учебно- методическое пособие по английскому языку для студентов специальности " Организация и технология защиты информации"
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Данное пособие содержит специализированные тексты для студентов- информатиков. Главная цель пособия- развить у обучающихся навыки перевода, извлечения и обработки информации, правильного построения предложений на английском языке.
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ГБПОУ КК Армавирский аграрно-технологический техникум
Зам.директора по УНИР
_________ Л.М. Штефанова
«___» _________ 2014г
Учебно - методическое пособие по английскому языку для студентов
специальности «Организация и технология защиты информации»
2-3 курс
Рассмотрено на заседании ПЦК
общих гуманитарных и
социально-экономических дисциплин
Председатель ПЦК - И.А. Кондалова
Разработал преподаватель - И.С. Агафонова
Армавир, 2014
Part I. Presentation Techniques
A)Presentation disaster……………………………………………………………………4
B)How to become a good presenter……………………………………………………….5
Part II. Social Networks
A) Social networks……………………………………………………………………….7
B) Business users of social networks……………………………………………………9
Part III. Web Design
- Web design………………………………………………………………………..10
- Ways to Build Your Own Social Network……………………………………...13
Additional Articles……………………………………………………………………...…..15
Useful Words and Phrases……………………………………….……………………..….35
Данное учебное пособие предназначено для студентов второго- третьего курса отделения «Организация и защита информации» Оно представляет собой пособие по профессионально-ориентированному английскому (English for Specific Purposes) для данной специальности.
Пособие состоит из трех разделов: презентация, социальные сети и веб-дизайн.
Первый раздел Presentation Techniques направлен на ознакомление студентов с форматом англоязычной презентации, а также представляет обширный материал для качественной отработки необходимой лексики и грамматики. Также в конце пособия представлен список полезных слов и выражений.
Второй и третий разделы – Social Networks и Web Design – содержат различные типы работ: тексты для чтения, задания на аудирование, упражнения для развития устной речи и письменные задания в виде реферативного изложения содержания ряда статей. Они нацелены на развитие всех речевых умений в рамках коммуникативной компетенции. Все тексты для чтения и лексические упражнения основаны на современных аутентичных британских или американских материалах по соответствующей тематике. Помимо этого, во второй и третий раздел включены представляющие наибольшую трудность для изучения грамматические блоки – система английских времен и употребление артиклей.
Пособие завершается проектным заданием, активизирующим все лексические, грамматические и теоретические знания и умения, приобретенные в процессе работы со всеми тремя разделами.
В приложении предлагается выборка современных статей из британских и американских СМИ Additional Articles и записей из профессиональных блогов, которые полностью соответствуют заявленной тематике и могут служить дополнительным материалом как для аудиторной, так и для домашней работы.
В заключение, на основе представленных в пособии текстов составлен англо-английский словарь-глоссарий (Glossary), поясняющий все термины, которые могут быть непонятны студентам.
Read the text A.
However bad you think your presentation has been, take some comfort from the fact that at least it probably wasn’t as bad as these true stories …
A few years ago I had to give a presentation to the Belgian management team of an international IT company. Not wishing to be the typical ‘Brit’ presenting in English, I had carefully prepared my presentation in French. I intended it as a surprise, so I didn’t say anything beforehand. After speaking in French for 45 minutes I was halfway through my presentation and we had a break for coffee. At this point the manager of the company came up to me and asked me if I would change to speaking in English. ‘Is my French that bad?’ I said. ‘No’ he replied, ‘it’s just that we are all from the Dutch-speaking part of Belgium.’
Ten top tips for speaking in public
- Don’t make your presentation too long.
- Don’t have more than four or five main points.
- Even if something distracting happens, try not to lose your concentration.
- Be careful about telling jokes – they may not be appropriate.
- Always be punctual: start on time and try to finish on time.
- Get to know as much as possible about your audience beforehand.
- Try not to repeat yourself too much.
- Be careful not to speak too fast.
- Practise your presentation beforehand.
- Make sure the equipment you need is working properly before you start.
Learn the words
Disaster- катастрофа
to give a presentation- создать презентацию
management team- команда управления
prepared- подготовленный
say anything beforehand- говорить заранее
lose your concentration- терять концентрацию
appropriate- необходимый
equipment- оборудование
Answer the questions
- Have you ever made the presentation? What was the topic of it?
- Where did the main hero give the presentation?
- Why did he speak French?
- Why did people not to understand him?
- What are the main rules speaking in public?
Text B. How to become a good presenter
Read a more detailed article and choose 5 tips that you find most important to follow.
Check everything before you are due to speak - room, seating, visibility, acoustics and equipment.
Plan the first minute of your presentation down to the last detail. Try to memorize your opening words. This will help you to sound confident and in control.
Don't waste time on long boring introductions. Try to make at least one powerful statement in the first two minutes.
Many of the best presentations sound more like conversations. So, keep referring back to your audience, ask them questions, respond to their reactions.
Certain things are always popular with an audience: personal experiences, stories with a message, dramatic comparisons, amazing facts they didn't know. Use them to the full.
Keep your sentences short and simple. Use deliberate pauses to punctuate your speech.
Don't be afraid to hesitate when you speak, but make sure you pause in the right places. Remember, you are not an actor trying to remember lines. A certain amount of hesitation is actually quite natural.
Speak for your audience, not yourself. Take every opportunity to show how much common ground you share with them. Address their goals, their needs, their concern.
Never talk down (or up) to your audience. Treat them as equals, no matter who they are.
As far as possible, speak to five hundred people in much the same way you would speak to five. You will obviously need to project yourself more, but your personality shouldn't change.
Whenever you make a really important point, pause and let the full significance of what you have said sink in ... before you move on.
If you make a joke, don't stop and wait for laughs. Keep going and let the laughter (if it comes) interrupt you.
Good visuals are just that - visual. Don't put boring tables of figures and long lines of text on the overhead and read them out. Stick to the main points. Experiment with three-dimensional charts, cartoons, interesting typefaces - anything to catch your audience's attention.
When showing a visual, keep quiet and give people time to take it in. Then make brief comments only. Point to the relevant parts of the visual as you speak. If you want to say more, switch off your projector to do so.
Learn from other public speakers, but don't try to copy them. Be comfortable with your own abilities. Don't do anything that feels unnatural for you, just because it works for someone else.
The secret of being an excellent speaker is to enjoy the experience of speaking - try to enjoy the experience!
When members of your audience ask you a question, it is usually because they have a genuine interest in what you are saying and want to know more. Treat questions as an opportunity to get your message across better.
When you are ready to finish your presentation, slow down, and lower your voice. Look at the audience and deliver your final words slowly and clearly. Pause, let your words hang in the air a moment longer, smile, say Thank you and then sit down.
Learn the words
Check- проверять
Memorize- вспоминать
Conversations- разговор
personal experiences- личный опыт
hesitate- колебаться
Treat as equals относиться на равных
comfortable with your own abilities- быть уверенным в собственных возможностях
opportunity- возможность
lower your voice- понизить свой голос
Put the sentences in right order
Answer the questions
- What should you check before you start to speak?
- What is natural during speaking?
- What is the secret of being an excellent speaker?
- How should you treat questions of the public?
- How should you finish the presentation?
Social networks
A social structure made of nodes that are generally individuals or organizations. A social network represents relationships and flows between people, groups, organizations, animals, computers or other information/knowledge processing entities. The term itself was coined in 1954 by J. A. Barnes, who defined the size of a social network as a group of about 100 to 150 people.
Social networking is the practice of expanding the number of one's business and/or social contacts by making connections through individuals. While social networking has gone on almost as long as societies themselves have existed, the unparalleled potential of the Internet to promote such connections is only now being fully recognized and exploited, through Web-based groups established for that purpose.
