Материалы для тестирования по дисциплине Иностранный (английский) язык для учреждений СПО Специальность: 26.02.05Эксплуатация судовых энергетических установок
тест на тему
Данная разработка содержит материалы для тестирования по иностранному( английскому) языку для студентов 2 курса учреждений СПО, специальности 26.02.05 Эксплуатация судовых энергетических установок.Тесты предназначены для контроля усвоения тем : " Ship and Her Accomodations", " Safe Movement on Board Ship" and " Protective Clothing and Equipment",Автор предлагает три варианта тестов,которые содержат текст и лексико-грамматические упражнения для контроля указанных тем.
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Материалы для тестирования
по дисциплине Иностранный (английский) язык
для учреждений СПО
26.02.05Эксплуатация судовых энергетических установок
Подготовила: Ж. Н. Самсоненко
преподаватель иностранного языка
Севастополь 2016
Task1. Read the text “ Ship and Her Accommodations “ and do the task after the text.
A ship has outer walls (called the hull), floors (called decks), inner walls (called partitions and bulkheads), corridors (called passageways), ceilings (called overheads), and stairs (called ladders).
Watertight compartments prevent the ship from quick flooding and sinking. Engineering spaces must be large enough to accommodate bulky machinery.
When you go up the stairs from pier to a ship, you use the accommodation ladder to go on board. The forward part of a ship is the bow; to go in that direction is to go forward; the after part is the stern; to go in that direction is to go aft.
Anything below the main deck is below decks and anything above it is superstructure. The forward part of the main deck is the forecastle; the after part is the fantail. When you face forward on a ship the right side is the starboard side and the left side is the port side.
The term weather decks include all parts of the main deck, forecastle, upper and poop decks that are exposed to the weather. The superstructure of a ship is everything above the weather deck.
A large part of the superstructure in passenger ships consist: of living quarters and recreations facilities.
Are the following sentences true or false? Correct the false ones.
- A ship has outer walls (called the hull), floors (called decks), inner walls (called partitions and bulkheads), corridors (called ladders).
True False
- Bulky machinery is accommodated in the engineering spaces .
True False
- To go in the direction of the stern is to go aft.
True False
- Anything below the main deck is superstructure.
True False
- Living quarters and recreations facilities are located in the superstructure .
True False
- The marine term for the left side of a ship is the starboard side.
True False ______________
Task 2. Pair the verbs from the left column with the nouns from the right one. Translate the phrases.
1. To prevent from all parts of the main deck
2. To consist of quick flooding
3. To go in board
4. To include on a ship
5. To use the weather
6. To be large enough to accommodate machinery
7. To exposed to the direction of the stern
8. To go on the accommodation ladder
9. To face forward living quarters and recreations facilities
Task 3.Rearrange the words to make meaningful sentences.
Translate the sentences:
- include all , that, to the weather ,The term, weather decks , are exposed
- the stern ,the bow, is ,The forward, part of a ship ,the after part, is
- is, to accommodate ,Engineering ,machinery, spaces, large enough
- above ,the weather deck , everything ,The superstructure ,of a ship, is
- on board, Use the ,ladder, accommodation, to go
Task1. Read the text “Safe Movement on Board Ship” and do the task after the text.
All deck surfaces used for transit about the ship and all passageways, walkways and stairs shall be properly maintained and kept free from materials or substances liable to cause a person to slip or fall.
Transit areas should where practicable have slip-resistant surfaces. Where an area is made slippery by snow, ice or water, sand or some other suitable substance should be spread over the area. Spillages of oil or grease etc. should be cleaned up as soon as practicable.
Permanent fittings which may cause obstruction should be made conspicuous by means of colouring or marking or lighting. Temporary obstacles should also be indicated by appropriate warning signs.
Litter and loose objects, e. g. tools, should not be left lying around. Wires and ropes should be stowed and coiled so as to cause least obstruction.
When rough weather is expected, life-lines should be rigged securely
across open decks.
