Учебно-методический материал по теме "Аварийные процедуры. Ситуации бедствия и срочности."
учебно-методический материал
Данный учебно-методический материал направлен на повторение и закрепление изученного материала по теме «Аварийные процедуры. Ситуации бедствия и срочности» и может использоваться как во время проведения аудиторных занятий, так и для самостоятельной работы курсантов по дисциплине «Фразеология радиообмена на английском языке».
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Данный учебно-методический материал направлен на повторение и закрепление изученного материала по теме «Аварийные процедуры. Ситуации бедствия и срочности» и может использоваться как во время проведения аудиторных занятий, так и для самостоятельной работы курсантов по дисциплине «Фразеология радиообмена на английском языке».
Данный материал составлен для курсантов УВД 3 курса 5 семестра по теме «Аварийные процедуры. Ситуации бедствия и срочности». В заданиях курсанты прорабатывают следующие аспекты вышеупомянутой темы:
- определение ситуаций бедствия и срочности;
- отличия ситуации бедствия от ситуации срочности;
- действия пилота и диспетчера УВД при возникновении ситуаций бедствия и срочности.
С помощью заданий осуществляется проработка, закрепление и проверка следующих знаний, умений и навыков:
Освоить профессиональную лексику, методы развития умений и навыков общения на английском языке (диалог, беседа, собеседование, сообщение, доклад и так далее).
Владеть материалом по разговорным и специальным темам дисциплины.
Знать правила ведения радиотелефонной связи и правила радиообмена.
Проводить радиообмен с экипажами иностранных воздушных судов и понимать его на уровне, не ниже четвертого (рабочего) уровня шкалы оценки языковых знаний Международной организации гражданской авиации.
Понимать сущность и социальную значимость своей будущей профессии, проявлять к ней устойчивый интерес.
Организовывать собственную деятельность, выбирать типовые методы и способы выполнения профессиональных задач, оценивать их эффективность и качество.
Принимать решения в стандартных и нестандартных ситуациях и нести за них ответственность.
Осуществлять поиск и использование информации, необходимой для эффективного выполнения профессиональных задач, профессионального и личностного развития.
Использовать информационно-коммуникационные технологии в профессиональной деятельности.
Самостоятельно определять задачи профессионального и личностного развития, заниматься самообразованием, осознанно планировать повышение квалификации.
Работать с нормативными документами, справочной литературой и другими источниками информации, регламентирующими организацию и обслуживание ВД.
Материал может быть использован для составления заданий для письменной контрольной работы по дисциплине «Фразеология радиообмена на английском языке» по теме «Аварийные процедуры. Ситуации бедствия и срочности». В конце даны возможные вопросы для устного опроса, зачета, экзамена по вышеупомянутой теме.
Ex. 1. Look through the questions and suggest your answers.
1. What types of emergencies do you know? Give examples.
2. What kind of reports can you expect from pilots in such situations?
3. What are possible consequences of a PAN situation/a MAYDAY situation?
4. How can a controller assist a pilot in the event of an emergency?
Ex.2. Read the text and compare your answers.
Emergencies usually start with a pilot‘s statement of a problem and a request to standby. The pilots‘ workload during the first moments is very high as their immediate priorities will not only include the flying of the aircraft but also conducting checklist actions, assessing the situation and deciding what to do. Once the situation is understood, a PAN or MAYDAY may be declared. If not, the controller should ask the pilots if they wish to declare an emergency. Air traffic controllers should remember that a PAN can deteriorate into a MAYDAY and be ready to assist the flight crew in all possible ways.
Ex. 3. Match the word combinations to their definitions.
Word combination | Definition |
Ex. 4. Divide the word combinations according to their meaning.
Some of them can belong to the both groups.
Reasons for emergencies | Results of emergencies |
Ex. 5. Match the pilot intentions in left column to the similar phrases in right one.
| fly by |
Ex.6. Answer the following questions, then read the text and compare your answers.
