Педагогические условия успешности обучения студентов медицинских вузов на кафедре фармакологии
Педагогические условия успешности обучения студентов медицинских вузов на кафедре фармакологии
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Pedagogical conditions for the success of training students of medical universities at the Department of Pharmacology.
Kosykh Alexander Vyacheslavovich
Teacher, pharmacist- organizer,
clinical pharmacologist
FSBEI of HE «Stavropol State Medical University» Essentuksky branch
(Russia, Essentuki)
Email: alekskosyx@mail.ru
In modern conditions of reforming higher medical education, practical healthcare makes high demands on graduates of medical universities. This necessitates the use of effective methods for training future doctors. Existing pedagogical technologies in the educational process are quite diverse. Among them are modular and problem-based learning (subject and social), interactive methods, innovative technologies and more. The combination of traditional and innovative pedagogical technologies that can meet the strict requirements of modern higher medical education is recognized as optimal. To assess the adequacy of the educational process in clinical departments, it is necessary to regularly use generally accepted methods for assessing the effectiveness of the taught disciplines.
Practical health care places high demands on graduate students of medical universities. This necessitates the use of the most effective educational methods of future doctors. Existing pedagogical technologies in the educational process are quite diverse. Among them are modular and problem-based learning (cognitive and social), interactive methods, innovative technologies etc. It is considered optimal to combine traditional and innovative pedagogical technologies that can meet strict requirements of modern higher medical education. The regular use of the conventional methods of evaluating effectiveness of the disciplines taught is necessary to evaluate the adequacy of the educational process in clinical departments.
Keywords: medical education, learning models, pedagogical technologies
In recent decades, the field of higher medical education has undergone great changes. An important role is played by the presentation of high requirements for graduates of medical universities from the side of practical healthcare. This necessitates the search for various methods and ways to achieve the goals and objectives in relation to the training of future doctors. In general, they are determined by existing educational documents (Federal State Educational Standard, curriculum, work programs.), Aimed at implementing a competent approach. Pedagogical technologies in the educational process of a medical university are also quite thoroughly studied and quite diverse.
Among them are modular and problem-based learning, contextual learning (subject and social), innovative technologies.
It is training at the patient’s bed that allows the student to better feel the atmosphere of a future profession. However, these conditions are somewhat different from the conditions of the last century. Firstly, the number of students has increased, which makes it difficult to work as a whole group in a small hospital ward. Secondly, a modern student is different from his peers of the last century. Too many distractions (primarily various kinds of gadgets) and a completely different reflection. It can often be noted that not all students are equally interested in what is happening. As a result, a situation may arise that 100% of the group is actually in the ward, and only half or 1/3 of the students work. In this regard, even time-tested methods require modification. We have widely used
The command method is called. At the same time, the group of students is divided into several subgroups (3-4 people each) and receives a specific task (for example, to make a preliminary diagnosis and draw up a survey plan). In this case, all students are more or less involved in the process of collecting information (history, physical examination). In the ward, they independently communicate with patients, and in the training room they actively discuss the data obtained (brainstorming). Usually, one study hour is allotted for this work (30 minutes communication and examination of the patient, 15 minutes - discussion in a team). Time regulations discipline students very much. From the moment they receive the assignment, they are instantly activated and set to work. Subsequently, the team selects one student from the members of their temporary team, who reports on a specific clinical case. At the same time, the rest of the team members also participate in the discussion, in case of difficulties, they help the team leader. Of course, students are not always able to immediately fully master the competencies. At the final stage, the role of the teacher is growing, who acts in this case more as a mentor than a leader. Typically, in a lesson, at least 3 clinical situations can be resolved. Thus, an increase in motivation, responsibility, critical thinking and an increase in students' independence is achieved. As a rule, this form of training causes considerable interest among students, gives an emotional coloring to what is happening. At the same time, students are personally convinced of their educational gaps and clearly recognize the need for further professional and personal growth. As an assistant for independent preparation for practical classes, teaching and methodological manuals created by the department staff for all taught disciplines are performed. Receiving a developed manual at the beginning of the cycle, the student acquires a valuable routing tool for the entire educational process for the study of discipline. It is no secret that there are a number of nosologies that are rare or even extremely rare in the clinical practice of internal diseases. In this case, the teacher has few opportunities to demonstrate pathology in real time. Here, a form of contextual training such as preparing presentations based on literary data can be of help. At the same time, not only the content of the material is analyzed (subject context), but also the form of its presentation is being worked out - the ability to structure, develop skills in competent speech, use professional terminology, etc. When working in an audience, the student learns to convey information to others, in this case to fellow students, which allows him to practice in a calm and friendly atmosphere (social context). Apparently, this approach is required, since not all students speak at conferences and contests, and the skill of public speaking in the modern world is simply necessary. Business games or their individual components can also be introduced into the structure of practical exercises on topics of rare diseases.
