Материалы круглых столов студентов Академии управления городской средой, градостроительства и печати с преподавателями финских колледжей
методическая разработка
Туризм в России — развивающаяся и обладающая большим потенциалом отрасль. С каждым годом российская туристическая индустрия все более активно включается в мировой рынок. Она как никакая другая отрасль экономики стимулирует создание новых разнообразных рабочих мест и развитие малого бизнеса, перераспределяет финансовые ресурсы между странами, оказывает стимулирующее воздействие на такие смежные секторы экономики, как транспорт, связь, сфера услуг, торговля, строительство, производство товаров народного потребления.
Санкт-Петербург – это уникальное туристическое направление. Благодаря своему месторасположению, истории, архитектуре, известным историческим личностям, произведениям литературы с мировой известностью, а также уникальному сочетанию красоты окружающей природы и шедевров разных направлений искусства последних трех столетий, Северная столица может предложить туристам широчайший спектр впечатлений. Мы предлагаем Вашему вниманию подборку материалов, подготовленных для различной целевой аудитории с учетом тематической направленности.
Предварительный просмотр:
Boitsov D.
St Petersburg
Advisor: Duzenko O.S.
Round Table-2018
Hello, everybody! Today I would like to tell you about some of the most interesting streets of Petersburg with strange names.
But first of all, I want to ask you some questions:
What interesting names of Finnish streets can you tell us?
What is your favorite street name in Finland?
Do you know which names of Finnish streets are connected with the history of Russia? For example, Aleksanterinkatu is the historic central street of Helsinki named after the Russian Emperor Alexander I.
The 2nd Luch Street (means the 2nd Ray Street).
It is a very strange name for the street. But the unusual fact is that there are no other “Luchs” under other numbers in St Petersburg. The explanation is simple: the lane is located on the territory of the former planned block “Tsarsky Gorodok”, in which radial streets should be called luchs (rays), and circular streets should be called circles. A full-scale development didn’t take place, but one lane still has been saving its name.
1-2-3 Konnaya Lakhta Street (Means Housekeeping Street).
Even before foundation of St. Petersburg on the shore of the Gulf of Finland, there was an ancient settlement called "Lakhta", which is translated from Finnish as "bay" or "creek". The name "Konnaya" is a distortion from the Finnish "kontu", which means "yard / housekeeping". In the literal sense: Konnaya Lakhta is the Lakhtinskiy Courtyard.
Lomanaya Street (Means Broken Street).
This lane has got its name in the XIX century, because it contained a few twists. Sometimes local jokers use it as a phrase "Yes, it's not even worth a broken street" by analogy with the "broken penny".
Detskaya Street (Means Children’s Street).
This street on the Vasilievsky Island was built in the beginning of the XIX century, while it was called Newly Laid Street and it started from the Bolshoy Prospekt of the Vasilievsky Island. In 1871 the name was changed and the lane was called Knyagininskaya. In 1903 on this street one of the first kindergartens was built and in 1922 the name Detskaya was finally returned.
Lines of Vasilyevsky Island.
Peter the First dreamed that St. Petersburg looked like his beloved Amsterdam, so he ordered to dig out a rectangular canal network on the island. Passages along the banks of the lateral canals should be called prospects and along the transverse ones there were the lines. The canals were laid only up to the 13th line and that is not everywhere and not for the whole length. The canals gradually overgrew, the local residents dropped their garbage into them, and finally, by the decree of Catherine II of April 26, 1767 they were closed. The names of the lines have been remained still.
Malaya Sadovaya Street.
Also, I would like to tell you about my favorite street in St. Petersburg which is called Malaya Sadovaya. This street is considered as the shortest street in Petersburg. The length of the lane is only 179 meters. One of the modern features of the street is that Malaya Sadovaya is equipped with heating. In winter there is practically no snow and ice there.
That’s all that I want to tell you about unusual street’s names in St. Petersburg. Thanks for your attention!
