Тесты, контрольные работы по английскому языку
контроль усвоения материала
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Предварительный просмотр:
Name--------------------------------------------------------------- Form----------------------------
Контрольная работа (2 класс)
«Давайте читать и говорить по-английски»
Задание №1. Образуй множественное число существительных:
a cow – a monkey -
a pig – a tiger -
a crocodile – an elephant -
a bear – a parrot -
a horse - a rabbit -
Задание №2. Вставь в предложение следующие глаголы: am, is
- The cat … fat.
- My friend … American.
- I … in the street.
- My sister … five.
- The book … English.
- I … Russian.
Задание №3. Вставь в предложение нужную форму глагола: V или Vs
- I (like) my family.
- My grandmother (live) in the house.
- The crocodile (swim) in the river.
- My father (like) animals.
- The dog (like) to run.
- Denis (play) football.
- I (live) in the flat.
- The hare (jump) in the forest.
Name--------------------------------------------------------------- Form----------
Контрольная работа по теме
«Встреча с друзьями» (2 класс)
Test 1. Поставь существительные во множественное число.
a fox – a boy -
a monkey – a life -
a lady – a sister -
a wolf – a bus -
a tomato – a house -
Test 2. Прочитай текст и ответь на вопросы по тексту.
Her name is Ann. She is seven. She has got mum and dad. She lives in a town. She has got a cat and a dog. Her cat is grey. Her dog is black. She can skate, skip and sing. She cannot swim. She likes tennis.
- How old is Ann?
- Where (где) does she live?
- What (каких) pets has she got?
- What can she do?
- What does she like?
Test 3. Поставь глагол в нужную форму: Vs или V1.
- I (go) to school every day (каждый день). -
- She (play) with her brother on Sunday (в воскресенье). –
- Nick (like) Sundays (воскресенья). –
- I and my friend (play) with the ball (мячиком) in the park in the evening. –
Test 4. Выбери нужную форму: have или has
- Anna … a computer. –
- My cat … two kittens (двух котят). –
- I … a new dress (новое платье). –
- Ted … many toys (много игрушек). -
Name--------------------------------------------------------------- Form----------
Контрольная работа по теме
«Добро пожаловать в лесную школу» (3 класс)
Test 1. Прочитай рассказ и выполни задание.
Little Rick.
Rick is a little monkey. He is from Africa. But now he is in Great Britain (Великобритания). He is in the zoo. Rick likes the zoo, but he is very sad (печальный). He doesn’t want (хотеть) to play. He wants to be in Africa with his father and mother.
Rick sees (видеть) many boys and girls in the zoo. They like the little monkey and give (давать) Rick bananas. He likes bananas, but he is very sad.
One day he sees a pilot (пилот). The pilot takes (везет) Rick to Africa. He is not sad now (сейчас).
- Отметь правильный ответ.
Rick is …
- a giraffe b) a monkey c) an elephant
He is from …
- America b) Great Britain c) Africa
Now he is in …
- Russia b) Great Britain c) America
Boys and girls give Rick …
- toys b) apples c) bananas
One day Rick sees …
- a pilot b) a driver c) a doctor
He takes Rick to …
- America b) Africa c) Great Britain
Now he is not …
- Funny b) sad c) little
- Отметь правильный ответ.
Why is Rick very sad in the zoo?
- He doesn’t like the zoo.
- Boys and girls don’t like Rick.
- He wants to be in Africa with his father and mother.
- He can’t run, jump and play games.
Test 2. Выбери правильный ответ.
1) My grandmother … a teacher.
2 ) You … 9.
3) Ann … two brothers.
4) They … pupils.
5) Kate … friends.
6) The farmer … apples.
7) My cat … fat.
8) The crocodile … strong and angry.
Предварительный просмотр:
Контрольная работа по теме «Hello, English!» 2 класс
- Допиши заглавную или строчную букву:
___a; B ___ ; K ___ ; ___ e;
G ___; I ___; ___h ___/7
- Напиши буквы в алфавитном порядке:
C L D J F A K H_________ __/8
- Соедини стрелками букву и звук, который она передаёт:
Dd Kk Hh Ff Bb Ll
[h] [b] [d] [k] [l] [f] _/6
- Соедини английский звук с русским, стрелками:
[b] [d] [f] [h] [k] [l]
[ф] [к] [б] [д] [х] [л] _/6
- Зачеркни лишнюю букву в каждой строчке:
- B F H E J
- I A K E
- C D G j L
- l K c g h a
- k l b d f c h ___/5
VI. Соедини цвета и их перевод:
1. White a) голубой
2. Black b) зеленый
3. Blue c) черный
4. Green d) белый
___/4 Total: ____36
Контрольная работа по теме «Hello, English!» 2 класс
- Допиши заглавную или строчную букву:
___a; B ___ ; K ___ ; ___ e; G ___; I ___; ___h ___/7
- Напиши буквы в алфавитном порядке:
C L D J F A K H - _______________________________ ___/8
- Соедини стрелками букву и звук, который она передаёт:
Dd Kk Hh Ff Bb Ll
[h] [b] [d] [k] [l] [f] ___/6
- Соедини английский звук с русским стрелками:
[b] [d] [f] [h] [k] [l]
[ф] [к] [б] [д] [х] [л] ___/6
- Зачеркни лишнюю букву в каждой строчке:
1) B F H E J
2) I A K E
3) C D G j L
4) l K c g h a
5) k l b d f c h ___/5
VI. Соедини цвета и их перевод:
1. Red a) голубой
2. Yellow b) красный
3. Orange c) желтый
4. Blue d) оранжевый ___/4 Total: ____36
- Помести каждого животного в свой домик:
A | |||||||
B | |||||||
C | |||||||
D | |||||||
E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L |
% выполненной работы: | |
Уровень выполнения: | |
Самооценка ученика: |
- Помести каждого животного в свой домик:
A | |||||||
B | |||||||
C | |||||||
D | |||||||
E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L |
% выполненной работы: | |
Уровень выполнения: | |
Самооценка ученика: |
Предварительный просмотр:
Фамилия, имя _____________________________________
Класс ____________________ Дата _________
- Послушай рассказ мисс Чэттер о неизвестном герое, который спас кошку из холодной реки. Отметь его на картинке.
