Технологические карты занятий

Технологические занятия по предмету "Иностранный язык" по дисциплинам


Предварительный просмотр:

Технологическая карта занятия

Ф.И.О. преподавателя- Федянина Марина Викторовна

Дата- 24.01.2022

Группа- 203

Специальность-27.02.07 «Управление качеством продукции, процессов и услуг ( по отраслям)»

№ занятия по КТП-31-32

Дисциплина (профессиональный модуль, МДК)- Иностранный язык в профессиональной деятельности.

Тема занятия- Лексико-грамматические упражнения.

Тип занятия- Урок- практикум

Вид занятия- Практическое занятие

Цели занятия:

1. Образовательная цель- Совершенствовать навыки аудирования,

2. Развивающая цель- Развивать память, внимание, мышление.

3. Воспитательная цель- Воспитывать интерес к предмету,

Межпредметные связи- метрология, информатика

Материально-техническое оснащение занятия:

Оборудование- ТСО- ПК, проектор

Дидактический материал- тест. Таблицы- Present Progressive, Past progressive, Future progressive

1. Find a Russian equivalent to English proverb “measure twice, cut once”.

2. Match English and Russian equivalents:

1. to cover a vast area of capabilities;

2. to provide specialized testing for;

3. to be a paramount to every industry;

4. to meet the quality requirements;

5. to dedicate oneself to;

6. to comply with the government standards;

7. a proving leader in;

8. to meet the needs of customers;

9. flexible service program;

10. assets;

a. быть самым главным в каждой отрасли промышленности;

b. соответствовать государственным стандартам;

c. посвящать себя;

d. бесспорный лидер в;

e. удовлетворять потребности клиентов;

f. гибкая программа обслуживания;

g. охватывать широкий спектр возможностей;

h. удовлетворять требованиям качества;

i. имущество;

j. предоставлять специализированные тесты для;

11. to request a quote;

12. extended productivity;

13. state of view;

14. to work routinely;

15. best in class;

16. top choice;

17. in optimal condition;

18. expert in the field;

19. to focus on;

20. sales and rentals;

21. trusted partner;

k. работать в соответствии с предписанием;

l. лучший в своём роде;

m. в оптимальном состоянии;

n. расширенная производительность;

o. эксперт в этой области;

p. сосредоточиться на;

q. точка зрения;

r. продажа и прокат;

s. отправить заявку;

t. партнёр, которому доверяют;

u. лучший выбор.

A USB power sensor

3. Find out what the following acronyms stand for:

RF power sensors: a sensor (also called detector) is a converter that measures a physical quantity and converts it into a signal which can be read by an observer or by an (today mostly electronic) instrument. RF – radio frequency.

ISO is The International Organization for Standardization (French: Organisation internationale de normalisation), widely known as ISO, is an international standard-setting body composed of representatives from various national standards organizations

IEC: The International Electrotechnical Commissionis the world’s leading organization that prepares and publishes International Standards for all electrical, electronic and related technologies.

ISO/IEC 17025 general requirements for the competence of testing Unit 2 Units and Systems of  and calibration laboratories is the main ISO standard used by testing and calibration laboratories.

NDT: non-destructive testing is a wide group of analysis techniques used in science and industry to evaluate the properties of a material, component or system without causing damage.

4. Video 1

There is an advertisement of a calibration company. Watch the video and fill in the chart:

Techmaster labs serve the industries:

capabilities, serving the aerospace, telecommunications, medical devices, semiconductor, automotive and defense industries

Techmaster labs provide testing for:

for antennas, noise sources, RF power sensors, NDT and much more.

5. Complete the advertisement with the words from ex. 2 Video 1

 “Measure twice” – that’s what the saying goes. Accurate measurement and calibration are the 1)__________ __ _______ industry in the world. Nowadays true and accurate measurements are necessity for success. It must also 2) _____ ___ _____________ standards. Techmaster has been a 3) ___________ leader in the test equipment world for over 20 years, and from the start we’ve been more than just a calibration company. We’ve been a 4) _________ partner serving your needs. We call this Techmaster advantage.

