as well. In 1971 the Open University was started, where these formal qualifications are not necessary. Nearly a quarter of all adult part-time students follow its degree courses on radio and television.
There are forty-seven universities in Britain and thirty former polytechnics (now also universities), plus 350 colleges and institutes of higher education (some of which train teachers).
Undergraduate courses normally tale three years of full-time study, although a number of subjects take longer, including medicine, architecture and foreign languages (where courses include a year abroad). They lead in most cases to a Bachelor’s degree in Arts or Science. There are various postgraduate degrees, including Master and Doctor of Philosophy. The last two are awarded for research in arts or sciences.
Degrees are awarded either by the institution itself, or by the Council for National Academic Awards, particularly in vocational areas. Students of law, architecture and some other professions can take qualifications awarded by their own professional bodies instead of degrees.
At present, students who have been accepted by universities or other institutions of higher education receive a grant from their local authority, which covers the cost of the course, and may cover living expenses. Parents with higher incomes are expected to make a contribution. Until 1990 the grant did not have to be paid back, but now a system of loans has been introduced.
The most famous universities are Oxford and Cambridge, called “Oxbridge”. They are famous for their academic excellence.
Answer the questions:
- What is necessary to go on to higher education?
- What types of higher educational establishments are there in the UK?
- What courses of study are offered by higher education establishments?
- What is the procedure of awarding degrees?
- What are the conditions of receiving grants?
- What are the Oxbridge universities famous for?
Translate into English:
- В университеты принимают студентов в соответствии с результатами сдачи экзаменов продвинутого уровня.
- В открытом университете не нужны формальные результаты; курс обучения предполагает получение степени.
- В открытом университете учатся взрослые студенты-вечерники и заочники.
- Вузы Великобритании подразделяются на следующие типы: университеты (в том числе бывшие политехнические институты), колледжи и институты.
- Обучение на дневном отделении обычно длится три года и более.
- Обучение студентов обычно приводит к получению степени бакалавра гуманитарных или естественных наук.
- Степень магистра присуждается за исследования в области гуманитарных или естественных наук.
- Экзамены на присуждение степеней сдаются в вузе, Национальном совете по присуждению ученых степеней или в профессиональных органах.
- Студенты получают стипендии от местных органов власти, которые обязательно покрывают стоимость обучения и иногда – стоимость проживания.
- Была введена система займов, и сейчас студенты должны возвратить стипендию.
- Университеты Оксбриджа известны великолепным качеством обучения.
Americans have shown a great concert for education since early colonial times. Today, there are some 43 million pupils and students in public schools at the elementary and secondary levels, and another 6 million in private schools throughout the country.
The USA does not have a national system of education. The function of the Federal Department of Education is merely to gather information, to advise and help finance some educational programs. All educational matters are left to individual states. 50 states are free to determine its own system for its own public school. In 1986, 50 percent of the funds for elementary and secondary education came from state sources, 43 from local funds, and only 6% from the federal government.
There are two major types of schools in the USA – public and private, or fee-paying. Four out of five private schools are run by churches, synagogues and other religious groups.
Most schools start at nursery level at the age of 3. Elementary education starts at the age of 6 and continues till 10-11 years. Secondary education is provided from the age of 11-12 years. Intermediate school includes grades 6 through 9 for ages 11 (12) up to 14 (15) years. Schools of this stage are called intermediate schools or junior high schools.
A senior high school may include grades 9 through 12 or 10 through 12. Senior high schools in the United States can be classified in 3 major categories according to program. A senior high school may be comprehensive, general or vocation. A comprehensive school is open to all youths of a community area and offers a broad program of academic, prevocational and vocational education.
A general school is also open, but it offers a more limited program. Extensive program of prevocational or vocational courses and advanced courses in academic studies are usually excluded.
A vocational school is for students of the community who are interested in its specialized area of training and a program of general education.
A specialized school is for pupils with special capabilities who are qualified to concentrate in a particular area of study. It is for the academically, musically, artistically gifted.
The American secondary school provides the course program of school subjects and a program of extracurricular activities, including organized sports. Most schools publish their own student newspapers, have orchestras, bands, theatre and drama groups, etc.