- Впиши слова в стихотворение:
Early to ___________
And early to _____________
Makes a ____________healthy,
Wealthy and ______________.
Слова: man / wise / rise / bed
- Впиши буквы, соедини слова с числами.
o __ e 9
e __ ght 11
n __ ne 1
e __ e __en 8
- Перепиши предложения. Пиши время словами.
Например: I get up at 8:00 in the morning. - I get up at eight o’clock in the morning.
- I wash my face and hands at 8:30. - ____________________________________________.
- I have breakfast at 9:00. - _____________________________________________.
- I watch TV at 6:30 in the evening. - _______________________________.
- I go to bed at 11:00. - ____________________________________________.
- Обведи правильное слово.
- Dima like / likes to ride a bike.
- Tiny write / writes fairy tales.
- Do / Does you go to school?
- Cats don’t / doesn’t eat carrots.
- Составь предложения из слов:
clean / you / Do / teeth / you? - __________________________________
well / She / very / sings - __________________________________
don’t / You / breakfast / have / at 12:00 - __________________________________
- Допиши слова:
one | many |
hand | |
foot | |
men | |
children | |
fish |
Предварительный просмотр:
Контрольная работа по теме «Счастливые зеленые уроки» (3 класс)
Задание 1. Прочитай рассказ и выполни задания.
Little Tony.
Tony is a little white elephant. He is four. He has got a mother, a father and many friends. His friends are monkeys, crocodiles, giraffes and tigers. They like to run, to jump and to play hide-and-seek (). Tony likes his friends very much.
In September () his friends go to school. Tony wants to go to school, too (). But he can’t go to school with his friends because () he is little. Tony is very sad. He doesn’t want to be little. He wants to be big and to go to school with his friends.
Отметь утверждения, которые соответствуют содержанию рассказа , знаком «+», не соответствуют – знаком «-«.
- Tony is a little white elephant.
- He is four.
- He has go a father, a mother and many friends.
- In September his friends go to school.
- Tony doesn’t want to go to school.
- Tony doesn’t want to be big.
- Tony doesn’t go to school.
- His friends like to run, to jump and to play hide-and-seek.
Задание 2. Образуй множественное число существительных.
a lady- a wife- a baby-
a boy- a tooth- a goose-
a foot- a loaf- a bridge-
a child- an orange- a mouse-
a sister- a man- a ship-
Задание 3. Поставь глагол в скобках в нужную форму (V, Vs) и сделай предложения (+) и (-).
- Mr. Smith (teach) English.-
- I (know) many words.-
- Bill (eat) eggs for breakfast.-
- They (go) to school every day.
Предварительный просмотр:
Контрольная работа по теме «Welcome to Green School». 3 класс
- Послушай Билли и скажи, кто приходит к нему в гости.
- Вставь подходящую букву в каждое слово.
1) c__rrot 2) toma__o 3) che__se 4) m__lk 5) bana__a 6) t__a ___/6
- Соедини транскрипцию со словом.
1) [bred] a) lemon
2) [keik] b) apple
3) [lemən] c) bread
4)[ǽpl] d) cake
5)[hΛni] e) meat
6) [swi:t] f) sweet
7) [mi:t] g) honey ___/7
IV. Выбери и напиши слова сначала со звуком [a:], потом со звуком [w], затем со звуком [ :]
what, shirt, her, park, are, where, car, girl, white
[a:] | [w] | [ :] |
V. Вставь some или а.
1) Would you like __________ jam?
2) I would like __________soup.
3) Would you like __________porridge?
4) She has got __________ lemon.
5) They would like __________orange.
6) Billy has got __________coffee.
7) Would you like __________egg? _/7
VI. Соедини английские дни недели с русскими стрелками.
Sunday понедельник
Friday суббота
Monday воскресенье
Saturday среда
Wednesday пятница __/5
Контрольная работа по теме «Welcome to Green School». 3 класс
- Послушай Билли и скажи, кто приходит к нему в гости.
- Вставь подходящую букву в каждое слово.
1) c__rrot 2) toma__o 3) che__se 4) m__lk 5) bana__a 6) t__a ___/6
III. Соедини транскрипцию со словом.
1) [bred] a) lemon
2) [keik] b) apple
3) [lemən] c) bread
4)[ǽpl] d) cake
5)[hΛni] e) meat
6) [swi:t] f) sweet
7) [mi:t] g) honey ___/7
IV. Выбери и напиши слова сначала со звуком [a:], потом со звуком [w], затем со звуком [ :]
what, shirt, her, park, are, where, car, girl, white
[a:] | [w] | [ :] |
V. Вставь some или а.
1) Would you like __________ jam?
2) I would like __________soup.
3) Would you like __________porridge?
4) She has got __________ lemon.
5) They would like __________orange.
6) Billy has got __________coffee.
7) Would you like __________egg? ___/7
VI. Соедини английские дни недели с русскими стрелками.
Sunday понедельник
Friday суббота
Monday воскресенье
Saturday среда
Wednesday пятница ___/5
Предварительный просмотр:
Привет! Рад видеть Вас снова! (5 класс)
Task 1. Read the text. Mark the sentences T (true) or F (false).