Any opening, open hatchway or dangerous edge shall be fitted with secure guards or fencing of adequate design and construction. Guardrails or fencing should consist of an upper rail at a height of 1 metre and an intermediate rail at a height of 0,5 metres. The rails may, where necessary, consist of taut wire or taut chain.
Maintenance of ships’ powered vehicles and powered mobile lifting appliances should be undertaken in accordance with manufacturers’ instructions by persons authorized to operate them.
Are the following sentences true or false? Correct the false ones.
a)Walkways on decks should be indicated by pictorial signs.
True False
b) Sand or some other suitable substance should be spread over spillages of oil or grease .
True False
c) Guardrails or fencing should consist of an upper rail at a height of 1,5 metre and an intermediate rail at a height of 1metres.
True False
d) Taut wire or taut chain may be used as fencing.
True False
e)Temporary obstacles are indicated by flags.
True False
f) Ships’ powered vehicles can practically be driven by any crew member.
True False
Task 2. Pair the verbs from the left column with the nouns from the right one. Translate the phrases.
1. to have from materials
2. to fit with by means of colouring
3. to open transit
4. to consist of obstruction
5. to use for hatchway
6. to cause taut wire or taut chain
7. to spread secure guards
8. to keep free slip-resistant surfaces
9. to remark sand
Task 3.Rearrange the words to make meaningful sentences.
Translate the sentences:
- slip-resistant ,should , have ,Transit areas , where practicable, surfaces.
- undertaken , ships’ vehicles, Maintenance of , should be , in accordance with ,instructions.
c) may should be ,Fittings ,made conspicuous , cause obstruction ,which.
d)stowed , and ropes, should be, Wires, and coiled .
e) of oil ,be cleaned up, should, as soon as ,Spillages ,practicable.
Task1. Read the text “Protective Clothing and Equipment” and do the task after the text.
Merchant Shipping Regulations require employers to ensure, that every employee who may be at risk from a specified work process is supplied with suitable protective clothing and equipment. Overalls, gloves and suitable footwear are the proper working dress for most about the ship, but they may not give adequate protection. Details of the protective clothing and equipment are listed in a Merchant Shipping Notice. Protective clothing or equipment does nothing to reduce the hazard; it sets up a barrier against it. Defective or infective protective equipment provide no defence . They should be maintained , kept clear and disinfected for health reasons. A responsible officer should inspect protective equipment at regular intervals and in all cases before and after use. He should ensure that it is properly stowed . Personal protective clothing and equipment can be classified as follows: hand and foot protection, face and eye protection, hearing protection, protection against drowning, body protection, head protection, respiratory equipment protection.
Are the following sentences true or false? Correct the false ones.
a) Merchant Shipping Regulations require employers to wear suitable protective clothing and equipment.
True False
b) Protective clothing or equipment sets up a barrier against the hazard .
True False
c) A responsible officer should inspect protective equipment at regular intervals and in all cases after use.
True False
d) Overalls, gloves and suitable footwear may not give adequate protection.
True False
e) Personal protective clothing and equipment can be divided into seven classes.
True False
f) Defective or infective protective equipment should be maintained and disinfected.
True False
Task 2. Pair the verbs from the left column with the nouns from the right one. Translate the phrases.
1. protective and foot protection
2 .to inspect equipment protection
3. hand suitable protective equipment
4. supplied with the hazard
5. Personal protective properly stowed
6. to be at risk from clothing
7. to reduce clothing and equipment
8. to ensure that it is a specified work process
9. respiratory at regular intervals
Task 3.Rearrange the words to make meaningful sentences. Translate the sentences.
a) Details/ of / a Merchant Shipping Notice /and equipment / listed in / the protective clothing/ are.
b) or equipment does / to reduce /it sets up/ the hazard; /a barrier/ nothing /Protective clothing/ against it.
c) at regular intervals /A responsible officer /inspect protective/ should /equipment.
d) Every / at risk / clothing and equipment / may be/ is supplied/ from a specified/ who /work process/ with suitable protective / employee.
e) gloves/ working dress/ and suitable / the proper/ Overalls,/ for most /are /about the ship/ footwear.
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