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презентации к урокам
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Предварительный просмотр:
Подписи к слайдам:
Diving – going deep under the water; divers can use flippers and aqualungs or dive without any equipment; they usually dive to investigate the underwater world .
Rafting – travelling on a raft down dangerous mountain rivers and waterfalls .
Skydiving – jumping from a plane with a parachute; jumpers try not to open the parachutes for as long as possible; they make synchronated movements and geometrical figures in the air .
Surfing – riding surfboards on waves; waves should be high enough as it’s impossible to surf if the sea is calm .
Skateboarding – riding skateboards, jumping and doing different tricks on them; skateboarders often use stairs and benches for jumping .
Mountain biking
Mountain biking – riding bikes on dangerous rocky or mountain roads or not on any roads at all; bikers jump and do different tricks on their bikes while riding; city benches, staircases and other objects are used for jumping .
BASE jumping
BASE jumping – jumping with a parachute from any high place; buildings, antennas, bridges and cliffs are used .
Answer the questions 1. Which of them do you find the most dangerous? I find……..the most dangerous of all extreme sports. 2. Which of them would you like to try ? I would like to try……. 3. Which of them would you not like to try? I wouldn’t like to try…….
p. 173 ex.52 sports equipment and facilities complete the sentences You need…,…….,………, to do hockey You need…,……..,…….,…to do skydiving You need…,……..,……..,to do skateboarding You need….,…….,……… to do diving
Learn the pattern ex.58 Nothing can compare to + noun/ ing form (ничего не сравнится с………) Nothing can compare to a juicy watermelon on a hot summer day. Nothing can compare to swimming in a warm sea in the middle of January
p. 175 ex.53 Why do people do extreme sports? I am sure To my mind I would say that some people do extreme sports because I believe I guess
Homework p. 174 ex.56 Ex. 57 письменно
Предварительный просмотр:
Подписи к слайдам:
1. What date is it today ? It’s the…. Of April. 2. What day of the week is it today? It’s …………. 3. What is the season now? It’s ………... 4. What are spring months? ……..,………..,……… are spring months. 5. What’s the weather like today? It’s ………….,………………..
Everyday I with my dog in the park I my friends in the cafe I my favourite orange juice I a good time! Last summer walk walked meet met drink drank have had What was your best time this year? My best time was I went to…
ten days ago last summer yesterday a week ago last year a month ago 10 дней тому назад в прошлом году неделю тому назад прошлым летом вчера месяц тому назад
Where were you yesterday? I was at the…… Did you …. yesterday? -Yes, I did / No, I didn’t What did you do last month/ yesterday/ five days ago?
h g w f j s v n s h w e n t d e i s j e c x r d d a s a w k a m v t c n r l n d y e e y z v k p w b o u g h t H t b s k t o
What did you do at the weekend? I went to the zoo. Did you have fun? Yes, I did. I saw animals. That sounds great !
Open your books at p.148 c lassmates – одноклассники p ut on a play –ставить пьесу l etters - буквы p rimary school –начальная школа a little bit - немного g et - получать g ive a performance – показывать представление w ooden spoons – деревянные ложки
What was Veronika’s /Marina’s/Nadia’s/ Slava’s best day?
