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Предварительный просмотр:
Предварительный просмотр:
Внеклассное мероприятие по
английскому языку
“Thanksgiving day”
Цель: развитие языковых и интеллектуальных способностей учащихся.
Учитель: Середа К.Ж.
Тема | Методы | Время | Содержание |
Орг. момент | Словесный метод | 30 сек | Good afternoon boys and girls! I am glad to see you. Sit down, please. Today you’ll have an unusual lesson. |
Осн. часть | Викторина | 20+5 мин | Сегодня у нас необычный день. Look at the board. You can see the letters. You should маке words. Это наша тема сегодняшнего урока: Thanksgiving day. Сейчас вы поделитесь на 2 команды. You should make up name your team. За каждый ваш правильный ответ вы будите получать звездочки, и в конце нашего урока мы подведем итоги, кто у нас победил. Now listen to my story. Caught in the poor economic situation in exile in the Netherlands, England Puritan community - the future founder of the Plymouth colony decides to go to North America. The first winter was very difficult, especially for the women and children. Almost half of the colonists died. But nobody thought of going back to England. When the Mayflower left for home early in April 1621, not one of the settlers went with it. The emigrants who landed from the ship on the American coast became the founders of the United States of America. In March an Indian came to the village. He and his companion made friends with the settlers and helped them as much as they could. They brought them Indian corn, as the settlers called it, to make bread, and they showed them how to catch turkeys in the forest. Then the Indians showed the settlers how to grow Indian corn. Things went well with the colonists now. They had settled in a very rich land. There was fish in the ocean and in the rivers. There was excellent hunting in the forest. In autumn the colonists gathered a fine harvest, so they were ready to meet their second winter in good houses with all the food they needed. The colonists invited the Indians to a great feast. It was the first Thanksgiving. Вы знаете, когда мы празднуем этот праздник? Первый президент США Джордж Вашингтон предложил отмечать ежегодно День благодарения как национальный праздник. В 1789 году он провозгласил этот праздник национальным событием и по запросу конгресса определил дату – 26 ноября, четверг. And now let’s do some tasks. -You should remember the words of gratitude. (thanks, thank you, thank you very much, thankee, ta). Good. -And now I’ll give you some cards with the poem. You should collect this poem, then read and translate it. Thanksgiving Day is here today, Great balloons are floating by, The band are marching, here they come, It's pouring now, but not on me, Good job. -Now I’ll give you cards with the grid. You should find words that are appropriate to Thanksgiving. (thanks, turkey, November, parade, apple pie, day, eat, pumpkin pie). Физ. минутка. I see that you are tired. Let’s have a rest. So, stand up please. Hands up Hands down Hands on hips, sit down. Stand up. Hands up, to the side Bend left, bend right. One, two, three, hop, hop, hop. One, two, three- stop, sit down, please. Excellent. -And now I’ll give you some cards with the texts. You should fill in the gaps. Every year on Thanksgiving Day in New York conducted a famous parade of Macy 's Thanksgiving Day Parade, which in the morning on television. By autumn the streets to the music is a grand procession, and float above the crowd, huge balloons depicting favorite American characters: Snoop dog, blue puppy Blue's Clues, Mickey Mouse and other favorites of the public. Каждый год проходит парад в честь дня благодарения. На этом параде вы можете увидеть много шаров, различных сказочных героев. Весь парад проходит под звуки оркестра. Многие люди считают, что день благодарения начинается именно с этого парада. |
Заключит ельная часть | Подведение итогов | 5 мин | Now I’ll give you some sheet of papers. You must write request and read it, then attach it to a sheet. А сейчас посчитайте, сколько у вас звездочек, и мы посмотрим, кто выиграл. |
Прощание | 30 сек | Good bye! |
Подписи к слайдам:
Do you like to do sports? Letters lost their order
Task 4.What colour is it?
The best of the best
Task 3
Put these numbers in order
from down to up
nineteen, eleven, twenty, twelve, hundred, thousand, fifty, ten, one, six
Task 2
Name the adjectives for each season
Task 7
Use these letters and make up the words.
Don’t use
articles, names, pronouns, conjunctive
m i s u n d e r s t a n d i n g
Task 1
Find these
Task 6
Find the pairs of adjectives (antonyms)
shy, kind, beautiful, athletic, ugly, awful, dirty, strong, clever, black, boring, sociable, non-athletic, clean, weak, white, stupid, fat, slim, funny
Предварительный просмотр:
Класс: 5
Тема урока: Кто есть кто? (Who’s who?)
