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Daily English Lesson
Get Carried Away
Feb 25 2014
You’re in a store, and you see a child with a red, wet face. He’s getting louder and louder, and his cries are turning into screams. He wants something, either a toy or candy, and his father says no. He starts to throw things, then runs in circles, and then lies down on the ground. His father looks tired. The boy is getting carried away.
When someone gets carried away, he behaves in a way that is too much. It’s normal for a little boy to be sad or even cry when he can’t have something he wants, but to scream, throw things and lie down is to get carried away. Teenagers can get carried away when they like each other and spend all their time talking and dreaming about going on dates. Adults get carried away all the time, too, like spending too much money, eating too much food, or feeling too strongly about something that isn’t very serious.
Everyone gets carried away sometimes. What’s important is being able to know when you’re doing it!
Find out who’s getting carried away in today’s English lesson about Jeff and Rafael’s new friendship.
Jeff: That was the best kung fu film festival ever.
Rafael: Totally! I don’t think I’ve ever seen that many kung fu movies in one day. I mean, how many did we watch? Five?
Jeff: Six, dude. Six. That’s killer.
Rafael: Crazy! Which one was your favorite?
Jeff: Starting off, what about that chef that was also a kung fu master? It was insane!
Rafael: Totally, man. I loved that scene where he was chopping food and fighting at the same time.
Jeff: So tight. OK, what about the one where that kid, some little kid, was just ripping people up, man?
Rafael: Wasn’t that kid five years old? Do kids learn kung fu that young?
Jeff: Sure. Why not?
Rafael: I don’t know. When I watched that one, I just felt like the director was getting a little carried away.
Jeff: That one with the woman, where she’s fighting those people on the rooftops...
Rafael: Totally. I was just awed by her incredible skill. I mean, she was a pro.
Jeff: Yeah. I’d be terrified to fight her, man.
Rafael: Totally. All right, all right, all right. So, if you had to make a kung fu movie, what would it be?
Jeff: Well, it would star me, of course. I’d have a super, super hot girlfriend. I’d beat all the bad guys, and, I don’t know, I’d save the world in the process. Why not?
Rafael: Now who’s getting carried away?
Rafael and Jeff had an amazing time at the kung fu film festival. They saw six different kung fu movies, and each one was more crazy than the last. In one film, the kung fu master was a five year old child. In another, the master was fighting and cooking food at the same time. The guys loved the event and are obviously going to see more kung fu movies together in the future.
Rafael asks Jeff what kind of kung fu movie he’d make if he could, and his answer is no big surprise. Jeff’s movie girlfriend would be beautiful, and Jeff would save the world. Would Rafael make the same kind of movie? He teases Jeff about getting carried away, but it’s likely that Rafael would make a big, fun movie, too.
Do you ever get carried away? What makes you act that way?
Jeff tells Rafael that his favorite movie was the one with the “woman fighting those people on the rooftops.” He uses a preposition.
Prepositions are words that locate something in time and space. They tell us where something is in relation to the things around it. Here are some examples:
“The bird is singing in the tree.”
“She walked through the door at 6:00.”
“I climbed over the wall.”
“We are sitting between our brothers.”
Jeff uses the preposition on. It tells us exactly where the kung fu master was fighting in the movie (on the rooftops).
Other common prepositions include: above, across, around, before, behind, below, by, down, during, for, from, in, inside, into, near, of, onto, off, over, to, under, up, with and without. There are many more!
Which is correct, “The bread is on the table,” or, “The bread is over the table”?
See the full English lesson at English, baby!
Daily English Lesson
Ice Skating
Feb 24 2014
Triple axel, backspin, sow cow. These words sound like another language, but actually, they’re all names used in ice skating routines. One of the more popular Olympic events, ice skating is also a fun hobby for many people.
In the winter, frozen lakes offer a great spot for people to skate. More serious skaters spend time practicing daily on an indoor rink. Successful ice skaters have amazing balance. They are confident and dedicated to learning their sport well.
People who only skate once in a while might have to admit that they’re terrified to try a move like a jump. If you haven’t had someone to show you the ropes, it’s probably best to simply skate in circles around the ice.
Find out who loves ice skating (and who is scared of it) in this English lesson about winter sports.
Rafael: I’m so nervous right now. This really cute girl asked me out on a date. But she wanted to go ice skating, and I didn’t want to admit it to her, but I am terrified of ice skating.
Marni: I’m sorry that you’re terrified of ice skating. I think it’s such a wonderful activity. I mean, I love it. I love the nostalgia of it. I’ve ice skated ever since I was little, and whenever the Olympics are on, it’s my favorite thing to watch. All the jumps, and the amount of balance it takes… it’s so impressive.