1. What should every station received distress or urgency message do?
2. What frequency is an emergency message usually transmitted on?
3. What does a distress message consist of?
4. What phrase will the controller impose radio silence with?
5. What phrase does the controller cancel silence with?
6. What does an urgency message include?
Any distress or urgency message must be as short, full and clear as possible. Every station received this kind of message should retransmit it to the ATC unit immediately and the controller must acknowledge it at once.
An emergency message is usually transmitted on frequency-in-use, but special emergency frequencies can also be used.
A distress message begins with the word “Mayday” pronounced 3 times and consists of:
1. ATC unit call sign;
2. identification of the aircraft;
3. nature of the distress condition;
4. intentions;
5. position, level and heading of the aircraft;
6. any other useful information.
All station received the message should monitor the frequency and the controller will impose radio silence with the phase: “STOP transmitting”, addressed to all or one particular station.
When the aircraft is no longer in distress, it cancels Mayday.
The controller cancels silence with phase “Distress traffic ended”. It means resuming of normal communication operations.
Urgency message starts with signal “PAN PAN’ 3 times and includes:
1. ATC unit call sign;
2. identification of the aircraft;
3. the nature of urgency;
4. intentions;
5. other useful information.
Urgency messages have priority over other except distress messages. Nobody may interrupt them.
Ex.7. Decide if these statements are TRUE or FALSE. Explain your opinion.
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Ex.8. Give the English equivalents for the following.
Сообщение о бедствии; срочное сообщение; аварийное сообщение; ретранслировать; пункт УВД; подтверждать; рабочая частота; специальная аварийная частота; опознавание воздушного судна; местоположение, эшелон и курс ВС; полезная информация; прослушивать частоту; ввести режим радиомолчания; отменить режим радиомолчания; любая другая полезная информация; приоритет; прерывать.
Ex.9. Fill in the gaps with the words in brackets.
1. Any distress or urgency message must be short, full and clear as ______ (possible, special, particular).
2. The controller must _________ (retransmit, impose, acknowledge) a distress message at once.
3. A distress message begins with the word Mayday _______ (addressed, pronounced, retransmitted) 3 times.
4. All stations received the distress message should ________ (retransmit, impose, monitor) the frequency.
5. The controller will ________ (impose, stop transmitting, cancel) radio silence with the phrase: “Stop transmitting!”
Ex.10. Fill in the gaps with the related words.
1. When the aircraft is no ________ (LONG) in distress the ______ (CONTROL) cancels Mayday.
2. “Distress traffic ended” means resuming of normal communication ________ (OPERATE).
3. _________ (URGENT) message starts with signal “PAN PAN” 3 times.
4. Urgency messages have _________ (PRIOR) over all other except distress messages.
5. Special emergency ________ (FREQUENT) can be used.
Ex.11. Make sentences using the following words.
1. distress/any/be/must/message/short.
2. the/must/emergency/acknowledge/at/controller/once/message/an.
3. the/pronounced/three/Mayday/word/is/times.
4. the/Stop transmitting/phrase/is/all/particular/or/addressed/to/one/station.
5. the/Mayday/is/no longer/canceled/when/in distress/aircraft/is.
6. The /without / when / danger / change arises / aircraft / flight altitudes / coordination.
7. Aircraft / are / light / equipped / a / transponder / aircraft / with / simple.
8. Many / being / reputed / near-misses / are / not.
9. Possibility / mid-air / small / the / for / a / is / collision.
10. Pilots / are / the / from / calls / released / mandatory / often / the.
Ex.12. Fill in the gaps with a suitable preposition.
1. The emergency message should be retransmitted _______ the ATC unit immediately.
2. The controller must acknowledge the emergency message ________ once.
3. A distress message begins _______ the word “Mayday”.
4. A distress message consists _______ several points.
5. The control will impose radio silence ___________ the phrase “Stop transmitting!”
6. When the aircraft is no longer _______ distress, it cancels Mayday.
7. The phrase “Distress traffic ended” means resuming ________ normal communication operations.
8. Urgency messages have priority _______ all other except distress messages.
Ex.13. Translate the following sentences into English.
1. Любое аварийное сообщение должно быть кратким, полным и ясным по возможности.
2. Аварийное сообщение обычно передается на рабочей частоте.
