Пособие по английскому языку для студентов колледжей по специальности "Дошкольное образование"
методическая разработка
Данное пособие по английскому языку предназначено для студентов 2 и 3 курсов средне-профессионального образования по специальности "Дошкольное образование" по следующим темам:
1. В классной комнате.
2. Профессия воспитателя.
3. День в жизни воспитателя.
4. День ребёнка в детском саду.
5. На площадке.
6. Правила безопасности на площадке.
7. Правила в классной комнате.
8. Математика в детском саду.
9. Дошкольное образование в Великобритании.
Предварительный просмотр:
Exam topics DO
1.In the classroom 2.Profession of a kindergarten teacher. [ Job responsibilities of a kindergarten teacher,traits of character, teaching plan] 3.A day in the life of a kindergarten teacher 4.Children’s day in kindergarten. 5. On the playground. 6. Safety rules on the playground. 7. Classroom rules. 8. Kindergarten math. 9. Preschool in the United Kingdom. 10.Pre-school education in the USA [ method Montessori]. 11. Table manners in kindergarten 12.Preschool story time 13.The importance of play 14. Getting attention. 15. Goals of kindergarten 16. Naps and rest 17.The power of repetition 18.Reading in kindergarten 19.Writing in kindergarten
Table manners in kindergarten
Table manners are the rules used while eating, which may also include the use of utensils. Different cultures observe different rules for table manners. Each family or group sets its own standarts for how strictly these rules are to be enforced. There are also top table manners for preschoolers. If you tell your preschooler that you want him to practice good manners when he eats, it’s likely he won’t know what you are talking about. Explain that manners are a way of showing kindness to the other people at the table, whether he is eating at home, in a restaurant or in someone else’s home. Say that manners are rules for the table and it’s a way to show everyone, including mommy and daddy, what a big kid he is. Good manners start before you even reach the table.First step-hand washing. Teacher talks to children about washing her hands and how she should do it before every meal and snack. If children are under 5, this might be something you want to help them with.In any case, kids should be scrubbingwith soapunder warm water for about 20 seconds[ have them sing the ABCs or ‘Happy birthday’ twice]. To reinforce this behavior, make sure your kids see you washing your own hands before you eat.
There are lots of teaching momentswhile you are dining. By age 3, a child should be eating with a fork. Teacher may also have to teach a child to use a napkin instead of her sleeves or shirt. When children are done eating, make sure they sit until the teacher says itis OK. Teach them to say ‘ Thank you for dinner,’ and show him how to bring his plate, cup, and utensils over to the sink. Top table manners for kids
1.Come to the table with clean hands and face. 2.Put your napkin on your lap.3.Start eating when everyone else does- or when given the okay to start.
4.Stay seated and sit up straight. 5.Keep elbow[ and other body parts. 6.Chew with your mouth closed and don’t talk until you’ve swallowed. 7.Don’t make bad comments about the food.
8.Wear clean clothes to the table. 9.No toys or fooling around at table. 10.Lean over your plate. 11.Wipe your mouth with a napkin.
Preschool story time Reading is important for babies and young children. It helps children get to know sounds, words and language, and develop early literacy skills, learn to value books and stories, spark your children’s imagination, stimulate curiosity, promote brain development, social and communication skills, help your children learn the difference between ‘ real’ and ‘make- believe’, help your children understand change and new or frightening events, and also the strong emotions that can go along with them. Children look at picture books, singing rhymes and songs, or telling stories from your culture. Babies and young children often enjoy books, songs and stories with good rhyme, rhythm and repetition. Any time is a good time for a book or story. Try to share at least one book or story each day. Sharing stories with your children doesn’t mean you have to read. Just by looking at books with your children, you can be a great story teller and a good model for using language and books. You children will learn by watching you hold a book the right way and seeing how you move through the book by gently turning the page. Any time is good for a story. However, knowing when to stop can be just as important as finding the time to share a story. I n the first place, pay attention to your children reaction to the story, and stop if he isn’t enjoying it this time. There are several tips for sharing books with babies and young children. 1. Make a routine and try to share at least one book every day. A reading chair where you’re both comfortable can become part of your reading routine. 2.Turn off TV or radio, and find a quiet place to read so students hear your voice. 3.Hold your children close on your knee while you read, so they can see your face and the book. 4. Try out funny noises and sounds—play and have fun. 5. Involve your students by encouraging talk about the pictures, and by repeating familiar words and phrases. There are so many books to choose from that it can be hard to know where to start. As a broad rule, young children often enjoy books, songs, and stories that have good rhyme, rhythm and repetition. In fact, one of the ways that children learn is through repetition and rhyme. Choose books thatare the right length, tell about family values and that match child’s changing interests.