Complete the sentences ( письменно закончите предложения) 1. Veronika’s best day was ……….. 2. Marina’s best day was ………. 3. Nadia’s best day was …………. 4. Slava’s best day was …………
Homework 1.Учебник с .114 – 115 слушать, читать сказку 2.С. 116 упр 1 вставить пропущенные слова 3. Посмотреть презентацию 3.Повторить модуль 7 на контрольную работу
Предварительный просмотр:
Подписи к слайдам:
Past Simple Tense
to repeat all information about the Past Simple The aim of this lesson is
Remember! Простое прошедш ее время ( Past Simple Tense ) обозначает действия, которые произошли в прошлом
Remember ! V + - ed Образование Past Simple V2
Все глаголы делятся на правильные и неправильные правильные like – lik ed watch – watch ed p lay – play ed c ount – count ed неправильные sleep – slept s wim – swam go – went h ave – had
Regular verbs watch - watched learn - learned finish - finished look - looked try- tried cry – cried smile - smiled study - studied skate - skated want - wanted collect- collected paint - painted need - needed
Irregular verbs buy – bought build – built- built come – came do – did drink – drank eat – ate get – got give – gave go – went have – had learn - learnt make – made meet – met put – put read – read see – saw sit – sat speak – spoke sleep – slept take -took tell – told think – thought win – won write – wrote
1. Make 2. Drink 3. Write 4. Take 5. Have 6. Fly 7. Put 8. See 9. Give 10. Come 11. Meet 1. Wrote 2. Flew 3. Had 4. Drank 5. Put 6. Met 7. Made 8. Saw 9. Took 10. Came 11. Gave
Remember! Слова-спутники прошедшего времени: yesterday - вчера the day before yesterday - позавчера last month – в прошлом месяце last year – в прошлом году last week – на прошлой неделе a year ago – год назад a week ago – неделю назад in 2009 – в 2009 году
Compare: I go to school every day Boys play football. Grandma watches TV in the living room. I went to school yesterday. Girls played volleyball. Mom watched a film.
1. We (visit) our granny a week ago. 2. Last year the winter (be) cold and snowу . 3. Yesterday Mary (take) photo of his family 4. My brother (repair) his bike last summer. 5. I (play) tennis last Saturday. 6. She (wash) her face and hands. 7. I (phone) my mum a week ago. 8. I (read) the book two days ago. 9. He (do) his homework in the evening. Open the brackets in the Past Simple
Remember! Чтобы задать вопрос или составить отрицательное предложение на помощь приходит вспомогательный глагол did
slept A cat yesterday. a cat sleep y esterday yesterday. Did d id not sleep A cat ?
Задайте вопросы My father went to the cinema yesterday. Did my father go to the cinema yesterday? His sister bought a new dress last week. Did his sister buy a new dress last week? A dog ate a bone. Did a dog eat a bone?
Make up dialogues. Ask your classmates what they did in the past. Hello! Hello! How are you? I am O’k (fine), thank you. And how are you? I am O’K. Thank you. Did you……? Yes, I did. (N о , I didn’t) Did you…..?
Глагол – связка to be 1. I was 2. You were 3. He was She was It was 1. We were 2. You were 3. They were
Как задать вопрос? Was he happy? Were they happy?
Отрицательные формы was not = wasn’t were not = weren’t
He We was were in the park. in the park. not not
He They was were happy. happy. ? ? Как составить вопросительное предложение
Составьте вопросительные предложения We were in the park last Sunday. Were we in the park last Sunday? They were very happy. Were they very happy? He was a very good boy. Was he a very good boy? I was at school yesterday. Were you at school yesterday?
Поиграем https://wordwall.net/ru/resource/308590 https://wordwall.net/ru/resource/426025
Предварительный просмотр:
Подписи к слайдам:
Время Present Continuous – это дракон. А у дракона 3 головы – это am, is, are Его тело – это глагол play , а хвост – ing . is ing play are am
I a m = ’m play ing He She It is = ’s danc e ing You We They a re = ’ re run n ing
Put in am, is or are 4 . The children … playing a game . 3. The child … making a sandcastle. 2 . Lulu … flying a kite. are is is 1 . I … watching TV. am
Put in am, is or are 6. You … painting a picture. 7. Your dad … playing soccer. 8. My mum and I … sleeping. are is are 5. Lulu and Maya … driving a car. are
Сборники с 96 упр 3
Предварительный просмотр:
Подписи к слайдам:
Let’s practice the letter Ii
The days of the week – дни недели
Open your books p. 122 ex.1 Let’s listen and read the poem What is your favourite day? My favourite day is……….