Предварительный просмотр:
Mironova A.
St Petersburg
Advisor: Duzenko O.S.
Nord Bridge-2017
Pskov region is a truly historical place. It`s the place where the origins of Russian Statehood took place. Princess Olga, Prince Igor and Prince Vladimir lived there in the X century B.C. There are a lot of interesting places to visit and each one is unique and interesting in its own way.
Mikhailovskoye is a place which can be called "Poetic Homeland" of Pushkin, the great Russian poet.
For the first time Pushkin went to Pavlovsk in 1817, in 1819 he visited it again but he didn`t stay there for a long time. His third trip to Pavlovsk lasted for two years, from 1824 to 1826.
Now Mikhailovskoye and its surroundings are truly picturesque places, where everything is dedicated to memory of the great poet. First of all, his house-museum, which is fully recreated and looks exactly like his office. And nanny’s house which is next to it. There is a large park with old trees and a linden alley, which is called Kern Alley. In Trigorskoye Estate there are Tatyana’s Alley and Evgeny Onegin’s bench. The manor house of Osipov-Wolf, where Pushkin used to be a usual guest, is also a remarkable place to visit.
Izborsk Fortress
It’s a fortress, which is considered to be the beginning of Izborsk town foundation. This fort has been protecting Russian Empire for many years from eastern armies. Even time has no power to ruin this fort. Its walls are still beautiful and magnificent. Izborsk was founded at the end of the VII - the beginning of the VIII centuries.
In the IX century the fort was much smaller and took only 4,500 m².
In the X century Izborsk became the center of crafts and trade. In the XI-XIII centuries the wooden fort was rebuilt in stone. By the middle of the XIX century the fort was destroyed and only in 1842 it was repaired by the order of Emperor Nicholas I.
Nowadays Izborsk Fortress is a part of the Reserve-Museum "Izborsk", which is visited by thousands of tourists every year.
Malsky Monastery
There is an amazing place, which is so attracted to be visited again and again near Izborsk. It’s a field with a cross made of stones, the lake and the monastery.
There on the coast of the river valley the Christmas Monastery is placed. It was founded in the second part of the XV century. At first it looked like a weak building, which wasn’t able to protect a serious threat. It had only two floors. In 1581 the Polish King Stefan Battery came and killed all the monks. Monastery couldn’t be recovered for a long time. And when the monastery had been repaired, it was ravaged by the Swedes in 1710. In 1963-1964 the Monastery was reconstructed and made much stronger. Nowadays the Christmas Monastery is still under reconstruction.
To sum up, if you would like to get acquainted with Russian history, to learn more about Russian unique culture and life you are welcome to visit its beautiful towns and remarkable places. Thank you for your attention!
Предварительный просмотр:
Strekha Y.
St Petersburg
Advisor: Duzenko O.S.
Nord Bridge-2017
Petersburg is full of beautiful places and legends that have been living through the centuries. However, not all the stories of our mysterious city are bright and have a happy end. I'd like to introduce you some places which hide heavy and dark secrets. I'll show you, where you can get goose bumps and where frosty breath of the past will tickle your patience.
The show-theater "Horrors of Petersburg" is a unique mixture of Russian theatre, classical music, ghost stories of St. Petersburg, Russian literature and the latest advances in technology.
It is a unique labyrinth of 13 rooms; each of them is a whole world of sound, image, mechanics and multimedia effects. There myths are similar to reality; literary characters of Pushkin, Gogol and Dostoevsky easily meet with the emperors. They will tell you about the Palace’s coups and the floods, about desperate poor people and powerful Royal favorite, about gambling-houses and nuthouses, and many different things that are hidden from us by strict backdrop of St. Petersburg.
Leading actors of St. Petersburg theaters mixed with wax figures and mechanical dolls among the "historical" interiors, decorations and holographic projections create the feeling of traveling in time and history for each visitor.
Program historical show:
Monday-Thursday 12:00-19:00,
(The last group is at 18:00)
Friday-Sunday 11:00-21:00.
