Методическая разработка урока английского языка по теме "Уроки победы"
презентация к уроку
Разработку можно использовать для проведения урока или внеклассного мероприятия по теме "Уроки победы: герои моряки".
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Предварительный просмотр:
Санкт-Петербургское Государственное Автономное Профессиональное Образовательное Учреждение «Морской Технический Колледж им. Д. Н. Сенявина»
Уроки победы: героические моряки.
The Lesson Of Victory: The Heroic Seamen
Разработчик: Павлова Н.И. преподаватель
Санкт-Петербург, 2019
Урок рассчитан на обучающихся 1- 2 курсов СПО. Данная методическая разработка может быть использована для проведения как урока, так и внеклассного мероприятия. Она поможет решить проблему патриотического воспитания на занятиях английского языка. В ходе урока обучающиеся должны познакомиться с информацией о героях-моряках и основных фактах ВОВ на английском языке.
Цель урока:
Обучающие: познакомить учеников с боевым прошлым нашей Родины, повысить уровень восприятия и глубину проникновения в текст, развивать навыки монологической речи.
Развивающие: развивать и совершенствовать умения чтения с выборочным пониманием содержания, совершенствовать информационную культуру обучающихся, развитие навыков аудирования; развитие умения использовать новую лексику по теме в разных видах речевой деятельности.
Воспитательные: воспитывать чувство гордости за героическое прошлое наших земляков, формировать уважительное отношение к героям ВОВ, воспитание патриотизма.
Оборудование: компьютер, карточки с текстом, карточки с заданиями, классная доска, экран.
Используемые учебники и учебные пособия: подходит для всех типов УМК.
1. Организационный момент.
В начале урока звучит песня "Victory Day" (на экране появляется слайд с названием урока)
2. Презентация темы и цели урока.
Teacher: Good morning! I’m glad to see you today at the lesson. I think that you’ve already understood that the theme of our lesson will be Victory Day. We will speak about the great seamen heroes of the Great Patriotic War.
Today we will learn new vocabulary and practice it, we will learn some new facts about the history of Russia and heroic seamen.
Look at the blackboard. There you can read the words of a famous Greek philosopher Platon. Let’s read, translate and discuss these words. (На доске написано изречение Платона “People not knowing its past has no future”. “Народ, не знающий своего прошлого, не имеет будущего”. Учащиеся переводят изречение и высказывают свое согласие или несогласие с ним.)
3. Речевая разминка. Беседа–разминка по теме «Великая Отечественная война».
Next spring we will celebrate the 75th anniversary of the Victory over the Nazi Germany in World War II. Let’s remember some fact about it. (Слайд 2)
1. When is Victory Day?
2. When did the Great Patriotic War begin?
3. Who was the leader of Nazi Germany?
4. How do Russian people celebrate Victory Day?
Right answers(Слайд 3):
- 9th May
- The Great Patriotic War started on 22 June 1941.
- Adolf Hitler
- On this day, TV networks broadcast World War II-inspired films, younger generations
honor veterans, and the festivities culminate in a military parade at Moscow’s Red Square.
4.Введение новой лексики.
Проработка правильного произношения слов. Pupils, you see new words on the blackboard. (Слайд 4)
Let’s read and translate them.
Armored boat - бронекатер
Superliner - суперлайнер
Landing Craft Infantry – десантный катер
Hero - герой
Posthumously – посмертно
Submarine – подводная лодка
Submariner - подводник
Military campaign – военная операция
Capitulate - капитулировать
Military commander - военачальник
5. Развитие навыков аудирования
Now you are going to listen to biography of seamen heroes who took part in World War II. As you study at the maritime college we will pay more attention to the seamen and their heroic achievements. Look at these portraits, listen to me and try to guess whom these texts are about. (Учащиеся слушают небольшие выдержки из биографии моряков-героев и пытаются определить, о ком идет речь, соотносят фамилию и портрет с биографией.) (Тексты в приложении 1). (Слайды 5-8)
Very good! We must know and remember our heroes. Now stand up, please. A moment of silence as a gesture of respect for those who have died at this terrible historical event, gave their lives for our Motherland (Минута молчания)
Thank you very much! Take your seats, please.
