Презентация к уроку по теме "Научно-технический прогресс"
презентация к уроку
Данная презентация предназначена в качестве наглядного материала для проведения занятий
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Let’s fill a mind map
Keys searching for information typing and keeping information listening to music reading books downloading information watching films printing documents using e-mail chatting with friends and relatives using social networks …
Computer Quiz What computer system makes it possible to send letters very quickly? What system allows computer users around the world to send and to obtain information? What programs provide colorful pictures and sound? What is the name of a computer-created “world”, which seems almost completely real? What is a special term, which means “to obtain stored information from a computer’s memory”? What do we call a disk on which a large quantity of information can be stored? What do you call a sudden, unexpected computer failure? What is the term for the electrical or electronic components of a computer? What do we call a large collection of data that is stored in a computer system? What is the term for a set of instructions secretly put into a computer that destroys the information stored in it and stops it from working normally? Where on the Internet can you look for information about products and services offered by a company or organization? What is WWW? What store of information can you easily put into your pocket? What do we call a set of computer programs to control the operation of a computer? What kind of computer can you use on the plane?
Relax Were the questions difficult for you? Did you know the answers to all questions? Could you explain the answers in Russian or in English? What was easier for you? Have you learnt something new? Do you think it’s useful to know?
Fill the gaps For me, computers are a (1) _________ to an end, nothing (2)_________ . I don’t find them interesting in (3) __________ . They enable me to do things that I need to do, (4) ________ as sending emails or checking information on websites to help me (5) __________ my homework or connected to one of my hobbies. But (6) __________ my sister the situation is (7) ________ different. It’s like you can’t believe we’re (8) ___________ related. She is obsessed with computers. I don’t understand, but that’s the truth.
Discuss the text “ Steve belonged to the Net ”. Answer the questions : Why was the author so surprised that Steve didn’t want to talk to him? How does the author describe his emotions? Why was he worried in the end of the narration? Can social networks substitute real life communication? What is your opinion ? How much time do you personally spend on the Net? Do you have enough time for your hobbies or doing sport? Would you rather have a computer or a person for company on a desert island?
Home task Make up a dialog “ Computers : friends or foes ?”
По теме: методические разработки, презентации и конспекты
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Математика в жизни общества. Необходимость нововведений в математическое образование в соответствии с требованиями общественного и научного прогресса.
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Влияние научно-технического прогресса на здоровье человека
Урок проводился в группе "Мастер по обработке цифровой информации"...