Based on the six degrees of separation concept (the idea that any two people on the planet could make contact through a chain of no more than five intermediaries), social networking establishes interconnected Internet communities (sometimes known as personal networks) that help people make contacts that would be good for them to know, but that they would be unlikely to have met otherwise. In general, here's how it works: you join one of the sites and invite people you know to join as well. Those people invite their contacts to join, who in turn invite their contacts to join, and the process repeats for each person. In theory, any individual can make contact through anyone they have a connection to, to any of the people that person has a connection to, and so on.
Abbreviated as SNS a social networking site is the phrase used to describe any Web site that enables users to create public profiles within that Web site and form relationships with other users of the same Web site who access their profile. Social networking sites can be used to describe community-based Web sites, online discussions forums, chatrooms and other social spaces online.
Learn the words
social network- социальная сеть
relationships- отношения
expand- расширять
societies- сообщества
established- основанный
purpose- цель
join- присоединяться
describe- описывать
Translate the words
flows between people, term, promote such connections, make contact through a chain of no more than five intermediaries, In general, In theory, create public profiles, online discussions forums
Answer the questions
What does the term ‘social networks’ stand for? Give examples of social networking sites.
Now work in pairs and make a list of advantages and disadvantages of social networking sites.
Add the sentence
- A social structure made of…
- The term itself was coined in…
- Based on the six degrees of separation concept …
- Abbreviated as SNS a social networking site is…
- Social networking sites can be used to…
Business users of social networks
THE most avid users of social-networking websites may be teenagers, but when it comes to more grown-up use by business people, such sites have a surprisingly long pedigree. Interest in the business uses of the technology is rising.
Many companies are attracted by the marketing opportunities offered by community sites. Social networking has proved to be of greatest value to companies in recruitment. Unlike a simple jobs board, social networks enable members to pass suitable vacancies on to people they know, and to refer potential candidates back to the recruiter. So employers reach not only active jobseekers but also a much larger pool of passive candidates through referrals. LinkedIn has over 350 corporate customers which pay up to $250,000 each to advertise jobs to its expanding network.
Jobster, a social-networking site, is entirely devoted to recruitment. Jobseekers can post their own profiles and tag their skills; these tags are then used to match candidates against jobs posted by employers. List the advantages and disadvantages of using social networks in business.
- Think of more possible spheres in which social networking sites will prove to be useful.
Learn the words
avid users-заядлые пользователи
grown-up- взрослый
long pedigree- долгое происхождение
opportunities- возможности
recruitment- набор персонала
suitable vacancies- подходящие вакансии
customers- покупатели
Jobseekers- ищущие работу
Employer- работодатель
Find English equivalents
Социальные сети, интерес в бизнесе, возможности рынка, доказывать, направление, расширять сеть, подбирать кандидатов, преимущества и недостатки
Answer the questions
- Who are the most avid users of social networking?
- What is offered by community sites?
- What is Jobster?
Web design
→ The arrangement and creation of web pages that in turn make up a web site. There are many aspects to this process, and due to the rapid development of the Internet, new aspects are continually being added. As far as business oriented web sites go, the basics currently consist of (in order of importance):
a) The "visibility" of the site on the Internet, particularly within the major Search
b) The informational value of the site, from its target public's point of view.
c) The aesthetic / professional appearance of the pages.
→ Web design is the designing and graphical presentation of content shown on the Internet in the form of Web sites and other Web applications using many different forms of media. The basic design of most pages on the Web use HTML, CSS, and the newest form of language, XHTML. Many sites today also integrate various forms of dynamic, interactive content using E-Commerce, and server-side languages such as PHP and ASP. Web design contrasts with Web development, which includes Web server configuration, writing Web applications, and server security.
Arrangement- организация
Creation- создание
rapid development- быстрое развитие
search- поиск
point of view- точка зрения
appearance- изображение
content- содержание
integrate- совмещать
Do you find web design interesting?
Have you ever tried to create a web page? If ‘yes’ - was it difficult? If ‘no’ – would you like to try?
Is basic web design a necessary skill nowadays? Why?
You Can Build Your Own Website
Author: Nina Greene
There is really no reason why anyone wanting 1. |____| these days cannot build one on his or her own. Gone are the days when only high tech people possessed the ability to build amazing websites. Building a website on your own is fun, affordable and surprisingly easy.
In the past, you needed to learn HTML (hyper-text markup language) to build a website. Today all you need is site builder software. More and more hosting companies have expanded their services 2. |____| .
A benefit of building your own website is the option of using a website template. Simply find a template in a design that is similar to what you want. Next use the site builder 3. |____| by changing colours and images. Then add on any additional features you desire such as video plug-ins or forms. Changing what you do not like about a template is much quicker and easier to do than starting a website design from scratch.
Good site builder software incorporates WYSIWG (What You See Is What You Get) editors so you can edit text in any way you see fit. This software allows you to create your website pages similar to editing a document plus you have the ability 4. |____| .
When shopping for a site builder check to see if it includes options to easily add on additional functionality to your website. You want the site builder 5. |____| . You want add on features such as forums, image galleries, and shopping carts.
Now that you know that building your own website isn't as complicated as you may have previously thought, give it a try. All it takes is to use a site builder and you will have a website designed in no time.
- to customize the template
- to drag and drop images onto your web pages
- to have a website
- to use site builder software
- to include a wide variety of templates with a professional look and feel
- to include excellent site builder software
Answer the following questions:
What does it take to create a web site?
Which features are easy to customize?
What does a user need to take into account choosing site building software?
Ways to Build Your Own Social Network.
Ex. 1
Read the following text and sum up the main idea.
The news may overflow with stories about the social networking giants, such as Facebook and MySpace, but a horde of companies are doing their best to reduce the fundamental features of these websites to mere commodities. These up-and-coming companies provide so-called “white label” social networking platforms that enable their customers to build their own social networks (often from scratch) and to tailor those networks to a range of purposes.
The idea of white labeling a network is to make the platform provider as invisible as possible to the social network’s users and to brand the network with the builder’s identity or intent. While definitions of “social networking” may vary, social networks are primarily defined by member profiles and some sort of user generated content.
There are roughly three types of companies that have emerged in the space of white label social networking. The first provides hosted, do-it-yourself solutions with which customers can largely point and click their way to a brand new social network. Companies of this type interact minimally with their customers and rather focus on providing the network-building tools that they demand.
We have taken a sample of seven of these companies - Ning, KickApps, CrowdVine, GoingOn, CollectiveX, Me.com and Haystack - all of which provide free baseline services, and reviewed them individually below. Credit for initial research into these companies goes to Jeremiah Owyang who compiled a comprehensive list of white label social networking services.
The second type of company provides social networking software for download and installation onto one’s server. The third type works very closely with clients to build a social network based on their needs. These companies might suite your needs much better than any do-it-yourself social networking service, so you may want to check out companies such as Social Platform (a personalized service) or phpFox (a downloadable solution).
Out of the services that we review below, we found that Ning provides the best platform for setting up good-looking, sophisticated social networks with minimal effort. KickApps provides the best platform for integrating social networking components into existing websites. CrowdVine and Haystack are viable options for organizations that are looking for simple social networks to improve personalized communication online. CollectiveX is most suitable for existing groups that want to collaborate online. And GoingOn provides a promising hybrid solution with capabilities shared by both Ning and KickApps.
More details on each are below.
Ex. 2.
