Контрольно-оценочные средства для проведения директорской контрольной работы по дисциплине: ОГСЭ.03 Иностранный язык, специальность: 38.02.03 Операционная деятельность в логистике
методическая разработка
Материалы для проведения директорской контрольной работы по дисциплине: ОГСЭ.03 Иностранный язык, составлены в соответствии с действующими стандартами для специальности: 38.02.03 Операционная деятельность в логистике
Цель проведения контрольной работы:
Определить качество знаний обучающихся по основным теоретическим темам и проверить умения обучающихся:
- выбрать из 4 предложенных вариантов ответов – один верный.
- узнавать и определять понятия;
- сопоставлять термины и определения;
- установить взаимосвязи между понятиями в понятийной системе.
Вопросы, содержащие в данной работе, освещают следующие темы:
Тема: Введение в логистику
Важность логистики в бизнесе
Тема: Входящая и исходящая логистика
Входящая логистика
Исходящая логистика
Тема: Цепочка поставок
Введение в цепочку поставок
Роль транспорта в цепи поставок
Данные комплекты варианта контрольной работы рассчитаны на письменную форму проведения. Представлены в 4-х вариантах.
Время, отводимое на выполнение контрольной работы рассчитано на 45 минут.
Вложение | Размер |
![]() | 37 КБ |
Предварительный просмотр:
Профессиональное образовательное учреждение
ИНДЕКС: 109316, г. Москва, ул. Волгоградский проспект, д. 42, кор. 7. ТЕЛ: 8(495)542-78-64
Зам. директора по УМР
______________ /Кальная Е.А./
от «___»_________ 201_ г
Контрольно-оценочные средства
для проведения директорской контрольной работы
по дисциплине: ОГСЭ.03 Иностранный язык
по специальности: 38.02.03 Операционная деятельность в логистике
Одобрено на заседании ПЦК «Общеобразовательный цикл» Протокол № от «___» __________ 201__ г. Председатель ПЦК __________/Мартынова Т.А./ подпись | Разработал преподаватель ______________ /______________/ |
Москва, 2019
Пояснительная записка
Материалы для проведения директорской контрольной работы по дисциплине: ОГСЭ.03 Иностранный язык, составлены в соответствии с действующими стандартами для специальности: 38.02.03 Операционная деятельность в логистике
Цель проведения контрольной работы:
Определить качество знаний обучающихся по основным теоретическим темам и проверить умения обучающихся:
- выбрать из 4 предложенных вариантов ответов – один верный.
- узнавать и определять понятия;
- сопоставлять термины и определения;
- установить взаимосвязи между понятиями в понятийной системе.
Вопросы, содержащие в данной работе, освещают следующие темы:
Тема: Введение в логистику
Важность логистики в бизнесе
Тема: Входящая и исходящая логистика
Входящая логистика
Исходящая логистика
Тема: Цепочка поставок
Введение в цепочку поставок
Роль транспорта в цепи поставок
Содержание вопросов и заданий в вариантах контрольной работы (тестовые задания) равноценны, полностью соответствует программе курса, а их последовательность отражает последовательность изложения учебного материала.
Данные комплекты варианта контрольной работы рассчитаны на письменную форму проведения. Представлены в 4-х вариантах.
Время, отводимое на выполнение контрольной работы рассчитано на 45 минут.
За основу оценивания берутся требования к знаниям и умениям, сформулированные в государственных стандартах профессионального базового уровня. Ответ обучающегося оценивается с учетом точности понимания существа вопроса, степени полноты его раскрытия, умения делать обобщения, аргументировать высказанные положения доводами.
Общая оценка складывается из оценок выполнения каждого из заданий варианта и является их средним арифметическим. При оценивании ответов на вопросы заданий варианта следует руководствоваться следующими рекомендациями.
