Методическая разработка для преподавателей " Путешествие - лучший вид отдыха".
методическая разработка на тему
С каждым годом расширяются деловые связи медиков различных стран. Непрерывно растет объем информации, в том числе и на иностранном языке. В этой связи неоценимую помощь Вам окажет умение вести беседу, общаться на всевозможные темы на английском языке без помощи переводчика. Для специалиста - необходимо постоянно совершенствовать свои знания в области сестренского дела, лабораторной диагностики. Разработки в этой области можно найти в специальной литературе на английском языке. Поэтому студенты должны овладеть необходимым лексическим запасом и основами грамматики английского языка, необходимыми для извлечения необходимой информации из темы.
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Предварительный просмотр:
Дисциплина: «Иностранный язык»
Специальность: 060109 Сестринское дело
060110 Лабораторная диагностика
авторы: Михневич Альбина Александровна
преподаватель иностранного языка
первой квалификационной категории МУ № 4
внешний – Перфильева Л. Р., преподаватель высшей квалификационной категории МК №5
внутренний – Нехай С.В., преподаватель высшей квалификационной категории МУ № 4.
На заседании ЦМК
Протокол № ________
«_______»_____________________2012 г.
Методист __________________________
Департамент здравоохранения г. Москвы
На методическое пособие для преподавателей по теме:
« Путешествие – лучший отдых».
Дисциплина: иностранный язык (английский язык)
Специальность: 060109 Сестринское дело
060110 Лабораторная диагностика
Курс: 3
Автор: Михневич А.А. преподаватель иностранного языка первой квалификационной категории МУ № 4.
На рецензию представлена методическая разработка для преподавателей и студентов по теме: «Путешествие – лучший отдых» по специальности 060109 Сестринское дело и 060110 Лабораторная диагностика.
Тема методической разработки соответствует требованиям Государственного образовательного стандарта. Методический материал логичен и последователен.
Методическое пособие содержит:
• пояснительную записку;
• методический блок;
• информационный блок;
• контролирующий блок;
• приложение (с дополнительными материалами по теме);
В методическом блоке четко указаны цели занятия, дан план занятия, описаны приемы и методы, применяемые преподавателем.
Блок информации содержит все необходимые сведения о лексическом материале темы.
Даны необходимые речевые образцы, лексические единицы. Упражнения расположены в порядке нарастающей трудности, позволяющей постепенно, поэтапно и просто усваивать лексический материал.
Методическая разработка включает в себя ряд текстов по теме. Задания к текстам развивают у студентов навыки всех видов чтения. Контролирующие задания составлены на основе изучаемого лексического материала, что способствует прочному усвоению лексики темы. Задания развивают у студентов навыки самостоятельной работы, умение контролировать свою деятельность.
Данную методическую разработку можно рекомендовать для проведения теоретического занятия, а также для самостоятельной работы студентов на занятиях по иностранному языку (английскому) в медицинских училищах.
Рецензент Перфильева Л,Р.,
преподаватель высшей
квалификационной категории
МК № 5
Тема: «Путешествие – лучший отдых»
Разговорная практика.
Количество часов: 2 часа
Вид занятий: практическое занятие
Тип занятий: комбинированный урок
Цели занятия: 1. Учебные
Студенты должны знать:
- лексику темы;
Студенты должны уметь:
- читать и переводить диалоги по теме;
- составлять монологи по теме;
- употреблять в своей речи лексические единицы, речевые обороты по теме.
2. Развивающие
- развивать у студентов внимание, логическое мышление, языковую догадку, умение работать сообща.
3. Воспитательные
- формировать у студентов положительное отношение к изучению иностранного языка;
- формировать языковые навыки, умение вести беседу, расширять словарный запас студентов;
- воспитывать интерес к своей будущей профессии.
С каждым годом расширяются деловые связи медиков разных стран.
Непрерывно растет объем информации, том числе и на иностранном языке. В этой связи неоценимую помощь Вам окажет умение вести беседу, общаться на всевозможные темы на английском языке без помощи переводчика.
Для специалиста - необходимо постоянно совершенствовать свои знания в области сестринского дела, лабораторной диагностики.
Разработки в этой области можно найти в специальной литературе на английском языке. Поэтому студенты должны овладеть необходимым лексическим запасом и основами грамматики английского языка, необходимыми для извлечения необходимой информации из темы.
Данная тема имеет своей целью совершенствовать представление студентов о языковой системе английского языка, систематизировать школьные знания по основам грамматики и лексики; знакомить студентов со специальной лексикой, относящейся к их будущей профессии, с некоторыми медицинскими терминами.