Today we continue to 5) __________ ourselves to providing 6) ___________ __________ programs to 7)___ ________ ____ ________ of our customers. Techmaster calibration labs cover 8) __ _______ _______ of capabilities, serving the aerospace, telecommunications, medical devices, semiconductor, automotive and defense industries. Our labs meet the highest industry quality 9) __________ and are accredited by 2 LA ISO/IEC 17025. And we10) __________ _________ for antennas, noise sources, RF power sensors, NDT and much more. Our air labs are truly best 11) ___ _________ , with the ability to work 12) _________, to ensure that your assets are returned in optimal 13) _________ for longer life and 14) __________ productivity.

The Techmaster stuff is friendly, experts 15) ___ ___ _______ and 16) _____ed on serving your needs.

In addition to our state 17) __ ____ at labs, Techmaster is a top 18) ______ for sales and 19) _________ for both new and used test equipment.

So, give us a call or 20) _______ a quote and see why Techmaster is more than just a calibration company!

A USB power sensor

Технологическая карта занятия


Этапы занятия

Шаги занятия

Действие педагога

Действие студентов

Время (мин.)


 Начало занятия


Greeting students

Good morning, dear students.

I`m glad to see you .

Sit down, please.

-What day is today?

- What is the date today?

-Today we`ll



-Today is……

- Today is the………..of ……..

-Write the topic








Let`s repeat the grammar Progressive tenses and write the test

Slide- 2-3

Repeat Grammar Tenses and write the test




Сообщение педагога

Find a Russian equivalent to English proverb “measure twice, cut once”.

2. Match English and Russian equivalents: Slide- 4-5

Practice work







Работа в парах

A USB power sensor – Slide 6

3. Find out what the following acronyms stand for:

4. Video 1- Slide 7

5. Complete the advertisement with the words from ex. 2 Video 1- Slide- 9

1/ Reading the text


3/ There is an advertisement of a calibration company. Watch the video and fill in the chart: Slide -8

Techmaster labs serve the industries:

Techmaster labs provide testing for:

4/Listening the video

5/ Read the text







Подведение итогов занятия

Групповые обсуждения

HW- выучить лексику.


Предварительный просмотр:

Подписи к слайдам:

Слайд 1

Лексико-грамматические упражнения. Ф.И.О. преподавателя- Федянина Марина Викторовна Дата- 24.01.2022 Группа- 203Специальность-27.02.07 «Управление качеством продукции, процессов и услуг ( по отраслям)» № занятия по КТП-31-32 Дисциплина (профессиональный модуль, МДК)- Иностранный язык в профессиональной деятельности Цели занятия: 1. Образовательная цель- Совершенствовать навыки аудирования, 2. Развивающая цель- Развивать память, внимание, мышление. 3. Воспитательная цель- Воспитывать интерес к предмету, Межпредметные связи- метрология, информатика Материально-техническое оснащение занятия: Оборудование- ТСО- ПК, проектор Дидактический материал - тест . Таблицы - Present Progressive, Past progressive, Future progressive

Слайд 2

Test 1. Tim … a newspaper now. a) reads b) reading c) is reading 2. Jill … in a hospital. a) is working b) works c) have worked 3 . The climate … rapidly nowadays. a) has changed b) change c) is changing 4. He … at 8 o’clock every day. a) gets up b) is getting up c) has got up 5 . You … too loud! a) always talk b) talking c) are always talking 6. Look! Your puppy …! a) swim b) is swimming c) is swiming 7. We all know that the Earth … round. a) is b) is being c) be 8. The train from Berlin … at 11:15. a) arrives b) is arriving c) arrive 9 . I’m fond of history. I often … to museums. a) went b) go c) been 10. My wife usually … a cup of coffee before going to work. a) drink b) is drinking c) drinks 11. The sun … in the west. a) has set b) sets c) is setting 12. My plane to Los Angeles … at 07:30. There’re no changes in the timetable. a) is departing b) departs c) depart 13. It’s better to get rid of this toaster. It … more and more insecure. a) is getting b) gets c) has got 14 . Steve is very busy. He … a rest very seldom. a) takes b) is taking c) has took 15 . It … colder. Do you really want to go out? a) getting b) is getting c) gets 16. I like to watch thrillers, but now I … a comedy. a) watching b) watch c) am watching 17 . Don’t disturb! He … a letter at the moment. a) writes b) is writing c) writing 18 . Actually, I … apples. a) don’t like b) like not c) am not liking

