Методическая разработка урока "My native town is - my castle"
методическая разработка по теме

Кузнецова Людмила Александровна

Методическая разработкаа урока " My native town is - my castle"


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Кузнецовой Людмилы Александровны

Дисциплина : « Английский язык »

Группа  З - 32

28 марта 2009 года

Тема урока : « My native town- is my castle».

Тип урока : закрепление полученных знаний  по теме «My native town- is my castle  ».

Цели урока :

Образовательные : * активизация изученных

                                    лексических  единиц и

                                    грамматического материала ;

                                 ● совершенствование навыка диалогической и

                                   монологической речи ;

 Развивающие :       *  развитие фонематического слуха

                                ● развитие механизмов вероятного прогнозирования

                                  и  языковой догадки;

                                ● развитие механизмов оперативной памяти;

                                ● развитие антиципации;

                                ● развитие творческих способностей ;

                                ● развитие межпредметных связей;

Воспитательные : * воспитание социокультурной,

                                  языковой  компетенции ;

                               ● воспитание чувства патриотизма.


Формирование основных знаний и умений.

Студент должен:

Знать :                  * грамматическую структуру построения

                                предложения ;

                             • лексические единицы по пройденной теме;

                             • основные факты о достопримечательностях

                               родного города ;

                             • основные компьютерные программы

Уметь :                * понимать аутентичную речь в

                               нормальном темпе ;

                             • использовать изученные лексические единицы в речи

                             ● составлять монологическое высказывание по заданной теме;

                             ● уметь применять элементы анализа в подведение итогов


Приемы обучения :  самостоятельная работа студентов, групповая работа студентов,

коллективно- мыслительная деятельность.

Межпредметные связи :

Обеспечивающие : грамматика английского языка,  фонетика, лексикология, информатика, страноведение, краеведение.

Обеспечиваемые : культура речи, рисунок, прикладная информатика,  методика преподавания ин. языка.


1. Наглядные пособия :   слайды, схема.

2. Рабочие материалы студента :  опорный конспект (лексика, словарь терминов), ассоциограмма, презентация учебного материала, тест, карточки.

3. Технические средства обучения : мультимедийный проектор.

4. Литература :  Технические средства информатизации, Г.В. Мясников «Отчизна в сердце нашем», П.Ф. Максяшев « Пенза», Ф.Дворянов и О. Савин « Пенза. Путеводитель», К.Д. Вишневский. Пензенская энциклопедия . « Большая Российская энциклопедия» 2001.


1. Организационная  часть                       2 мин

2. Мотивация учебной деятельности     1 мин

 Today we’ll finish to speak about

our native town and you'll represent

 for us your photos.

3. Сообщение  темы урока .                       5 мин

*My choice of the item  is explained by the words “ There is no place like home”.

( Выбор  моей темы объясняется следующей пословицей : « Нет места роднее, чем дом»

Why do people say it ? Give examples of the idea.

--For me home is not only a place, where I live, but also my native town.

--A native town . . . You were born here, grown up, studied, made first steps to your own life.

-- And wherever your fate throwed you and wherever you lived, you ’ll always remember the town on the banks of the river Sura.

-- And if you  accidentally meet your- fellow countryman your first question will be : “ How is Penza today ?”

And how is Penza today? We' ll know at the lesson.

Repeat the pronunciation of the following words after me.





Railway station


Suspension bridge



4. Актуализация опорных знаний             10 мин

а) речевые ситуации

 I. You are in Ternovka district. Know the way to Lenin monument.

II. You are on children’s library bus – stop. You must go to the monument of Victory.

III. You are on Chkalova bus- stop. You have a lot of time before leaving the city. You want to spend it in the cinema.

IV. You are in the centre of the city. How do you go to  the architectural – construction college?

V. You have come t an agreement with friends to meet at the Drama- Theatre. You are near the Registry Office on Kirova Street.

б) общая информация

Give the correct answer.

1. Where is Penza situated ?        ( In the central part of Europe)

2. What is the territory of Penza ?  ( 30 thousand hectares)

3. How many people live in Penza? ( 525 000)

4. How many districts in Penza? (4)

5. When was Penza founded? ( in 1663)

6. As what was it founded? ( as a fortress to protect the south-eastern Lands of Russia)

7. Who is the governman of Penza? ( V.K. Bochcarev)

8. What is the emblem of Penza? ( The green field with three golden sheaf)

9.What does it symbolize? ( The fertility of Penza land)

в) викторина

  1. This monument stands before the house of government. ( Lenin monument)
  2. It is a place, where people can meet the guests from the other city or can go to the other city themselves. ( Railway station).
  3. It is three – storeyed building in the centre  of the city. Some years ago it was the best hotel in Penza. Now it is the most famous supermarket, where you can buy all what you need.  ( The hotel Sura)
  4. People usually go there when they want to see a super new film, which is much talked about. ( the cinema Sovremennik)
  5. It is a place for meeting in Moskovskaja Street. ( a   cuckoo-cloak)
  6. This building represents works of folk decorative and applied art. ( the Folk Crafts Museum).
  7.  People, who are interested in swimming spend a lot of time in this building. ( The water palace) .
  8. If you are a romantic person, you can come here and to see the stars in the sky and to dream about something. (  planetarium)
  9. With the help of this you can go from one bank of the river to the other. (  suspension bridge).
  10. It is a traditional place, what people visit, when they have just married ( Pobeda Prospect)

г) найти соответствие.