3. Сообщение о бедствии начинается словом “Mayday”, которое произносится три раза.
4. Диспетчер введет режим радиомолчания фразой “Stop Transmitting”.
5. Если ВС больше не испытывает бедствие, оно отменяет “Mayday”.
6. Диспетчер отменяет режим радиомолчание фразой “Distress traffic ended”.
7. Срочные сообщения имеют приоритет над всеми другими, за исключением сообщений о бедствии.
Ex.14. Translate the questions and answer them.
- Какие термины, связанные с безопасностью полётов, определяет ИКАО?
- Когда экипажу нужна срочная помощь?
- Как называется ситуация, когда самолёт находится в безусловной опасности?
- Чем занимается поисково-спасательное подразделение?
- Похожи ли особые случаи между собой?
- Можно ли написать инструкцию для всех особых случаев? Почему?
- Как самолёт имеет приоритет при особом случае?
- На каких частотах передаются аварийные сигналы?
- Что означает сигнал «Mayday»?
- Какой код ответчика устанавливается при бедствии?
- Как экипаж может информировать диспетчера о трудностях?
- Какой радиотелефонный сигнал служит для обозначения срочного сообщения?
- Всегда ли можно определить, к какой категории относится конкретный особый случай?
- Есть ли фразеология, предназначенная для особых случаев?
- Чем может помочь диспетчер РП в особой ситуации?
- Для чего вводится режим радиомолчания?
- Почему диспетчер должен точно знать суть проблемы?
- Каковы правила передачи и приёма аварийного сообщения?
- Каков порядок передачи аварийного сообщения?
- Каков порядок передачи срочного сообщения?
- Какой фразой диспетчер вводит режим радиомолчания?
- Какой фразой пилот отменяет состояние бедствия?
- Какой фразой диспетчер отменяет режим радиомолчания?
- Имеют ли приоритет срочные сообщения? Какой?
Ex.15. Read the dialogues (one student is a pilot, the other one is an ATC) and define if these conversations refer to DISTRESS or URGENCY situations.
German Wings 995
P: Vnukovo Круг, Hello, German Wings 995, climbing to altitude 600 m
C: German Wings 995, Vnukovo Radar, turn right, proceed to MEDUT, climb to FL 1 800 m
P: turn right, to MEDUT, then climb altitude 1 800, German Wings 995
P: Vnukovo Круг, German Wings 995
C: German Wings 995, Vnukovo Radar
P: We have an indication open cargo door and we need vectors back to Vnukovo
C: German Wings 995, Say again!
P: We need vectors back to Vnukovo airport due to indication open cargo door
C: German Wings 995, turn left, heading 180, maintain FL 1 800 m
P: heading 180, maintain level 1 800 m, German Wings 995
C: German Wings 995, report your decision
P: German Wings 995, decision – approach to Vnukovo RW 24
C: Roger German Wings 995, active RW 24 at Vnukovo.
BAW 10
P: -BAW10 maintaining 10.600m, LOLA at 00:25.
C: -BAW 10, Moscow Approach. Call me FE.
P: - BAW 10.
P: -BAW10. Do you have information we wish to divert to Sh. due medical emergency.
C: -BAW 10, Moscow. Stand by the weather and medical emergency we have.
P: - BAW 10.
C: -BAW 10, are you going to land at Sh?
P: - SH, confirm.
C:-BAW 10. What’s the matter? Have you a sick person on the board?
P: -BAW 10. WE have a passenger who has had a heart attack, who is very ill.
C: - Roger.
P: - Could you request Moscow to have emergency medical services standing by the aircraft?
C: - BAW 10, roger. Will be sent.
C: - SVW14JL Climb 2.400m.
P: - SVW14JL, sorry, we have to come back to Vnukovo.
C: -SVW14JL. What is your reason is?
P: - We have a problem with flaps and slats and we have to come back to Vnukovo.
C: – SVW14JL. Turn right heading 325 to intercept localizer. Expect ILS for RW 06.
P: -Copied. We solved our problem, we’d like to continue to Chelyabinsk. Problem is now solved and we would like to continue to Chelyabinsk.