6. Работа по тексту.
Развитие лексических навыков. And now let’s read a short text about seamen heroes. Your task is to find the English equivalents to the following Russian words and expressions. (найти эквиваленты русских слов в тексте. Текст в приложении 2, раздаются ученикам на карточках)
Высадка морского десанта
Военный корабль
Защищать морские базы
Воевать с честью
Героические защитники
Атаки врага
Сухопутная связь с тылом
Подвоз боеприпасов
Нуждаться в подкреплении
Экономить консервы
Бомбардировочная и торпедная авиация
Отразить все атаки
T: Now let’s check your answers. (Слайд 9)
Высадка морского десанта Amphibious operation
Военный корабль Warship
Защищать морские базы To protect naval bases
Воевать с честью To fight with honor
Героические защитники Heroic defenders
Атаки врага Enemy attacks
Сухопутная связь с тылом No land connection with the rear area
Подвоз боеприпасов The supply of ammunition
Нуждаться в подкреплении To need reinforcement
Экономить консервы To save canned food
Истребитель Destroyer
Бомбардировочная и торпедная авиация Bomber and torpedo aircraft
Отразить все атаки To repulse all attacks
You have done this task very well and can answer my questions. (Слайд 10)
- Where did the seamen fight?
- On what vessels did they serve?
- Did they fight on land as well?
- What problems did they have?
- Did the cruiser “Voroshilov” repulse the attacks of the bomber and torpedo aircraft?
7. Итоги урока, домашнее задание
Now our lesson comes to the end. I thank you for your attention and participation. What have you learned today?
(Учащиеся высказывают мнение об уроке)
Victory Day is a symbol of a national pride, glory. It consolidates and joins everybody today. We must remember the Great Patriotic War and its heroes, honor the memory of those who gave their lives for the freedom. Therefore your homework will be to answer the question: Why did our army, our people win the war? (Слайд 11)
Thank you very much! Good Bye!
Приложение 1
Buvin Boris (1921-1944) graduated from the Higher Maritime School. He served as an officer and as a pilot on armored boat and in Landing Craft Infantry. 10 January 1944 he died a hero’s death while performing the task of the military commanders. He was awarded the title Hero of the Soviet Union posthumously on 16 May 1944.
Marinesko Aleksandr (1913-1963) was a submariner during World War II. Commanding the submarine S-13 he killed the German superliner “Vilgelm Gustlov”. 6000 German soldiers and a great number of submarines sank to the bottom. After that Marinesko was named as Hitler’s personal enemy and submariner number 1. Marinesko is buried in St Petersburg, there is a street and a museum named after him.
Kuzmin Pavel (1914-1943) was a navigator on submarines. In October 1940 he became the Captain of the submarine S-9 and took part in several military campaigns. In a year he became the Captain of the submarine TSCH-408. His boat was attacked by the enemy at the Baltic sea, he and his crew died but they didn’t capitulate. There is a street in St Petersburg named after him.
Приложение 2
During the great Patriotic war, our sailors fought heroically not only at the Baltic Sea, at the North Sea, at the Black sea, but also at the Pacific Ocean. Seaman participated in amphibious operations, served on submarines, warships, boats. And when it was necessary to protect naval bases, they fought with honor on land.
Here is one example. By 1942, the heroic defenders of Sevastopol had already held off two heavy German offensives and countless enemy attacks. There was no land connection with the rear area, there were great difficulties with the supply of ammunition and food. But seamen courageously performed their military duties. Sailors defended the fortress and made voyages to Sevastopol.