(The last group is at 20:40)
Address: Russia, Saint-Petersburg, Marata Street, 86, TRK "Planeta Neptun", 2nd floor (above the Aquarium).
City legend says that once a year, in March, at misty and damp night on one of the bridges over the Griboyedov Chanel you can meet the Ghost of Sophia Perovskaya.
The girl's face turns blue from suffocation. She keeps a handkerchief in her hands which she used as a sign to those who had thrown a bomb at Alexander II's carriage in March 1881. Tsar’s killers were immediately caught and hanged, but some people claimed that on the day after the execution, on the Ekaterininsky Chanel Sophia Perovskaya was standing again waving a white handkerchief. Today meeting with a ghost does not end well: to see the waving of a white handkerchief means being dead soon.
Red-brick tower covered with white numbers has its own legend. According to the legend, when the invisible Griffin in midnight flock to his nest in the tower, their reflections become visible in the windows of the neighboring houses. The number written on the bricks means the encrypted code of the universe. If you are able to read it you will gain immortality.
Another legend says that under the tower there is a basement-bomb shelter for residents of neighboring houses and the tower is the exit, if the house will add up and will cover the yard.
In fact, the tower has remained from the chemistry lab where the chemist Pel experimented and created drugs (including one of the first modern analogues of viagra). The story of life and professional achievements of Dr. Pel is worthy for a whole volume. I will not recount to you everything. I guarantee only one thing, that visiting this yard with mystical figures you’d like to learn more.
A high tower has no windows or doors but its each brick is numbered, so the locals admit that they often find as usual the figures disappear and reappear.
Address: 7-ya Liniya Vasilevskiy Island,16
Additional information:
Vasileostrovskaya Metro station, walk on a pedestrian 6-7 lines from the subway, cross the Big Avenue, near the pharmacy turn to the right, then to the alley, the first thoroughfare on the left.
Inside the house on the corner of Gorokhovaya Street and the Fontanka River, you can find the mystical city object called Rotunda.
The building itself was built in the late XVIII century and became an architectural monument of the Classicism Style, known as the Home of Evmentjava. The house is not evident; this is a typical St. Petersburg building in classic style. The Rotunda is a round building with six free-standing columns. The walls repeat the motion of the stairs leading endlessly upwards. The Rotunda received the title of "cult" places in the 70-80s of the last century, it was the emergence of informal movements of Soviet youth. Here representatives of different subcultures such as rockers, hippies, punks used to gather. It is believed that wishes written on the walls of the Rotunda tend to come true. But it is not the only legend of this place. Someone called it the "center of the universe" as the Rotunda was in the center of the intersection of hexagon Peter diagonals.
In addition, there is a legend about a young man who went down into the basement of the house and ended up in a parallel world. When he came back, he looked pretty aged but he had been staying there only for about 15 minutes. At the foot of the stairs in the house on Gorokhovaya Street there is a small door leading to the basement. Miracles happen at this house even today and people say that those who try to get into the basement, quickly get old or lose their mind. Not so long ago the entrance to this place was made fee-paying at the request of local residents. Now, to get to the Rotunda you have to pay 30 rubles. This solves two problems at once as it saves the inhabitants of the house from noisy visitors at night and collected money go towards the restoration sites.
And at the end, I want to tell you one more story.
One of the most mystical and mysterious places of St. Petersburg is Alexander Nevsky Monastery. Yes, that Monastery, which we all pass by on the way from subway to this Academy.
Being built in the early XVIII century on the remains of an ancient pagan sanctuary, it was always surrounded by mystery. It’s dangerous to be in the Monastery during the white nights. Here you can meet representatives of the darkest and gloomiest places of another world.