1.Why story telling is important for babies and young children? 2. What time is suitable for telling a story? 3. When must a teacher stop telling a story? 4. What are the tips for sharing books with babies and young children? 5.What sort of books to read with your children?
Getting attention Have you ever tried reading a book to a large group of young children and their behavior made you feel like you were playing whack-a- mole? It seems like they just keep popping up and interrupting-especially at the beginning of the year. As teachers and parents we all know how difficult it can be for young children to pay attention. Getting kids to pay attention is one of the most challenging behaviors we have to face in the preschool or kindergarten classroom. These are some effective strategies on how to get focused attention in your preschool classroom.
Walk over
When needing to get the attention of only one child or a small group of children playing together, it is always more effective to just walk over, bend down close at eye level and speak warmly to them. What doesn’t work well? Yelling across the room. Kids learn to tune this out pretty quickly.
Eye contact
I always say if you don’t have eye contact then you really don’t have the child’s attention. If I need the children to stop and listen to my words for a few seconds, I will use a creative technique to get their attention first [which will be described below] and then pause to get eye contact. I might say, ‘’ Eyes on me so I can see you listening’’ and then wait again for just a second.
Waiting too long
I don’t want to exasperate the situation by waiting too long for every student to stop and put their eye on me.Waiting too long is like putting out fires. The minute you get one set of eyes you will lose another. So, go with the majority of eyes on you and move onto what it is that you need in the first place.
The child that just won’t look at me
For this child, I often will walk over while talking to all the other children and gently take his or her hand and have them walk with me while I continue talking to everyone else. I avoid shouting or coming down on the child in front of everyone else. No need for humiliation and the truth is, shouting or harshness is not all that effective—it just creates stress and stress leads to an unhappy learning environment.
The observant child
Have you ever watched an adult lecture a child and just by observing you start to feel uncomfortable? When you decided to come down on one child, the rest of the children may very well feel like they are being punished, too. Children are sensitive to your body language, tone of voice, and choice of words whether or not they are the target of your frustration. I had one littlegirl tell me ‘’I don’t like preschool… my teacher yells at Nathan…’’It is better and more effective to walk over, make eye contact, and gently address concerns with a child or small group of children personally as opposed to punishing by making a loud scenethe entire class..
Be playful
Gain children’s attention with a dramatic voice, by putting on a sensational hat, orplaying a clapping game. Also, try holding up a secret hand sign for children to duplicate or rolling a ball to different children to keep them alert..
be welcoming
Use children’s names to get their attention. Engage children with your facial expressions, such as smiling and makingeye contact. Use your body language to convey warmth and acceptance.
Look at learning styles
Be alert to which attention- getting signals work best for children learning styles. For visual learners.Try blinking the lights or raising your hand. For auditory children, sing a song to begin cleanup. For tactile students, squeeze a child’s hand or pass a stuffed animal around the circle.
Be clear and specific
Children are more likely to hear your request and pay attention when it is clear what you want them to do. Keep directions short and simple.
Keep group small
If you have difficulty gaining children’s attention, try working with a small group or one-on-one. Giving a child your undivided attention lets him know you care and that what he is saying is important.
