Методическая разработка с заданиями к уроку английского языка на тему: "The present-day Moscow" ("Современная Москва").
методическая разработка
Данная методическая разработка предназначена для студентов первых и вторых курсов средних специальных учебных заведений, а также для для учеников старших классов общеобразовательной школы в качестве основного и дополнительного материала к теме урока. Может быть рекомендована в качестве дополнительного материала для студентов, обучающихся по специальности "Туризм".
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Предварительный просмотр:
The present-day Moscow
Moscow is the heart of the country through which thousands of arteries of Russian economic, political, cultural life run. It’s the major city of Russia with the population of about 10,5 million people and the total area of about 1000 square kilometers. It extends 42 km in the north-south and 36 in the east-west.
During the last decades Moscow has changed greatly and has significantly spread acquiring many new unique architectural ensembles. The changes made it possible to implement the program of Moscow government according to which Moscow is being developed into “the city comfortable for people to live in”.
Moscow is the largest administrative, economic, educational and artistic centre of the Russian Federation, the railway, highway and international airway crossroads. It’s the embodiment of Russian character and Russian history.
The present-day Moscow is the seat of the government of the Russian federation. President of Russia lives and works here: government offices are located here, too.
Moscow is Russia’s largest industrial city. Nearby 30 per cent of the city’s workforce is employed in industrial research. Some of Russia’s largest plants are located in or around Moscow. Metallurgy, metal processing and engineering are the largest industrial sectors. Other large sectors are textiles, clothing and footwear, chemical industry, electronic instruments and automation equipment.
Moscow is the leading cultural centre of Russia. It’s the seat of the Russia. It’s the seat of the Russian Academy of sciences, with its numerous institutes, laboratories and other research institutions. It’s the home of more than 80 institutes of higher education, universities and academies. Thousands of libraries, museums and permanent exhibition halls, hundreds of cinemas, theatres, clubs, Palaces of culture are located here. It’s one of the world’s largest publishing centers.
Moscow is Russia’s main tourist attraction. Every day one million visitors stream into Moscow via 20 railroads, canals and airlines which terminate at Moscow airports. The airports are situated beyond the outer ring road (109 km long) 30 to 40 km from the city center. There are 5 of them: Внуково, Домодедово, Быково, Шереметьево 1 for inner lines Шереметьево-2 for international airlines to major cities in different countries of Europe, Asia and America.
Moscow’s 9 main railway terminals are all on or just outside the Garden Ring, four or five km from the center. All have metro stations on the spot. The oldest railway terminal – Leningrad station – is situated in Komsomolskaya Square. The station was built more than a hundred years ago. At that time the present Komsomolskaya Square was on the outskirts of the city and the line to St. Petersburg began there. The Kazan Terminus is located in the same square. The station building was designed by A. Schussev and built in 1913 – 1926. Komsomolskaya Square has one more train station in it – Yaroslavl Station. From this station begins the shortest way to the Volga. The Kursk Station is located not far from the Garden Ring Road. One more terminus in the capital, the Paveletsky Station, is located actually on the Garden Ring.
Moscow is the Port of 5 seas. The construction of Volga – Don Canal joined the 5 seas of the European part of the country into a single water transport system. The canal is of great importance to the national economy. Its construction made it possible to create a deep navigable route, completely solved the problem of supplying population and industries of the city with water.
Like many big cities of the world Moscow has problems which are to be solved in economic and social spheres. Housing conditions of Muscovites are far from being perfect and that’s why the new housing construction is under way in such districts as Митино, Братеево, Люблино and others. In 1996 the first reconstruction of 5-storeyed buildings began.
Moscow is constantly growing and changing. For the last several years Moscow Government celebrates the Day of the city on the first Sunday of September.
SIGNIFICANTLY – существенно ELECTRONIC INSTRUMENTS – электронные инструменты
ACQUIRE – приобретать AUTOMATION EQUIPMENT – автоматика
MULTI-STOREYED – многоэтажный STREAM – устремляться
CROSSROADS – перекресток VIA – через
EMBODIMENT – олицетворение TERMINATE – заканчиваться
PRESENT-DAY – современный OUTER RING ROAD – окружная кольцевая дорога
NEARBY – почти NAVIGABLE – судоходный
RESEARCH – исследование ROUTE – путь
METAL PROCESSING – металлообработка SUPPLY – снабжать, поставлять; обеспечивать
ENGINEERING – машиностроение SOLVE – решать
TEXTILES – ткани HOUSING CONDITIONS – жилищные условия
CLOTHING – одежда BE UNDER WAY – предприниматься
FOOTWEAR – обувь
QUESTIONS: 1. What role did Moscow play in the history of the Russian nation? 2. What can you tell about the present-day Moscow as the largest administrative center of the Russian Federation? 3. What industries are located in Moscow? 4. How many airports and railway terminals does Moscow have? 5. Where are main railway stations located? 6. Why is the Volga-Don Canal of great importance to the national economy? 7. Has the city changed during the last several years?
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