Ben’s family is rather big. He’s got a mother, a father and two brothers, John and Mark. John is younger than Ben – he’s four. Mark is already twenty four and he is married. His wife’s name is Annie and they’ve got two children. Ben’s mother has got a sister, Jane. She is married, too, but they have no children. Her husband’s name is Alex. Alex is the same age as Ben’s father. Ben likes everyone in his family. They often spend their holidays together. Now they are all in the living room near the New Year tree. They are waiting for the midnight to see the New Year in.
New words: is married –женат, замужем , wife - жена, husband - муж, same – тот же самый, midnight -полночь , wait -ждать .
- Ben’s parents have got three children.
- Ben is the youngest in his family.
- Ben likes his aunt.
- Alex has got two children.
- Annie is in the living room now.
- Ben’s father is the oldest in his family.
- They are celebrating Jane’s birthday.
- The New Year tree is in the bedroom.
- Alex’s wife’s name is Jane.
- Mark’s youngest son is four.
Task 2. To be\to have
- My grandmother … a teacher.
- You … nine years old.
- Ann … got two brothers.
- It … very cold.
- Jane … a birthday party.
- They … pupils.
- … you got a pencil?
- Mary … her lunch at twelve.
Task 3. Present Simple\Present Progressive
- Harry … television every day.
- is watching
- watch
- watches
- are watching
- I’m busy now. I … to the radio.
- am listening
- listen
- am listen
- listening
- Ann … French at all. (совсем)
- isn’t speaking
- not speaks
- doesn’t speaking
- doesn’t speak
- No, I … the newspaper at the moment.
- am not reading
- don’t read
- don’t reading
- amn’t reading
- No, she … in this house.
a) isn’t live
b) don’t live
c) doesn’t live
d) lives not
6. Mr Scott … German to Ann at the moment.
a) speaks
b) is speaking
c) are speaking
d) speaking
Путешествие. (5 класс)
Task 1. (R5-7) Read the text. Mark the sentences T (true) or F (false)
Kate and Jack are members of an international camping club. Their club is called the Stars. It organizes different trips and excursions all over the world. Every member of the club must have a tent, a sleeping bag and a mountain bike. They also have special clothes for camping because the weather is not always fine. During school holidays they usually go to a camp in Europe. At the moment Kate and Jack are in a camp in Spain. They are staying with a group of twelve-year-old boys and girls. Kate and Jack are having a wonderful time in Spain.
New words: camping - туристический, is called - называется, trips - походы, excursions - экскурсии, a tent - палатка, a sleeping bag – спальный мешок, a mountain bike – горный велосипед, special - специальный, a camp - лагерь.
- Jack is a member of a biking club.
- The children have two tents.
- They are having holidays now.
- The weather is always fine in camps.
- They like the camp in Spain.
- Boys don’t live in camps in Spain.
- Kate and Jack can ride a bike.
- They usually go to camps in South America.
- Their clothes are good for living in camps.
- They don’t go to camps when they have school.
Task 2. Present Simple, Present Progressive, Past Simple.
- They … for us near the door. (wait for - ждать)
- are waiting
- waits
- is waiting
- am waiting
- Harry … a television every day.
- is watching
- watch
- watches
- are watching
- What … at school yesterday?
- did you do
- have you done
- did you
- have you do
- Mum … any gifts yesterday. (bring – приносить, gift - подарок)
- brought not
- didn’t bring
- doesn’t bring
- didn’t brought
- We always … to bed early.
- goes
- doesn’t go
- go
- does
- What … in the room now?
- they are doing
- are they doing
- do they do
- they do
Task 3.
Контрольная работа по теме «Узнайте лучше друг друга» (5 класс)
Test 1. (R5-2) Read the text. Mark the sentences T (true) and F (false).
Now Kate has a dog, too. The dog’s name is Spot. He is black and white, with a funny short tail. He isn’t very big, smaller than Kate’s big grey cat Pussy. But though Spot is very small, he’s got a loud voice and he can hear any noise that comes from the garden. Kate’s parents say Spot is a very good dog. They are not afraid to leave Kate alone in the house when they go to work. Spot takes care of Kate because she is very little, she’s only seven. Pussy doesn’t like Spot. She thinks he’s too noisy and too active. Pussy likes calm and peace. But Spot thinks Pussy is OK.
New words: tail - хвост , though -хотя , a loud voice – громкий голос, hear - слышать, noise - шум, are not afraid – не боятся, to leave - оставлять, takes care of - заботится, calm - спокойствие, peace – мир
- Spot’s tail is not very long.
- Spot is black and white.
- Kate has got a cat.
- Spot is a small dog.
- Kate’s parents like Spot.
- Kate’s parents don’t go to work.
- Kate is sometimes alone in the house.
- Kate’s cat likes noise and active games.
- Pussy likes Spot more than he likes her.
- Kate is a little girl.
Test 2. Match the letters and the numbers.
- sociable a. гостеприимный
- caring b. домохозяйка
- lawyer c. любопытный
- cooking d. библиотекарь
- intelligent e. общительный
- hospitable f. юрист
- housewife g. заботливый
- going to the theatre h. кулинария
- curious i. умный
- librarian j. ходить в театр
Test 3. (G6-5) Choose the correct answer (Future).
- Look at the sky! It … rain. 2. Your room is very dirty. When … clean it? 3. I think they … in five minutes.