УМК: Spotlight 5/Ю. Е. Ваулина, Д. Дули, 2014. Module 4.
Цель урока: освоить во всех видах речевой деятельности новые лексические единицы по теме «Внешность»; уметь описывать внешность человека, запрашивать/давать информацию личного характера; практиковать у учащихся умение диалогической речи и монологической речи.
Образовательные (достижение предметных результатов):
к концу урока учащиеся смогут:
- вести диалог-расспрос о внешности человека, используя новые лексические единицы.
- прослушать и прочитать диалог с полным пониманием.
- развивать навыки употребления Possessive Case
- развивать умения ознакомительного и поискового чтения
- развитие творческой деятельности в рамках темы урока
Развивающие (достижение метапредметных результатов обучения):
- развитие фонематического слуха;
- развитие языковой догадки, памяти, внимания, мышления, воображения;
- развитие мотивации к дальнейшему изучению иностранного языка и культуры
Воспитательные (достижения личностных результатов):
- осознание возможности самореализации средствами английского языка;
- воспитание культуры общения.
Оснащение урока: учебник SPOTLIGHT 5 (Student’s book);
Class CD к учебнику;
раздаточный материал с НЛЕ
1. Орг. момент.
Good morning.
Nice to see you. Sit down, please. Let’s start our lesson.
What date is it today? What day of the week is it today? Who is absent today?
about your family Ученики по очереди рассказывают о своей семье
3. Целеполагание.
Look at the screen. You can see a party. People are dancing and happy. But there’s a man here and we can’t see his face. And I know he is a spy. We must call the police and tell them about him. The police will find him if they know his appearance. We must describe this man to the police.
So, today we’ll learn to describe people. (We’ll speak about appearance of famous cartoon characters). (слайд)
***Введение нового лексического материала. (слайды 4-7)
First of all we need to list all words we remember. ((((Name the object I’m pointing at (nose, eyes, ears, mouth, hair, head)
Look at the screen and repeat after me. Написать слова на доске
НЛЕ вводятся с помощью картинок. Хоровая отработка.
And we have a new word a moustache. I think it’s not difficult to memorize the word.
4. Фонетическая зарядка
***By the way, do you like rhymes? Let's learn a small one.
Ear, ear, can you hear?
Eye, eye, look at the sky!
Hand, hand, touch the land.
Nose, nose, smell the rose.
Mouth, mouth, don’t eat a mouse!
*** Look at the board. These are words about appearance and and these are words about how big/small or tall/short the objects can be. For example, nose.. It can be long, short, big, small. Match the words from this and that columns.
Nose red
Hair small
Mouth short
Eyes long
Ears brown
Moustache big
It’s time to have a rest.
When I say the word about character – you clap your hands. When I say the word about appearance – you stamp your feet. Is it clear? (naughty, clever, eyes, nose, mouth, caring, moustache, funny, kind, ears, noisy, friendly, cool, kind)
- Matching.
Ex. 1(a), p. 58
Match the description to the characters.
- Диалог-расспрос. Pair work.
У ex. 1(b), p. 58
Choose one of the characters in the pictures. Your partner asks you 5 Yes/No questions to find who the character is.
Работа в группах
Now, students, I want to divide you into three groups. This group chooses a classmate from that group and each student turn by turn describes him or her. And the second group must guess which classmate has been chosen. Do the same. You choose a classmate from that group and you – from that one.
- Reading/Listening.
Ex. 3, p. 59
- Read Janet’s lines in the dialogue. What is the dialogue about?
- Fill in the gaps in the dialogue. Listen and check.
- Read the dialogue aloud.
Составление портрета Quest.
Now it’s time to make a portrait of that strange man, the portrait of the spy.
I suppose you all like games. I offer you to do quest.
To do it we need to remember Possessive Case. Объяснить…
You can find the spy’s mouth under Marina’s desk
eyes under Peter’s desk.
hair in Olga’s book…..
ears in Dasha’s bag….
Ученики заполняют сообщение-report для полиции.
This man is … and …. (tall/slim) with … hair. His eyes are not … They are … and …. . His mouth is ….. . He’s got a red …… under the ….. nose. And he wears a small earring like a spider.
III Завершающий этап Подведение итогов урока
Dear boys and girls!
We come to the end of our lesson. What have we learned?
(Подведение итогов, оценка собственной деятельности учащимися.)
Now we can... (слайд 8)
Оценка деятельности учащихся
Домашнее задание
Please, open your (record books), write down your home task (слайд 9).
Write a short paragraph describing your friend.
Your marks are …
If you liked your work raise your both hands and wave them.
The lesson is over.