AFR 125
P: AFR 125, for information(2), Medical Mayday(2), we have very ill passenger on board and we have to divert to Sankt-Petersburg(2), AFR 125, Medical Mayday(2)
C: AFR 125, Control, roger, Medical Mayday. Request your estimated time of arrival to Sankt-Petersburg.
P: Estimate 0PB at 1310, 1310 for 0PB, AFR 125
C: AFR 125, roger.
P: We have some hydraulic failure and we’d like to return to ……sir
C: AYP01, do you want return to SVO?
P: Affirm. We are maintaining 10100m and we would like to go back to UUEE as soon as possible.
C: AYP01, maintain 10100
P: We are maintaining 10100m and we are standing by for back to Moscow.
C: AYP01, say again, please, your reason of your return?
P: We have hydraulic problem and we need to land as soon as practicable. And we’d like some priority for landing
C: AYP01, say again your problem please.
P: We lost all our hydraulic and we have no hydraulic operation. We need to land as soon as practicable. Need priority.
NW 71
P: -Magadan, Nord West71.
C: -NW 71, Magadan Control, go ahead.
P: -Be advised, we would like to change our destination to Anchorage, Alaska. Go ahead.
C: -NW 71, Would you tell me reason of your returning?
P: - We have a disruptive passenger, -a-a… security threat.
C: -NW71, Magadan Control. Do you want to declare an emergency?
P: - We do not want to declare an emergency, but we need to return to Anchorage for a passenger problem.
DLH 3346
P: - Moscow Control, good evening DLH 3346.
C: -Good evening, DLH 3346, Moscow Control. Go ahead.
P: - DLH 3346. Position LOLA. Maintaining 8600 m. And we are requesting landing in Moscow Sheremetievo 22. Medical problem.
C: - O.K., DLH 3346, Moscow Control. Maintain 8.600m.
P: -DLH 3346 Maintaining 8.600m.
C: -3346, request ETA at Sheremetievo.
P: - Say again?
C: - Request estimated time of arrival at S.
P: - DLH 3346 estimating landing at Sh. at 17:15.
BAW 119
P: Moscow, BAW 119, we have an engine problem and we would like to descend as a precaution to the stage to 7500 m
C: BAW 119, descend to 7500 m
P: Moscow, BAW 119, descending 7500 m. We have an engine problem, we shut one engine and now we are on three engines.
C: BAW 119, where will you proceed now? I recommend to land at SVO
P: Just stand by, we’d like to maintain for…..further moment. We may request landing in Moscow or may request return. Just stand by, we gonna contact London. Stand by, please.
C: Roger.
P: BAW 119, is maintaining 7500m and request SVO weather, please.
C: BAW 119, weather for SVO at 23:00 Moscow time. Are you ready to copy?
P: Yes, go ahead! Thank you!
C: Wind magnetic 010 degrees 6 m/s, gusty 9 m/s, visibility 7 km (8 oktas), ceiling 360, QFE 991, QNH 1013, RW 07R, covered with ice, braking action 0.4
P: BAW 119, confirm QNH 1013 and RW 07R? Thank you very much.
C: BAW 119, advise your decision.
P: Moscow, BAW 119, we’d like to continue on course. We are waiting a reply from official in London. In 5 minutes we’ll advise you our decision. BAW 119
C: Roger, now present heading
P: BAW 119, decision is to return to London, Gatwick. Can you give us radar vectors to return to London.
C: BAW 119, roger, turn left. Now heading to TU.
DLH 712
C: DLH 712, go ahead!
P: 712, eeerrrrrr, Is there a hospital or a doctor at the Irkutsk airport where we can get some insulin for a diabetic passenger?
C: DLH 712, say again problem on board.
P: 712, we have a passenger, quite old, and he need medicine or insulin, or …….. I do not know the English word. Insulin, you need it if you have ……….with your sugar …… in your blood.
C: DLH 712, Are you going to land in Irkutsk?
P: We’ll make a decision very soon, but the question, first of all, if you have a hospital at the airport or a doctor which can come to the airport and have, eerrrrrr, the passenger. If there anybody on stand-by in emergency?
