My home is my castle
презентация к уроку по теме
Презентация по теме: "Мой дом моя крепость".
Цели и задачи:
- систематизация ранее изученных слов и выражений по теме, используя артикли, предлоги места и направления;
- развитие памяти, внимания, логического мышления, речи, путём обогащения и усложнения её словарного запаса на иностранном языке;
- воспитание культуры общения, интереса к изучению иностранного языка.
Тип урока : повторительно - обобщающий.
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Предварительный просмотр:
Подписи к слайдам:
House = Building Home = Place
Home Sweet Home ‘ Ahh … Home Sweet Home ’ . — дом,милый дом . Make a House a Home «it takes a woman to make a house a home» - To Move House ‘ We used to live in New York but we moved house. Now we live in Chicago . ’ To Call Somewhere Home ‘So, where do you call home?’ означает « откуда вы родом ?» — « where do you come from?
A Terraced House
A Semi-detached House
A Detached House
A Block of Flats
A Living Room
A Bedroom
A Dining Room
A Kitchen
A Bathroom
The Typical British House. There are many different kinds of homes in Britain. Many British people love old houses and these are often more expensive than modern ones. They also love gardening and you will see gardens everywhere you go. Some gardens are small with just one tree and a few flowers. Others are large with plenty of flowers and fruit trees.
Their lawns ([ lo:n ] - газон ) are carefully cropped ( высажены ), their flowerbeds ( клумба ) are cultivated ([`k ٨ ltiveitid ] - ухожены ) because British people are careful about almost ([ olmoust ] - почти ) everything. They call a big garden in front of their house – “front yard”( передний дворик ). In the backyard ( задний дворик ) sometimes there is a swimming pool. British people usually put their postboxes at the end of the driveway ( проезд ). It is easier for the postman to deliver their post .
Two third of the families in Britain own their houses. A typical British house has got two floors: the ground floor and the first floor (British people say “the ground floor” but the Russian people say “the first floor”). There is a living room, a dining room and a kitchen on the ground floor. And there are bedrooms and a bathroom on the first floor. A typical British family has got three or four people: mother, father and two children. But old people, young family and unmarried people do not usually live together .
What kinds of homes do British people love best of all? Do British people like gardening? Why? Why do British people put their postboxes at the end of the driveway? How many floors are there in the typical British house? What rooms are there on the first floor? What rooms are there on the ground floor? How many people are there in the typical British family? Do old people and young family live together in Britain?
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