Present Simple настоящее простое время используется, когда действие повторяется регулярно, постоянно, всегда, каждый день / каждую неделю / каждый месяц , часто, обычно, когда мы описываем наш распорядок дня и привычки в 3 лице единственного числа (he, she, it) к глаголу добавляется окончание –s или – es Вспомогательные глаголы - do/ does
Present Simple утвердительные предложения Лицо Единственное число Множественное число 1 I like English We like English 2 You like English You like English 3 He like s English They like English She like s English It like s English
После шипящих звуков ch [ t ʃ ], sh [ʃ]s , z и буквы о добавляем окончание es Лицо Единственное число Множественное число 1 I go to school We go to school 2 You go to school You go to school 3 He go es to school They go to school She go es to school It go es to school
Лицо Единственное число Множественное число 1 I watch TV We watch TV 2 You watch TV You watch TV 3 He watch es TV They watch TV She watch es TV It watch es TV
Match the fish and the shell
Вставьте глаголы в правильной форме: нет окончания / -s или – es I tea every da y ( drink). He … d dogs ( like). You … a a car well (drive ). She … a a book every evening (read). It … milk and fish (like). We … very bad (swim ). They … a bike on Sunday (ride). He … 3 hamsters at home ( have). This rabbit … so funny (be ). Polly … every day (dance). drink likes drive reads likes swim ride has is dances
Homework Учить стихотворение с 122 упр 1 Читать правило в учебнике с 170 Сборник с.108 -109 упр 1-6
Present Simple вопросительные предложения Лицо Единственное число Множественное число 1 Do I go to school? Do w e go to school? 2 Do y ou go to school? Do y ou go to school? 3 Does h e go to college? Do t hey go to school? Does s he go to college? Does i t go to college?
Present Simple краткие ответы Лицо Единственное число Множественное число 1 Yes, I do/No, I don’t. Yes, w e do/No, we don’t. 2 Yes, you do/No, you don’t . Yes, you do/No, you don’t. 3 Yes, h e does/No, he doesn’t. Yes , t hey do/No, they don’t. Yes, she does/No, she doesn’t. Yes, it does/No, it doesn’t.
Сделайте предложения вопросительными You speak good English. She helps her mother to clean the house every Saturday. We like to play tennis. She has 2 brothers. I read books every evening. They have four pets at home. He rides a bike very well. It eats only milk. You like to skate and to ski. Do you speak English? Does she help her mother to clean the house every Saturday? Do we like to play tennis? Does she have 2 brothers? Do I read books every evening? Do they have 4 pets at home? Does he ride a bike very well? Does it eat only milk? Do you like to skate and to ski?
Ответьте на вопросы Do you play football well? Does she speak good English? Do we go to school? Do you like hamsters? Does your mother cook cakes? Does he ride a bike? Do they have a dog? Does your friend read books every day? Does your cat eat fish? Do you drive a car?
Present Simple отрицательные предложения Лицо Единственное число Множественное число 1 I don’t go to college We don’t go to college 2 You don’t go to college You don’t go to college 3 He do es n’t go to college They don’t go to college She do es n’t go to college It do es n’t go to college
Сделайте предложения отрицательными Mary and I go to the cinema today. Jerry often swims in the lake. This dog loves to run. My mother cooks very well. Tom, Jack and Peter play football every weekend. Their friend has a little monkey. You ride a bike only in the park. Sue likes to cook cakes. I meet my friends in the evening. Her cat has 5 kittens. Mary and I don’t go to the cinema today. Jerry doesn’t often swim in the lake. This dog doesn’t love to run. My mother doesn’t cook very well. Tom, Jack and Peter don’t play football every weekend. Their friend doesn’t have a little monkey. You don’t ride a bike only in the park. Sue doesn’t like to cook cakes. I don’t meet my friends in the evening. Her cat doesn’t have 5 kittens.
Выполните упражнение, используя время Present Simple My name … Sam, Sam Griffin (be). I … ten (be). I … a family (have). We … from London (be). I … to school (go). My sisters … to school (not go), because they … only three and five years old (be). We … to play together (like). Dolly … to play with a ball (love) and Susan … to play with our dog (like). They often … by the house (run). Susan and I … a bike every weekend (ride). Dolly … a bike well (not ride). She … sweets and cakes very well (eat) ! I … brothers (not have). Our mother … so nice cakes (cook). The father … a good tennis player (be). He … me (teach), but I … tennis well (not play). I … football (like). … you like football, tennis or cakes ? (do/does) is am have are go doesn’t go are like loves likes run ride d oesn’t ride eats d on’t have cooks is teaches d on’t play like Do
Ресурсы картинки: http://s61.radikal.ru/i174/1302/fe/10ebcc1a393f.gif голубая бабочка http://reiki-unlimited.org/_fr/0/2655146.gif колобок думает http://s6.rimg.info/2dc1bd93f4615b6e26f3022326904d97.gif кот думает http://stat20.privet.ru/lr/0b283e7baaa4836b6a45e89b410266e8 божья коровка http://www.playcast.ru/uploads/2014/02/19/7521019.png 2 ученика идут в школу http://img3.nevesta.info/content/photo/51700/51655/201304/883007/883007x.jpg зайчиха http://lol54.ru/uploads/posts/2012-06/1340524102_15652.jpg ученик в очках с карандашом http://www.catawbaschools.net/schools/Startown/staff/Marsha_Lael/website%20clipart/MC900232133[1].jpg думающий ученик с карандашом http://www.zhodinonews.by/wp-content/uploads/2011/07/ucheniki_w450_h468.jpg ученики подняли руку на уроке http://www.oreninform.ru/upload/iblock/c73/ccc78c7b4fd1739dc773bcb4975e7ffc.jpg 2 ученика держат портфель http://fs.nashaucheba.ru/tw_files2/urls_3/1360/d-1359849/7z-docs/7_html_92d972d.png 3 ученика http:// img01.chitalnya.ru/upload2/687/859984149690717440.jpg ученик пишет и думает http:// stat20.privet.ru/lr/0b265d6fc054af4ceb91739294876c90 бабочка и цветы
Предварительный просмотр:
Подписи к слайдам:
- What day is it today, children? - It’s Monday .
Let’s have phonetic exercise p. 125 ex. 3 1 .Ch u ck les and the ch ildren like ch ips, ch ocolate c akes and C oke. 2. Th e C ity Mi c e are dan c ing in a c ir c le
In the morning have a shower have breakfast
In the afternoon have lunch listen to music
In the evening visit my friend have supper
At night watch TV ( a video) go to bed
What does the boy do every Sunday? He has a shower and has breakfast in the morning. He has lunch and listen s to music in the afternoon. He visit s his friend and has supper in the evening. He watch es a video and go es to bed at night.
What do you do in(at)___ ? – что ты делаешь по ____? I________in (at)__________.
Read, then talk with your classmate A: What do you do in the morning? B: I have a shower, then I have breakfast . A: What do you do in the afternoon? B: I have lunch, then I listen to music. A: What do you do in the evening? B: I visit my friend, then I have supper. A: What do you do at night? B: I watch a video, then I go to bed.
g et up I get up at seven o’clock.
go to school I go to school at eight o’clock.
come home I come home at four o’clock.
watch TV I watch TV at six o’clock.
go to bed I go to bed at nine o’clock.
Let’s sing all together I get up at seven o’clock. I go to school at eight. It’s the same thing every morning, I’m never ever late! At four o’clock in the afternoon I come home in time for tea. Then at six o’clock in the evening I sit and watch TV . And every night at nine o’clock It’s time t о go to bed . I say “goodnight” to Mum and Dad And rest my sleepy head.
What time do you_______? - Во сколько ты____ ? At_____o’clock .- в_______часов .
Read and speak P1: What time do you get up? P2: At seven o’clock. P1: What time do you go to school ? P2: At eight o’clock. P1: What time do you come home ? P2: At four o’clock. P1: What time do you watch TV ? P2: At six o’clock. P1: What time do you go to bed ? P2: At nine o’clock.
РТ p.63 ex.3
Portfolio ( образец) My favourite day is Saturday. . In the morning , I I get up at 10 o’clock , have breakfast and visit my grandpa and grandma . Then, at 12 o’clock I come home and have lunch with my family. In the afternoon , I watch a video or play with my brother. Then , I have supper . In the evening , I read fairy tales or listen to music ! Then, at 10 o’clock I go to b е d . I love Saturdays very much. They are happy for me !
