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Сульдина Надежда Васильевна
сайт учителя иностранных языков
Профессия: учитель
Профессиональные интересы: чтение
Увлечения: кулинария
Регион: Республика Мордовия
Населенный пункт: с.Гарт,Большеберезниковский район
Место работы: Обособленное структурное подразделение "Судосевское" МБОУ "Большеберезниковская средняя общеобразовательная школа"
Ссылка на мой мини-сайт:
https://nsportal.ru/suldina-nadezhdaВыберите себе работу по душе, и вам не придется работать ни одного дня в своей жизни.
If you talk to a man in a language he understands, that goes to his head. If you talk to him in his own language, that goes to his heart.
Если вы говорите с человеком на языке, который он понимает, вы обращаетесь к его уму. Если вы говорите с ним на его родном языке, вы обращаетесь к его сердцу.
(Нельсон Мандела)
Вы находитесь на персональном сайте учителя иностранных языков Сульдиной Надежды Васильевны.
Мне очень приятно видеть Вас! Надеюсь, что представленная информация будет интересна и полезна не только учителям , но и классным руководителям, воспитателям.
Желаю приятного и полезного проведения времени на страницах моего сайта!
О себе
Сульдина Надежда Васильевна.
Образование: высшее.
Специальность: учитель иностранного языка.
Преподаваемый предмет: иностранные языки.
С 1994 года выполняю обязанности классного руководителя.
Книги, которые сформировали мой внутренний мир
Джейн Остен "Гордость и предубеждение", М.А. Булгаков "Мастер и Маргарита".
Мой взгляд на мир
«Если планируешь свою жизнь на год – выращивай хлеб,
если планируешь свою жизнь на 10 лет – сажай деревья,
строишь планы на всю жизнь – учи детей!»
Моё портфолио
Урок английского языка на тему "ХОББИ".
5 класс
I. Организационный момент (мотивация к учебной деятельности).
Цель этапа: включение учащихся в деятельность на личностно-значимом уровне.
- Good morning, children.
- I’m glad to see you.
- Sit down, please.
- Who is on duty today?
- Who is absent?
-What is the date today?
-What day of the week is it today?
-How are you?
- Thank you for the information.
2. Постановка темы урока.
- Look at the board . There are some pictures on it.
- Look at them and what can you say about them?
- What are these children doing?
(She is singing. They are dancing. He is swimming. He is playing football. She is painting ).
- Yes, you are right. And now think «What will we speak about at our lesson?
(I think we will speak about the hobbies).
- Very good! Of course, you are right! We will speak about different hobbies.
- A hobby is something you like to do in your free time.
- Hobbies makes your life more interesting.
3. Фонетическая зарядка
1) Повторение звуков и слов.
- Look at the screen. Listen and repeat the words.
(выполняют небольшой тест).
4. Речевая зарядка
- Now, answer my questions.
- Do you have free time? (Yes, I have. I have free time).
- What do you like to do in your free time? (I like…)
- What don’t you like to do? (I don’t like …)
- Do you like music? (Yes, I do).
- Do you play hockey or tennis? (I play tennis).
-What is your hobby? (My hobby is sport).
5. Аудирование. Работа с учебником.
- Open your book ex. 1 p. 35. Listen and say what is true.
1) Mike went to the circus last week. (false)
2) Mike thought the clowns were the best in the show. (false)
3) One of the trained dogs sang to the piano. (false)
4) Mike is thinking about a career of a circus performer. (true)
- Of course, you are right!
6. Повторение лексики.
а) Найти названия хобби на слайде
T: Now look at the screen and find the names of hobbies.
Who is ready?
- Dancing, music, reading, horse racing, tennis
- Gardening, theatre, travelling, fishing, football
- Collecting, cinema, walking, sports, computer
6. Работа с текстом. (Чтение)
T: You will Read to short texts and try to what hobby is it.
P1: Such people like to visit different cities, towns and historical places. Some people even visit other countries. They can travel by car, by plane, by train, by bus or on foot. This hobby helps them to learn history, geography and traditions of different people and countries.
T: What hobby is it?
P: Travelling
P2: It is a very interesting kind of hobby. You can do it with your father or friends. It is good to sit at the river or lakes, to see the nature. You can go usually there in summer but some people like to go there in winter too. Your mother will be happy to cook fish for you and your family!
T: What hobby is it?
P: Fishing
7. Now look at the screen. You must make up the words on topic «Hobbies».
den- gar-ing (gardening)
ing-vell-tra (travelling)
sp-ts-or (sports)
lec-ting- col (collecting)
ad-re-ing (reading)
da-ing-nc (dancing)
sh-fi-ing (fishing)
ing-lk-wa (walking)
8. Развитие навыков диалогической речи по теме “The world of Hobbies”.
Let`s make the short dialogues. who wants?
Работа на слайде. Рассказ о своем хобби. Используйте выражения: (Слайд 9)
- Hello!
- Hi! What is your name?
- My name is Ann. And what is your name?
- My name is Dasha. What is your hobby?
- My hobby is music. I do it every day. It is fun. And what is your hobby?
- My hobby is dancing. It is interesting.
- Thank you. Good bye.
- Bye-bye.
- Thank you. Now I know everything about your hobbies.
9. Заключительный этап урока
1) Подведение итогов урока
- You worked very well at the lesson.
2) Выставление оценок:
- I am going to give you good and excellent marks.