Read the text and fill the blanks with suitable adjectives or adverbs from the list. Some of the words do not fit.
ad-supported, appealing, currently, essentially, fully-featured, functional, setup, standard
Ning (which means “peace” in Chinese, in case you were wondering) 1) … provides by a wide margin the best platform for setting up fully 2) … and visually 3) … social networks from scratch. While Ning attempts to provide 4) … the same out-of-the-box service as GoingOn and Me.com, none of its competitors can yet match the professionalism of its product.
The 5) … Ning package allows affiliates to build at no cost a(n) 6) … network with all of the features that they offer. This entails a point-and-click 7) … process in which an affiliate chooses a theme, tweaks appearances, and loads features such as photos, videos, groups, and blogging. Within minutes, the affiliate has created an impressive, 8) … network that is ready to accept its first batch of members, which can be invited by email or Ning ID.
entirely, invisible, hosted, constant, completely, selling, actually,
While the Ning platform can be made almost 9) … 10) … by removing the top Ning toolbar and masking the URL, all networks 11) … by Ning share the same user base. When a user joins your Ning network as a member, he or she obtains a Ning ID that works with all other Ning networks. On the one hand, this system facilitates the process by which users sign up for more than one network. On the other, it serves as a 12) … reminder that the network is 13) … hosted by a white label social networking platform. Many affiliates will not mind this system at all, but others who want to 14) … brand their community will consider this a detraction.
1. How To Attract Members to Your Social Networking Sites
One of the best ways to attract members for your online community is through the quality of your content. If you have high quality, unique, relevant and up-to-date content then you are far more likely to attract members. The same goes for blogs - if you are writing quality articles, you will naturally attract visitors. You can convert these visitors into regular readers and members by encouraging them to use the commenting system.
The one problem with social networks is that in comparison, they are far more closed. Most content is generated through profile pages and the internal messaging system, so how do you attract members?
Express yourself in your profile.
There are lost of social networks that look alike. They use the same scripts that almost all other sites are using, and almost the same default design for their member's profiles. If you want your social profile to succeed in attracting members, it needs to look different and be unique from all the thousands of other profiles out there.
Your profile needs to immediately convey what it is all about. Visitors to your profile will form an impression, be it negative or positive, in the first few seconds that they see your page. You need to express yourself clearly in those first few seconds so as to hook their interest about you. Use images, symbols, and catchy and relevant words to ensure that your visitor will know exactly what your page is all about.
Give out as much information as you are willing to give, if possible.
If you aren't shy at all in giving out information about yourself to others, do this to help in attracting new friends and acquaintances. However, it is not really wise to publish a huge amount of personal information so be picky in choosing which ones to hand out. Several social networking sites have an option where you can restrict viewing of your profile to members of your network only. This can be worked out to your advantage if you are hesitant about displaying your personal information online. Just place enough information that will surely catch their attention and arouse their curiosity. This will then lead to them to send you requests to add them to your network.
Spice up your profile!
No one wants to look at a boring profile. Add music, pictures, and even videos or widgets to spice it up. Believe me, there are circumstances where a user will add you up just because they have seen your cool profile. A really spiced up profile will get you on top of everyone's list. Some social networks even display profiles of those users having some of the best designed pages on their popularity pages.
Leverage and promote.
As with all social networks, you will need to promote your social network if you want to attract members. If you have other websites, leverage their traffic and promote the community on them. If you already have a website on the same subject as your social network, consider incorporating the social network right into that website. Exchange links with relevant websites, consider paid advertising, include your website in the signature of your emails and any forums that you are a member of.
Members are the best referral tool you will ever have. A recommendation from a friend is far more effective than any form of paid advertising you can do. Ensure your social network offers the facility for members to recommend profiles or the actual site itself to friends by email. You may be surprised at just how many new members your existing network can bring you.
2. Social Networking – The Future of the Internet
The very origin of the internet was as a giant social network. It was a system called ARPANET that, for the most part, connected University systems together. This system became a true social network once an email system was invented to be used on the network.
Once the internet exploded - the dot-com boom brought a major commercialization of the internet and enormous investments into ads and attempts to get people to make purchases over the internet. However the medium of the internet did not lend itself to massive sales because people were largely concerned about privacy and the security of financial transactions. Even today - many people will not make purchases online because of these concerns.
However, from its very beginnings, through the dot-com bust, and continuing today - social networking has been at the very core of what drives the success of the internet.
What People Use the Internet for
In the late 1990's, Carnegie Mellon University conducted a field trial study to understand how people use the Internet at home. The study separated the various categories of internet use by demographics. However the most significant finding of the study was that, "The most popular reasons they cited for using the Internet were to get information relevant to a hobby or a personal interest, to communicate with family and friends, and to ‘enjoy myself'".
In other words, the most popular use of the internet wasn't for purchasing goods, but instead it was to conduct research for a hobby, and to communicate with other people.
The very origins of the internet, and the findings of this study clearly prove that the heart of the internet itself is social networking.
The Future of Social Networking
The fact that social networking was the very foundation of the internet tells us that it is essential to its future. People log onto the internet to talk to people across the world on forums, they write blogs to tell people across the world about their lifestyle and home life in their region of the country or to share with other business owners the secrets of their business successes. Still others communicate through messaging systems like Skype, MSN, or Instant Messengers which offer various forms of communication including chat, voice, and messaging systems.
Social Networking on the internet has become a variety of technologies and web pages that are used to connect people to people in ways that were only imagined in science fiction novels ten years ago. Today we can video conference, post images and files on collaborative forums, and we can share videos and information through profile pages on the thousands of social network websites that are peppered throughout the internet.
Specialty Social Networks target specific niches that are related to particular hobbies, businesses or industry. These niches are where the most successful entrepreneur will focus his advertising resources. Specialty Social Networks provide businesses with a rapt audience related to specific topics such as antiques collecting, web design, automobile repair, or millions of other potential interests. Just about every of these interests and hobbies require supplies, information, and services that a savvy business person can subtly offer on the social network. As long as the business person doesn't spend their entire time on the network trying to sell their product or service, but instead focuses on meeting people and making friends, they will find more success in social networks than they will in any other ad campaign anywhere on the internet.
Social Networks in Ten Years
The new internet of the future is one that will seamlessly integrate technologies of images, voice, and data all into one entire networked system that is now known as the internet. In the future, it is very likely that the social networking sites that currently exist on the internet will mature, as will their users, into sites that offer a multitude of technologies that seamlessly mesh with our everyday life. The internet will integrate with television sets and telephones. We will have the ability to communicate with our social network contacts through the television, telephone, cell phone or computer - as they will all share common voice and data communication technologies.
Contact with our entire social network will no longer be only through the computer - it will be possible to contact any contact within the network regardless of where you are in the world. Automobiles will all have active connections to the internet, and movies, radio, and all communications will be fed to cars, busses, trucks, trains and planes. No matter where you are ore what you are doing, you will no longer need to locate a computer to get in touch with a business colleague or a friend on your social network. You will be connected everywhere.
The future of Social Networks is the future of the entire internet. This is what the internet has always been primarily used for, and it is what the internet will continue to be used for in the future.
3. Improve your Business with Online Social Networking
Everyone who has ever attempted to start a business, either on or off the web, knows that the key to business success is social networking. Getting the word out that you are in business, and that the product or service that you sell is important and valuable, is central to building a strong customer or client base. Online Social Networking Websites can help.
Make Yourself Known
The key to a successful business is attracting customers or clients. The most effective way to do that is to somehow let people who have a need for your product to learn about your existence.
While ads essentially work to some degree, for the most part they are virtually ignored by potential customers or clients. Most people who decide to purchase a product don't do so immediately in response to an ad. They will research the product or service that they need, and they will ask friends and family for advice and referrals. This is where the value of social networking comes in.