Homework Учебник с. 127 упр 5 читать РТ c. 64-65 Подготовиться к контрольной работе с.134-135
Предварительный просмотр:
Подписи к слайдам:
- What day is it today, children? - It’s Thursday .
LET’S HAVE PHONETIC EXERCISE c + i, e, y - [s] – c i ty, pen c i l, ri c e , jui c e c – [k] - c ooker, c arrot, musi c, c omputer ck – [k] – clo ck , ja ck et, so ck , du ck, bla ck ch - [tʃ] - ch eese, ch ips, ch air, ch ildren
ADD –S/-ES TO THE VERBS ДОБАВЬ К ГЛАГОЛАМ ОКОНЧАНИЕ –S/-ES play paint wash make fix watch go fly eat dress play s paint s wash es make s fix es watch es go es fli es eat s dress es
ВСПОМОГАТЕЛЬНЫЙ ГЛАГОЛ DO ВСПОМОГАТЕЛЬНЫЙ ГЛАГОЛ DO ИСПОЛЬЗУЕТСЯ C МЕСТОИМЕНИЯМИ I, YOU, WE, THEY . We have English every Thursday. We have English every Thursday. we have English every Thursday? Yes, we . No, we .
ВСПОМОГАТЕЛЬНЫЙ ГЛАГОЛ DOES ВСПОМОГАТЕЛЬНЫЙ ГЛАГОЛ DOES ИСПОЛЬЗУЕТСЯ С МЕСТОИМЕНИЯМИ HE, SHE, IT . She likes chocolate. She like chocolate. she like chocolate? Yes, she . No, she .
TRANSLATE FROM RUSSIAN INTO ENGLISH ПЕРЕВЕДИТЕ С РУССКОГО НА АНГЛИЙСКИЙ 1. Он не смотрит мультфильмы во вторник. 2. Твой кот любит молоко? – Да. 3. Твой друг играет в теннис? – Нет. He doesn’t watch cartoons on Tuesday. Does your cat like milk? – Yes, it does. Does your friend play tennis? – No, he doesn’t.
MAKE THE SENTENCES NEGATIVE CHOOSE DON’T/DOESN’T I speak English very well. You like to read. We play chess on Mondays. He swims very well. She watches films every Tuesday. It likes milk. They listen to music every day. I don’t speak English very well. You don’t like to read. We don’t play chess on Mondays. He doesn’t swim very well. She doesn’t watch films every Tuesday. It doesn’t like milk. They don’t listen to music every day.
CHOOSE DO OR DOES ВЫБЕРИТЕ DO/DON’T ИЛИ DOES/DOESN’T I ______ like cheese, yuk! _____ your mother cook breakfast every morning? – Yes, she _____ . He _____ sing songs on Mondays. We _____ have English on Fridays. _____ they go to the supermarket every week? – No, they _____ . don’t Does does doesn’t don’t Do don’t
COMPLETE THE QUESTIONS CHOOSE DO/DOES, DON’T/DOESN’T _____ you like ice cream? – Yes, I _____. _____ your father speak French? – No, he _______. _____ she cook well? – Yes, she _____. _____ they play games every day? – No, they ______. _____ it run fast? – Yes, it _____. _____ we study well? – Yes, we _____. _____ your sister live with you? – Yes, she _____.