- Will a) you will a) are going to be
- is going to b) are you going to b) be
- going to c) you are going to c) going to be
- will to d) will you to d) will be
4. This boy’s pictures are great. He … a famous artist. 5. This umbrella is good. I think I … it.
a) will be a) will buy
b) is going to be b) am going to buy
c) will c) buy
d) going to be d) going to buy
Test 4. Present Simple, Present progressive, Past Simple, Future Simple.
- We (to get) a postcard from them two days ago. (открытка)
- She always (to wear) nice clothes to work. (одежда)
- What she (to watch) at the moment?
- You (to help) your father tomorrow?
Test 5. Add the tag endings.
- You are responsible for a social programme, … ?
- They didn’t arrange a date of the competition, … ?
- She’ll stay with her partner’s family, … ?
- The children are skating very well, … ?
Контрольная работа по теме «Достопримечательности Лондона» (5 класс)
Test 1 (R8-9). Read the text and do the tasks.
English people like gardening. They talk about it in their offices, factories, shops and at home. In the evenings or on weekends everyone works in the gardens. They сan be large or small. You will see an Englishman working in his garden in any weather. They grow different flowers, vegetables and fruit there. But even if Englishman lives in a flat in a big city he grows something in a window box outside his kitchen. It seems they can’t live without a garden. If you want to please them, be very polite about their garden. Make some compliments and perhaps the Englishman will show you his garden and tell you everything about it. And you should listen carefully and say something to prove that you like the garden and think it is the best one in the world.
New words: gardening -садоводство, on weekends – в выходные, large - большой , any -любой , grow - выращивать, vegetables - овощи, to please –доставить удовольствие, polite -вежливый , compliments -комплименты , perhaps - возможно, should - должен, carefully -внимательно , something –что - то , to prove - доказать.
- Choose the best title for the text: (заголовок)
- Compliments
- English character
- Gardening in England
- Living in a flat
- According to the text the English (в соответствии с текстом)
- hate to talk about their gardens
- are proud of their gardens
- never grow vegetables
- don’t show their gardens to anyone
- According to the text the gardens
- can be found in every house (можно найти)
- are kept in secret
- are usually small
- are something the English dislike (не любят)
- “please” means (значит)
- do something nice
- do something polite
- do something bad
- do something awful (ужасное)
- “prove (доказать)” means
- make loose (ослаблять)
- make sorry (сожалеть)
- make sure (уверять)
- make happy
Test 2. (G7-3) Choose the correct answer (a,b,c,d)
1 What programme … so late? 4 His umbrella … a lot of money.
- do you watch a)is cost
- you are watching b) have cost
- you watch c) costs
- are you watching d) was cost
2 Please, phone later. Jane … a bath. 5 Caroline … school last year.
- has a) left
- is having b) has left
- has got c) had left
- had d) leaves
3 He … me a birthday card five months ago. 6 This umbrella is good. I … it.
- Sent a) will buy
- had sent b) am going to buy
- has sent c) buy
- was sending d)going to buy
Test 3. Закончи разделительные вопросы.
- They have lunch at two every day, … ?
- Mary made a lot of mistakes in her test, … ?
- It will rain, … ?
- Andrea is doing her homework, … ?
Итоговая контрольная работа (5 класс)
Test 1 (R7-1). Read the text and do the tasks that follow
In England people do a lot of strange things. Everything is not like in Europe. For example, the English are fond of talking about weather. They usually start every conversation with a little remark about it. If you don’t say anything about weather, they will think you are terribly boring. The Europeans usually talk about the weather when they don’t have anything else to discuss. The English sense of humour is very special. You can offend people on the continent if you make jokes about their clothes, their jobs, their lifestyle. But the English do it every now and then and find nothing bad in it. English people are also very sarcastic so you must be ready to be laughed at. The English are proud of their difference from Europe and indeed they are different in many ways.
New words: strange -странный , not like –не такие как , talking - говорить, conversation - разговор, remark - замечание, terribly -ужасно , anything –что - либо , to discuss - обсудить, sense of humour – чувство юмора, special -особенный , make jokes -шутить , lifestyle –стиль жизни , find nothing –не находят ничего , sarcastic -саркастический , to be laughed at – быть обсмеянным, difference - разница, indeed – в действительности.
- Choose (выбери) the best title (заголовок) for the text.
- English humour
- England and Europe
- English ways
- The English are proud
- According to the text (в соответствии с текстом), the Europeans
- are terribly boring
- seldom talk about the weather
- usually don’t have anything to discuss
- are easily offended
- According to the text, the English
- are very sarcastic
- talk about the weather all the time
- hate when people laugh at them
- are mostly former (бывший) Europeans
- “it” stands for (означает)
- telling jokes
- continent
- clothes
- offending people
- “continent” means (значит)
- Africa
- Asia
- South America
- Europe
- “conversation” means
- conference
- story
- talk (разговор)
- competition (соревнование)
Test 2 (R7-10). Choose (выбери) the best answer (ответ) (a, b, c, d) to the sentences below
- Do you like living in a capital?
- Why are you here?
- Who told you that?
- It is something difficult.
- It must be (должно быть) very noisy (шумный).
- I’ll make some sandwiches for you.
- Oh, don’t worry!
- I hate sandwiches.
- You’re so clever.
- Are they in the fridge (холодильник)?
- Excuse me. Can you tell me where platform five is?
- It’s next to the library.
- How much will that be (Сколько это будет стоить)?
- Sorry, I have no idea.
- What are you looking for (искать)?
- Before I came to this school, my Russian was terrible (ужасный).
- It has really improved (улучшился), hasn’t it?
- It is still terrible, isn’t it?
- You like it in Russia, don’t you?
- Russians are so rude (грубый), aren’t they?
Test 3. Rearrange the letters to find the months (переставь буквы, чтобы получились месяцы).
Контрольная работа по теме «Достопримечательности Лондона» (6 класс)
Test 1 (R8-7). Read the text and do the tasks that follow
It was two thousand years ago. Two Viking leaders were going with their man to Ireland in two big boats. The first leader’s name was O’Neill, the name of the other is not known to us. They agreed that the first man who touched the Irish land would be king of it. At last they were very near the Irish land. The two boats were going faster and faster. Unfortunately O’Neill’s boat was not as fast as the other one. And O’Neill had an idea. He wanted to be the king so much that, when the boats were very near the land, he quickly cut off his right hand and threw it over to the land. He became the king of Ireland because his hand was the first which touched the land. This story explains why there is a red right hand on Irish soldiers’ coats.
New words: thousand - тысяча, leaders -лидеры , Ireland -Ирландия , boats - лодки, other - другой, is not known - неизвестен, agreed - согласились, who touched –кто достигнет, the Irish land – Ирландская земля, at last - наконец, near -рядом , faster - быстрее, unfortunately – к сожалению, as fast as –такой же быстрый как , cut off -отрезал , threw it over - бросил, explains - объясняет, soldiers’ coats –солдатские шинели.
- Choose the best title for the text
- Irish monarchy (монархия)
- How Ireland got its king (получила)
- O’Neill and his army (армия)
- A red right hand
- According to the text O’Neill
- was the king of England
- cut off his hand as it hurt (так как она болела)
- was in the fastest boat
- became the king of Ireland (стал)
- According to the text the other Viking leader
- was not as clever as O’Neill (умный)
- cut off his left hand (левый0
- didn’t want to become a king
- touched the Irish land first
- “they” stands for
- the two Viking(викинги) boats (лодки)
- the Irish lands
- the two Viking leaders
- two thousand years
Test 2. Поставь глаголы в скобках в нужном времени.
- We (to have) a postcard from them two days ago. 8 Listen! Who (to speak) there?
- He (not to smoke). 9 Your father (to go) on a business trip last month?
- Where your brother (to work)? – He (to work) at an institute. 10 Kate (not to write) letters every day.
- I (not to go) to the shop yesterday. 11 She just (arrive) to Scotland.
- Look at these children: they (to skate) very well. 12 I never (travel) by train.
- We (to skate) again next Sunday.
- … you (answer) all the letters yet?
Test 3. (R7-8) Choose the best answer to the sentences below
1 I always laugh (cмеяться) at his jokes (шутки).
- Yes, he’s a great painter (художник).
- I thought he was dead (умер).
- No, not with him.
- Well, I don’t find them funny.
2 Did you watch that programme yesterday?
- Are you joking?
- Where does it come from?
- When was it on? (шел)
- I haven’t got a TV.
3 We can use that bottle again.
- I haven’t thought of that.
- So you like it, don’t you?
- When can you come?
- Don’t talk to me like that.
4 Could you look up his number for me, please?
- Where is the dictionary? (словарь)
- Yes, sure. Just a minute. (конечно)
- No, I’m afraid I lost it.
- Yes, sure. Where is the phone?
5 Do you know where my umbrella is?
- You must be joking! (должно быть)
- I think you should stop it.
- It may rain again soon.
- I have no idea.
Предварительный просмотр:
Task 1. (R5-7) Read the text. Mark the sentences T (true) or F (false)
Kate and Jack are members of an international camping club. Their club is called the Stars. It organizes different trips and excursions all over the world. Every member of the club must have a tent, a sleeping bag and a mountain bike. They also have special clothes for camping because the weather is not always fine. During school holidays they usually go to a camp in Europe. At the moment Kate and Jack are in a camp in Spain. They are staying with a group of twelve-year-old boys and girls. Kate and Jack are having a wonderful time in Spain.
New words: camping - туристический, is called - называется, trips - походы, excursions - экскурсии, a tent - палатка, a sleeping bag – спальный мешок, a mountain bike – горный велосипед, special - специальный, a camp - лагерь.
- Jack is a member of a biking club.
- The children have two tents.
- They are having holidays now.
- The weather is always fine in camps.
- They like the camp in Spain.
- Boys don’t live in camps in Spain.
- Kate and Jack can ride a bike.
- They usually go to camps in South America.
- Their clothes are good for living in camps.
- They don’t go to camps when they have school.
Task2. Add the tag endings.
- You are responsible for a social programme, … ?
- They didn’t arrange a date of the competition, … ?
- She’ll stay with her partner’s family, … ?
- The children are skating very well, … ?
Task 3. Present Simple, Past Simple, Future Simple.
- We (to get) a postcard from them two days ago. (открытка)
- She always (to wear) nice clothes to work. (одежда)
- What she (to watch) at 5p.m. every day?
- You (to help) your father tomorrow?
Task 4. Напишите сравнительную и превосходную степени сравнения прилагательных:
1) Large 2) Important 3) Good 4) funny
Предварительный просмотр:
Test 1 on the topic “Faces of London”
1. Translate from Russian into English:
1) художник, свободный, леденец, роман, приключение, древний, строитель
2. Write down the tag-questions:
1) We saw the statue of Peter Pen yesterday, …?
2) My aunt won’t publish her new poem, …?
3) It was sunny on Monday, …?
4) Bob has been to Madam Tussauds’s museum, …
5) I like the capital of England, …?
3. Put in the articles:
1) We bought … new dress. …dress is blue.
2) … Washington is … capital of … USA.
3) Would you like … cup of coffee?
4) Sir W. Churchill was … famous politician.
5) He would like to visit … Red Square.
6) … Serovs are our friends.