DLH 712, Roger
BAW 873
P: BAW 873, ………… we have high vibration on one engine and we would like to return to Moscow
C: BAW 873, roger, now, you are cleared to return to Moscow.
P: You wishes to return to BG?
P: BAW 873, we have to shut one engine and we are making single engine approach to Moscow. ….. Would you inform British Airways we are returning to Moscow.
C: Ok, turn to FK.
P: to FK.
C: What engines, please, right or left?
P: Right engine has very high vibration.
C: ok, right. BAW 873, at what FL would you like to continue flight?
P: we’d like to descend to 7200m
C: Ok, now descend to 7200m
P: Roger
C: BAW 873, is right engine in operation?
C: BAW 873, are both engines in use or just left engine in use at present time?
P: At present time both, but we’ll have to shut down 1 engine and carrying single engine landing
C: OK, thanks. We’ll relay information.
P: BAW 873, we’d like further descent, please, to 6600m
C: BAW 873, ok, descend to 6600. What problem with right engine? High temperature?
P: BAW 873, very high vibration.
C: Vibration, thank you very much. And will you make one engine landing?
P: One engine landing.
Ex. 16. Read the pilot messages and reply.
Define if these messages refer to DISTRESS or URGENCY situations.
- Radar CPA250 be advised we shall be requesting an ambulance to meet the aircraft to take the patient to the hospital.
- BAW 878 descending 7800 to KE holding pattern. Have you any information the RW will be opened before 1300?
- CCA 935 can you pass the weather to me?
- Control Request diversion to the nearest airport. AF39. We have a smell of exhausted fumes in the cockpit, no smoke but the smell is getting stronger. AF39
- DELTA908 we have fire in the cabin. Send the truck.
- CPA250 we shall be requesting an ambulance to take the patient to the hospital.
- Good morning Ground Control American 22 we are not familiar with your airport. Please give us detailed taxi instructions to the RW.
- AirFrance 125, for information, for information, medical Mayday, medical Mayday! We have a very ill passenger on board and we have to divert to SPb, we have to divert to SPb, AirFrance 125. Medical Mayday, Mayday.
- B 7691, say the local altimeter setting for Anadyr.
- Speedbird 878, descending 7800 m KE joining the holding pattern. D’you have any information if the RW will be opened before 13.00?
- BOB 20, you have a very loud feedback on your frequency. Is there another frequency we can come up?
- Tower, Canadian Avia National 62, we are 6 outside the outer marker. Say your runway visual range.
Ex.17. Translate the following messages. You may use any callsign.
- Вы готовы к немедленному вылету?
- Вы намерены подать доклад об опасном сближении?
- Вы намерены эвакуировать пассажиров на ВПП?
- Можете обрулить разлив топлива на пересечении магистральной РД и РД Чарли?
- Осторожно! Вы наблюдаете сугробы снега на кромках ВПП 23 П?
- Какой Ваш минимум, запасной и остаток топлива?
- Вы можете отклониться на 60км в северо-западном направлении, чтобы разведать ситуацию с аварийным бортом?
- Какой статус вы даете своему сообщению, это «срочность» или «бедствие»?
- Полоса заблокирована неисправным самолетом. Уходите на второй круг по схеме.
- При взлете лопнула покрышка, фрагменты покрышки были обнаружены на ВПП.
Ex.18. Read the possible ATC’s replies and suggest the pilot’s request.
Pilot’s request | Possible ATC’s replies |
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Ex. 19. Correct the sentences.
1. An-24 is descending 20 kilometers ahead of you: Now it has crossed the flight level of 4800 meters. Submit your vertical speed.
2. Restricted zone GH-48 operates up to 6500 meters. Can you take flight level 6900 40 kilometers from the airfield?
3. This is impossible: FL from 3000 to 5700 are closed by the military. You will have to climb flight level 6000 over the VT in the holding area.