CHECK YOURSELF Проверь свои знания Вспомогательные глаголы используются в: утвердительных предложениях; отрицательных предложениях; вопросительных предложениях. Вспомогательный глагол DO употребляется с местоимениями: I ; you, we, they ; he, she, it . Вспомогательный глагол DOES употребляется с местоимениями: I ; you, we, they ; he, she, it . PRESENT SIMPLE: DO/DOES
Предварительный просмотр:
Подписи к слайдам:
Fascinated by wildlife? Do you what it takes to live in sub – zero temperatures? The Antarctic Research Project is looking for helpers. You will be a part of a team spending 18 months studying Antarctic wildlife. For further information: phone 02134 568827 • fascinating • adventurous • tiring • boring • important • uncomfortable
21 Alexis Mansions London N14 7FD 21 st August 2011 The Antarctic Research Project 15 Queen's Road London SW2 WPD Dear Sir or Madam, I am ¹___ in ² __for the job of helper with the Antarctic Research Project, advertised in the London Times on 18 August. My reasons for wishing to ³ _______the team are that I have always been ⁴____by wildlife and I would very much like to ⁵_______my knowledge of wildlife by doing research of this kind. I⁶_______my Curriculum Vitae.⁷______you will see, I have worked in ⁸_______veterinary practices in my⁹_______ time and have spent some time in the north of England ¹ ⁰ ______a vet during the lambing season. I¹¹___forward to ¹²___ from you. Yours faithfully, Adrian Roberts Adrian Roberts Ex 1. Read the letter and put the missing words in gasps 1 – 12. • join • two • expand • spare • enclose ( прилагать) • hearing • helping • as • fascinated • applying • interested • look
21 Alexis Mansions London N14 7FD 21 st August 2011 The Antarctic Research Project 15 Queen's Road London SW2 WPD Dear Sir or Madam, I am interested in applying for the job of helper with the Antarctic Research Project, advertised in the London Times on 18 August. My reasons for wishing to join the team are that I have always been by fascinated wildlife and I would very much like to expand my knowledge of wildlife by doing research of this kind. I enclose my Curriculum Vitae. As you will see, I have worked in two veterinary practices in my spare time and have spent some time in the north of England helping a vet during the lambing season. I look forward to hearing from you. Yours faithfully, Adrian Roberts Adrian Roberts
Applying for a job (Writing a letter of application)
21 Alexis Mansions London N14 7FD 21 st August 2011 The Antarctic Research Project 15 Queen's Road London SW2 WPD Dear Sir or Madam, I am interested in applying for the job of helper with the Antarctic Research Project, advertised in the London Times on 18 August. My reasons for wishing to join the team are that I have always been by fascinated wildlife and I would very much like to expand my knowledge of wildlife by doing research of this kind. I enclose my Curriculum Vitae. As you will see, I have worked in two veterinary practices in my spare time and have spent some time in the north of England helping a vet during the lambing season. I look forward to hearing from you. Yours faithfully, Adrian Roberts Adrian Roberts Curriculum Vitae Adrian Roberts Phone: 2001 567 3456 2 1 Alexis Mansions Date of birth: 19 June 19 9 3 London Age: 18 N14 7FD Nationality: British citizen Education Hillside Secondary School, London 2011 General Certificate of Secondary Education Maths, Geography, Physics, Biology, Chemistry, English, History 2000 Advanced Level examinations Chemistry, Physics Biology, Geography Responsibilities Editor of the school magazine Represented the school at cricket, football, chess, swimming Work experience 2009 London Weekly: assistant typist 2010 Winchmore Veterinary Practice, Brighton 2011 Helping at a Veterinary Practice, Bowett, Yorkshire Interests Member of the local Scout group Rock climbing Sports diver Referees Dr Peter Murray Mr Charles Rowell
1. Relevant skills or knowledge 2. Reasons for applying for the job. 3. Particular points in the CV that show experience is relevant. 4. Why he is writing the letter. 5. Reference to the CV enclosed. Ex. 2 Put the information in the correct order.
Ex. 3 Choose the correct preposition in each sentence. 1. I don't like the idea of working in/for/by someone. 2. Paul joined us to/for/as a research assistant. 3. To join a team as/of /for experts, ring this number. 4. A knowledge in/of /for wildlife is desirable. 5. I have always enjoyed working for / with / by animals. 6. Send in a CV when applying in / to/for a job. 7. I am interested for/in/ to the job advertised. 8. Maria has always been fascinated in / with /by wildlife. 9. Sam represented his school of /at/with sports. 10. We look forward to /of /for hearing from you.