Критерии оценки для тестовых заданий:
правильных ответов (95-100%) – «отлично»
правильных ответов (80-94%) – «хорошо»
правильных ответов (61-79%) – «удовлетворительно»
правильных ответов (менее 60%) – «неудовлетворительно»
по дисциплине ОГСЭ. 03 Иностранный язык
по специальности: 38.02.03 Операционная деятельность в логистике
Лексико-грамматический тест
Вариант I
Студент (ФИО) ______________________ Группа ____________ Дата ______
- Дополните текст словами из рамки. Ответы запишите под текстом.
service chain origin activities technology outbound operational |
Logistics management is that part of supply 1) ________ management that plans, implements, and controls the effective forward and reverse flow and storage of goods, services and information between the point of 2)_________ and the point of consumption. Logistics management activities usually include inbound and 3) _________ transportation management, fleet management, warehousing, materials handling, order fulfilment, logistics network design, inventory management, supply/demand planning, etc. The logistics function also includes sourcing and procurement, production planning and scheduling, packaging and assembly, and customer 4) _______. It is involved in all levels of planning and execution – strategic, 5) _______ and tactical. Logistics management is an integrating function, the task of which is to coordinate all logistics 6) __________, as well as integrating logistics activities with other functions including marketing, sales manufacturing, finance, and information 7) _________.
2. Дополните предложения, выбрав один правильный вариант ответа.
1) A supply chain can be defined as a system of … , people, technology, activities, information and resources involved in morning a product.
a) reconstruction b) organizations c) notifications
d) distribution
2) Supply chain activities transformation natural resources, raw materials and components into a … .
a) Finished product b) marriage c) money d) expenses
3) The supply chain goal is to reduce the … , whereas providing the desired level of responsiveness to customers.
a) profit in creating b) downsizing c) price increases d) total cost
4) The supply chain segment involved with getting the finished product from the manufacturer to the consumer is know as the … .
a) supply b) distribution channel c) call forward
d) decentralization
5) For most companies, the supply chain is an essential … .
a) component of success b) facilities c) delay d) activity
6) … is a key determinant of a company's responsiveness to emerging opportunities.
a) Delays b) Increase c) Supply chain d) State-of-the-art
7) The supply chain is an important link with the company's …
a) manufacturer b) customers c) agent d) state
8) A simple chain … a company that manufactures or assembles a product.
a) goes over b) mites c) links d) distinguished
9) Every supply chain start and ends with the … .
a) master b) customers c) competitior d) organization
10) A typical supply chain is made up of A number of … that are connected by the movement of goods along it.
a) cycle b) connection с) elements d) component
11) The supply chain begins with the … . He is contacts the Sales Department of the company.
a) inretory b) production c) purchasing d) customers
12) The term … refers to the movement of product from one point to another.
a) storage b) supply c) purchase d) transportation
13) In the USA freight transportation costs amount to about … % of the GDP.
a) 31 b) 7 c) 6 d) 14.
14) Any supply chain's success is closely linked to the appropriate use of … .
a) shop b) production c) people d) transportation
15) Logistics companies effectively use … transportation systems to lower overall cost.
a) responsive b) purchase c) inventory d) customers
16) They employ … .
a) substitution b) barter c) cross-docking d) trade in
Оценка _________
Преподаватель ______________
по дисциплине ОГСЭ. 03 Иностранный язык
по специальности: 38.02.03 Операционная деятельность в логистике
Лексико-грамматический тест
Вариант II
Студент (ФИО) ______________________ Группа ____________ Дата ______
- Дополните текст словами из рамки. Ответы запишите под текстом.
services money vessels systems vehicle clearance cargo costs |
Customers can take advantage of a wide range of terminal services, which help optimize the movement of 1) _________ through the port to its final destination. Depending on the terminal, these services can include customs 2) ___________, pre-delivery inspection, storage, re-forwarding and inland transport. Some terminals also have 3) ___________ processing centres that offer additional services such as upgrades, repair and accessory installation. Communication and information 4) __________ within the terminals are linked to the customized information technology solutions. This means that we know the exact location of cargo while at our terminals or on board any of our 5) ____________. This knowledge allows customers to control their cargo. By simplifying and reducing administration and handling 6) _______, logistics companies help customers save time, energy and 7) ________. Modern companies focus on their customers’ needs and continually provide creative new 8) __________to add flexibility, reliability and efficiency to their businesses.