Offline, if you have friends who have been your customers or friends who are involved in the same sort of business that you are - you often will end up getting mentioned in conversations that they have with their own business partners. It might be as simple as a business partner telling your friend that they really have a need for web design services. Your friend, who knows that you run a web design business and that you do excellent work, will offer the business contact your name and number. You now have a potential customer who is much more willing to purchase your product or service than any customer who would be responding to an ad.
Online Social Networking works in very much the same way. As you build an online social network of business partners and customers who you meet to discuss the industry or business ideas, you will develop a reputation among this social network as an expert in your particular field. The contacts that you form and foster in your social network will begin to mention you to members of their social network - and before you know it, your own social network (and potential customers and clients) will begin to grow exponentially.
There is no faster known system to building a business than developing and fostering an active social network. "Word-of-Mouth" is the key to business success - and online social networks can take advantage of that phenomenon to a great degree through the power of the internet. Because of online social networking sites, your social networking for business can expand outside of your local geographical area and immediately grow into the online global marketplace. This is an enormous advantage for any business.
Making Friends and Influencing People
The key to making social networking sites work for your business, is to first and foremost "make friends." This is exactly what it sounds like. Social networking sites provide you a wide multitude of ways to introduce yourself to people and to strike up conversations. This may be on a forum, a chat room, or a simple messaging system within a social networking website. Whichever the preferred method of the site is, make sure you constantly run careful searches of the website's membership related to the industry that your business is a part of. Once you find other folks out there who do the same things that you do - introduce yourself. Send a message or reply to their forum posts and strike up a conversation related to the business or industry.
Enjoy yourself - it's about having a fun discussion and getting to know other people as individuals. There is an entire world of interesting and fascinating people out there - don't limit yourself to thinking in terms of customers or clients. Think of people in terms of friends and colleagues, who may happen to require your services. Present your product as a way to assist or to fill a need related to some issue or problem that might be expressed in their messages or forum posts. Don't "sell yourself" - simply offer your services and support to the person with the tone of a friend who is offering assistance.
Additionally - don't limit yourself to members who are part of the same industry as you. Make sure to brainstorm related industries of businesses that generally have a need for your service. For example, if you are a writer - you might consider searching for social contacts who work in the publishing industry. If you are a website designer, you might look for social contacts who work for companies who express a need for an internet presence. Thinking outside of the box to find opportunities to offer your services or product is critical to using your social network to drastically grow your business.
Remember - people don't buy from salesmen, they prefer to buy from friends. So don't be a salesman - be a friend.
Where To Start
While generic social networking websites can be very valuable tools for developing important contacts who may require your services or product - the most efficient way to develop contacts who will actively be seeking help from other industries is to join a business social networking website. These websites are focused on connecting businesses to each other. It's the business version of MySpace - except extremely well designed, and not overrun by teenagers.
Three of the most popular business social networking sites include LinedIn, ryze business networking, or Tribe - just to name a few of the most popular.
Once you join, you simply create a profile detailing your business and what you do for work, your interests, and additional information that will help to define who you are and what you do. Then - you can start browsing profiles and comments, and start meeting people and making friends.
Dale Carnegie once said: "You can make more friends in two months by becoming more interested in other people than you can in two years by trying to get people interested in you." Remember this - and practice it when you work to create new contacts. Take an interest in what they do. Learn what they're interests are and what they are actively pursuing. Not only will you make some great friends, but you will discover that opportunities for your service to help them in their efforts simply present themselves on their own.
Social Networking Sites can help you to succeed in your business because they offer us ways to get away from simply obtaining "sales" - and to instead embrace mutual respect and collaboration with friends.
4. Social Networking Sites: Changing The Face Of Online Marketing
At the start of the social network big bang, as people scrambled to join up or be left out, some had staunchly declared that they would never give in to the social pressure of signing up and creating their profiles. If friends drifted out of touch because of that, then so be it. Eventually though, they gave in to the pressure and signed up for accounts and created and designed their own profiles.
People are social beings by nature. We don't always want to be with other people, but we do like to know how and what they're doing. Social networks are a way for us to stay in touch while keeping our distance. They are also, somewhat conflictingly, a way for us to narrow the gap and build closer, more intimate non-physical relationships. People ultimately share on social networks. They share thoughts, virtual hugs, news, opinions and recommendations, and other kinds of content.
So ultimately, online social networks are one of the best ways considered to succeed in online marketing. In the world of online marketing, the sharing of content, news, opinions and recommendations is quite important. Numerous studies and researches have shown that people attach great worth to recommendations from other people, particularly from those within their social circles.
Search patterns are changing and new ways are emerging. Instead of entering a few keywords in a search engine to find local electricians or accountants, people log in to their Facebook, MySpace, Friendster, or other social network accounts and ask their friends. Good and bad experiences are readily shared and that goes a long way toward making or breaking business reputations.
Many online marketers are recognizing and heeding the importance of engaging in social networking themselves. This helps them to establish brand awareness, creditability, build up their reputation as sellers, and to initiate damage control, should events not go according to plan.
Business-minded people or online marketers, as they call them, join social networking sites for a number of reasons. These are for promoting their products, to keep them updated on trends of their selected industries, to establish links for customers and competitors alike for sharing of information, and lastly, to keep their targeted audiences and customers informed of product developments and other activities related to their niche.
Whatever the reasons for joining up, online marketers need to remember that social networks are interactive and require constant updating to maintain public interest. They need to engage in dynamic conversations, not only on their pages, but also on competitor pages. Marketers need to be as visible as possible because out of "site" profiles and pages equals out of mind. They also need to brace themselves because not all comments that come their way will be favorable. It's imperative that companies know how to respond to negative feedback rationally and calmly so that they don't alienate their audience.
Another aspect of social networking that online marketers need to consider is that these days, people devote more time to networking than Internet surfing. People's experience of the Web has changed, which means that businesses now have to vie with social sites, as well as competitors, for online attention. This has lead to many companies advertising on social networks.
Advertising on social networks has many advantages:
• Chances of reaching the right audience are improved because they're all huddled together.
• Niche networking sites that cater to particular fields or interest groups can be targeted.
• Campaigns can be tailored to specific groups, rather than assuming generic, all encompassing forms, the success of which is quite hit-and-miss.
The key is not to put all of your marketing eggs in one great big social basket. While social networking has been around for a while, and many experts predict that it will be around for many years to come, don't underestimate the public's low threshold for boredom. Many people who jumped on the social bandwagon when it first set out, now suffer from social overload and don't even remember the passwords to their accounts.
While it is good to engage in social networking to promote and market your products, keep in mind that social networking sites, while they are the craze right now, might not last forever. So while it's still hot, jump on in right now and profit from it.
5. How to Create an Attractive, User Friendly Web Site
Author: Gary Klingsheim
There are few things more important on the web than "usability," because the Internet is an interactive space and not a one-way street. You want to improve the visitor's experience, make choices simple, be pleasing to the eye and not overuse the flashy add-on du jour. In addition, your site will tell visitors a lot about your company just from the way it looks, loads and functions, before they even read a single word. The importance of creating an attractive, user-friendly website simply cannot be overstated.
For reasons that are almost too numerous to list - marketing, sales, psychology, trust building, perceived professionalism, etc. - the way your website is experienced by users should be foremost in your mind. The following eight important reminders will get you going in the right direction, but you're the one who knows your customers so the finer points of personalization and "character" are up to you.
1. The importance of focus. You need to think like your visitors do. This is key to your site's success. Your customers simply want to find what they need, make the payment and get back to real life (jobs, family, tennis, whatever). If you can make their lives a bit simpler and easier, they'll reward you for it. If, on the other hand, you make their lives more complicated, they'll "surf away" and stay away.