Dear Sir or Madam, I would like to apply of the job of helper on the Reasearch project. My reasons to doing this are that I have always fasinated by the world of wildlife and I am very good in working in a team. I am putting my curiculum vitae. Because you will see, I have organised many events at school and have spent the some time working in an office at the weekends. I look forward to hear from you. Yours sincerely, Susanna Taylor Susanna Taylor Ex. 4 Find 1 3 mistakes and rewrite the letter .
Dear Sir or Madam, I would like to apply for the job of helper on the Research project. My reasons for doing this are that I have always been fascinated by the world of wildlife and I am very good at working in a team. I enclose my Curiculum Vitae . As you will see, I have organised many events at school and have spent some time working in an office at weekends. I look forward to hearing from you. Yours faithfully , Susanna Taylor Susanna Taylor
1. Write all the necessary personal information at the top. 2. Write the name of your secondary school and any examination results. 3. Write any responsibilities you have now or had in the past at school. 4. List any work experience you may have had and when you did it. 5. Think of any interests you have outside school. Write the name of at least one referee. It can be one of your teachers, or someone who knows you well. Writing tip Planning and writing a CV
Staff wanted We are currently looking for porters, chef's assistant, pool attendants and bar staff for summer work all over the Mediterranean on a luxury cruise liner. Minimum period - two month Accommodation and meals provided Previous experience not essential Interested? Send your CV and a letter of application to…
JOB REASONS FOR WANTING JOB RELEVANT INTERESTS / STILLS / EXPERIENCE porter good sea legs (i.e. don’t get seaside) Chef’s assistant plan to train as a chef weekend work in a local restaurant pool attendant lifesaver’s medal bar staff enjoy meeting people
Plan Dear Sir/Madam, Introduction (Paragraph 1) explain why you are writing Main Body (Paragraph 2) your reasons for wanting the job (Paragraph 3) some brief reference to your interests, skills and experience which may suggest that you are suitable for the job Conclusion (Paragraph 4) closing remarks Yours faithfully, ( your signature) (your full name)
HOMEWORK: Write your CV and a letter of application. You are going to apply for one of the jobs in this advertisement. Use the plan, the writing tip, Adrian`s letter and the CV on page 162 (ex23) in your text book as a model. (1 00 -120 words)
Предварительный просмотр:
Подписи к слайдам:
Phonetic exercise p. 97 ex.8 ng – [ ŋ] nk -[ ŋk ] [ ŋ] – si ng ,so ng ,ki ng ,ri ng [ ŋk ]- a nk le, li nk er, ti nk er
Match the words 1) New Year Day a) День защитника Отечества 2)Easter b) День Победы 3) Christmas c) Новый год 4) International Women’s Day d) Весенний день отдыха 5) Spring Bank Holiday e) Рождество 6) Victory Day f) Пасха 7) Motherland Defender Day j) Международный женский день
Read the words p. 96 Dress up Have street parades Light bonfires Decorate the house Exchange gifts Have a family dinner Cook special food
What do you do on Victory Day ? On Victory Day we usually………. What do you do on Motherland Defender Day ? On Motherland Defender Day day we usually………. What do you do on New Year Day ? On New Year Day we usually……….
p.96 ex.2 1.Listen, read the text. Fill in the missing words 2.Read and translate the text 3.Name the festivals. How do people celebrate them? ( письменно) ( название) is a popular festival in (страна). On this day, people (что делают)
p. 97 ex.4 вставьте C (countable) – исчисляемые сущ.(имеют мн. число) U ( ucountable ) – неисчисляемые сущ. (не имеют мн.число)
Countable ( исчисляемые) and ucountable (неисчисляемые) nouns p.97 ex.6 ! a/an – используется с исчисляемыми в ед.числе a banana, an apple, a book, an atlas !Some (несколько) – с исчисляемыми во мн.числе Some bananas, some apples, some books, some atlases !Some ( немного) – с неисчисляемыми сущ. Some juice, some water, some bread
A/an/some _____rice _____apple _____spaghetti _____banana _____butter _____bread _____egg _____spoon _____milk _____salt _____water _____ice cream _____tea _____coffee
Homework 1. Читать правило GR5 Module 8 ( перевести названия контейнеров) 2. Рт с. 59 3. Учебник с 98 выписать слова 4. Выполнить задание на сайте
Предварительный просмотр:
The 18th of May
It was great!