2. Дополните предложения, выбрав один правильный вариант ответа.
1) The term … refers to the movement of product from one point to another.
a) storage b) supply c) purchase d) transportation
2) In the USA freight transportation costs amount to about … % of the GDP.
a) 31 b) 7 c) 6 d) 14.
3) Any supply chain's success is closely linked to the appropriate use of … .
a) shop b) production c) people d) transportation
4) Logistics companies effectively use … transportation systems to lower overall cost.
a) responsive b) purchase c) inventory d) customers
5) They employ … .
a) substitution b) barter c) cross-docking d) trade in
6) The growth in shipments to and from … is creating both problems and opportunities.
a) USA b) Russia c) China d) Finland
7) Many large corporations have already … in buying offices in China and India.
a) inrested b) sold c) replaced d) expanded
8) The are … key players in any transportation that faces place with in a supply chain.
a) one b) five c) six d) two
9) … is that party that requires the movement of the product between the point of origin and the point of consumption.
a) Shipper b) Recipient c) Manufacturer d) Customers
10) The Carrier is the party that … the product.
a) prepares b) delivers c) loads d) Moves
11) … best suited for low-valvue and large shipments that don't need to be moved in a hurry.
a) Water b) Air c) Auto d) Pipeline.
12) … the modes of transportation includes (don't).
a) Bird b) Package carriers c) Air b) truck
13) Manager should consider an appropriate … of company-owned and outsourced transportation to. Meet their needs.
a) probability b) croup c) combination d) order
14) Every supply chain start and ends with the … .
a) marter b) customers b) competitior d) organization
15) A typical supply chain is made up of а number of … that are connected by the movement of goods along it.
a) cycle b) connection b) elements c) component
16) The supply chain begins with the … . He is contacts the Sales Department of the company.
a) inretory b) production c) purchasing d) customers
Оценка ___________
Преподаватель ___________________
по дисциплине ОГСЭ. 03 Иностранный язык
по специальности: 38.02.03 Операционная деятельность в логистике
Лексико-грамматический тест
Вариант III
Студент (ФИО) ______________________ Группа ____________ Дата ______
1. Дополните текст словами из рамки. Ответы напишите под текстом.
excellence responsiveness categories inventory safety management costs sites |
The inventory, along with transportation, the location of the manufacturing 1) ___________ and warehouses represent an important factor that influences the performance of the supply chain. 2) _____________ contains the raw materials, the work in process and all the finished products of a supply chain. The changes of the inventory policies can lead to a dramatic change of the supply chain’s efficiency and 3) ______________. Logisticians have to identify the main 4) ____________of inventory and the way that they can be controlled. In every company we can identify cycle inventory, 5) _________ inventory and seasonal inventory. Traditionally, in the management of supply chain processes, inventory 6) __________ is challenging because it directly impacts both costs and service. Effective inventory management is at the core of supply chain management 7) ___________. Inventory 8) ______________ are the costs related to storing and maintaining its inventory over a certain period of time.
2. Дополните предложения, выбрав правильный вариант ответа.