План занятия
1. Организационный момент | - 5 минут |
- постановка цели занятия (вступительное слово преподавателя, заполнение журнала, объявление темы занятия) | |
2. Контроль исходного уровня знаний и умений | - 10 минут |
3. Изложение нового материала | - 45 минут |
- введение новой лексики - введение лексико-грамматического упражнения на закрепление нового материала - чтение и перевод текста, ответы на вопросы беседа по теме в парах – диалоги | |
4. Самостоятельная работа студентов | - 10 минут |
5. Обсуждение результатов самостоятельной работы | - 5 минут |
6. Выходной контроль | - 10 минут |
7. Подведение итогов занятия | - 5 минут |
- выставление оценок - задание для самостоятельной работы | |
ИТОГО: | - 90 минут |
Междисциплинарные связи
Внутридисциплинарные связи
Оснащение занятия
речевые обороты по теме, лексика темы
Раздаточный материал:
A room for Medical Procedures
Диалог по тексту _
- Ситуационные картинки
- Аудиозапись
- С.А. Тылкина, Н.А. Темчина «Пособие по английскому языку для
медицинских училищ»
Задание на дом
1. Знать лексику по теме;
2. Подготовить пересказ текста «A Student nurse»
Критерии оценок
Оценка «5» - Отлично |
Студент читает текст по теме, отвечает на вопросы, сам задает вопросы по прочитанному тексту и применяет в своей речи лексику темы, (допускаемое количество ошибок 1-2) |
Оценка «4» - Хорошо |
Студент читает текст по теме, оформляет устные и письменные вопросы и ответы по тексту без существенных ошибок, что означает - студент владеет основными умениями и навыками устной речи, но не твердо знает некоторые грамматические правила, что не позволяет ему строить свою речь без ошибок. (допустимое количество ошибок 4-6) |
Оценка «3» - Удовлетворительно |
Оценка ставится, если студент читает текст по теме и не понимает на 50-60% содержания, допускает существенные ошибки в беседе по теме. |
Оценка «2» - Неудовлетворительно |
Оценка ставится, если студент делает 12 и более ошибок, что означает, что он не владеет умениями и навыками использования соответствующих грамматических явлений, не может опознать то или иное грамматическое явление, не раскрывает тему, допускает грубые лексические, грамматические и фонетические ошибки. |
Методы и приемы
- введение лексики темы с использованием предметной наглядности;
- работа с ситуативными картинками;
- лексико-грамматические упражнения на закрепление введенной лексики
- чтение и перевод текстов по теме;
- ответы на вопросы по прочитанному тексту;
- речевые упражнения по теме.
Рекомендации по проведению занятия
Контроль исходного уровня знаний лучше начать с повторения лексики темы в уровнях придаточного предложения I и II типов. Предложения должны быть построены на основе лексики темы урока, т.к. предыдущее знание было посвящено ознакомлению с лексикой темы, и домашнее задание также основано на этой теме.
Виды деятельности, рекомендуемые для достижения целей занятия
- активизировать употребление в речи введенных речевых оборотов по теме, широко применяя подстановочные таблицы, работая по цепочки и т.д.
- выполнять ряд упражнений на основе лексики прочитанного текста с тем, чтобы эти упражнения служили основой для свободного построения монологических и диалогических высказываний по теме.
I. Word list
1. Practice reading the following words and word combinations. Learn them by heart.
a train поезд
kind of train вид /тип/ поезда.
different различный
for instance [fər'instəns] например
a passenger ['pæsind3ə] train пассажирский поезд
a goods train товарный поезд
a mail train почтовый поезд
carry перевозят
combined [kəm'baind] объединенный
a carriage вагон
a slow train медленный поезд
a fast train скорый поезд
a non-stopping train поезд, следующий без остановок
a stopping train поезд, следующий с остановками
without stopping без остановок
distance ['distəns] расстояние
a local train местный поезд
a long-distance train поезд дальнего следования
comparatively [kəm'pærətivli] сравнительно
to explain [iks'plein] объяснить
difference ['difərəns] разница
as a matter of fact в сущности, собственно говоря
a suburb ['sΛbə:b] пригород
a suburban [sΛb'ə:bən] train пригородный поезд
an electric train электричка
to connect [kə'nekt] соединять
recently ['ri:səntli] недавно
a term [tə:m] термин
an overnight train ночной поезд
to leave покидать, оставлять, уезжать, отправляться
to arrive [ə'raiv] прибывать
a day coach [kout∫] дневной поезд
to prefer [pri'fə:] предпочитать
sleeping accommodation [ə,kcmə'dei∫n] условия для сна
a compartment [kəm'pa:tmənt] саг купейный вагон
separate ['sepərit] отдельный
a sleeper спальный вагон
for short для краткости, сокращенно
a lower [louə] berth [bə:θ] нижняя полка
an upper ['Λpə] berth верхняя полка
bedclothes постельные принадлежности
bedding "постель" /постельные принадлежности, которые вам дает проводник/
a guard [ga:d] проводник
to waste time понапрасну тратить время
parcels ['pa:slz] посылки
special ['spe∫əl] специальный
respectively [ris'pektivli] соответственно
situated ['sitjueitid] расположен
to change trains делать пересадку
to make a changing делать пересадку
to board a train садиться на поезд
a through [θru:] train "прямой", поезд, т. е. такой, который довозит вас до места назначения без пересадки
a place of destination [,desti'nei∫n] место назначения
just a minute Минуточку.