2. The importance of understanding the medium. You are not creating a slideshow, a YouTube video, a TV commercial or a PowerPoint presentation. You are building a website for commercial purposes. You need to provide easy, simple, clear navigation on every page, since you never know how people will link to your site and what they will see first. Visitors to your site, no matter how hard you try, will not always go where you would like them to go, or do what you want them to do. Remember that, and give them a few tools to move around the site, like a sitemap and/or internal search engine.
3. The importance of non-aggression. Most Internet users, especially experienced ones, like to stay in control of their movements. Research suggest that your first-time visitors are "hunting," not "deciding," so do not make unnecessary demands for clicking, scrolling, resizing windows or anything else. Neither should you put up any roadblocks that will slow down their hunting, like time-consuming "Flash and splash screens."
4. The importance of reduced load times. Tied into #3 is the notion of your site's real and perceived "speed." Carefully consider each page element and make each one earn its place, based on functionality, not "wow" value. Keep graphic file sizes small and do whatever else you need to do to have a fast-loading, easy to use site.
5. The importance of customer needs: Define all the kinds of people you expect to visit your site and consider what they'll be looking for. Ensure that the navigation design helps the greatest number of people find the most popular items in the least amount of time. Don't "bury" essential information so that visitors have to dig down two or three levels to find it.
6. The importance of simplicity. Flash is a powerful tool, especially helpful in demonstrating things that are difficult to describe in words, but it is so pathetically overused that it has turned people off. It can be a huge distraction, too, since animation and bright (moving) colors are exceptionally hard for our eyes to ignore even when our brains want to.
7. The importance of proportionality. Although Javascript is used on some sites to display all the links to the other pages, there is really no reason to do this when simple, straightforward, low-overhead HTML works fine. When you employ a "new, improved" or more complex means of doing something - anything - you have to take into account browser compatibilities, possible bugs and user resistance. Don't use more technology than it takes to accomplish something cleanly, clearly and consistently.
8. The importance of avoiding surprises. You should use the expected, usual and standard placements for expected, usual and standard site elements. Site navigation is not something you want to be too creative with, as it needs to be immediately understandable and usable. Such consistency across the World Wide Web is actually a good thing, as it tends to make people's lives a bit easier when they feel they are in "familiar territory." Generally speaking, your various website components should look and work as people think they're supposed to.
To borrow from Oscar Wilde, consider also the Importance of Being Earnest. More specifically, you want to be seen as being earnest, meaning that you want every visitor to understand, implicitly if possible but explicitly if necessary, that you are doing everything possible to make their site visit a simple, straightforward experience. "No muss, no fuss" is a great slogan to remember.
Therefore, rather than get caught up in profound design metaphors or using your bandwidth to display every possible website trick and/or treat, you should focus on making your site into a solution for your customers. Make it easy for them to do what they need to do and then get on with their lives. Perhaps the most important thing you can give a site visitor, then, is respect and appreciation.
6. How To Create Usable Websites
Author: Tony Colon
A usable site will: Help users achieve a goal, usually to find something, such as information, or obtain something, such as an article; Make it easy for them to achieve that goal; Make it possible to achieve the goal quickly; Make achieving that goal a pleasant experience.
Good Content is Critical - A site with good content, regardless of its subject, is one that provides products or information that is useful or beneficial to users. A good usable site will make it clear what information or content is available and at what price AND what is not available. A good usable site should define clearly all subscription packages offered.
Ease of Access to Information - Good navigation, precise location indicators, secondary navigation, clear linked text and a well-organized structure all contribute to making information easy to find for a wide range of different users. Bearing in mind that many users are inexperienced, it may be necessary to include explanations of things you consider self explanatory. For example, an inexperienced user may need an explanation of how to use a drop down menu. Remember, make it as easy as possible for people to use your website.
Quick Access to Information - This is the aim of the majority of web users. It can be broken into two important aspects: Speed of Page Loading and Speed of Access to Content.
Speed of Page Loading - This requires, in particular, attention to images to ensure they are properly optimized and do not excessively delay load time. It may also mean breaking up long articles and ensuring that important content is at the top of the page where it will load first.
Speed of Access to Content - This is where the 3-click rule comes in - no important content should be more than 3 clicks from the home page. Some standards even say that it should be no more than two clicks. One helpful way to speed access to content is to consider each type of user, select the content that they are most likely to be interested in and create links from the home page to one piece of content for each group. This will get them quickly to the appropriate part of the site.
Cleanly Designed Pages - Cleanly designed pages are pleasant to look at and easy to read. It is almost impossible to make a site with an image shown as a tiled background usable - the whole thing is too distracting and confusing. It takes no great design skills to create clean pages; it just requires thought and adherence to the principle that when it comes to design, less usually is more.
Download Status - Most paid membership websites are limited to online access and information download rather than selling products. There should be clear download instructions provided. Your website should also state the size of the file in kilobytes and the estimated time of download for a user having a 56K modem, DSL, Cable and so on.
Usability Problems - While for large commercial sites investment in full-scale usability studies may be essential, few small sites can afford such luxuries. However, identifying problems with usability for your site need be no more complicated than asking a few (honest) friends to act as guinea pigs on your site and, if possible, watching them silently as they do this.
Watching users try to find information at your site can be both instructive and quite surprising. Remember that if at any stage you feel the urge to intervene and explain, then you have identified a usability problem.
- The site does not state its purpose clearly Java applets, huge images, banner ads or flashy elements slow down loading; 10 seconds is about as long as the average user will wait for a page.
- The site requires specific software to be used. Have you ever actually changed browsers or downloaded a piece of software just to see a site?
- Poor navigation, too little navigation, too much navigation and, not uncommonly, no navigation at all.
- Bad design leading to poor readability.
- Discomfort due to ugly design or inconsistent design. Almost always because a designer overestimated their skills.
- Irrelevance of content - for example the business site that includes biographies and photos of each of the board members. Happy egos on the board = bored website visitors!
- Complexity or excessive originality of design, which requires users to learn how it works in order to use it.
- Inaccessibility because the site cannot be used by browsers for people with disabilities.
7. Logo Design Mania
Author: Kristine Llabres
When you are about to design your very own logo take into consideration how you plan to use it. For instance, a logo created for website or full color stationery printing will be designed for faxing and imprinting on coffee mugs and other items.
Most companies crave to use their logo for more than just a single application. Graphic designs that possess gradients, transparences and special effect filters tend to cost more to reproduce and often need to have an additional simplified version created.
Your logo represents your very company. How it appears tells the potential customers what kind of business you have. See to it that your logo represents you just enough. For instance if your business is about financing, your logo must be high tech, conservative and contemporary, creating a quirky design could instantly take away its credibility.
The company’s philosophies, goals, missions, and objectives are also taken into consideration. Make sure that you are using the proper format for the application. You can either make it Adobe illustrator that is editable both in PC and in MAC software.
Your company logo is very important in branding your business. It should be strictly unique and would clearly depict you. The ultimate purpose is for the people to recognize your logo and associate yourself with it. Make sure that your chosen logo stand out ion the crowd.
Make sure that you really like the logo before finally deciding on that. It will be for you and your business so; you have to like it as much as you like your own business. As years go by you may opt to update your logo but it should always have the same basic feel to it. After all, this is how people would recognize you and your business.
Make sure that 20 years from the time you created your logo design you will still like the same color. The same holds true for the kind of font. Sure these nuances can be changed but often they are very important part of the design so they get it perfect at the same time during the first meeting.
Create your own logo and make sure that it clearly speaks of you and your business!
