Контрольные работы, тесты

Северина Оксана Владимировна

Предварительный просмотр:

Test “Clothes”

1. Fill in the words : брюки, юбка, шорты, пара, размер , колготки, джинсы, ботинки, блузка, туфли, менять, шляпа.

1. My aunt wears a white __________ and a short blue ___________ in the office.

2. In summer I wear ____________ and T-shirt.

3. __________ always go with T-shirts and sweaters.

4. At school boys usually  put  _____________ on their legs.

5. When it’s cold girls usually put _______________ on their legs.

6. On their feet people wear ____________ and ______________.

7. I’d like to ________________ my new jacket. It’s too small.  

8. Men must take off their ____________ when they come into the house.

9. What’s the _____________ of your new gloves? – Eight.

10. Where is my ____________ of socks? I see only one.

2. Fill in the adjectives into correct forms.

  1. Tom is the ………………..……….. pupil in our class. (good)
  2. The film is ………………………………………… than the book . (interesting)
  3. Elephants are the ………………….……………….. animals. (big)
  4. The weather is …………………….…… today than yesterday. (bad)
  5. These trousers are  ……………………………..…  than those ones. (ugly)

3. Fill in the correct form of words in brackets.

  1. Thomas plays the guitar…………………..  (good/ well)
  2. She doesn’t like to write. She writes …………..………………... (slow/slowly)
  3. She wears………………………..…. dresses. (nice/ nicely)
  4. Sue can speak French……………………………………  (bad/badly).
  5. She made a ……….. ……………..…… mistake (terrible/ terribly).

4. Ask 5 questions to the sentence

Mark usually wears a waistcoat at school

Предварительный просмотр:

   Name____________________________                                 Date__________________________

Test “Food”

I. Fill in the words: овощ, , каша,  мясо, делать (готовить), морковь, яйцо,  пить.  

1. I helped my Mum to  _____________ breakfast.

2. _________________ is healthy for breakfast.

3. How many _____________ do you usually have for breakfast.

4. People _____________ tea from cups not from glasses.

5. Potato is a _______________________ not a fruit.

6. Did you eat ______________ or fish for dinner?

7. There are a lot of vitamins in _______________.

II. Match the words in columns

1. domestic

A. sugar

2.  junk

3. different

4. grow

5. without

B. countries

C. animals

D. food

E. on a tree


III.  Write four words to continue 

How much  ___________________________

How many _______________________________

IV Begin the sentences with there is (are). 

1. ________________ a lot of meatballs on the plate.

2. _________________ a lot of pasta for breakfast.

3. __________________ some juice and ice-cream on the table.

4. ___________________ three bananas and an apple on the table.

5. ____________________  one ham and three cheese sandwiches on the plate.

V. Make questions and negations to the sentences. Remember much (many) – a lot of


1. There are three oranges on the tree. __________________________________

2. There is a lot of jam on the plate. _____________________________________

3. There are a lot of  tasty sweets on the table

VI. Translate into English

1.  В стакане есть много сока. ______________________________________________

2. В чае много сахара ____________________________________________________

3. В неделе 7 дней (day) __________________________________________________


Предварительный просмотр:


Name ___________________          Test “Holidays”                       Date _______________________

1. Fill in the words: приглашать, магазин, посещать, ходить за покупками, праздник, украшать, праздновать, отправлять, писать, иногда.

1. English People _______________ Christmas on December 25.

2. New Year is a happy _______________ for many Russian people.

3. Jane  _________ a greeting card to her aunt in London.

4. My father _______________ Great Britain last year.

5. I always _____________ my relatives to my birthday.

6. Peter doesn’t like to ____________ letters.

7.  We bought this present in the new _______________.

8. We ___________________ the Christmas tree with the toys and sweets.

9. Do you often _________________________?

10.  We _______________ eat fish for dinner.

IV. Read the text and answer the questions.

Nina’s Birthday

It’s Nina’s birthday. There are many tasty dishes on the table. There is a cake, apples and bananas on it. There is orange juice and lemonade on it too. We are drinking from nice cups. Nina’s brother Nikita is eating ice-cream now. There are many presents for Nina. These are nice flowers. Those are nice games. They are presents from Nina’s Mum and Dad. Nina’s friends are dancing and singing now. They are happy.

1. What are there on the table? ________________________________________________________

2. What are they drinking from nice cups? ________________________________________________

3. Who is eating ice-cream? ___________________________________________________________

4. What are Nina’s parents’ presents? ___________________________________________________

5. Who is singing and dancing now? _____________________________________________________

V. Listening comprehension

  1. Mitsy is:   A girl     B Mouse   C toy
  2. She lives:

A In a house  B In a tree  C Under a tree

  1. Misty celebrates

A Birthday  B Christmas  C New Year

  1. Her brother gave her

A Box of chocolates   B sweets  C carrot

  1. That day she went to bed

A at nine  B at ten C late in the evening  

  1. Mitsy was unhappy in the morning because

A She was ill     B she looked terrible

C she had no more sweets

Предварительный просмотр: