Презентация к учебному занятию на тему "The first aid treatment"
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Бескулова Ирина Сергеевна

Презентация к учебному занятию по английскому языку в профессиональной деятельности "Оказание первой медицинской помощи"


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Слайд 1

Оказание первой помощи First aid treatment Подготовила: преподаватель иностранного языка СП ЦМП "Энергия" Бескулова И.С.

Слайд 2

I like to treat Никто не может мне это запретить I like to help the people Пускай все это видят . Уж коли выбрал медицину по призванию Тогда положи конец ты Человеческому страданию . You will be a nurse В халате цвета white Тебя больные ждут Учи как следует И знания применяй

Слайд 3

Rules of giving first medical aid are simple and necessary knowledge to everyone, who will give immediate help the injured people in the place of accident. About 90 % of died could be alive in the case of giving them qualified medical aid at first minutes after the accident.

Слайд 4

FRACTURES Words: fracture – перелом to break – ломать , перелом bone – кость closed – закрытый open – открытый to complain of – жаловаться на to move – двигаться comminuted fracture – оскольчатый перелом single fracture – единичный перелом greenstick fracture – прелом по типу зеленой веточки complete fracture – полный перелом to appear – появляться splint – шина to bind - перевязывать X-rays – рентгеновы лучи plaster cast – гипсовая повязка limb – конечность

Слайд 5

Read the text Your bones are tough stuff — but even tough stuff can break. Like a wooden pencil, bones will bend under strain. But if the pressure is too much, or too sudden, bones can snap. You can break a bone by falling off a skateboard or crashing down from the monkey bars. When a bone breaks it is called a fracture. The word “fracture” means a break in a bone. There are two kinds of fractures: closed and open. In a closed fracture there is no wound on the skin. In an open fracture there is a wound. Open fractures are more serious than closed ones. If a person breaks his arm or leg he complains of pain in the place of the break. The pain becomes more severe if he presses the place or tries to move. If you think you or someone else has broken a bone, the most important things to do are to: stay calm make sure the person who is hurt is as comfortable as possible do not let the person move use a splint for the broken limb bind the splints to the limb but not at the place of the fracture call the emergency number in your area One super-important tip: If you're not sure what bone is broken or you think the neck or back is broken, do not try to move the injured person. Wait until a trained medical professional has arrived. Doctors use X-rays to see the break and put plaster casts on the broken limbs. The special bandage that will keep the bone in place for the 1 to 2 months it will take for the break to mend.

Слайд 6

Answer the questions. 1. What does the word “fracture” mean? 2. What kinds of fractures do you know? 3. What fracture is more serious? 4. When does the pain become more severe? 5. How can you help the person with fracture? 6. What do the doctors do with fractures ?

Слайд 7

Bleeding Words : bleeding - кровотечение severe - тяжелый loss - потеря case - случай blood transfusion - переливание крови.

Слайд 8

Read the text The symptoms of arterial bleeding. The first thing you must understand in bleeding is to know what vessels are injured: veins, arteries, capillaries. The first aid depends on it. When the blood flows from an artery it is scarlet. When the blood flows from a vein it is dark red. Bleeding can lead to a severe loss of blood. Stop the bleeding as soon as possible. The best way to stop bleeding is by direct pressure with a clean cloth. Put clean cloth over the wound and bandage it tightly. If the bleeding is from the armor leg, the limb can be kept in a raised position. If the bleeding is from a nose after a bad bruise, put a cold compress on the nose. It will stop the blood. Ice placed on the nose also stops bleeding. A person must breathe through his mouth. In severe case doctors make blood transfusion.

Слайд 9

Answer the questions . What can lead to a severe loss of blood? What is the best way to stop the bleeding? What do the doctors in severe cases?

Слайд 10

Sunstroke Ситуационная задача

Слайд 11

Ann Belova 24 years old Rapid pulse and breathing, vomit, high temperature, noise in the ears, hot skin Bad headaches, over heating of the head Sunstroke, the burning of the skin Transfer to a cool , non-wet room and put it down Raise legs slightly , put something under your ankles to get rid of outer clothing , especially one that can squeeze the chest Give cold water moisten the face , and better the whole body with cool water ( about 20 degrees )

Слайд 12

Reflection Learnt about the first aid

Слайд 13

Home task 1) Find the information about the first aid for poisoning, fainting, burns in the internet and make up presentations. OR 2) Make up summaries of the texts of the lesson.

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