8. Graphics on your Web Pages - Why Color is so Important?
Author: Dmitry Graphicson
Graphics on your web pages - why color is so important? Let's imagine you want to start an online project. What is the first thing you make your idea come true? Surely, a web site! But ask yourself if you need an ordinary web site that will make no impression on your visitors, your potential customers? Of course you want something special from the point of view of usability and of course of graphics on your web site. Professional web graphic design is what will attract your visitors at first! Let's leave the usability question to the experienced web developers and focus on graphics since it is the issue we are going to talk about in this article.
So, you have a general idea what your web site should look like. What is then the most important thing you should concentrate before you start? Have no answer? We will help you :) - this is the color! Right color spectrum equipped with remarkable flash animation will make your web site attractive and rememberable whereas a bad color combination may whittle down all your undertakings. The fact itself that you have customers on your web site means that a general color combination has been chosen right. However, to make your web site more visitable, you should think about a really successful combination of colorful graphics on your web pages and your web graphic design represented by a perfect color match. Even a person being far from psychology will tell you that every color has its own meaning and same colors in different cultures may have absolutely different meaning. Let's focus now on general color combinations available for professional web design and what meaning content each color brings.
First of all, professional designers never use more than three colors. Multicolored web graphic design distracts customers' attention from the essence and sometimes even irritates. What are the colors you wonder that would make everybody happy? Usually these are the colors that inspire calmness, confidence and serenity such as green, blue, white. A combination of blue colors presented in professional web design is extremely popular as well as a combination or white and blue. Such colors as pink, lilac and orange are also popular among designers due to the fact that pink color associates with softness and generosity, whereas orange and lilac are favorite colors amid kids. But the main principle of choosing colors for your web graphic design should be your target group.
Web sites for women should be accomplished in soft pale shades, such as pink, lilac, white. Web site for men may use gray and dark tints, web site for children should contain bright, vivid colors such as orange, yellow, violet, green. And of course you should never forget about cultural differences and ethnic aspects while selecting the graphics solutions for your web site.
Let's consider it on an example of simple white color. For European countries white color stands for marriage, angels, peace. However, for most Oriental countries white color does not bear emotions as positive as for Europe. For China white color stands for death and mourning, for India means unhappiness etc. That's why understanding of color theory is so important especially for the beginners. When you create your first web site you want it to be as expressive as possible, bright and vivid, that's why the most popular mistake of young designers is to use the colors they like. As a result the web site looks like a Christmas tree.
Obviously a multicolored web site containing all the rainbow spectrum is not what will make your business look confident and serious. There is a combination of primary colors such as reds, yellows and blues that may serve as a basis for different further color combinations. If you are a beginner and have some doubts concerning how to combine this or that color, the best way to reach the harmony is to use warm colors with warm colors (red, orange, yellow) and cold ones with cold ones (purple, green, blue). Good color combinations are also possible with tints of the same color (for ex. red and pink, dark and light blue), but what you really should always keep in mind is the target group you are going to hit.
10. Ten Of The Most Common Mistakes Made In Web Design
Author: Kenneth Scott
Designers can keep more of their website visitors by avoiding common mistakes. The following list describes some of the most common design errors associated with websites.
It is a mistake to put too many ads on your website. You have probably decided to use ads to make some money from your site, but don't fall into the trap of fitting in more ads than you should. And don't use ad formats that seriously intrude on a visitor's experience of your site.
You should keep the use of media plug-ins to a maximum of one per page. If you're using Flash, for example, you shouldn't have a media player. If you decide to use Java, you can't also use Flash. You may use the same plug-in twice, however.
Web design experts strongly advise against using a Flash introduction on your website. While most people understand that these introductions are a bad idea, designers still get clients who don't know how much Flash intros are disliked and criticized.
Having unclear layouts and navigation schemes is a major mistake. Business sites, in particular, tend to use many steps to perform really simple tasks. If you are receiving many e-mails from visitors asking how to use your site, you need to make some improvements in your layout and navigation. If you find that there are specific tasks people want to do more often than others, put these on the front page of the site.
All external links those that take a user off your site should be specifically marked by making them a different color or by using a symbol of some type. You should also have external links open up in new windows so visitors do not leave your site completely when they click on them. While you might like it when links become visible only when users mouse over them, or when you keep the link colors from standing out from the rest of the text, these are a big mistakes. Visitors want to know where the links are without hunting for them. Use contrasting colors and even underline your links.
Another bad design idea is to include a link that will send an e-mail without marking it clearly to identify it as an e-mail link.
Broken links are annoying to website visitors. You should check your links on a regular basis to ensure that they still work.
Don't use strange fonts. Use Arial, Georgia, Tahoma, and Verdana. If you use obscure fonts, you'll find that most visitors won't have them, and those that do will find your text difficult to read. Only use non-standard fonts in a logo or in headings and only if they are displayed as images.
Body-text that is poorly sized can ruin a website. Make sure your text is a standard size. If it is too small or too large, it is difficult to read. Try to use relative text sizing rather than pixel sizing. This allows visitors to utilize their preferred text size at your site.
11. The 5 Biggest Mistakes of Web Design
Author: Robin Eldred
Your business needs a website. Here's a quick primer on how not to screw it up.
Anyone who faces the challenge of having a website built faces a very daunting task, indeed. You know your business needs a web site, or perhaps you need to rebuild what you've already got. Getting is right is a delicate balance of business objectives, usability for the web, and search engine promotion. Getting it wrong is what this article is designed to help you avoid.
Here are the five biggest mistakes you must avoid.
1. Not establishing objectives
Without a thorough plan to kick things off, what are you building? It's like showing up at the airport one day and saying, "I'm going on a vacation." Where are you going? Where will you stay when you get there? How long will you go for? Can you afford it? Did you ask your boss for the time off?
To start, figure out what you want the benefits of your website to be. Forget about the bells and whistles required to make it happen; that's the job of your web designer. Establish what you want your website do for your business. Some examples: generate leads, sell your products/services right on the website, reduce administrative tasks, brand your company, pre-qualify prospects, recruit employees - the things a website can do for your company are virtually limitless. Establish your objectives and ensure that you and your web designer understand them fully.
2. Ignoring your customers
We're talking about your messaging here. It's so easy to write your content from an internal perspective. What you want to say, what you think is compelling, what you think matters. What about your customers? Don't forget that you need to convince them to do business with you. The key to writing good, customer-centric content is to understand the "why". Why should your customers buy from you? You might think you know, but a good dose of objective research will uncover the truth. Capitalize on your unique selling proposition from the perspective of how it benefits your customers.
You will also need to use proper web style in your writing. Your content should be well organized, highly scannable, easy to digest, and to the point. If you can organize it in a "pyramid" style, even better. This is where the most important, compelling information is presented first, and deeper information follows (such as technical specifications). Depending on your strengths this may be difficult for you to produce, so you may consider hiring a professional writer or copywriter.
3. Forgetting the marketing
When your website is built, it is an island; and a deserted one at that. Your customers don't know about it and neither do the search engines. You need to tell them. You need to market your website.
Getting your website noticed by the right people is key. You're not actually marketing to search engines here. Search engines are simply a means to an end. You need to market to your customers. You must understand that your customers use different online methods to find what you sell; and this most likely includes search engines.
You may also consider newsletter advertising, email advertising, PR campaigns, social networking, etc. The exact approach you need to take depends on your objectives, how your target audience looks for what you sell, your budget, your industry, etc.
4. Not measuring the results
So, how did you do? You built a great web site and marketed the heck out of it. How many people came to your site? How many became leads? How many leads did you turn into customers? How much were they worth? What content did your visitors like and not like? {Insert your own redundant questions here}
Just like any marketing venture, you must measure the results in order to find out if it was successful. I'm talking about things like:
A tracking plan . Your leads might call you instead of buying online or using your contact form. You need a plan to track them, and how they found you. If you're running offline marketing campaigns, setup a separate domain name or create a unique web page. Online forms specific to a marketing campaign can be really useful as well.
