Творческое задание: Санта Клаус потерял мешок с письмами детей, и теперь он не знает, что попросили дети на Рождество. Придумайте свой выход из сложившейся ситуации, как помочь Санта Клаусу раздать подарки детям.
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Творческое задание: Санта Клаус потерял мешок с письмами детей, и теперь он не знает, что попросили дети на Рождество. Придумайте свой выход из сложившейся ситуации, как помочь Санта Клаусу раздать подарки детям.
Имя, фамилия, класс: Богачева Юлия, 6Б класс.
Santa Claus was very sorry; he didn't know what to do. How to save Christmas? To help to the children he had only one week. Suddenly a good idea came to him. He decided to advice with his Russian partner, Father Frost. On the phone he told him about his problem. His Russian friend, Father Frost decided to help Santa Claus. Such situation could happen with him, too. Father Frost couldn't imagine that Russian children had been left without magical New Year's presents. He advised to set an advertisement in the Internet. As he knows most of the children enter and work in the Internet every day. So, Santa Claus set the advertisement: "Presents for every child! Tell Santa Claus about your dream! Just say what you want! All your dreams come true! P.S. My dear children, you'll only have one week to do it! Please, don't forget to write your name and address! Your Santa will be looking forward to your letters!"
My e-mail: Santa.Xmas
Day by day Santa Claus got e-mail letters from children. He worked very hard. In the end of the week he made a list of presents. He checked it very attentively, paying special attention to every child's wish. He went to the shop where he usually takes presents for the children. Santa Claus started to buy presents with joy and happiness. Nobody knew that his bag was empty; there were no letters in it. The letters were in Santa's heart and mind. Coming home he phoned to his friend from Russia, Father Frost and thanked him for saving Christmas. On Christmas Eve every child got his present from Santa Claus.
Творческое задание Вокуевой Надежды 7Б класс.
Santa Claus was very sad. He didn’t imagine how to save Christmas. He hadn’t got any ideas. Coming home he started to worry. Nobody could help him. Santa couldn’t understand what had happened with children’s letters. He knew one thing definitely. The letters were stolen by witches. They didn’t like children. In the evening Santa Claus was sitting in his favorite armchair in front of the fireplace, but suddenly he heard the strange voices. Then Christmas angels appeared. They were so cheerful, joyful, and happy. They were flying around him. Seeing his sad eyes they stopped flying and asked what had happened? Why he was so unhappy? Before Christmas there were only three days. Santa Claus told them about his problem. He was so sorry that children wouldn’t get any Christmas presents. The angels were sorry, too. But in a minute they had a good idea! They decided to put notes with a message under the pillows of every child in their city. In this message Santa Claus wrote “Once more opportunity to get a present from Santa Claus! Just write what you want! All your dreams come true! You know how to write; don’t forget to sign your notes with your name and address! You should do it immediately as soon as you find my note. After that put your note under your pillow again! Obey your parents and teachers at school and wait Christmas Eve!” Santa Claus liked this idea. Christmas angels did their work very fast. And in three days they collected all notes with children’s wishes. Santa was very happy, he thanked his little friends. He went to the shop and bought all presents that the children dreamt. On Christmas Eve all their wishes came true. Santa was very glad!
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