Аюшиева Мыдыгма Базаровна

сайт учителя английского языка

"Your Mindset is the DPS system for where your mind is going to"

Профессия: преподаватель

Профессиональные интересы: Teaching for multiple intelligences

Увлечения: вязание, шитье национальных дэгэлов, разведение восточно-сибирских лаек, выращивание орхидеи, роз,

Регион: Республика Бурятия

Населенный пункт: г. Улан-Удэ

Место работы: МАОУ "СОШ № 35"


Ссылка на мой мини-сайт:
You can't do better untill you know better. And knowing better starts with wanting to.
Gabriel Bernstein

My Language.

My Language

So beautiful and Fascinating

Listerning to your Sounds

I see the Endless Steppes

My Motherland.

О себе

When something go wrong, take a moment to be thankful for the many more things that are still going right.

I have never tired teaching my students.

Книги, которые сформировали мой внутренний мир

The 4-Hour Workweek, Ferriss, T. Crown Publishers NY

Мой взгляд на мир

yes trying to be optimistic

Мои достижения

The achievements of my students are my achievements as well.


Моё портфолио

I am willing to learn new things every day. Each problem has a solution. All experiences are opportunities for me to learn and to grow.

The image is  ... a way of knowing about the world that is older and more global than language and verbal symbolism.  All skills are acquired through the image-making process. our images give us a direction in deciding  what to do with our lives. 

Images are formed and shaped by every experience we have had. And these images in turn shape both our present and future experimence!  So pay attention to what places your images take you)))


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