What makes American education at the secondary level so different from most other countries is that all such programs, whether academic, technical, or practical, are generally taught under one roof.
High school students who wish to attend a college or university go through one of the two standard tests – SAT and ACT. They are given by non-profit, non-governmental organizations
Answer the questions:
- What proves that Americans show a great concern for education?
- Why can you say that there’s no national system of education in the USA?
- What are the two main kinds of schools in the USA?
- What are the stages (стадии) of schooling in the USA?
- What types of high school are there in the USA?
- What is characteristic of American secondary education?
- How are students wishing to attend a university tested?
Translate into English:
- Американцы всегда придавали большое значение образованию.
- Все вопросы образования в США , где нет национальной системы образования, решаются штатами.
- Два основных типа школы в США – бесплатные, или государственные, школы и платные, или частные.
- Большинство частных школ управляются религиозными общинами (группами).
- Основные этапы образования в США – это начальная и средняя школа; средняя школа включает первый этап (средние классы) и второй этап (старшие классы).
- Средняя школа может быть общеобразовательной, общей, профессиональной или специальной.
- Различные типы средней школы предлагают различные программы академической, практической и профессиональной направленности.
- Тесты для учащихся, которые хотят поступить в колледж или университет, проводятся некоммерческими, неправительственными организациями.
American Universities and Colleges
Higher education in the United States includes educational programmes which usually require for admission 12 years of elementary and secondary schooling. It is carried on under a number of forms.
The most common type of higher education is the college. It requires for admission graduation from a standard secondary school; its four-year curriculum leads to the bachelor’s degree in arts and sciences.
The American college is known by various titles such as the college of liberal arts, the college of arts and sciences, the college of literature, science and arts. The college may be the central unit around which the university is organized, or it may be a separate corporate entity, independent from the University.
The university in the United States is an educational institution comprising a college of liberal arts and sciences, a professional school leading to a professional degree and a graduate college (school). A graduate college provides programmes for study and research beyond the levels of the bachelor’s and first professional degree.
The word “university”, however, is also used in a broader sense, for almost any type of educational institution offering instruction beyond the level of the secondary school.
Thus in the United States there is some confusion in the use of the terms “college” and “university”. Some institutions that are in fact colleges of liberal arts have been incorporated in the universities. Some institutions incorporated in colleges are in fact universities with graduate and professional school.
In addition to colleges and universities there is a large number of professional schools, separate from universities. They provide preparation in one or more professional fields, such as law, music or theology. Junior college or professional schools do not offer the full four-year curriculum leading to a degree.
An institute of technology is a degree-granting institution that specializes in science and technology; some of them have graduate study. An institution offering programs of technological study only at the junior college level is known as a technical institution.
The colleges in the United States differ greatly in size – they may include from 100 to 5000 students and more. Most of the larger institutions fall into the category of universities, the largest being University of California, State University of New York, New York University, Columbia University and others.
Answer the questions:
- What do higher education institutions in the USA require for admission?
- What degree does a college lead to?
- What sense is the word “college” used in?
- What kind of educational institution is the University?
- What sense is the word “university” used in?
- What kind of preparation do professional schools provide?
- What is an institute of technology?
- What is the size of colleges and universities in America?
Translate into English:
- Для поступления в университет или колледж в Америке необходимо закончить среднюю школу.
- В США существует несколько типов вузов: колледж, университет, профессиональный колледж и др.
- Университет обычно состоит из колледжа гуманитарных и естественных наук, профессионального отделения и аспирантуры.
- После 4 курса в университете студент получает степень бакалавра гуманитарных или естественных наук.
- Аспирантура предлагает программы выше уровня степени бакалавра и первой профессиональной степени.
- Университет может иметь колледж в своем составе; колледж может входить в университет или быть самостоятельной единицей.
- Профессиональный колледж – это учебное заведение, существующее отдельно от университета.
- Колледжи и университеты предлагают программы, после прохождения которых присваивается степень бакалавра.
- Технические институты также присваивают степени и часто предлагают курс аспирантуры.
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