7) … Atlantic Ocean is between … America and …Europe.
4. Translate into English:
1) This cathedral is very ancient.
2) Our town is rich in parks and gardens.
3) There was a policeman standing at zebra crossing in the street yesterday.
5. Fill in the gaps using one of the options.
1) My parents … the noisy city. They want to go to the country next week.
a) are full of b) are tired of
c) are responsible for d) are sure of
2) Have you ever been to Ostankinskaya Tower? Let’s go there. It’s … visiting.
a) nice b) well c) well-known d) worth
3) In London most museums are ….
a) new b) local c) free d) friendly
4) The writer was born in the nineteenth … .
a) century b) year c) calendar d) age
5) The scientist couldn’t … his works for a long time.
a) put b) spend c) learn d) publish
Test 1 on the topic “Faces of London”
1. Translate from Russian into English:
1) поэт, университет, никогда, ученый, публиковать, королевский, политик
2. Write down the tag-questions:
1) My sister wants to be a writer, …?
2) They went to the ancient town last month, …?
3) Jack can watch TV in the house, …?
4) We have visited the British Museum, …?
5) It will be rainy in autumn, …?
3. Put in the articles:
1) Can you play … guitar?
2) … London is … capital of … UK.
3) Would you like … glass of water?
4) She would like to visit … Houses of Parliament.
5) Do you know … Borisovs? They are a very nice family.
6) … London stands on … Thames.
7) This hotel is … most expensive in our town.
4. Translate into English:
1) Have you ever been to Trafalgar square?
2) That film is worth seeing.
3) He published the novel in the 19th century.
5. Fill in the gaps using one of the options.
1) My parents … the noisy city. They want to go to the country next week.
a) are full of b) are tired of
c) are responsible for d) are sure of
2) Have you ever been to Ostankinskaya Tower? Let’s go there. It’s … visiting.
a) nice b) well
c) well-known d) worth
3) In London most museums are ….
a) new b) local c) free d) friendly
4) The writer was born in the nineteenth … .
a) century b) year c) calendar d) age
5) The scientist couldn’t … his works for a long time.
a) put b) spend c) learn d) publish
Предварительный просмотр:
Name___________ Surname____________
- Переведи слова и словосочетания:
Bin -________ Environment - _______________ Packaging-_________________ Recycling -____________________ Pollute- ____________________ Throw away -____________________ Litter- _____________________ Protect -_______________ Pollution -______________ | Air pollution -______________ Avoid doing something -_____________ It is a waste of time - ____________ Keep silent -______________ Be (get) used do something -_______________ Be (get) used doing something -____________ Chemical waste -_____________ |
2 .Соотнеси слова. подобрав противоположные слова по смыслу.
1 To protect a) to damage
2 to prohibit b) to clear rubbish away
3 to pollute c) to be out of danger
4 to throw d) to allow
5 to drop litter e) to enjoy doing something
6 to be in danger f) to clean
7 to avoid doing something g) to catch
3. Вставь артикль «the»,где необходимо.
The official name of country is ____ United Kingdom of ______ Great Britain and ______Northern Ireland. The country is situated in____ British Isles. The two main islands are:____ Great Britain (in whish are____ England, Wales and Scotland)and _____ Ireland. ___ United Kingdom is not far from _____ Europe.
____ UK is washed by ___ Atlantic Ocean in the east and by ___ North Sea in the west. The highest mountains are in ____ Scotland and ____ Wales. The longest rivers are ___ Severn and River Thames.
____ UK is one of the worlds smallest countries (is half the size of ___ France or ___ Spain).
The largest cities of ___ Great Britain are ___ London,___ Bermingham and ____ Glasgow.
4 Выбери правильный перевод предложения.
- If you took medicine, you would feel better.
a)Если бы вы приняли лекарство, то чувствовали бы себя лучше.
b) Если бы вы будете принимать лекарство, то почувствуете себя лучше.
c)Если бы вы принимали лекарство, то вы чувствовали бы себя лучше (тогда).
2. If people had thought about their future, they would not have cut down forests.
a)Если люди будут думать о своем будущем, то они не будут вырубать леса.
b) Если бы люди подумали о своем будущем, то они не вырубали бы сейчас леса.
c) Если бы люди думали о своем будущем, то они не вырубали бы леса.
5 Закончи предложения, раскрывая глаголы в правильной форме. Переведи на русский язык.
1 If she ______(ring) me up, I ______( tell) her news.
2 If she ______ (finish) her research, she _____ (take part) in the conference.
3 If I ______ (be )you ,I _____ (visit) th old man.
4 If you_______ (learn)German, you _______(stay) out of trouble.
5 If we ______ not (rely) on him, we _______ not (be) late.
6 Переведи на английский язык.
1 Мы привыкли завтракать вместе.
2 Она не привыкла к странной погоде в этой стране.
3 Люди привыкли загрязнять Землю.
4 Мы не привыкли перерабатывать отходы.
7. Ответь на вопросы
1 Why is recycling important nowadays?
2 Why is litter so dangerous in the countryside?
Предварительный просмотр:
Test 7 form “Проблемы подростков. Школьная жизнь” Name ________________ Class______
- Match the opposites.
happy uncomfortable
interesting brave
comfortable elder
younger boring
frightened depressed
- Put in correct order.
( ) - The post office is next to the big bank.
( ) - Go straight ahead.
( ) - Then take the second street on the left. There’s a bank.
( ) - Take the second street on the right.
( ) - Yes, please. Where’s the post office, please?
( ) - Can I help you?
( ) - Thank you.
- Choose the word.
- Dima is (my, mine) friend.
- This car is (their, theirs).