Statistics and reporting . Good statistics can tell you a lot about how people use your website. Google Analytics is a wonderful package, easy to install, and totally free. More than this, you need to understand the numbers, and draw conclusions. This takes quite a lot of practice and understanding. A professional web design or marketing company can help you with this.
Adapt . Use your results, don't just read them. This will invariably require consulting with an expert again, but you need to act on your results to improve them. This is an on-going process. Forever.
5. Getting Paralyzed
A lot of web design projects never see the light of day because they get mired down in perpetual planning. There comes a time when you need to act. You won't get it perfect the first time out (or ever), but you've got to move. If you aim, re-aim and re-aim forever, you'll never actually get off a shot. Aim - shoot - repeat.
A quick caveat: I'm not telling you to put up a poorly written and poorly constructed web site just to have something; that can be very dangerous. A bad website can turn customers away and, even worse, have them poison your business through negative word of mouth. What I am telling you to do is to not get paralyzed trying to perfect your plan. Hiring the right team of experts can get you on track, and get things moving.
Hopefully this article helps steer you away from the most common (and dangerous) pitfalls of web design. Whether you hire a professional, create your site internally, or do it on your own from start to finish, keep these tips in mind.
Ad management and Tracking
Banner advert management and tracking software for high traffic websites. 100% Browser-Based application, allows your customers and monitor their ads effortlessly and at their own convenience.
Affiliate marketing
Affiliate marketing is a method of promoting web businesses (merchants/advertisers) in which an affiliate (publisher) is rewarded for every visitor, subscriber, customer, and/or sale provided through his/her efforts.
Web analytics is the study of the behavior of website visitors. In a commercial context, web analytics especially refers to the use of data collected from a web site to determine which aspects of the website work towards the business objectives; for example, which landing pages encourage people to make a purchase.
Data collected almost always includes web traffic reports. It may also include e-mail response rates, direct mail campaign data, sales and lead information, user performance data such as click heat mapping, or other custom metrics as needed. This data is typically compared against key performance indicators for performance, and used to improve a web site or marketing campaign's audience response.
A small program designed to run over the internet. It's held on a serer but works inside a web browser.
Active Server Page. Server side program scripting to create dynamic web pages integrated with the HTML of a page.
The allocated amount of data that can be transferred over our network during a fixed amount of time expressed in bits per second (bps).
Banner advertising
A web banner or banner ad is a form of advertising on the World Wide Web. This form of online advertising entails embedding an advertisement into a web page. It is intended to attract traffic to a website by linking them to the web site of the advertiser. The advertisement is constructed from an image (GIF, JPEG, PNG, SWF), JavaScript program or multimedia object employing technologies such as Java, Shockwave or Flash, often employing animation or sound to maximize presence. Images are usually in a high-aspect ratio shape (i.e. either wide and short, or tall and narrow) hence the reference to banners. These images are usually placed on web pages that have interesting content, such as a newspaper article or an opinion piece.
Short for weblog, a blog is similar to diary online, that can be edited using a simple content management system (CMS).
A link to particular website, stored by a user for future use.
Software that is used to interpret HTML commands and display web page content. The two most widely used browsers are Mozilla Firefox and Microsoft Internet Exporer (IE).
A web browser feature, which stores copies of regularly accessed files on a computers hard disk to speed access.
Case sensitive
Used to indicate that characters typed in will only be recognised if entered in the correct case.
Click through rate
The number of times visitors click on a link, or advert on a page, as a percentage of the number of times the page has been displayed.
Content Management System
Content Management System (CMS). A program that automates the management of the content you add to your site.
The words, graphics, photos, audio, video and downloadable docs that make up your web site.
Web cookies are parcels of text sent by a server to a web browser and then sent back unchanged by the browser each time it accesses that server. web cookies are used for authenticating, tracking, and maintaining specific information about users, such as site preferences and the contents of their electronic shopping carts.
Cookies are subject to a number of misconceptions, mostly based on the erroneous notion that they are computer programs. In fact, cookies are simple pieces of data unable to perform any operation by themselves. In particular, they are neither spyware nor viruses, despite the detection of cookies from certain sites by many anti-spyware products.
Most modern browsers allow users to decide whether to accept cookies, but rejection makes some websites unusable. For example, shopping baskets implemented using cookies do not work if cookies are rejected.
CAScading Style Sheets. A feature of HTML that enables designers to specify style information, such as fonts, size, colour, background as well as define the placement of elements on a web page.
DNS Records
The Domain Name System (DNS) serves as the "phone book" for the Internet; it translates human-readable computer hostnames, e.g. signature.gb.com , into the IP addresses that networking equipment needs for delivering information. In providing a worldwide keyword-based redirection service, DNS is an essential component of contemporary Internet use.
Domain name
Domain name (web addresses, URL) is main apart of a web address that is it's unique identification, for example 'letsrentit.co.uk'.
E-commerce consists primarily of the distributing, buying, selling, marketing and servicing of products or services over the Internet.
Conversion of data from it's original form to one that cannot be understood by others. Only the sender and recipient have the key to convert the data back to its original form. The purpose is to prevent unauthorised people from viewing data as it travels across the internet.
Error 404
404 is an HTTP status code. Error 404 indicates a client error. The server is saying that you've done something wrong, such as misspell the URL or request a page which is no longer there.
File sharing is the practice of making files available for other users to download over the Internet.
Vector graphic software from Adobe that allows a single animation or video file to play on all browsers, with the Flash plug-in installed.
Flickr - almost arguably the best known online photo management and sharing application. Flickr is a photo sharing website and web services suite, and an online community platform. The service is widely used by bloggers as a photo repository.
In a Web site, frames are the multiple, independently controllable sections on a Web presentation. This effect is achieved by building each part as a separate HTML file and having one "master" HTML file identify all of the parts. Surveys of users indicate that many people do not like sites using frames.
File Transfer Protocol. Enables you to copy or send files from one computer to another via the internet. Anonymous FTP is a method for downloading files from an FTP server without using a login account
Functional specification
A functional specification (functional spec) is a formal document used to describe in detail for web developers a website's intended capabilities, appearance, and interactions with users. A functional specification is a blueprint and continuing reference point as the developers write the programming code.
The number of times a web object ( a page a picture within a page) has been viewed or downloaded.
The main or first page of a website.
The act of storing and providing information over the internet. Hosting Companies offer hosting space for lease, enabling companies or individuals to set up their own websites or other internet content.
(Hypertext Markup Language) is the set of markup symbols or codes inserted in a file intended for display on the World Wide Web. The markup tells the Web browser how to display a Web page for the user. Each individual markup code is referred to as an element or tag. HTML is a formal Recommendation by the World Wide Web Consortium (W3C) and is generally adhered to by the major browsers, Microsoft's Internet Explorer and Netscape's Navigator, which also provide some additional non-standard codes. The current version of HTML is HTML 4.0. However, both Internet Explorer and Netscape implement some features differently and provide non-standard extensions. This makes building web site very challenging, even for the professional.
A pointer to another document, most often a pointer to another web page.
JavaScript is a scripting language most often used for client-side web development, but is also used to enable scripting access to objects embedded in other applications.
A pointer to another document, most often a pointer to another web page.
Link building
Link building is an essential part of internet marketing. The internet and sites like signature.gb.com need links to other sites in order to receive traffic and to give resources to visitors. Strategic link building is about establishing your competitive position in the online marketplace that already exists.
Content used in mashups is typically sourced from a third party via a public interface or API, Web feeds ( RSS or Atom) and web services.