will that do? Это подойдет?
what about Как насчет
children under five дети до пяти лет
may travel free могут ездить бесплатно
an inquiry [in'kwaiəri] office справочное бюро
information [,infə'mei∫n] информация, справки
both [bouθ] оба
New Haven ['nju: 'heivən] Нью Хейвен
an hour and a half полтора часа
a cafe ['kæfei] кафе
a price [prais] цена
to cost стоить
expensive [iks'pensiv] дорогой
II. Learn the following dialogue.
A. There are many different kinds of trains, aren't there?
B. Well, yes, of course. There are, for instance, passenger trains and goods trains.
A. Passenger trains are for passengers and goods trains are for goods, aren't they?
B. That's right.
A. And what are mail trains?
B. Mail trains carry mail, or post. But usually mail trains and passenger trains are combined: they have carriages for passengers and carriages for mail.
A. Thank you very much.
Render the contents of the dialogue in indirect speech.
Возможные варианты ответа.
There are many different kinds of trains: passenger trains, goods trains, mail trains.
Passenger trains for passengers and goods trains for goods.
Mail trains carry mail, or post. But usually they are combined: they have carriages for passengers and carriages for mail.
III. Learn the following dialogue.
A. What are slow trains and fast trains?
B. Well, that's clear. Slow trains move slowly. It's because they stop at all the stations. Fast trains pass many stations without stopping. They only stop at very large stations.
A. I see. And that's why they move faster, don't they?
B. Of course. They are also called non-stopping trains.
A. And slow trains are stopping trains, aren't they?
B. That's right.
Render the contents of the dialogue in indirect speech.
Возможные варианты ответа.
Slow trains move slowly, because they stop at all the stations.
Fast trains pass many stations without stopping.
Fast trains are called non-stopping trains and slow trains are stopping trains.
IV. Learn the following dialogue.
A. What's a local train?
B. Well, it's a train which travels comparatively short distances, like...
A. Like what?
B. Like, say, a hundred or a few hundred kilometres.
A. And what if I want to go a very long distance?
B. Oh, then you go by a long-distance train. It can take you as far as the other end of the country.
A. Thank you.
Render the contents of the dialogue in indirect speech.
Возможные варианты ответа.
A local train is a train which travels short distances, like a hundred or a few hundred kilometres. And a long distance train can take you as far as the other end of the country.
V. Learn the following dialogue.
A. What's a suburban train? It's not a long-distance one, is it?
B. Oh no, it isn't. It travels only short distances.
A. Then it's a local train. Or isn't it? Can you ex plain the difference to me?
B. Well, a suburban train is a local train, of course. But not every local train can be called a suburban one. As a matter of fact, suburban trains connect large cities with the suburbs.
A. Ah, I see. Like electric trains that go from St. Petersburg to the small towns and settlements around it.
B. That's right.
Render the contents of the dialogue in indirect speech.
Возможные варианты ответа.
A suburban train travels only short distances, like local trains. But not every local train can be called a suburban one. Suburban trains connect large cities with the suburbs, like electric trains that go from St. Petersburg to the small towns and settlements around it.
VI. Learn the following dialogue.
A. Which kind of train would you prefer if you were traveling from St. Petersburg to Moscow: an overnight train or a day coach?
В. Oh, of course I would prefer an overnight train. Overnight trains have sleeping accomodation.
A. What kind of sleeping accomodation?
B. Well, they have compartment cars, or "corridor" cars, that is carriages with separate compartments.
A. Sleeping cars, right?
B. Yes, or sleepers, for short. Each compartment has two lower berths and two upper berths, on which you can sleep, like in bed.
A. What about bedclothes?
B. Oh, the guard will bring you bedding.
A. That's fine. And you don't waste you time traveling by an overnight train.
Render the contents of the dialogue in indirect speech.
Возможные варианты ответа.