Moreover, the more roles are planned according to the scenario, the more interesting and emotional the game goes. The role of the teacher can be both regulatory (controls the course of the game, takes the necessary pauses, on the contrary, speeds up the pace, while acting as the author or voice-over), and actingly performed. It is advisable to include in the game both successfully studying students and those who are weaker in educational terms. For the first, this is another reason to make sure that they have successfully mastered the material and can correctly apply it in practice, the second gives confidence, makes you think, doubt, and sometimes argue. In any case, it is possible to avoid the uniformity and monotony of the educational process. Another important component of training is the principle of feedback and assessment of the quality of teaching at the department. A study of effectiveness is carried out by various methods, one of which is a survey / questioning of students. The questionnaire is one of the most common survey tools. It represents a series of simple, clearly formulated questions arranged in a specific order, which is offered by a specially selected audience of respondents. The purpose of the study is to assess the conformity of teaching with the principles of the Stanford model of instruction.
Material and methods. The survey involved 95 fourth-year students of the Faculty of Pediatrics. In the questionnaire paragraphs, 20 questions of the Stanford model of training were used, both open and closed. To assess the quality of teaching, we used a 5-point Likert scale: 5 - completely agree, 4 - more agree, 3 - less agree, 2 - partially agree, 1 - completely disagree. Results. According to 60% of students, teachers clearly defined the content of the lesson; 35% of respondents to a greater degree and 5% - to a lesser extent, agreed with this statement. 68% of those surveyed noted that teachers clearly defined the time frame of the lesson, 29% were more likely to agree with this formulation of the question, 3% - to a lesser extent. 52% of respondents noted that during the lesson all questions on the topic were addressed, 44% - to a greater extent, only 4% of those surveyed did not think so. 92% of students fully agreed that the teachers avoided unreasonable deviations from the topic and did not allow external manifestations and distractions (door, conversations in the corridor, contact with latecomers, etc.), and 8% were more in agreement with this . 69% of respondents fully agreed with the assertion that the teacher set goals (final, intermediate) at the beginning of the lesson periodically repeated for their better memorization and development of competencies, 28% agreed to a greater extent, 3% of students to a lesser extent. The degree of student satisfaction with the assessment methods showed a fairly good result. Most students (69%) were completely satisfied with the assessment methods of teachers. It was they who evaluated the ability of students to analyze and synthesize knowledge, applying them to a specific example. 26% of respondents were not completely satisfied, 5% were not satisfied. 69% of students believed that the teacher explained to them what they were right or wrong, pointing out errors and omissions, 21% thought so only to a greater extent, but 10% of students did not think so at all. Conclusion In most cases, for all 20 criteria of the questionnaire of the Stanford model of teaching, students positively assessed the activities of teachers. However, it is necessary to continue to improve the methods for assessing knowledge, abilities and skills of students. First of all, for students should become more understandable methods and criteria for assessing the study of therapeutic disciplines in the clinical department. The obtained learning outcomes (intermediate, final) can be subjected to statistical processing methods. This provides invaluable material for analysis. The aim of another study was to evaluate the effectiveness of the emergency medicine in cardiology elective in the fourth year of the faculty of pediatrics.
Practical study journals and training sheets of 107 fourth-year students of the pediatric faculty (8th, 9th semester) were analyzed. A group of 107 people studying the discipline "Hospital Therapy" (8th, 9th semester) was divided into subgroups: previously passed the elective "Emergency Care in Cardiology" (n = 52) and did not pass it (n = 55) . Results. The average score for the elective “Emergency care in cardiology” in accordance with the rating system was 86.5 ± 0.62, which corresponded to the rating “good”. Rating points for the discipline “Hospital therapy” in the group of students who completed the compulsory elective “Emergency care in cardiology” turned out to be higher compared to the group without elective (96.6 ± 15.02 and 81.6 ± 0.84 points). However, a comparison of the data of intermediate certification (final results, including an examination assessment) in these 2 groups did not reveal a significant difference (79 points in each group). This could indicate a small "survival" of knowledge gained on the elective. Thus, we concluded that it is necessary to introduce a number of adjustments to the methodology of teaching the discipline "Emergency Care in Cardiology".
1. Only a combination of classical educational methods with newer, and sometimes innovative, technologies can meet the stringent requirements of modern higher medical education. In addition to traditional methods, it is necessary to develop new pedagogical technologies based on the active participation of students. This is dictated by the specifics of the present and the features of modern society.
2. In order to analyze the educational process in clinical departments, it is necessary to regularly use the recommended methods for assessing the effectiveness of the taught disciplines (questionnaires, methods of statistical analysis).
3. It is necessary to continue improving methods for assessing the general cultural and professional competencies of students using the Stanford model that are being mastered at the clinical department.
4. It is useful and important to create an inter-university cluster with the organization of educational and methodological events, providing an exchange of experience and real cooperation between representatives of various domestic and international schools.
1. Yavorskaya S.D. and other Innovative methods of teaching students of a medical university // Modern. prob. science and education. 2016. No. 4. P. 172. 2. Knyazeva L.I., Knyazeva L.A., Goryainov I.I. and other Pedagogical technologies in the educational process of the Department of Medical University // Higher Education in Russia. 2017. No. 3 (210). S. 146-150.
3. Khamitov R.F., Palmova L.Yu., Bulatov S.A. "Standardized Patient" in the training of future doctors: a monograph. Germany: LAP LAMBERT Academic Publishing GmbH & Co, 2012.52 p.
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