Find the second part of the sentences.

1.Penza is

2.The Drama Theatre

3.The city’s main avenue is

4. Many cafes and restaurants are located

5. Penza plants produce

6. Tourists are usually invited to visit

a. Clocks and watches, bicycles.

b. A centre of science and education

c. Lermontov museum in Tarchany

d. Pobeda Prospect

e. Is also in Moskovskaja Street

f. In Moskovskaja Street

5. Закрепление материала.

Listen  and note the information about three places of education.

New words:

To set up – учреждать

To reorganize [ri:ogәnaiz] – реорганизовать

A faculty – факультет

A department – отделение

A field – область знаний

A status – положение

The correspondence course – заочный курс

With confidence – с уверенностью

Penza Architectural- Construction College

Penza State University

Penza State Pedagogical University


Imagine the following situation .Nastya is a guide from Tarhany. She came in the college. Now she is standing before you. And you have a possibility to ask her some questions about  the famous place, which attracts the attention of foreign tourists and visitors from all over the country.

On the pictures you can see rooms, which are setting of Lermontov's childhood, real pieces of furniture and authentic things of the poet and of his relatives.

1. Where is Tarchany situated ?

Tarhany is a longstanding Russian village in the south – west of the Penza region. And do you know how people call Tarchany?

-It is a domain of Lermontov's  childhood and a cradle of his creative inspirations.

-Excellent , it is true.

2. How much time spent Lermontov here?

  • He had spent here the first half of his life.

3. Has Lermontov something written here?

  • Many Lermontov’s  masterpieces such as “ Borodino”, “Rodina” were written here. The dramatical  piece “ A strange man”, the novel “ Vadim”, the autobiographical tale “ I am going to tell you . . . “ were created from the facts of Tarchany's life.

4. Is there a museum in Tarchany?

  • Yes, there is. It was opened in 1939. And in 1969 it was transformed into the State Museum – Reserve.

5. How often people come in Tarchany?

- Every year thousands of people visit it, take part in Lermontov's reading.

It is a tradition from the year 1971. I'll hope you will visit Tarchany this October on the birthday of the great Russian poet Michail Yurievich Lermontov.

Thank you for the telling.


Add the suitable words.    

1. In our town there are many places of interest : Museum of one Picture , Drama –Theatre, the Folk-Craft Museum.

2.The Drama-Theatre was built in 1916 and named after Lunacharsky, the great Russian revolutionary.

3. The favourite place to rest in all seasons is the Central Park named after Belinsky.

4. There is a monument to Belinsky in this park.

5. In Penza there is the only museum in the country – One Picture Museum, where you  can see and know everything about one picture from Moscow Tretyakov Gallery.

6. In Folk Grafts Museum there are always different exhibitions and many visitors.

7. The Picture Gallery was founded by well- known Russian artist Savitsky.

8. Rich collections of paintings, drawing and sculptures are exposed at the gallery.

9. There is a monument to the great Russian poet Mikhail Lermontov near the Lermontov library in Penza.

6. Подведение итогов                                    2 мин

7. Выдача домашнего задания                       1 мин


The city of Penza, the capital of Penza region, was founded in 1663 making it over 343 years old. It was founded as a fortress to protect the south- eastern lands of Russia. You can see remains of the  original fortress walls on Kirov Street. The monument is a visible link between the past and the present.

The town has grown into a big industrial centre with the population of more than 500 .000 people.

Penza is the town of highly developed industry. The production of our industrial enterprises is exported to more than 50 countries of the world.

Penza is a center of education. Its universities, institutes, colleges attract many youg people, who want to specialize in different spheres of technology. I am a student of architectural- construction college. And I am proud of it.

Penza is a center of culture life. Only in the central part of the city there are 19 museum, 9 historical and 7 architectural monuments, 6 monuments to the outstanding people. At the English lesson we have spoken about Pushkin public garden, Savitsky Picture Gallery, Meerchold' Museum, the Olympic avenue,Drama – Theatre.  

Our town represents some historical interest. The great Russian poet Lermonov and the dreat revolutionary democrat Belinsky spent their youth in Penza region and visited our town.

Penza is a green city. It is full of parks and green places. Belinsky Park is the largest one and one of the favourite places both of children and grown-ups. In the nearest future Penza will become one of the most beautiful and well- planned cities of the country.

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