The power of repetition
As your child’s brain develops in the first five years, they will need to use and re-use connections between ideas to build strong foundation for lifelong learning. A baby is born with a brain ready to learn. Their brain cells reach out and make neural connections with each new experience stimulated by their environment. The connections are called synapses. As these synapses are stimulated over and over, these connections become ‘hard wired’. During early childhood, the brain undergoes extensive growth. Connections that are regularly used will be kept and those that are not will be ‘pruned’. Repeating words, a concept or a skill allows your child to form an understanding and even attempt to imitate it. Children may repeat new words back to you as they learn them, and will learn letters and words by repeatedly seeing them written down. Similarly,with physical skills, mathematical concepts and social skills, your children will pick up ideas that are repeated and explained to them. There are several forms of repetition used at kindergarten lessons: choral repetition, individual repetitionetc. Teachers use poems, rhymes, chants, songs, fingerplays, stories, tales.
Kindergarten math.
The goal of kindergarten math curriculum is to prepare children for first grade math. Mathematics starts with counting. Students must count at least to 20 and to count backwards from 10 to 1.Let children count all kinds of things they see or use. Play simple games, such as counting hearts, spiders, ducks on cards, dominoes, board games, play with marbles. They must recognize numbers and be able to write them. Children have to recognize basic shapes and practice matching. There are a lot of games with shapes in workbooks for young children. You can use ready- made worksheets or make some of your own. Furthermore, kids must understand basic directions: up, down, under, near, on the side etc. They need to understand concepts of addition and subtraction with small numbers. Children may also get started with money, time and measuring, though it is not absolutely necessary to master any of that. There are several peculiarities in teaching math in kindergarten: 1.Children learn math with concrete materials [objects, counters, popsicle sticks] 2. Children need lots of time to learn math. 3. Children learn math with meaningful vocabulary, they need to link math to their everyday experiences. Math games and activities ate good opportunities to build a math vocabulary.
In the classroom
The new school year is about to start. So we have to prepare the classroom.Our classroom isn’t big but comfortable and full of light, because it has two big windows and the walls are covered with light green wallpaper. The windows look to the south that’s why in spring and early autumn it can be quite hot. From our windows we can see the playground, where we play active games. When it’s warm outside, we open the windows to let in some fresh air. There are lots of pot plants on the windowsills and we take good care of them. The curtains on the windows are white. On entering our classroom you will see a carpet on the floor. It’s the area, where the children play with toys individually and play active gamesall together. There are three craft tables on the right of the play area. Twelve small chairs and two step stools are around them. On the craft tables there are sheets of paper, black and colored pencils for writing and drawing, crayons, markers, water colors for doing art works, folders for storing school works, safety scissors, glue sticks and erasers. At fun art work lessons we also use construction paper andpipe cleaners. Tissue paper,popsicle sticks,cotton balls and glitter are also popular. We needsuch clean up suppliers as baby wipers and paper towels. We go through this very quickly.Please do not buy any dry erase markers. Also choose the suppliers carefully. Please only buy washable supplies.Next to the wall there is a cupboard and two shelves with kids’ craft works. Opposite the cupboard there is a whiteboard for teaching letters and numbers from last year as well, and a sink which works great in the left right corner. In front of the whiteboard there are four desks. You can see alsopictures and posters on walls and a bulletin board for displaying the kids’ pictures and announcements for parents.Welcome to kindergarten!I look forward to getting to know your family.Questions :
1.What furniture do you find in the classroom? 2. What other items are present in a classroom? 3.What craft supplies do you find in a classroom? 4.What do you need to consider when buying supplies?5.What kind of cleaning suppliers do you need in a classroom?