I should say that among the indigenous St. Petersburg there are a lot of legends and superstitions associated with this Monastery. People say that being at white night there, you can meet a ghost called "the drunken gravedigger". Swaying, as if very drunk man, he wanders in a dirty mantle from one grave to another. If his path meets a belated passer-by, he asks to buy him some vodka. God forbid, if a stranger has alcohol: then the ghost will cut you in two halves with a shovel!
Thank you for your attention!
Предварительный просмотр:
Cherdakova K.
St Petersburg
Advisor: Duzenko O.S.
Nord Bridge-2018
Tourism (from the Latin - a trip) is traveling in your free time, one of the outdoor activities. It is generally carried out through travel agencies on tourist routes (in form of organized or amateur tourism).
In recent years, ecological tourism in Russia has become more common. It becomes an important economic sector in many regions of the Russian Federation.
I will suggest you my own way to discover ecological and recreational tourism in Saint-Petersburg region. One of the types of ecological tourism is Natural History Trips. To spice it up a little I added some benefit in a form of recreational tourism. Recreational means improving health. If you live in St Petersburg or you are a tourist having a free day and you don’t know what to do – I offer you to go outside the city that would be very interesting, educational and useful! This tour includes a visit to medieval fortresses and swimming in a radon lake.
Our tour will start from gathering all the participants near the Moskovskaya subway station. By bus we will go straight to the Ivangorod Fortress. The road will take about 2 hours. Ivangorod Fortress is a Russian medieval castle established by Ivan III in 1492 and since then grown into the town of Ivangorod. The Fortress overlooks the Narva River and Estonia. Many times it was passed to Swedes and then returned. Its purpose was to fend off the Livonian and Swedish armies.
During World War II, it was first controlled by the Soviet Union (1940–1941) and then by the Nazi Germany (1941–1944), which established two POW camps within the Fortress and left many of its buildings damaged after their retreat. The town and fortress remained with Russia after the collapse of the Soviet Union and the restoration of the Independent Republic of Estonia in 1990. Currently, the fortress serves as a museum.
Our next stop will be Koporye and its fortress. Koporye is a historic village. It contains some of the most impressive medieval ruins in Russia.
Kaporye fortress was built in 1242. The fortress has been reconstructed several times and many times passed into the hands of the Swedes, and then returned to Russia.
Despite some repairs undertaken in the 19th century, the fortress survives in a ruined state. So, you can feel the spirit of the middle ages and actually touch the history.
After this excursion our last stop will be the village Lopukhinka. It is not very famous now like it was in 19th century, but it still has a radon lake. Radon is a chemical element that is radioactive, but in small dozes it can be used for treatment.
Later, hydrogeologist Pogrebov began to explore these beautiful places. His attention was drawn to the magical colors of Lopukhinskoye Lake. Then, scientists found that their sky-blue color of the pond is the result of the chemical element Radon, which contained in its waters feeding the lake source. That is why the lake water is incredibly clear and you actually can see the bottom.
Radon baths are especially helpful for the diseases of the thyroid gland and endocrine system. They also have a beneficial effect on the musculoskeletal system with all possible forms of arthritis and joint arthrosis. Rodon heals spinal diseases and neuralgia, saturates the organs with an inert gas, relieves inflammation in the vertebrae, removes pain, restores the balance of water and salts in human’s body, cleans it, removes harmful toxins. It has a positive effect on the respiratory system, especially in the treatment of asthma as well. Rodon seductively acting on the nervous system, soothes it, relieves stress, improves sleep, relieves pain. It is perfect for healing skin diseases and cerebral palsy.
In the 30s years of the last century, seafarer Admiral Faddei Faddeevich Bellingshausen (the discoverer of Antarctica) rented a territory near the radon sources. Together with the famous surgeon Pirogov they organize a hospital for seamen in Lopukhinka, where a variety of diseases were treated with water from local sources.
By 1841 there was not only a beautiful mansion, but a resort with spas network.
At the end of my presentation I would like to remind you that this region is rich with unique and historical places, we should save it for future generations and do our best not ruin such places with polluting and damaging them.
Thank you for your attention!
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