4. Do you prefer stepped descent or limited vertical speed?
5. You are approaching the board ahead of you. The rate of descent is not more than 5 meters per second.
6. How long are you going to reduce the weight to the maximum landing?
7. I understand that your fuel consumption is too high, but we have very strict military restrictions in this area.
8. The interval between you decreases. Flight level of 12100 meters acceptable for you?
9. Now change: to bypass the danger zone after takeoff, climb to 5100 meters on the radial 235 VOR TYU.
10. Do you want to fly higher or lower than yours? The board in front preferred the flight level of 9600 meters.
11. If you cannot reduce speed to 190 knots, you will have to wait at least 15 minutes over the FS.
12. I understand that re-routing along the W-38 is best. Can you accept it?
13. You are the third. For consistency, turn right to heading 345 and reduce your approach speed as much as possible.
14. I recommend you reroute via B-42 instead of G-69 due to military restrictions
15. Aircraft is catching up. What is your speed limit at this altitude?
16. I recommend that you land as soon as possible due to the thunderstorm approaching the airfield
17. I recommend avoiding the thunderstorm on the left due to the direction of the wind
18. Danger zone VB-25 will start working soon. Do you know about this?
19. You are inside the restricted area. Turn left immediately onto heading 190 to exit without delay. I will have to report this.
20. Climb flight level 4800 meters above the ZX drive in the holding area. The reason is military restrictions.
21. You can land on runway 13 instead of runway 24 Left. What do you want?
22.You can accept straight length 10 kilometers for an interval with a board behind?
Возможные вопросы на зачете / экзамене / устном опросе по теме «Аварийные процедуры. Ситуации бедствия и срочности»:
- What definitions concerning emergency procedures does ICAO have?
- Which emergency phases do you know?
- How do we call a situation wherein there is reasonable certainty that an aircraft and its occupants are threatened by grave and imminent danger or require immediate assistance?
- What is rescue co-ordination centre established for?
- What is rescue unit composed of?
- Is it possible to define instructions for all of emergencies? Why?
- Is it often to have two emergencies, which are identical in every respect?
- Has an aircraft under emergency priority over other aircraft?
- Which frequencies may be used for emergency signals?
- How can an aircraft in distress inform ATC?
- What squawk should an aircraft in status of distress set?
- What does switching on and off aircraft’s landing lights or flashing its navigation lights in a way different from the normal one mean?
- Why can the English used in these events be confusing?
- Are all pilots proficient in the use of English outside the standard laid down phraseologies?
- Are there laid down phraseologies for emergencies?
- When does controller need to ask for clarification?
- Why may it be necessary to impose radio silence on all traffic except the flight in an emergency?
- Why should the controller fully understand what the precise problem is?
- What is a distress message composed of?
- When does the aircraft cancel Mayday? What phrase does he use for it?
- What does urgency message include?
- Who may interrupt urgency messages?
По теме: методические разработки, презентации и конспекты
Учебно-методический материал рабочая программа по физике 2011
Программа учебной дисциплины «Физика» предназначена для изучения физики в учреждениях начального и среднего профессионального образования, реализующих образовательную программу...
Учебно-методический материал "Варианты творческих заданий для студентов по отдельным темам методики развития детской речи"
Материал поможет педагогам правильно организовать работу со студентами по методике развития речи, а также поможет воспитателям более творчески организовывать работу с детьми....
учебно-методический материал Ознакомление старших дошкольников с пословицами и поговорками
Аннотация: предложенные практические рекомендации и игровой материал помогут воспитателям дошкольных учреждений, а также родителям детей грамотно, последовательно и интересно построить работу по...

Учебно-методический материал по дисциплине Плавание
Лекционный материал по дисциплине Плавание для специальности 050141 Физическая культура...
Материал для анализа практических ситуаций ПМ.01 ПСО.
Задачи по Праву социального обеспечения....

Учебно-методическая карта открытого урока "Демографическая ситуация в современной России"
Работа посвящена разработке методики проведения урока- обсуждения по дисциплине «География». Материал урока соответствует требованиям Федерального государственного ...

Учебно-методический материал по практическому занятию по учебной дисциплине ОБЖ по теме: "Экспресс-диагностические методы оценки здоровья"
УММ занятия предназначен для изучения учебной дисциплины ОБЖ и проведению практического занятия по теме «Экспресс-диагностические методы оценки здоровья»." для студента все...