Job responsibilities of a kindergarten teacher
Kindergarten is the bridge between early children care and elementary school; it is a very important period of time for students and requires some special knowledge for the kindergarten teacher. A kindergarten teacher is the first professional, who introduces the world of learning for young children, teaching them social skills [such as sharing and interacting with other kids],personal hygiene, basic reading skills, art and music.A successful kindergarten teacher has to be kind, caring and understanding. He must be organized and have exceptional communication skills with students and inspire trust and confidence. He specializes in innovative and creative teaching approaches. He tries to be patient to work full time with young students. Child’s success is his priority. A kindergarten teacher has a number of responsibilities: First of all, he welcomes new students and introduces them to school routine, helps children learn interpersonal skills and teach them how to interact with other children.Secondly, he designs and follows a teaching plan. A teaching plan includes teaching alphabet and numeracy. He teachers their children the basic of reading and writing and how to count, add and subtract. Different shapes and colors are taught.He organizes learning material and resources, uses a variety of activities and instructional methods, like songs, stories, media, structured games, art, outdoor activities, etc. to motivate and stimulate children’s activities. He communicates with parents, informs of their child’s progress. A kindergarten teacher is responsible for grading papers and conducting parent-teacher conferences as well. They report to parents about their children. They also watch for potential problems including health, developmental or emotional issues. Questions:1.What personality traits do kindergarten teacher need to have? 2.What job responsibilities do kindergarten teachers have?3.What issues does a teaching plan include?
A typical day in kindergarten
A typical morning in kindergarten starts at 7.30. It involves morning meeting time, writing time reading time and math. After lunch and recess goesscience, social studies, and play activities. During morning meeting time teacher orients children to the school day, counts students, groups them and reviews classroom rules. At 8.00 children do morning exercises and go to cafeteria and have breakfast. At 8.45 writingtimestarts. We usually have students of different writing levels, so they get different tasks.Somewritewords, while others are practicing tracing letters or even just connecting dots.
At 10.30 it’s time for reading. The teacher reads a new story each week. At 11.15 we have a class math activity. We practice numbers, shapes, forms. After that kids have lunch and at 13.00 they go to the bedroom to have a nap. They sleep for two hours. It’s a brief break for a teacher. Then children have a snack and go to science lesson, where they learn geography, art, music. At 17.00 we put our jackets on and go to the playground. Each group of children has its own playground. It’s a fun place for kids. On our playground there is a veranda with a long bench in it. We play there when it rains. In front of the veranda there are two swings, a seesaw. Thejungle gyms and other equipmentare on the right. Opposite the swings there is a small area with sand on it. During this time children can explore the equipment on the playground and enjoy games with their friends. It is one of the favoritetimes of day for many kids because it encourages creative play. Kids must know how to be safe and act responsibly at the playground. Kids should know to: 1.play safe by being careful and showing courtesy 2. never run around or push and pull others 3.call teacher for help climb, jump and swing 4. Always sit in the swing, not stand 5.neve use wet equipment Teacher should supervise children on playground, check playground where children play, look for broken equipment or dangerous surfaces, dress appropriately for the playground.
Classroom rules
There are several rules students should obey in the classroom. They are about classroom safety, hygiene, and students’behavior. When it comes to preschool classroom rules it’s always best to keep them short and simple. The more difficult they’ll be for young children to remember. Use simple words for each rule so your kids can easily understand the meaning of the rules. For example, eyes looking, ears listening, hands helping, feet walking, voices quiet. Adding pictures to the rules in your preschool classroom will helpyoung children better understand the meaning of the rules. You can also add hand motions to providephysical prompts. When you add picture cues and physical actions to your rules your preschool children will be more successful remembering the rules. They’ll hear you say the rule aloud, see the picture, and make the motion with their hands. Vague or abstract classroom rules don’thold any meaning for young children.Abstract rules might include words that youngchildren don’t understand or know the meaning of, like ‘respect’ ‘obey’, or ‘responsible’. You can post the easy to understand rules chart on the wall in several locations throughout your classroom. Remember to post it at the children’s eye level so you can refer to it whenever necessary. It’s also important to keep your classroom rules positive and avoid using negative words like ‘ don’t’. When you focus on the positive instead of the negative, your classroom environment will also be a happier, more positive one.1.Alwaysarriveontime. 2.Alwaysbringyourmaterialstoclass. 3.Don’tshoutinclass. 4.Behelpfulandrespectivetoothers. 5.Don’t walk around the classroom. 6.Listen carefully to your teacher. 7.Raiseyourhandtospeak. 8.Keepyourclasscleanandtidy. 9.Keepyourdeskcleanandorganized. 10.Followteachersdirections. 11.Participateinallclassactivities. 12.Sitdownproperly. 13. Enter and leave the classroom quietly.
