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Тексты для чтения на английском языке
Чтение текстов на английском языке - один из способов изучения языка. Тексты на английском языке, если они правильно подобраны, могут помочь в изучении языка. Неправильно и неумело подобранные тексты на английском языке способны отбить охоту и желание изучать язык у самых стойких и упорных. Важно не только правильно подобрать тексты, но и правильно с этими текстами работать. Основной принцип работы с текстами на английском языке заключается, и это ни для кого не секрет, в их чтении. Но чтение текстов может быть разным, как по своим целям, так и по способам, которыми эти цели достигаются. Самыми распространенными целями, которых добивается читатель текстов на английском языке, являются: пополнение общего или тематического словарного запаса, обучение и тренировка в произношении английских слов и выражений, закрепление правил английской грамматики путем разбора типичных примеров встречающихся в тексте и их многократное повторение с целью запоминания и т.д. Очевидно, что для их достижения необходим подбор соответствующих этим целям текстов на английском языке.
Другим критерием, по которому должны выбираться тексты для чтения на английском языке, является их сложность ( лексическая, грамматическая ). Для начинающих изучение языка необходимы тексты проще и короче, чтобы не успеть рассеять их внимание и не утомить раньше времени. Для опытных обучаемых соответственно нужны сложные тексты большим многообразием грамматических форм и лексического материала. Выбор английских текстов для чтения может осуществляться самостоятельно - опытным путем, либо с помощью преподавателя. Второй способ предпочтительнее, так как профессиональный преподаватель может более точно определить ваш уровень знания языка и подобрать соответствующие тексты. Если вы занимаетесь изучением английского языка самостоятельно, то вам следует выбирать тексты на английском языке исходя из следующих соображений - количество незнакомых слов в английском тексте не должно превышать 10-15%. Чтение английских текстов с большим количеством новых слов будет отнимать много времени на обращения к словарю и снизит эффективность запоминания новых слов. Хорошим вариантом работы с текстами на английском языке является чтение небольших фрагментов с приведенным в конце переводом наиболее сложных слов и выражений. Перевод слов сэкономит время на обращение к словарю, а транскрипция поможет научиться правильно произносить слово. http://lengish.com/texts.
3 класс
Text 1
She lives in the theatre. She is kind and nice. She is small. Her eyes are blue. Her nose is small. Her lips are red. Her hair is long and blue. She has a lot of friends. She can sing and dance.
Text 2
She lives in the forest. She is not small. Her eyes are brown. Her nose is big. Her mouth is big. Her hair is long and grey. She is ugly. She can fly.
Text 3
She lives in the house. She is kind and nice. She is small. Her eyes are blue. Her nose is small. Her lips are red. Her hair is long and yellow. She has a mother and a granny. She can sing and dance.
Text 1
He lives in the theatre. He is kind and merry. He is small. His eyes are green. His nose is long. His hair is yellow. He has a lot of friends. He can sing and dance.
Text 2
He lives in the house. He is lazy and merry. He is small. His eyes are blue. His nose is small. His hair is red. He has a lot of friends. He can sing and ride a bike.
Text 3
He lives in the house. He is kind and merry. He is not small. His eyes are brown. His nose is big. His hair is red. He has a friend. His friend is a boy. He can sing, dance and fly.
Texts for Reading
5th Form
I. Animals
A lot of animals live in the world. Some animals live on farms: cows, pigs, ducks, horses. Other animals live in houses. They are called pets: dogs, cats, parrots, turtles, hamsters. Some animals live in zoos and safari parks: bears, lions, tigers, monkeys, crocodiles, hares. A lot of animals live in London Zoo. Zoo keepers feed them.
world – мир some –некоторые
farm – ферма other –другие
are called – называются zoo – зоопарк
a lot of – много zoo keeper – хранитель
turtle – черепаха parrot - попугай
Answer the questions:
1. What animals live on farms?
2. What animals live in houses?
3. What animals live in Zoos and safari parks?
4. Who feeds animals in Zoos?
II. I like playing sports
I’m Marat. I’m ten. I like sports and games. I can play tennis and football. I can’t ride a horse and swim. But I’d like to swim. I enjoy walking and cycling in my spare time. My friend enjoys roller blading (skating) and playing hockey.
I’d like –я бы хотел enjoy – наслаждаться, получать удовольствие
Answer the questions:
1. What sports can Marat play?
2. Who can’t ride a horse?
3. Who would like to swim?
4. What does Marat enjoy in his spare time?
5. What does Marat’s friend enjoy in his spare time?
III. Iris
I’m Iris. I’m from Oxford. Oxford is in England. I speak English. My favourite poet is Shakespeare. He is a great English poet.