Rafael: Well, Marni, maybe you can show me some stuff. I’m terrible at all those things like balance. And, I don’t know, I feel like you have to be really dedicated to be an ice skater. Do you feel that’s true?
Marni: Well, absolutely. I mean, I think it’s a huge learning curve. And there are so many different levels of proficiency.
Rafael: Can you do jumps?
Marni: I used to be able to do jumps, but I haven’t been practicing so much, and it really does take a lot of practice.
Rafael: Like the triple twirl and things like that?
Marni: Triple axel, I think you’re trying to say.
Rafael: Oh wow, OK. So you really are an expert.
Marni: Well, no, I wouldn’t say I’m an expert. But I really do enjoy ice skating. So I would be happy to take you out and show you the ropes.
Rafael: Well, don’t be modest. You’re really impressive.
Rafael is excited to go on a date with a cute girl he just met. However, she wants to go ice skating, and Rafael is terrified of stepping onto the rink.
It turns out that Marni is just the person to help Rafael. She’s skated ever since she was little, and she loves everything about the sport. She obviously has great balance and wants to show Rafael how ice skating is done.
Rafael asks Marni about how well she can skate. Although Marni doesn’t practice as much now, she’s still pretty good. She even used to be able to do some jumps!
Have you ever gone ice skating? Would you prefer to skate outdoors or on an indoor rink?
Used to Do vs Be Used to
Marni tells Rafael she used to be able to do jumps, but she can’t anymore. This is an example of the term used to do.
It’s easy to confuse used to do and be used to. Both forms look alike, but they have very different meanings and structures.
First let’s look at used to do, or used to + verb. When I say I used to do something, I mean that I did something regularly in the past which I no longer do now. For example, “When I was a child, I used to fight with my siblings, but now we get along.”
We can also use used to do to talk about something that was true in the past but is not true now, for example, “Drinking alcohol used to be illegal in the U.S.” In other words, drinking alcohol was illegal in the past, but it is no longer illegal.
Be used to means something different. If you are used to something, you are accustomed to it. It is normal or usual for you. Be used to is always followed by a noun or gerund (verb ending in ing). For example, I can say “I am used to the rain,” or that “I am used to staying up late.”
Which is correct, “I am used to drink lots of soda pop,” or, “I used to drink lots of soda pop”?
(4, 4, 2, 4)
Feb 21 2014
Do you believe in fate? Do you think that your future is already planned for you, or that you have the power to make things happen yourself? Some people believe that psychics can use palm readings or read a tarot card and know what will happen to you. Do you agree that another person can be so in tune with your life?
One reason that people talk to psychics is because they don’t like surprises. They want to feel like they know what’s going to happen to them. Others like to think of the possibilities ahead, whether or not they come true. Of course some people simply believe that psychics can see into the future and give them relevant information to help them with their lives.
Are Lily and Marni believers? Read more in this English lesson about seeing into the future.
Marni: Lily. You are not going to believe this.
Lily: What?
Marni: I just had the most amazing tarot card reading. It was so incredible the way she predicted my future. I mean, it was all these things that I’ve totally been thinking about, I could totally relate to… she knew things that I’ve never told anyone!
Lily: You really think that cards can predict the future? Do you believe in palm readings, too?
Marni: Absolutely!
Lily: So, the wrinkles on your hand… some woman will read them for you, and that automatically dictates your fate in the future?
Marni: Maybe I can see where it could be hard to fathom where you think there are lines that are telling you things, but I think that people are in tune with things in the world that we just don’t know about. And I think that my hands have a lot to tell. But these cards… she was pulling them and it was so relevant. I just was captivated.
Lily: Well, what if she was just reading your personality? Lots of times those fortune tellers just read your personality and then go the extra mile.
Marni: I think she’s in tune. I believed her. I can’t wait to go back. You should totally come with me. She’s so insightful.
Marni just had a tarot card reading from a psychic and she’s very excited. Marni felt that the psychic was in tune with her life because she talked about things that Marni had never told anyone else.
Lily doesn’t believe in tarot cards and palm readings, though. She questions Marni’s experience and tries to make her see a different point of view. Lily thinks that the psychic Marni spoke with was just very good at knowing what Marni wanted to hear.
Have you ever spoken with a psychic? Do you believe in tarot cards and palm reading? Why or why not?
Modal Verbs
Talking about the psychic she just spoke with, Marni tells Lily, “You should totally come with me!” She uses a modal verb.
Modal verbs come before and modify the main verb in a sentence and help explain ideas like possibility, necessity, or obligation. Here are several modal verbs and their functions:
Might expresses uncertainty about the present or future, as in, “I might quit my job next month,” or, “It might be cold out, so bring a jacket.”