(это было великолепно!)
p. 108 ex.1 a
places to go
запишите слова, переведите, соотнесите с картинками
a zoo -
an art gallery -
a theatre-
a fast food restaurant –
an adventure park –
a concert hall –
p. 108 ex.1b
составьте примеры по образцу
You can__________at (in) the_________________.
Простое прошедшее время - Past Simple:
показывает действия, которые происходили в прошлом.
Утвердительная, отрицательная и вопросительная формы в простом прошедшем времени:
+ I played yesterday.
- I didn’t play yesterday.
? Did I play yesterday?
Смотреть видео по ссылке
p. 108 ex. 2
1. читать, перевести,
2. ответить на вопросы,
3. найти глаголы в прошедшем времени
- Учебник GR 6 Past Simple – учить правило
- РТ с 66 упр 1
- Учебник с.109 упр 5 (письменно полностью писать)
- p. 108 ex. 2
1. читать, перевести,
2. ответить на вопросы,
3. найти глаголы в прошедшем времени
Предварительный просмотр:
Подписи к слайдам:
+ I watch ed TV yesterday. - I didn’t watch TV yesterday. ? Did you watch TV yesterday? + We play ed football a week ago. - We didn’t play football a week ago. ? Did we play football a week ago?
p. 110 ex. 1 Types of films horror - фильм ужасов r omance – романтический фильм c omedy – комедия a ction – боевик a nimated – мультипликационный фильм f antasy - фантастика
WHAT FILMS DO YOU LIKE? I LIKE ……….FILMS . action animated horror comedy fantasy r omance
ANSWER THE QUESTIONS What type of film is it? What is the film about? Who stars in the film?
THE NEW WORDS witness It’s a must-see встретиться лицом к лицу face star acting battle evil good s ecret journey свидетель играть главную роль секретное путешествие зло игра актеров добро битва обязательно стоит посмотреть
NEW WORDS witness It’s a must-see встретиться лицом к лицу face star acting battle evil good s ecret journey свидетель играть главную роль секретное путешествие зло игра актеров добро битва обязательно стоит посмотреть
CHECK! Nick visit ed his grandmother. Mr Brown clean ed the window Mr Green wash ed the car.
Mum visit ed her parents and she didn’t cook. 2) Granny cook ed dinner.
Mum was ill and didn’t clean the house. Dad clean ed the house .
) PAST SIMPLE – прошедшее время неправильных глаголов (Irregular verbs + I went to school yesterday ( ходить – go – went). I saw the film yesterday ( видеть – see – saw). I had a sandwich yesterday ( иметь – have – had).
PAST SIMPLE (Irregular verbs) + I got a gift yesterday ( получать – get – got). I read the book yesterday ( читать – read [ ri:d ] – read [red]). I took the burger and cola) ( брать – take – took).
Алгоритм работы ( утвердительные предложения)
Список неправильных глаголов See Go Read Make Take Write Send Buy Find Think Have get Saw [ s ɔ :] Went Read [red] Made Took Wrote Sent Bought [ bɔ:t ] Found Thought Had got Видеть Идти читать Делать, создавать Брать Писать Посылать Покупать Находить Думать Иметь получать
PAST SIMPLE (Irregular verbs) – ? I did not go to school yesterday Did you go to school yesterday?
CHECK! She didn’t go by car. She went by bus. They didn’t go shopping. They went to the cinema. They didn’t buy a camera. They bought a television.
CHECK! Did she drink Cola? Did she sing? Did she get presents?
Homework Читать правило GR6 Past Simple смотреть видео https :// vk.com/video-193261642_456239061 3. РТ с 66 упр 2,3,4, с. 67 4. Посмотреть видеоурок https ://youtu.be/w8Z7VRQNEwA