- Pushok is Ann’s dog. It’s (her, his).
- (My, mine) dog is white.
- This is (our, ours) house.
- Make up the sentences in Present Simple Passive.
- Computers ________________(use) by the students at their lessons.
- More than fifteen official languages _________________(speak) in India.
- Russian Poet Pushkin _______________(know) all over the world.
- Make up the sentences in Past Simple Passive.
- A nice picnic ___________________(arrange) last month.
- The carpet _____________(vacuum-clean), and the cat_________________(feed) by Jane.
- The rules of the game ______________(explain) to the students by the teacher.
- Write in the words.
1)________________schools are usually small. They are not 2)_____________________. Parents 3)_____________ for studying.
Children have to 4)_____________the exams to enter the school.
They usually wear a school 5)______________________.
Students take part in different after-school 6)_______________________, such as sports, drama clubs and others.
The words: pay / uniform / private / pass / free / activities
Total: ____/30
Предварительный просмотр:
Test 7th form “Have you an example to follow?”
Name_________________ Surname_____________________ Class_______________
- Match the words. - Соединить слова.
- to admire A. реформировать
- to change B. двигаться по орбите
- to orbit C. восхищаться
- to reform D. уважать
- to look up to E. изменить
- attractive F. храбрый
- brave G. земля
- the earth H. привлекательный
- the only I. единственный
- selfless J. самоотверженный
- a role K. роль
- a warrior L. пьеса
- a battle M. драматург
- a play N. воин
- a playwright O. сражаться
Score: ___/15
- Make up the sentences. – Составить предложения.
- was / Columbus / European / the first / to / to come / Central America
- the second / was / actress / Elizabeth Taylor / to play / American / a Russian film / in
Score: ___/2
- Choose, write. – Выбрать правильное слово из скобок.
- Richard Burbage was a famous English actor (who / whose) played in many Shakespeare’s plays.
- William Hogarth was a well-known English painter (who / whose) pictures were about the life in old England.
- Clare Barton was a famous American nurse (who / whose) saved many people after many battles.
Score: ___/3
- Write in. – Впишите слова.
I think a 1) _____________ hero is a person 2)______________ can give his life. William Wallace was a Scottish 3)_________________. He really won the 4)_____________________at Stirling Bridge. He was 5)____________ and selfless. His last word was: “Freedom!” He fought (сражался) for 6)____________________.
Words: battle / brave / real / who / freedom / warrior
Score: ___/6
- Guess the words, write. – Угадайте слово.
- c s i p r e n s
- r a d m i l a
- m o c o s t a u n
- l o d i p m a t
Score: ___/4
Total score: ___/30
Предварительный просмотр:
Test 8th form “Changing times, changing styles”
Name_____________ Surname_______________ Class________ Date _________________
- Listen and put V in the table:
Names/clothes | T-shirt | jeans | trainers | accessories | tops | leather jacket | jumper | shorts |
James | ||||||||
Cathy |
- Match the words.
- a suit A. водолазка
- fashionable B. кроссовки
- to be in fashion C. рваные
- a polo-neck sweater D. с подплечиками
- trainers E. кожаный
- ripped F. костюм
- oversize G. модный
- high-heeled shoes H. быть в моде
- shoulder-padded I. туфли на каблуках
- leather J. большего размера
- Match the words.
come out of fashion
go in fashion
be into fashion
keep trendy clothes
wear up to date with fashion
- Choose a correct variant.
- I ___________ like this fish.
- am not b) not c) don’t
- Ann lives in London, ________________?.
- does she b) doesn’t she c) do she
- I ______________ swim last summer.
- can’t b) can c) couldn’t
- You ______________respect your parents.
- must b) can c) mustn’t
- We _____________go to a hospital tomorrow morning.
- must b) will have c) will have to
- Andrei’s eyes are red, because he _____________________on the computer all night.
- played b) has played c) has been playing
- The house _______________by my grandpa.
- built b) was built c) were built
- If you __________________a club, you _______________more friends.
- join; will make b) joined; will make c) join; would make
- If I _______________money, I _________________a hamburger.
- had; bought b) have; would buy c) had; would buy
- If I lived in France, I ______________French well.
- spoke b) will speak c) would speak
- She will be a better student if she ___________________more.
- study b) studies c) studied
- You ____________fat if you eat so much.
- will be b) be c) will
- I wish I _______________so many sweets.
- did eat b) didn’t eat c) don’t eat
- I wish students _______________harder in the lessons.
- work b) working c) worked
- I wish I _______________ride a bike.
- could b) can c) am
- Which of these do people NOT wear on their heads?
- tam-o’-shanter caps b) boaters c) glengarries d) Doc Martens e) top hats
Total: ____/ 40
Предварительный просмотр:
Test 8th form “Changing times, changing styles”
Name_____________ Surname_______________ Class________ Date _________________
- Listen and put V in the table:
Names/clothes | T-shirt | jeans | trainers | accessories | tops | leather jacket | jumper | shorts |
James | ||||||||
Cathy |
- Match the words.
- a suit A. водолазка
- fashionable B. кроссовки
- to be in fashion C. рваные
- a polo-neck sweater D. с подплечиками
- trainers E. кожаный
- ripped F. костюм
- oversize G. модный
- high-heeled shoes H. быть в моде
- shoulder-padded I. туфли на каблуках
- leather J. большего размера
- Match the words.
come out of fashion
go in fashion
be into fashion
keep trendy clothes
wear up to date with fashion
- Choose a correct variant.
- I ___________ like this fish.
- am not b) not c) don’t
- Ann lives in London, ________________?.
- does she b) doesn’t she c) do she
- I ______________ swim last summer.