Слайд 3

Test Present Continuous 1. Michael … a letter now. a) writes b) is writing c) wrote 2. The weather is bad and … worse. a) it’s getting b) it got c) it gets 3. Look! The kitchen sink … . a) is leaking b) leak c) will lick 4. John … for his exams now. a) prepare b) will prepare c) is preparing 5. She … in Glasgow now. a) is working b) work c) works 6. Simon … the guitar at the moment. a) play b) played c) is playing 7. Is he … his girlfriend now? a) meet b) meeting c) will meet Past Continuous 1. Peter … a book yesterday evening. a) reads b) was reading c) is reading 2. When I called Jim, he … . a) was eating b) ate c) has eaten 3. Yesterday, I dropped a glass while I … the dishes. a) wash b) am washing c) was washing 4. I … the bike when I saw Liz. a) were riding b) was riding c) ride 5. Were you … in the shower? a) sang b) will sing c) singing 6. They … about the weather two days ago. a) were talking b) talk c) have talked 7. Was John … tennis with Andrew? a) played b) playing c) play

Слайд 4

Find a Russian equivalent to English proverb “measure twice, cut once”. 2. Match English and Russian equivalents: 1. to cover a vast area of capabilities; 2. to provide specialized testing for; 3. to be a paramount to every industry; 4. to meet the quality requirements; 5. to dedicate oneself to; 6. to comply with the government standards; 7. a proving leader in; 8. to meet the needs of customers; 9. flexible service program; 10. assets; a. быть самым главным в каждой отрасли промышленности; b. соответствовать государственным стандартам; c. посвящать себя; d. бесспорный лидер в; e. удовлетворять потребности клиентов; f. гибкая программа обслуживания; g. охватывать широкий спектр возможностей; h. удовлетворять требованиям качества; i. имущество; j. предоставлять специализированные тесты для;

Слайд 5

2. Match English and Russian equivalents: 11. to request a quote; 12. extended productivity; 13. state of view; 14. to work routinely; 15. best in class; 16. top choice; 17. in optimal condition; 18. expert in the field; 19. to focus on; 20. sales and rentals; 21. trusted partner; k. работать в соответствии с предписанием; l. лучший в своём роде; m. в оптимальном состоянии; n. расширенная производительность; o. эксперт в этой области; p. сосредоточиться на; q. точка зрения; r. продажа и прокат; s. отправить заявку; t. партнёр, которому доверяют; u. лучший выбор.

Слайд 6

3. Find out what the following acronyms stand for: RF power sensors: a sensor (also called detector) is a converter that measures a physical quantity and converts it into a signal which can be read by an observer or by an (today mostly electronic) instrument. RF – radio frequency. ISO is The International Organization for Standardization (French: Organisation internationale de normalisation ), widely known as ISO, is an international standard-setting body composed of representatives from various national standards organizations IEC: The International Electrotechnical Commissionis the world’s leading organization that prepares and publishes International Standards for all electrical, electronic and related technologies. ISO/IEC 17025 general requirements for the competence of testing Unit 2 Units and Systems of and calibration laboratories is the main ISO standard used by testing and calibration laboratories . NDT : non-destructive testing is a wide group of analysis techniques used in science and industry to evaluate the properties of a material, component or system without causing damage. A USB power sensor

Слайд 7

4. Video 1

Слайд 8

There is an advertisement of a calibration company. Watch the video and fill in the chart: Techmaster labs serve the industries: capabilities, serving the aerospace, telecommunications, medical devices, semiconductor, automotive and defense industries Techmaster labs provide testing for: for antennas, noise sources, RF power sensors, NDT and much more.