I would prefer an overnight train, because they have sleeping accomodation, that is they have compartment cars, or "corridor" cars, that is carriages with separate compartments. Each compartment has two lower berths and two upper berths, on which you can sleep, like in bed.
VII. Learn the following dialogue.
A. Do day coaches have sleeping accomodation?
B. No, they only have sitting accomodation: very comfortable armchairs.
A. Can you sleep in them?
B. Well, you can, of course, but certainly it isn't very convenient.
Render the contents of the dialogue in indirect speech.
Возможные варианты ответа.
Day coaches don’t have sleeping accomodation. They only have sitting accomodation: very comfortable armchairs. You can sleep in them, but it is not very convenient.
VIII. Read the text.
There are different kinds of trains: passenger trains, mail trains and goods trains. Mail trains carry mail, or post, that is letters, parcels, newspapers and magazines. Goods trains carry goods. Passenger trains carry passengers. Mail trains and passenger trains are usually combined: they have carriages for passengers and a special carriage or two for mail.
Passenger trains can be slow or fast. A slow train stops at every station. Fast trains have few stops: they stop only at very large stations. So we can call these trains respectively stopping trains and non-stopping trains.
There are local trains and long-distance trains. Local trains connect points situated not far away from each other, say, a hundred or two-three hundred kilometres. By a long-distance train you can travel very far — for thousands of kilometres. If you live in a large city, like St. Petersburg or Moscow or Kiev, you can go to the suburbs of the city by a suburban train.
Sometimes, when travelling a long distance, you have to change trains (or make a changing), that is get off one train and board another, if there is no through train to the place of your destination.
When you are travelling a long distance, it is very convenient to go by an overnight train. Overnight trains have sleeping accomodation: they usually have "corridor cars," i.e. carriages with separate compartments (they are called sleeping cars, or sleepers). In each compartment there are two lower and two upper berths, on which you can sleep like in bed. Trains which run by day are called day coaches. You cannot sleep in these trains: they have only sitting accomodation: very comfortable soft armchairs.
Answer the following questions.
- What are passenger trains, goods trains and mail trains?
- What is a combined mail and passenger train?
- What is the difference between slow and fast trains?
- What is a non-stopping train? Does it mean that it never stops?
- What places can you get to by a local train? by a long-distance train?
- Where can you see suburban trains? Where can they take you? Why are they called suburban trains?
- Why do you sometimes have to change trains (make a changing) while travelling?
- Why is a through train convenient?
- What is an overnight train?
- What do you call a train which runs only by day?
- What accomodation do you get on an overnight train?
- What accomodation do you get on day coaches?
- What is a corridor car?
- How many people can travel in one compartment?
- Which do you prefer: a lower berth or an upper berth? Why?
Возможные варианты ответа.
1. Mail trains carry mail or post. Goods trains carry goods.
2. A combined mail and passenger train have carriages for passengers and a special carriage or two for mail.
3. A slow train stops at every station. Fast trains have few stops: they stop only at very large stations.
4. Fast trains are called non-stopping trains.
5. By a local train I can get to a place which is not far away. By a long-distance train you can travel very far.
6. We can see suburban train in large cities, we can go to the suburbs of the city by a suburban train.
7. When travelling a long distance, you sometimes have to change trains, that is get off one train and board another.
8. A through train is convenient, because you can travel a long distance without making a changing.
9. An overnight train is a train, which has sleeping accommodation.
10. Trains which run by day are called day coaches.
11. An overnight trains have sleeping accomodation: they usually have "corridor cars," i.e. carriages with separate compartments which lower and upper berths on when you can sleep like in bed.
12. Day coaches have sitting accomodation: very comfortable soft armchairs.
13. A corridor cars is a carriage with separate compartments with lower and two upper berths.
14. In each compartment can travel one man.
15. A prefer a lower berth.
IX. Learn the following bits of conversation by heart.
A. Please, I want my ticket punched for the 4.35 (four-thirty-five) train to Omsk.
B. Just a moment. I've got only upper berths on that train.
A. It's О. К. I like travelling on an upper berth.
B. Very good, sir. Here you are.
A. Thank you.
A. Did you spend much time getting a ticket?
B. Oh no. I just booked by telephone in advance and had my ticket delivered.
A. Can you help me? What platform does the 5 o'clock train to Edinburgh leave?
B. From platform two, track four.
A. Two return tickets to London, please.
B. Here you are.
A. What platform do trains to London leave from?
B. From platform one.
A. Thank you.
A. Did you make a changing in Moscow?
B. Oh no. We travelled by a through train.
A. When will you arrive in Kiev?
B. I don't know. We did not get tickets for a through train, so we'll have to change trains in Moscow.
X. Translate into English.
- Когда отправляется поезд на Одессу?