Can expresses ability or possibility, as in, “I can speak French and Spanish,” or, “Students can get cheaper tickets at the movies.” It also asks permission or makes a request, as in, “Can you come over tonight?”
Should expresses obligation, as in, “I should study for my math test,” or probability, as in, “The package should arrive tomorrow, since I sent it last week.” It also gives advice, as in Marni’s advice to Lily, “You should totally come with me!”
Must expresses necessity or obligation, as in, “I must go see my grandmother this weekend.” It also gives strong advice, as in, “You must quit smoking now that you’re pregnant.”
Which is correct, “I can sing every song on that CD,” or, “I must sing every song on that CD”?
Процесс развития навыков говорения - это процесс обучения, при котором окажется возможным развивать все качества говорения как средства общения.
“We’ve both always been really good at leaving our baggage at the door, and when we step on set it’s about having a good time. I feel like we let our…whatever is going on with us outside of work just stay there and we come in and have a lot of respect for the work.”
Actor James Roday, talking about filming the popular American TV show Psych (Examiner)
ideas, memories, sorrows from the past that you can’t forget and that make your life harder
When you go on a trip, it’s important to pack the right things. You have to make sure you have enough clothes and shoes. Plus, you need to bring all the information for your flights, hotels, and activities. You should also pack daily items, like toothpaste, shampoo, and a hairbrush. Most likely, you’ll put all of your belongings into a suitcase or a bag. This is called your baggage. If you’re going on a long trip, or if you simply like to bring many things with you, your baggage might be pretty heavy. That’s why people sometimes like to pack light. It’s hard to move around when you have to carry a lot of baggage.
Baggage isn’t always only the bags you pack for a trip, though. Baggage can also be negative events that happened in the past. It’s the emotions and attitudes that you still have because of something bad that happened in your life. People who go through a break-up have baggage that they will take into their next relationship. Children whose parents get divorced often have baggage that affects their ideas about families. Any event that made you feel sad can turn into baggage that you carry around in your mind.
Actor James Roday said that when he is filming the TV show Psych, he and the other actors can leave their baggage off set. He means that anything that happens in real life is left behind for a little while so that the cast can film the show. He doesn’t let his personal life affect his work.
What kind of baggage do you carry around? How easy is it for you to keep work and personal life separate?
“He came back from the war with a lot of baggage. He saw a lot of terrible stuff there.”
“She still has a lot of baggage from her last relationship. It might not be a good idea to date her yet.”
“Even though I’m in my 30s, I’m still working through a lot of childhood baggage from my troubled youth.” http://www.ego4u.com/en/cram-up/daily-english
Реально ли это - создать языковую среду у себя дома?
Большинство людей верит, что они должны проводить часы и часы и часы, разговаривая с "носителем языка" для того, чтобы решить проблему языковой среды.
И знаете что? - Это абсолютная не правда.
Пока вы только учитесь говорить, никакие "носители" вам не нужны. Если вы будете мечтать о носителе, вы только отнимете у себя время.
Вы можете начать говорить по-английски прямо сегодня! Не выходя из дома.
И это очень просто.
Надо просто знать точно, что и как надо делать.
учиться говорить - это легкий и радостный процесс.
Не учение с мучением, а учение с увлечением.
Этот так же приятно, как разгадывать кроссворд или решать судоку.
И это намного проще, чем взять и заиграть на музыкальном инструменте,
потому что, если вы раньше этого не играли ни на каком инструменте, вы будете учиться этому впервые.
А говорите вы всю свою жизнь, в вас уже заложен верный механизм, нужно только уметь правильно им пользоваться.
Обычно считается, что то, что мы уже говорим по-русски, мешает нам научиться говорить по-английски.
На самом деле, это не так. Это очень хорошо, что мы говорим. Весь трюк в том, чтобы научиться это использовать для того, чтобы заговорить, наконец, по-английски.
И это мы будем использовать в разговорном интерактивном тренинге.
Единственный Способ, Позволяющий Одновременно Тренировать Понимание Английского языка на Слух и уверенную Разговорную Речь, без путаницы в голове и на языке -
интерактивный разговорный тренинг, позволяющий улучшать разговорные навыки, беглое понимание речи на слух и активную собственную речь.
(это систематизированный, комплексный тренинг, активнейшая подготовка к уверенному владению английским языком,
основанная на одновременной тренировке и слухового восприятия и собственной активной речи.)
Он действительно поможет Вам сделать хороший шаг вперед в освоении английского языка, поскольку в его основу закладывается тщательно разработанный алгоритм.