"The defenders of Sevastopol badly needed reinforcements. Soldiers were out of action, there was not enough ammunition, they suffered without water, trying to save crackers and canned food. Every voyage to Sevastopol crews of all ships tried to use as efficiently as possible. By May 1942, the experience and skill of the sailors allowed to load and unload much faster than it was done before. So, on the cruiser "Voroshilov" trays for unloading of boxes with ammunition, gangways for rolling off gunnery, cars, camp kitchens were specially made.
Once destroyers "Soobrazitelnyi" and " Svobodnyi", cruiser “Voroshilov” were carrying 3400 soldiers and generals, 36 guns, 12 mortars, cars and about 400 tons of ammunition...Almost all the way was calm, but approaching Sevastopol the ships were attacked by bomber and torpedo aircraft. In this situation the ships repulsed all attacks and even managed to destroy two aircrafts", – Vice Admiral Azarov I. I. recalled.
Используемая литература:
- https://www.sites.google.com/site/vgodyvelikojotecestvennojvojny/geroi-velikoj-otecestvennoj-vojny/moraki
- www.wikipedia.ru
Предварительный просмотр:
Подписи к слайдам:
1. When is Victory Day? 2. When did the Great Patriotic War begin? 3. Who was the leader of Nazi Germany? 4. How do Russian people celebrate Victory Day? 2
1. When is Victory Day? On the 9 th of May 2. When did the Great Patriotic War begin? On the 22 nd of June 1941 3. Who was the leader of Nazi Germany? Adolf Hitler 4. How do Russian people celebrate Victory Day? On this day, TV networks broadcast World War II-inspired films, younger generations honor veterans, and the festivities culminate in a military parade at Moscow’s Red Square. 3
Let’s read and translate the new words. Armored boat - бронекатер Superliner - суперлайнер Landing Craft Infantry – десантный катер Hero - герой Posthumously – посмертно Submarine – подводная лодка Submariner - подводник Military campaign – военная операция Capitulate - капитулировать Military commander - военачальник 4
The Heroic Seamen 5
The Heroic Seamen Kuzmin Pavel (1914-1943) He was a navigator on submarines. In October 1940 he became the Captain of the submarine S-9 and took part in several military campaigns. In a year he became the Captain of the submarine TSCH-408. His boat was attacked by the enemy at the Baltic sea, he and his crew died but they didn’t capitulate. There is a street in St Petersburg named after him. 6
The Heroic Seamen Marinesko Alexander (1913-1963) He was a submariner during World War II. Commanding the submarine S-13 he killed the German superliner “ Vilgelm Gustlov ”. 6000 German soldiers and a great number of submarines sank to the bottom. After that Marinesko was named as Hitler’s personal enemy and submariner number 1. Marinesko is buried in St Petersburg, there is a street and a museum named after him. 7
The Heroic Seamen Buvin Boris (1921-1944) He graduated from the Higher Maritime School. He served as an officer and as a pilot on armored boat and in Landing Craft Infantry. 10 January 1944 he died a hero’s death while performing the task of the military commanders. He was awarded the title Hero of the Soviet Union posthumously on 16 May 1944. 8
Высадка морского десанта Amphibious operation Военный корабль Warship Защищать морские базы To protect naval bases Воевать с честью To fight with honor Героические защитники Heroic defenders Атаки врага Enemy attacks Сухопутная связь с тылом No land connection with the rear area Подвоз боеприпасов The supply of ammunition Нуждаться в подкреплении To need reinforcement Экономить консервы To save canned food Истребитель Destroyer Бомбардировочная и торпедная авиация Bomber and torpedo aircraft Отразить все атаки To repulse all attacks 9
Answer the questions. 1. Where did the seamen fight? 2. On what vessels did they serve? 3. Did they fight on land as well? 4. What problems did they have? 5. Did the cruiser “Voroshilov” repulse the attacks of the bomber and torpedo aircraft? 10
Victory Day is a symbol of a national pride, glory. It consolidates and joins everybody today. We must remember the Great Patriotic War and its heroes, honor the memory of those who gave their lives for the freedom. Therefore your homework will be to answer the question: Why did our army, our people win the war? 11
Thank you for attention! 12
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