- Поезд отправился в Санкт-Петербург в 8.30.
- Поезда обычно отправляются на Москву с четвертой платформы.
- Поезда на Москву обычно отправляются с четвертой платформы.
- Поезд на Таллин стоит на втором пути.
- Поезд на Таллин отправляется со второго пути.
- Ровно в четыре часа поезд отправился в Таллин.
- Ровно в четыре часа поезд на Талли отправился.
- Я купил билет на десятое апреля.
- Я купил билет десятого апреля.
- Она достала нижнюю полку на скором поезде.
- Мы купили билеты на скорый поезд.
Возможные варианты ответа.
1. When does a train for Odessa leave?
2. The train for St. Petersburg left at 8.30.
3. The train for Moscow usually leave from platform four.
4. The trains to Moscow leave from platform four.
5. The train to Tallin is on track two.
6. The train to Tallin leaves from track two.
7. The train left for Tallin at 4 sharp.
8. At four o’clock sharp the train for Tallin left.
9. I bought a ticket for the tenth of April.
10. I bought a ticket on the tenth of April.
11. She got a lower berth on a fast train.
12. We bought a ticket for a fast train.
XI. Read the text.
Nick's Trip to the South and Back Last summer Nick spent his holidays in the Crimea. He went there by plane. He booked his ticket in advance. He rang up the air-travel booking office and reserved a seat for the fifteenth of July.
"Will you come for your ticket yourself or do you want it delivered?" asked the booking-office clerk.
"I'd like my ticket delivered, please," said Nick, because he did not want to waste his time going to the booking office and standing in a queue.
The plane to Yalta took off at 9 a.m., but he ha to be at the airport an hour before to register his ticket. His plane was TU-134. It is a comfortable modern plane. Nick's seat was near the porthole and he could see how they took off in St. Petersburg and landed in Yalta. They were flying at a height of six thousand metres, so Nick could see only clouds through the porthole. The hostess offered the passengers some snacks and soft drinks. The flight was very pleasant. It took Nick only three hours to get to Yalta.
The way back wasn't so pleasant. Nick could not get a ticket for a plane. He had to stand in a long queue to get a ticket for a train. When at last his turn came, he said to the booking-office clerk:
"Please, I want a ticket to St. Petersburg for the fourth of August."
"I am sorry," said the booking-office clerk, "there are no tickets for a through train to St. Petersburg. I could give you an upper berth on a train to Moscow, and in Moscow you will have a changing."
Nick thought a little. "Oh well, that's all right," he said, "give me a ticket for the Moscow train. After all, there are a lot of trains going from Moscow to St. Petersburg every day, so I hope I will have no problems punching the ticket."
He was right. When he arrived in Moscow, he consulted the time-table and saw that there were ten trains to St. Petersburg. It did not take him long to punch his ticket. He just had time to drop into a bar and have a snack before his train started. The train was comfortable. Nick had a lower berth in a separate compartment. In the morning he was in St. Petersburg.
XII. Answer the following questions:
- Where did Nick spend his holidays?
- How did he travel to the Crimea?
- Did he buy a ticket on the day of departure or book in advance?
- How did Nick book a ticket? Did he go to the air-travel booking office?
- What date did he reserve a seat for?
- How did he get his ticket?
- Why did Nick have his ticket delivered?
- At what time did Nick's plane take off?
- Why did he have to be at the airport an hour before taking-off time?
- Was Nick's plane comfortable?
- Where was Nick's seat?
- What could Nick see through the porthole?
- What height was the plane flying at?
- What did the hostess offer the passengers?
- Was the flight pleasant?
- How long did it take Nick to get to Yalta?
- Was Nick's way back as pleasant? Why not?
- What was necessary for Nick to do to get a ticket for a train?
- Why did Nick have to make a changing in Moscow?
- What accomodation did Nick get on the train to Moscow?
- It was not difficult for Nick to punch his ticket in Moscow, was it? Why?
- What accomodation did he get on the train to St. Petersburg?
XIII. Using the material of the text above, speak about how you once travelled.
Возможные варианты ответа.
Last summer I spent my holidays on the Azov sea. We went there by train. We booked our tickets before hand. We didn’t want to waste our time going to the booking-office and standing in a queue, that’s why we booked tickets to be delivered. The train to Yejsk left at 19 p.m. sharp. It was a through train. That’s why we didn’t have to make a changing. It was a comfortable fast train. We had one lower and one upper berth on a train. The also had sleeping accommodation, that’s why our traveling was rather pleasant. It took us 24 hours to get to Yejsk. The weather was nice , the sea was blue and warm, the fruits were ride by that time. We lived in a hotel I not far from the sea. It didn’t take us long to get to the sea every morning. We bathed a lot, layed in the sun. There’s nothing like swimming in a blue warm sea. We really had a good time there.