- can’t b) can c) couldn’t
- You ______________respect your parents.
- must b) can c) mustn’t
- We _____________go to a hospital tomorrow morning.
- must b) will have c) will have to
- Andrei’s eyes are red, because he _____________________on the computer all night.
- played b) has played c) has been playing
- The house _______________by my grandpa.
- built b) was built c) were built
- If you __________________a club, you _______________more friends.
- join; will make b) joined; will make c) join; would make
- If I _______________money, I _________________a hamburger.
- had; bought b) have; would buy c) had; would buy
- If I lived in France, I ______________French well.
- spoke b) will speak c) would speak
- She will be a better student if she ___________________more.
- study b) studies c) studied
- You ____________fat if you eat so much.
- will be b) be c) will
- I wish I _______________so many sweets.
- did eat b) didn’t eat c) don’t eat
- I wish students _______________harder in the lessons.
- work b) working c) worked
- I wish I _______________ride a bike.
- could b) can c) am
- Which of these do people NOT wear on their heads?
- tam-o’-shanter caps b) boaters c) glengarries d) Doc Martens e) top hats
Total: ____/ 40
Предварительный просмотр:
Test 8th form “Sport”, “Healthy lifestyle” Name_____________ Surname_______________ Class________
- Listen and match the statements (A-F)to the speakers (1-5). One statement is extra.
Speaker 1 _________ A. Do not study all night before the exams.
Speaker 2 _________ B. Make your room comfortable for sleeping.
Speaker 3 _________ C. Do not exercise before bed.
Speaker 4 _________ D. Limit things that make you nervous.
Speaker 5 _________ E. Wake up with bright light.
F. Set a regular bedtime.
- Match the words.
- health A. атлет
- skills B. девиз
- to skip C. физический недостаток
- to snack D. правила
- disease E. болезнь
- disability F. мастерство
- rules G. здоровье
- motto H. пропускать
- ceremony I. перекусывать
- athlete J. церемония
- Match the words.
do TV, computer, and video game time
limit a variety of activities
try a fitness club
invent regular exercise
join healthy food
- Choose a correct variant.
- I have been _______________ my hair with olive shampoo for two weeks.
- wash b) washed c) washing
- Ted looks really fit. He _______________ going to gym since September.
- have been b) has been c) has being
- People have been drinking tea _____________ more than five hundred years.
- - b) for c) since
- Hockey has been _____________ in the Olympic programme since 1920.
- included b) include c) including
- Paralympic Games _____________ held since 1960.
- has been b) have been c) haven’t been
- You _____________ smoke in cinema in Moscow.
- can b) must c) mustn’t
- Children ___________ respect their parents.
- must b) can c) can’t
- We’ll ___________ to go to the hospital tomorrow.
- had b) has c) have
- I ____________ able to help you with Maths homework tomorrow.
- was b) be c) will be
- You can swim, _______________?
- can you b) can’t you c) you can
- Write in the words.
Mc Donald’s is a 1) _______________ group of American-owned 2) ____________________ in the USA,
3) ________________, and many other countries, which sell 4) _____________________ and other
5) _______ food.
In Britain and in the US, these restaurants are especially 6) _________________ with young people and
The words: Europe / hamburgers / popular / fast / restaurants / large
- Guess the words.
t a l l f o b o - ___________________
g y b r u - ___________________
l o g f - ____________________
t i r e c c k - __________________
k o h e y c - ___________________
g | n | i |
e | s | l |
w | r | t |
Total: ____/42
Предварительный просмотр:
Контрольная работа № 1
1. Соедините слова с их значением:
1 chemistry | Предмет |
2 technology | Класс |
3after-school activities | Химия |
4 subject | Технология |
5 science | занятия после школы |
6 form | Цикл научных предметов |
2. Составьте предложения и укажите что это за время:
1) best of all/ doing/like/I/puzzles/difficult -
2) we/ last/ visited/summer/grandparents/our -
3) will/Mary/John/when/and/on a trip/go -
4) show /performed/a/ Oliver/ good -
3. Прочитайте текст о правилах пользования интернетом. Выберите подходящие слова вместо пропусков из предложенных вариантов.
Talk with your parents about ___(1)____ for using the Internet. Always follow these rules.
People from all over the world can contact you. They are ___(2)___ to you. Don’t forget about this when you are on the Net and you’ll be safe . You shouldn’t give out your address, telephone number, parents’ work address ___(3)____ your parents’ permission . Be very ___(4)_____ of strangers. You shouldn’t write e-mail messages all in capital letters, people may think you are angry.
1) a. adults b. rules c. safe
2) a. strangers b. adults c. friends
3) a. in b. without c. before
4) a. care b. dangerous c. cautious
4. Раскройте скобки, употребляя глаголы в одном из следующих времен Present Simple, Past Simple или Future Simple.
1. He (to spend) last summer in the country.
2. Where he (to spend) last summer?
3. . Kate (to cook) dinner every day.
4. Kate (to cook) dinner tomorrow.
5. What your brother (to do) tomorrow?
6. You (to go) to school every day?
5. Прочитайте предложения. Выберите и выпишите нужный модальный глагол.
Not all information on the Internet (must / may) be true.
I (can / must) be very cautious of strangers.
You (shouldn’t / should) open e-mail without your parents’ permission.
My brother (have to / has to) wear a school tie.
I (have to / has to) sweep the floor every day.
6. Поставьте нужный модальный глагол (must, may, should, have to)
1) E-mail ... be useful.
2)Pupils ... do their homework.
3) I ... be very cautious of strangers.
4) You ... get your parents' permission.
5) You ... clean the room.