Many people are experimenting with mashups using Google, eBay, Amazon, AOL, Windows Live, and Yahoos APIs.
Meta tag
A specific HTML tag that contains information about the page itself. Typical use of meta tags are to include information for search engines to help them index your site better.
Navigation structure
The hierarchical relationship between pages in a website, mapped out in a site diagram, which is then used to determine the links that will appear in each page's navigation bar.
PayPal is an e-commerce business allowing payments and money transfers to be made through the Internet. It serves as an electronic alternative to traditional paper methods such as cheques and money orders. PayPal performs payment processing for online vendors, auction sites, and other corporate users, for which it charges a fee.
Pay per click advertising
Pay per click (PPC) is an advertising technique used on websites, advertising networks, and search engines. Advertisers bid on "keywords" that they believe their target market (people they think would be interested in their offer) would type in the search bar when they are looking for their type of product or service. For example, if an advertiser sells red widgets, he/she would bid on the keyword "red widgets", hoping a user would type those words in the search bar, see their ad, click on it and buy. These ads are called "sponsored links" or "sponsored ads" and appear next to and sometimes above the natural or organic results on the page. The advertiser pays only when the user clicks on the ad.
Push marketing
Push/ pull marketing analogy refers to the purchasing experience (CRM) between customer and your website. A customer/ browser "pulls" things towards themselves, while a site owner "pushes" things toward customers.
PHP Hypertext Preprocessor is a scripting language often used to create dynamic web pages. A MySQL database holds the necessary information: PHP takes the required information and sets it out as a web page on demand
Podcasting is a new type of online media delivery. You publish selected audio files via the internet and allow your users to subscribe via an RSS feed to automatically receive new files. Podcasting lets you create your own syndicated online talk-show or radio program, with content of your choosing.
Rich media
Media with more than text and images, using sound, video and special effects via programs such as Flash and Shockwave, and often some interactive advertising capacity
Short for Secure Sockets Layer, a protocol developed by Netscape for transmitting private documents via the Internet. SSL uses a cryptographic system that uses two keys to encrypt data − a public key known to everyone and a private or secret key known only to the recipient of the message. Both Netscape Navigator and Internet Explorer support SSL, and many Web sites use the protocol to obtain confidential user information, such as credit card numbers. By convention, URLs that require an SSL connection start with https: instead of http:.
Another protocol for transmitting data securely over the World Wide Web is Secure HTTP (S-HTTP). Whereas SSL creates a secure connection between a client and a server, over which any amount of data can be sent securely, S-HTTP is designed to transmit individual messages securely. SSL and S-HTTP, therefore, can be seen as complementary rather than competing technologies. Both protocols have been approved by the Internet Engineering Task Force (IETF) as a standard.
Sticky marketing
Marketing stickiness is the amount of time spent at a site over a given time period. Stickiness is often measured in terms of page views. When defined as minutes per month, site stickiness is a function of number of visits (repeat usage) and time spent per visit (session stickiness).
The number of visitors to your website. It's measured with stats such as page views, hits and pages accessed
Uniform Resource Locator, previously Universal Resource Locator is the unique address for a file that is accessible on the Internet. A common way to get to a Web site is to enter the URL of its home page file in your Web browser's address line. However, any file within that Web site can also be specified with a URL. Such a file might be any Web page other than the home page, an image file, or a program such as a common gateway interface application or Java applet. The URL contains the name of the protocol to be used to access the file resource, a domain name that identifies a specific computer on the Internet, and a pathname, a hierarchical description that specifies the location of a file in that computer. On the Web (which uses the Hypertext Transfer Protocol, or HTTP), an example of a URL is: http://www.ietf.org/rfc/rfc2396.txt
Viral marketing
Viral marketing is based on natural human behavious and refers to marketing techniques that use pre-existing social networks to produce increases in brand awareness. It can be word-of-mouth. Viral promotions may take the form of funny video clips, interactive Flash games, advergames, images, or even SMS text messages.
Voice over Internet Protocol (VOIP) is the routing of voice conversations over the Internet or through any other IP-based network.
World Wide Web Consortium. The group responsible for defining major standards used in web design, such as HTML and CSS.
A wiki is a website that allows visitors to add, remove, and edit content.
Extensible Markup language. A format for defining pieces of information and how they relate to each other within a set of documents.
Useful words and phrases
1. I'd like to
say a few words to you today about
talk to you today about
… explain to you today the main features of
describe the operation of
2.1 shall take only about 15 minutes of your time. I aim to talk to you for only about 15 minutes. This will take about half an hour.
3. To illustrate my talk
I'll be using some OHP transparencies.
I've brought along a few slides.
I intend to show you some diagrams.
4. I've divided my talk into 5 main parts.
The subject can be looked at under 5 main headings.
During my talk I'll be looking at 5 main areas.
First(ly) second(ly) third(ly) fourth fifth finally
5. If you have any questions
please feel free to interrupt
I'll be glad to try to answer them at end of my talk
Let us now look at ways of showing your audience what point you have reached in the structure of your presentation. These are rather like traffic lights; they tell your audience if you are stopping or starting, turning right or left:
Starting your first point
To start with...
First of all, then...
Let me begin by saying...
Finishing a point
Well, that's all I have to say about... So that, then, is... That's all about.... Now we've dealt with ....
Starting a new point
Now let's turn to my next point, which is ...
Let's move on now to ...
The next point I'd like to make is ...
Next we come to ...
Turning now to ...
Leaving the structure
Incidentally ... By the way ...
Returning to your structure
Coming back to the subject of my talk ... To come back to ...
Referring back
As I was saying earlier ...
As I mentioned earlier...
If you remember, I said at the beginning ...
Referring forward
As we will see later, ... Later, we'll be looking at... Later, I'd like to look at...
Introducing your last point
And finally. ...
Lastly. ...
That brings me to my last point, which is ...
So now, I'd just like to summarise the main points. In brief, we have looked at... Let me sum up.
In conclusion,
Well, that brings me to the end of my talk ...
That's all I have to say for now ...
Thank you for your attention. Thank you for listening.
Inviting questions
And now. if you have any questions. I'll be glad to try to answer them. Does anyone have any questions? Are there any questions? Any questions?
.... Yes. your question, please.
Checking that the questioner is satisfied
Does that answer your question? I hope that answers your question.
Inviting further questions
Are there any more questions? Any more questions?
If there are no more questions. I'd like to thank you for your attention.
В пособии представлены специализированные тексты для студентов специальности «Организация и технология защиты информации». Тексты сопровождаются введением новой лексики и различными видами упражнений. Главная цель пособия - развить у учащихся навыки перевода, извлечения и обработки информации, правильного построения предложений на английском языке.
Пособие можно использовать для аудиторных и внеаудиторных занятий по английскому языку.
При работе над пособием были использованы следующие источники:
- Dooley J., Evans V., Grammarway 4, Express Publishing, 2009.
- Oxenden Cl., Latham-Koenig Ch., New English File Upper-Intermediate, Oxford University Press, 2008.
- Powell M., Presenting in English, Thomson Heinle, 2010.
- TechTarget (NASDAQ: TTGT) http://techtarget.com/.
- Web design library http://www.webdesign.org/.
- Weblog Tech Crunch http://www.techcrunch.com/.
- Webopedia http://www.webopedia.com/ (computer and Internet technology definitions).
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изучая английский язык, каждый из нас на каком-то этапе сталкивается с необходимостью описать внешность человека: себя самого или друга, знакомого или незнакомца, этот «топик» является одной из ...
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Учебно-методическое пособие по английскому языку
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Гонышкова, М.Д. Прокофьева В.В. Учебно-методическое пособие по английскому языку для обучающихся 1-4 классов СОШ.
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