3) Домашнее задание (слайд 14)
- Now, open your diaries and write down your homework. Your home task is exercise 4 on page 36 from your book.
- Now, stand up!
- Our lesson is over.
- Thank you for your work.
- Goodbye!
Сценарии по басням И.А.Крылова.
M: Good morning, doctor!
D: Good morning, Monkey! What can I do for you?
M: I am old and I can't see well. Can you help me?
D: Yes, I can. (examines the monkey's eyes) You must wear glasses. Here are good glasses for you.
M: Thank you, doctor! Goodbye!
D: Goodbye! (goes away)
M: Now I have glasses. But where shall I put them? On my neck? (puts the glasses on her neck) No, I can't see better. On my tail, then? … No, it doesn't help. On my hand? … On my leg? …Oh, I know! I must eat them! (tries to eat) No, I can't eat them. What shall I do with them? They don't help me at all! Bad glasses! (throws them down) I'll never go to the doctor again.
Мартышка (M)
Доктор (D)
The Monkey and the Mirror
Мартышка (M)
Медведь (B)
Реквизит: зеркало (можно сделать бутафорское с использованием фольги), костюмы персонажей.
M: Hello, Bear!
B: Hello, Monkey!
M: Look, Bear, what I've got!
B: What's this?
M: I don't know, but you can see a very funny monkey in it. Some of my friends look like her. What a silly face! I'm glad I don't look like that!
B: If you are going to laugh at your friends, you must look at yourself first.
M: Why should I?
B: Because in the mirror you see your face, not your friend's!
M: You are wrong, Bear. I look much nicer. Goodbye!
B: (to the audience) It's a pity, but she didn't understand me.
The Fox and the Crane
Лиса (F)
Журавль (С)
Реквизит: тарелка, кувшин с высоким узким горлышком, костюмы персонажей.
F: Good morning, Mr Crane!
C: Good morning, Mrs Fox!
F: Your long legs and bill look very nice.
C: Thank you, Mrs Fox. I like your red coat very much. It looks beautiful.
F: I'm so pleased to meet you. Come and have dinner with me, Mr Crane.
C: Thank you very much.
F: Here's a plate of soup for you, Mr Crane!
C: (to the public) It's a pity, but my nose is too thin. I can't eat soup out of a plate.
F: Well, did you like the soup, Mr Crane? It was very tasty.
C: Thank you. (to the public) She saw that I couldn't eat the soup. She is sly and greedy, and she laughs at me. But I'll teach her a lesson. (to the fox)Dear Mrs Fox, come and have dinner with me tomorrow!
F: Thank you! I'll certainly come.
(next day)
F: Oh, I'm so hungry! What does Mr Crane have for dinner?
C: Good afternoon, Mr Fox! Have some fish! There are a lot of little fish in the jar.
F: (tries to get the fish) It's a pity, but I can't get any fish. This jar is too high.
C: Did you like the dinner, Mrs Fox? Did you enjoy the fish? Have dinner with me tomorrow!
F: Oh, no, I'll never have dinner with you again.
C: Remember, Mrs Fox, if you want people to be good to you, you must be good to them.
The Little Dog and the Elephant
Первая собака (1D)
Вторая собака (2D)
Слон (роль без слов)
Реквизит: костюмы персонажей.
1D: (runs after the elephant) Bow-wow-wow! Bow-wow-wow!
2D: Why are you making so much noise? You are a naughty little dog!
1D: Why? Don't you understand?
2D: No, I don't.
1D: Look there! Do you see that big and strong animal?
2D: Of course, I see him. It's an elephant.
1D: Well, I'm barking at him.
2D: But the elephant doesn't even look at you.
1D: It doesn't matter. But the other dogs will think that I am very strong and brave because I bark at the elephant. Bow-wow-wow! (runs after the elephant)
Тексты басен И.А.Крылова на английском языке
“Mirror and monkey” A Monkey in a Mirror saw its form by chance. She whispered to the Bear all at once: “My dear crony, you take a glance! What ugly mug is there! What capers does it cut, what faces does it make! I’d hang myself in great dismay, If I were little bit like monkey there! And you confess, I’ve had A half a dozen of such posers at hand, I’d like to count them on fingers of my hand”. “You don’t scorn your friends, my dear: All their cranks you can reveal in you, I fear!” The Bear now said, But his advise for ever vanished as in net. ------------------------------- In life such cases are well known. As no one admits, that he’s to blame alone. I saw myself such case last week: That Steve’s a nasty pilferer – the people know, That he’s a grafter – papers show, But he is nodding stealthily at honest Nick.
«Зеркало и обезьяна» Мартышка, в Зеркале увидя образ свой, Тихохонько Медведя толк ногой: «Смотри-ка, - говорит, - кум милый мой! Что это там за рожа? Какие у нее ужимки и прыжки! Я удавилась бы с тоски, Когда бы на нее хоть чуть была похожа. А ведь, признайся, есть Из кумушек моих таких кривляк пять-шесть: Я даже их могу по пальцам перечесть». – «Чем кумушек считать трудиться, Не лучше ль на себя, кума, оборотиться?» Ей Мишка отвечал. Но Мишенькин совет лишь попусту пропал. ------------------------------- Таких примеров много в мире: Не любит узнавать никто себя в сатире. Я даже видел то вчера: Что Климыч на руку нечист, все это знают; Про взятки Климычу читают, А он украдкаю кивает на Петра.
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