The way back wasn’t so pleasant. We could not get tickets for a through train. That’s why we had to leave a changing, besides there were difficulties in punching the tickets. We returned a little bit tired, but happy and full of strength.
XIV. Read the story
They Mixed up Everything.
Three young, men came to a little station in the country and asked when the train to London was leaving. They were told that it was leaving at eight o'clock.
"Oh, we have a lot of time," said one of them. "Let's go to the bar and have a drink."
So they went to the bar, took a drink and had a very good time. They forgot about the time, and when they came to the platform, their train had left. They saw the station master on the platform. They went up to him and asked: "When is the next train to London, please?"
"Trains to London leave every hour," said the station master. "The next train leaves at nine o'clock."
"Oh, all right," said the three friends. 'We have a lot of time. Let's go to the bar and have another drink."
They went to the bar and had another drink and forgot about the time again. So when they came to the platform, they did not see the train. It had gone.
"When is the next train to London?" they asked the station master who was still on the platform.
"I have told you that trains to London leave every hour," said the station master. "The next train will leave at ten o'clock. But it is the last train to London tonight. If you miss it, you will have to wait until morning."
"Oh, it's О. К.," said the young men and went to the bar again. Of course they forgot about the time again, - "d when they came to the platform, the ten o'clock train was just leaving. They rushed along the platform trying to catch the train. Two of them ran very fast and managed to jump on the steps of the last carriage. But the third man remained on the platform.
When the station master approached him, he was very surprised to see that the man was laughing. He laughed till he cried and could not stop.
"What's the matter with you?" asked the station master. "Why are you laughing?"
"Oh," said the young man when at last he was able to speak, "Did you see those two idiots who jumped on the train? They mixed up everything! It was me who was going to London. They had only come to the railway station to see me off."
(Retold from the text-book by Eckersley)
Practice reading the following words and word combinations. Learn them by heart.
to have a drink выпить
had a very good time очень хорошо провели время
forgot about the time забыли о времени
a station master начальник станции
if you miss it если вы на него опоздаете
rushed along the platform помчались по платформе
to catch the train успеть на поезд
they managed ['mænid3d] им удалось
approached [ə'prout∫t] him приблизился к нему
he laughed till he cried он смеялся до слез
what's the matter with you? Что с вами?
mixed up everything все перепутали
to see me off проводить меня
Waterloo [,wata'lu:] Ватерлоо /один из вокзалов в Лондоне/
Kingston ['kiηstən] Кингстон a porter носильщик
discussed the question обсудил этот вопрос
heard people say слышал, что люди говорили
the Southampton express [sauθ'æmptən iks'pres] Саутгэмптонcкий экспресс
the Windsor local ['winzə 'loukəl] местный поезд до Виндзора
a high-level platform платформа на втором /высоком/ уровне
Virginia [və: 'd3i:niə] Water Вирджинские воды
the Isle of Wight ['ail əv 'wait] Остров Уайт
anyway ['eniwei] как бы то ни было
half-a-crown ['ha:f ə'кrаиn] полкроны
afterwards ['a:ftəwədz] впоследствии
the Exeter mail ['eksətə 'meil] почтовый поезд до Эксетера
an engine-driver ['end3in 'draivə] машинист
XV. Read the story.
Looking for the Train.
We got to the Waterloo Railway Station at eleven and asked what platform the eleven-five to Kingston started from. Of course nobody knew: nobody at the Waterloo Railway Station ever knows what platform a train is going to start from, or where a train is going to, or anything about it. The porter who took our luggage thought it would go from number two platform, while another porter, with whom he discussed the question, had heard people say that it would go from number one. But a third porter, who came up to us, was sure that it would start from platform number five.
To put an end to the matter, we found the station master and asked him. He told us that he had just met a man who said he had seen the Kingston train at number three platform, but the people there said that they thought that train was the Southampton express, or else the Windsor local. But they were sure it wasn't the Kingston train.
Then our porter said that he thought the Kingston train must be on the high-level platform. So we went to the high-level platform, saw the engine-driver and asked him if he was going to Kingston. He said he could not say for certain, of course, but that he thought he was. If he wasn't the eleven-five for Kingston, he said, then he was pretty sure that he was the nine-thirty-two for Virginia Water, or the ten a.m. express for the Isle of White. "Anyway, you will know when you get there," he added.