Preschool in the United Kingdom
There are many options for childcare in the UK before your child begins formal education.It’s the first part of the educational system. Although childcare is expensive there is financial support available for parents. Parents can decide where to prepare their children for the educational system by attending preschool such as creches, nurseries, kindergarten or playground.Preschool education in England begins at the age of 3 or 4. Around half of the children at this age attend nursery schools or playgrounds mostly organized by parents. Children of this age need care as well as education. That’s why kids play a lot, learn to listen attentively and to behave. Compulsory primary education in the United Kingdom begins at the age of five. Children start their school careerin an infant school. Lessons start at 9a.m. and are over at 4 p.m. They are taught ‘ 3 R’s: Reading, wRiting, aRithmetic.They learn social interaction as well as developing language, numbers and colors. Each day children spend their time in preschool, doing creative activities such as painting, drawing, playing, moulding and singing educational songs or nursery rhymes. Pupils have a lot of fun at school, drawing, reading, dancing or singing.Children can attend any of the preschools from Monday to Friday, most of which are open from 7 am. In the morning to 6 pm. In the evening to allow parents to work a full day.Whenthey are 7 pupils move to a junior school, which lasts four years till they are 11. They study a lot of subjects: English, Mathematics, Science, History, Geography, Music, Art and Physical education.
The most key part of preschool in the UK is to better prepare children to interact with others and become accustomed to being away from their parents before they begin primary school. Although not all do, some preschool have a uniform which may entail of a logo-ed jumper or t-shirt.
Pre-school education in the USA
Pre-school education embraces all formal and informal education before compulsory school starts. It includes tots and toddler programmes, play schools, nursery school and kindergarten. Attendance at pre-school for children under five isn’t compulsory. On the other hand, it’s the way to prepare children to better succeed in a kindergarten. Children learn the alphabet, colors, and other elementary basics. There are various types of pre-schools: co- operative schools, church-affiliated schools, local community schools and Montessori schools. At co-operative schools parents work voluntary as teachers together with professional teachers. Church-affiliated schools are usually located at religious centres and may include religious education. Private schools are the most expensiveA number of private nursery schools use the Montessori method of teaching, developed by Dr Maria Montessori in the early1900s. Montessori educational approach is based on the belief that each child is an individual with unique needs, interests and patterns of growth and that children naturally want to learn. Private classes accept children from 6 months to 3 years. These combine the theory and practice of playgroups and care centres. Activities generally include arts and crafts, music, educational games, motor activities and listening skills. Most communities also have learning centres, playgroups, morning programmes. Community colleges also offer courses for small children, for example, painting, dancing, cooking, once or twice a week. Pre- schools introduce children to the social environment of school and concentrate on the basic skills of coordination. Activitiesincludelearningalphabetandnumbers.
ТринадцатогоноябрясостоялосьотчетноевыступлениегруппдошкольногообразованияидизайнапервыхкурсовпреподавателяВороновой И.Б., обучавшихся в лагере, целью которого было углубленное изучение английского языка в тесной связи с их будущей профессией. Учащиеся дошкольного образования представили сценку из “ Книги джунглей” Р. Киплинга в современной интерпретации, а также представили игры , песни на английском языке для детей дошкольного возраста. Студенты-дизайнеры организовали выставку картин известных художников и описали данные работы, отразив в своих выступлениях особенности стиля автора.
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