I like English tales. They are very interesting. I have got a turtle as a pet.
It is funny. I’d like to have a parrot.
My favourite dish is pudding. It is so tasty! I like cooking in my spare time.
Dad and Mum like my dishes.
favourite – любимый great – великий
dish – блюдо pudding – пудинг
tasty – вкусный cooking – приготовление еды, кулинария
Answer the questions:
1. Where is Iris from?
2. Where is Oxford?
3. Who is her favourite poet?
4. What pet has Iris got?
5. What pet would she like to have?
6. What is her favourite dish?
IV. The British
The British are sporty people. The most popular sport activities in Britain are hiking, playing football, going gymnastics, cycling and others. They enjoy playing baseball and roller blading (skating).
The British like animals. They have dogs, cats and parrots in their houses.
The British like watching TV. Some popular British programmes are: Cooking with Pleasure, Fair Play. They like to watch Discovery Channel.
the most - самый
hiking – прогулки, туризм
Cooking with Pleasure – «Готовим с удовольствием»
Fair Play – « Ярмарка игр»
Answer the questions:
1. What are the most popular sport activities in Britain?
2. What animals have they got in their houses?
3. Name some popular British TV programmes.
Всем известно что подходить к чтению научной литературы и художественной нужно по разному...
Plot: In Columbia Pictures' "White House Down," Capitol Policeman John Cale (Channing Tatum) has just been denied his dream job with the Secret Service of protecting President James Sawyer...
White House official name of the executive mansion of the President of the United States. It is on the south side of Pennsylvania Ave., Washington, D.C., facing Lafayette Square. The building, constructed of Virginia freestone, is of simple and stately design. The porte-cochere on the north front, which forms the main entrance, is a portico of high Ionic columns reaching from the ground to the roof pediment; it is balanced by a semicircular colonnaded balcony on the south with a second-floor porch, completed in 1948.
The main building (four stories high) is about 170 ft (52 m) long by 85 ft (26 m) wide. The east and west terraces, the executive office (1902), the east wing (1942), and a penthouse and a bomb shelter (1952) have been added. The colonnade at the east end is the public entrance. The executive office is approached by an esplanade. Large receptions are usually held in the East Room, which is 40 ft (12 m) by 82 ft (25 m). The elliptical Blue Room is the scene of many social, diplomatic, and official receptions. The Red Room and the Green Room are used for private and quasi-official gatherings. The White House, designated "the Palace" in the original plans, was designed by James Hoban on a site chosen by George Washington. It is the oldest public building in Washington, its cornerstone having been laid in 1792.
John Adams was the first President to live there (1800). The building was restored after being burned (1814) by British troops, and the smoke-stained gray stone walls were painted white. Despite popular myth the cognomen "White House" was applied to the building some time before it was painted. The name became official when President Theodore Roosevelt had it engraved upon his stationery. Part of the house was rebuilt (1949-52) on a steel-supporting frame. The grounds, which cover about 18 acres (7 hectares), are attractive with broad lawns, fountains, trees, and gardens. They were planned by Andrew Jackson Downing.
Pennsylvania Ave. between the White House and Lafayette Square was closed to vehicular traffic in 1995 for security reasons.
Walt Whitman (1819–1892). Prose Works. 1892. |
I. Specimen Days |
28. The White House by Moonlight |
February 24th.—A SPELL of fine soft weather. I wander about a good deal, sometimes at night under the moon. To-night took a long look at the President’s house. The white portico—the palace-like, tall, round columns, spotless as snow—the walls also—the tender and soft moonlight, flooding the pale marble, and making peculiar faint languishing shades, not shadows—everywhere a soft transparent hazy, thin, blue moon-lace, hanging in the air—the brilliant and extra-plentiful clusters of gas, on and around the facade, columns, portico, &c.—everything so white, so marbly pure and dazzling, yet soft—the White House of future poems, and of dreams and dramas, there in the soft and copious moon—the gorgeous front, in the trees, under the lustrous flooding moon, full of reality, full of illusion—the forms of the trees, leafless, silent, in trunk and myriad-angles of branches, under the stars and sky—the White House of the land, and of beauty and night—sentries at the gates, and by the portico, silent, pacing there in blue overcoats—stopping you not at all, but eyeing you with sharp eyes, whichever way you move. | http://www.bartleby.com/229/1http://www.bartleby.com/229/1028.html |