We put half-a-crown into his hand and asked him to be the eleven-five for Kingston.
"Nobody will ever know on this line," we said, "what you are, or where you are going. You know the way, don't you? You start quietly and go to Kingston."
"Well, I don't know, gentlemen," replied the engine-driver, "but I suppose some train must go to Kingston, and, all right, I'll do it. Give me that half-crown."
Thus we got to Kingston.
We learnt afterwards that the train by which we had come was really the Exeter mail, and that they had spent hours at the Waterloo Station looking for it, and nobody knew what had happened to it.
(Retold from Jerome's "Three Men in a Boat.")
XVI. Fill in prepositions where necessary.
- You needn't go ... the booking office: it is possible to book ... phone ... advance.
- Please, I want two lower berths ... the Sevastopol express ... Saturday, the second ... May.
- I was looking ... the porthole and saw how our plane took ... .
- I can give you one upper berth ... a separate compartment.
- The train ... Sochi leaves ... eleven-twenty-three ... platform three, track five.
- When did you last travel ... railway?
- Planes fly ... a speed ... over eight hundred kilometres ... an hour.
- She bought two tickets ... a through train ... Kiev.
- Fast trains only stop ... large stations, while slow trains stop ...all stations.
- The eleven-fifteen is a fast train ... sleeping accomodation.
- The train ... Minsk is ... platform three.
- When does the plane ... Warsaw take ... ?
- Our train leaves ... eight-twenty-five ... platform three.
- We got tickets ... the fast train ... Ekaterinburg.
- Why is there no train ... Portsmouth today?
- Arriving ... the station where he was to change ... the Moscow train, he went... the inquiry office to find out what platform his train started ....
- We had to go ... Moscow ... a slow train because there were no tickets ... a fast train ... the booking office.
- Our plane took nine o'clock ... the morning.
- We rang ... the air-travel booking office and reserved seats ... a plane ... the tenth ... July.
- It takes you only an hour to get ... Moscow ... plane.
- I could not get a ticket ... a plane and had to stand ... a long queue to get a seat ... a train ... St. Petersburg.
- There are a lot ... trains going ... St. Petersburg ... every day. Many ... them are overnight trains ... sleeping accomodation, and some ... them are day coaches ... sitting accomodation only.
Возможные варианты ответов.
- You needn't go to the booking office: it is possible to book by phone in advance.
- Please, I want two lower berths on the Sevastopol express for Saturday, the second of May.
- I was looking for the porthole and saw how our plane took off .
- I can give you one upper berth in a separate compartment.
- The train fo Sochi leaves at eleven-twenty-three from platform three, track five.
- When did you last travel by railway?
- Planes fly with a speed with over eight hundred kilometres with an hour.
- She bought two tickets for a through train to Kiev.
- Fast trains only stop at large stations, while slow trains stop at all stations.
- The eleven-fifteen is a fast train with sleeping accomodation.
- The train to Minsk is on platform three.
- When does the plane to Warsaw take off ?
- Our train leaves at eight-twenty-five from platform three.
- We got tickets for the fast train to Ekaterinburg.
- Why is there no train to Portsmouth today?
- Arriving at the station where he was to change for the Moscow train, he went to the inquiry office to find out what platform his train started ....
- We had to go to Moscow by a slow train because there were no tickets for a fast train at the booking office.
- Our plane took off at nine o'clock in the morning.
- We rang up the air-travel booking office and reserved seats for a plane for the tenth of July.
- It takes you only an hour to get to Moscow by plane.
- I could not get a ticket for a plane and had to stand in a long queue to get a seat for a train to St. Petersburg.
- There are a lot of trains going to St. Petersburg every day. Many of them are overnight trains with sleeping accomodation, and some of them are day coaches with sitting accomodation only.
XVII. Translate into English.
- Когда отходит последний поезд на Санкт-Петербург?
- С какой платформы и с какого пути отходят поезда на Москву?
- Коля достал одно нижнее и одно верхнее место в отдельном купе скорого поезда.
- Нам надо делать пересадку? — Нет, это прямой поезд. Вы доедете до места назначения без пересадки.
- Да, это поезд на Санкт-Петербург, но это скорый поезд, а у вас билет на почтовый.
- С какой платформы отходят поезда на Новгород?
- Моя мама не любит есть в вагоне-ресторане.
- Я не достал билет на прямой поезд, и мне пришлось делать две пересадки.
- Мы провели все время между поездами на вокзале, пытаясь закомпостировать билеты.
- Самолет летел со скоростью восемьсот километров в час.
- Насколько я знаю, поезд на Новгород – дневной, и в нем есть только места для сидения.