Слайд 9

5. Complete the advertisement with the words from ex. 2 Video 1 “ Measure twice” – that’s what the saying goes. Accurate measurement and calibration are the 1)__________ __ _______ industry in the world. Nowadays true and accurate measurements are necessity for success. It must also 2) _____ ___ _____________ standards. Techmaster has been a 3) ___________ leader in the test equipment world for over 20 years, and from the start we’ve been more than just a calibration company. We’ve been a 4) _________ partner serving your needs. We call this Techmaster advantage. Today we continue to 5) __________ ourselves to providing 6) ___________ __________ programs to 7)___ ________ ____ ________ of our customers. Techmaster calibration labs cover 8) __ _______ _______ of capabilities, serving the aerospace, telecommunications, medical devices, semiconductor, automotive and defense industries. Our labs meet the highest industry quality 9) __________ and are accredited by 2 LA ISO/IEC 17025. And we10) __________ _________ for antennas, noise sources, RF power sensors, NDT and much more. Our air labs are truly best 11) ___ _________ , with the ability to work 12) _________, to ensure that your assets are returned in optimal 13) _________ for longer life and 14) __________ productivity. The Techmaster stuff is friendly, experts 15) ___ ___ _______ and 16) _____ed on serving your needs. In addition to our state 17) __ ____ at labs, Techmaster is a top 18) ______ for sales and 19) _________ for both new and used test equipment. So, give us a call or 20) _______ a quote and see why Techmaster is more than just a calibration company!

Предварительный просмотр:

201 группа

Грамматический тест

Задание 1. Соедините части предложения, обращая внимание на время.

1. They are going to

a) counting money at the moment.

2. We were playing video game when Mia

b) were at Mary's party last night.

3. A cashier is

c) spend a vacation in Las Vegas.

4. Grace and Tyler

d) call you this afternoon.

5. Ryan will

e) came back home.

Задание 2. Поставьте слова в правильном порядке, образуя предложение.

Пример: every day / goes / Johnson / a restaurant/ to. – Johnson goes to a restaurant every day.

1. for / a holiday / has / she / dinner / been / two hours/ cooking.
2. at / clouds / the / look / ! / going / it / to / is / snow.
3. doing / they / now / what / are / ?
4. didn't / food / Kate / yesterday / buy / any .
5. be / a computer / for / will / you / using / long?

Задание 3 Тест по английскому языку "Present Tenses" . Present Simple, Present Continuous, Present  Perfect, Present Perfect Continuous. Выберите ваш вариант ответа вместо пропусков.

  1. I am sorry Ann can't come to the phone right now because she_____ a shower.

is taking

has taken

has been taking


2. Carol and I are old friends. I_______  her since we studied in high school together.


have been knowing

are knowing

have known

3. I have read this chapter in my chemistry text three times, and still I________  it.


haven't understood

don't understand

have understood

4. Linda's apartment looks nice and tidy because she__________  it every two years.


has redecorated

is redecorating

has been redecorating

5. I__________  Mario for some time since he left Milan a few years ago.

didn't see

aren't seeing

haven't seen

don't see

6. Jerry promised to come to work in time. He is not here, and he even_________  .

hasn't been calling

doesn't call

hasn't called

isn't calling

7. As far as I know Mike_________  Italian for quite some time, but he still doesn't understand 

very much.

has learnt

is learning

has been learning


8. Hello! May I speak to John, please? Sorry, he is out. He has gone to the library. He________  for his History exam there.


has been reading

is reading

has read

9. I have just applied for a job in the local hospital, now I_______  for an answer from them.

have been waiting

have waited

am waiting


10. - What are you looking for? – I______  my umbrella somewhere, and now I don't know where it is.

has left

have left


have been leaving

11. Sara, my next door neighbor, has a car, but she__________  it very often.

hasn't been using

doesn't use

hasn't used

isn't using

12. My mother is a medical nurse; she takes care of sick and old people. What_________  for a 


has your mother done

is your mother doing

has your mother been doing

does your mother do

13. Who_______  my newspaper? It was on my desk a minute ago.

has taken



have taken

14. My cousin Jake has got a lot of books, most of which he __________ .

isn't reading

hasn't been reading

hasn't read

doesn't read

15. The Alisons have got three cars, two of which they never _________ .

have used

have not use been using

are using