- Я опоздал на поезд три двадцать, и мне пришлось ждать два часа.
- Мы бежали очень быстро и успели на четырех-часовой поезд до Сосново.
- Могу я заказать билет на самолет до Праги?
- Самолет в Лондон отправляется в пять сорок пять.
- Вам билет в один конец или обратный? — Обратный, пожалуйста.
- Вы придете за билетами сами, или вам их доставить?
- Идти в кассу и стоять там в очереди — это потеря времени. Я всегда заказываю билеты на поезд по телефону, и мне их приносят.
- Могу предложить вам билет на поезд девятнадцать пятьдесят.
- Могу предложить вам нижнее место на поезде девятнадцать пятьдесят на десятое апреля.
- Мы ехали дневным поездом. Из окна мы видели места, которые проезжали.
- В поездах дальнего следования есть вагоны-рестораны.
- Стюардесса предложила пассажирам закуски и прохладительные напитки.
- Говорят, почти невозможно достать билет на самолет в летний сезон.
- До места вашего назначения отсюда нет прямого поезда. — Ничего не поделаешь! Придется делать пересадку.
Возможные варианты ответов.
1. When does the last train for St. Petersburg leave?
2. What platform do trains to Moscow leave from?
3. Kolya got one upper and one lower berth in a separate compartment of a fast train.
4. Well we have to change trains? No, it is a through train. You will reach the place of destination without changing a train.
5. Yes, it is the train to St. Petersburg , but it is a last train, and you have a ticket for a mail train.
6. What platform do trains to Novgorod leave from?
7. My mother doesn’t like to eat in a dining car.
8. I didn’t get a ticket for a through train and I had to make two changings.
9. We spent all the time between trains at the rait way station, trying to punch the tickets.
10. The plane flew with a speed of eight hundred km an hour.
11. A far as I know the train to Novgorod is a day coach which has only sitting accommodation.
12. I missed the train at three twenty and I had to wait for two hours.
13. We run very fast and managed to catch 4 o’clock train to Sosnovo.
14. Can I get a ticket for a plane to Prague?
15. A plane to London leaves at 5.45
16. Do you want one way ticket or a return one? A return one, please.
17. Would you like your ticket to be delivered? or will you come for your ticket your self?
18. To go to the booking office, to stand in a queue means to waste your time. I usually book my tickets by phone and have my tickets delivered.
19. I can offer you a ticket for the nineteen-fifty train.
20. I can offer you a lower berth on the nineteen-fifty train for the 10th of April.
21. We went by a coach train. Through the window we could see places, which we were passing by.
22. Long distance trains have dining cars.
23. The hostess offered the passengers some snacks and soft drinks.
24. They say it is impossible to get a ticket for a plane in summer.
25. There is no a through train from here Nothing doing! We ill have to make a changing.
XVIII. Act the following dialogues in English.
A. Я не достал билет на прямой поезд в Казань, и мне придется делать пересадку в Москве.
B. Ой, не делайте этого! Насколько я знаю, в Москве почти невозможно закомпостировать билеты.
A. У меня нет выхода. В прошлом году я заказал билет по телефону, и мне его доставили на дом.
B. Почему же вы не сделали так же в этот раз?
А. Потому что я думал, что не поеду в Казань. Я думал, что брат приедет ко мне. А сейчас уже слишком поздно заказывать билеты.
A. Как вам понравилась поездка на юг?
B. О, отлично! Я летел туда самолетом.
A. Я предпочитаю ездить на поезде. Из окна вагона вы видите местность, по которой проезжаете, и это очень интересно.
B. Да, конечно, но поездом ехать долго. Кроме того, в поезде у вас всегда проблема, что поесть.
A. Разве в поездах дальнего следования нет ресторанов?
B. Есть, но я не люблю еду, которую предлагают в вагонах-ресторанах.
A. А в самолете вы ели?
B. Конечно. Стюардесса предложила пассажирам закуски и прохладительные напитки.
1. Голицынский Ю.Б. Spoken English: Пособие по разговорной речи. – СПб.: КАРО, 2002 – 416 с.
2. Козырева Л.Г. Английский язык для медицинских колледжей и училищ изд. 5-е. – Ростов н/д: Феникс, 2006 – 320 с.
3. Миловидов В.А. Ускоренный курс современного английского языка для начинающих изд. 5-е. – М.: Айрис-пресс, 2006 – 448 с.
4. Агабекян И.П. Английский язык изд. 10-е. – Ростов н/д: Феникс, 2007 – 319 с.
5. Перфильева Г.М. Английский язык для медицинских сестер – М.: Эксмо, 2008 – 448 с.
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