1) A … can be defined as a system of organizations
a) supply chain b) information flow c) traffic flow d) internal logistic
2. Supply chain activities transform …
a) semi-finished products b) natural resourses c) materials d) information
3) The supply chain goal is to reduce the total cost …
a) products b) industry c) logistics d) raw materials
4) The supply chain segment involved with getting the …
a) positive feedback b) competitiveness developed c) finished products
d) profit
5) For most companies, the supply chain is an … component of success
a) insignificant b) essential c) huge d) paltry
6) The supply chain is a key determinant of a company’s responsiveness to emerging …
a) opportunities b) needs c) threats d) disruptions
7) The supply chain is an important link with the company’s …
a) suppliers b) staff c) customers d) competent
8) A simple supply chain links a company that manufactures …
a) services b) products c) semi-finished d) informations
9) It should be noted that every supply chain starts and ends with the …
a) services b) products c) marketings d) customers
10) A typical supply chain is made up of a number of … that are connected by the movements of good along it
a) elements b) constituents c) factors d) components
11) The supply chain begins with the … and their need for a particular product
a) supplier b) customers c) client d) competitor
12) The customers contacts the … Department of the company
a) Sales b) Finances c) Security d) Customer
13) The sales order includes specific requirements that have to be fulfilled by the … company
a) production b) trading c) wholesale d) retail
14) The requirements activated by the customers sales order are combined with other …
a) companies b) clients c) requirements d) orders
16) A supply chain can be defined as a system of … , people, technology, activities, information and resources involved in morning a product.
a) reconstruction b) organizations c) notifications d) distribution
17) Supply chain activities transformation natural resources, raw materials and components into a … .
a) finished product b) marriage c) money d) expenses
Оценка __________
Преподаватель _________________
по дисциплине ОГСЭ. 03 Иностранный язык
по специальности: 38.02.03 Операционная деятельность в логистике
Лексико-грамматический тест
Вариант IV
Студент (ФИО) ______________________ Группа ____________ Дата ______
- Дополните текст словами из рамки. Ответы запишите под текстом.
distribution orders information flows consumer goods schedules organizations |
Supply chain management is the management of materials, information, and finances as they move in a process from supplier to 1) __________. Supply chain management involves coordinating and integrating these 2) __________. SCM attempts to centrally control or link the production, shipment and 3) _________ of a product. SCM is based on the idea that nearly every product that comes to market results from the efforts of various 4) __________ called the supply chain. Supply chain management flows can be divided into three main flows: the product flow, the 5) _________ flow and the finances flow. The product flow includes the movement of 6) _____________ from a supplier to a customer, as well as any customer returns or service needs. The information flow involves transmitting 7) ____________ and updating the status of delivery. The financial flow consists of credit terms, payment 8) ___________, and consignment and title ownership arrangements.
- Дополните предложения, выбрав правильный вариант ответа.
1) A simple supply chain links a company that manufactures …
a) services b) products c) semi-finished d) informations
2) It should be noted that every supply chain starts and ends with the …
a) services b) products c) marketings d) customers
3) A typical supply chain is made up of a number of … that are connected by the movements of good along it.
a) elements b) constituents c) factors d) components
4) The supply chain begins with the … and their need for a particular product
a) supplier b) customers c) client d) competitor
5) The customers contacts the … Department of the company
a) Sales b) Finances c) Security d) Customer
6) The sales order includes specific requirements that have to be fulfilled by the … company
a) production b) trading c) wholesale d) retail
7) The requirements activated by the customers sales order are combined with other …
a) companies b) clients c) requirements d) orders
8) The supply chain segment involved with getting the finished product from the manufacturer to the consumer is know as the … .
a) supply b) distribution channel c) call forward
d) decentralization
9) … is a key determinant of a company's responsiveness to emerging opportunities.
a) Delays b) Increase c) Supply chain d) State-of-the-art
10) The supply chain is an important link with the company's …
a) manufacturer b) customers c) agent d) state
11) A simple chain … a company that manufactures or assembles a product.
a) goes over b) mites c) links d) distinguished
12) A typical supply chain is made up of a number of … that are connected by the movement of goods along it.
a) cycle b) connection c) elements d) component.
13) The supply chain begins with the costumers. He is contacts the Sales Department of the company.
a) inretory b) production c) purchasing d) customers
14) A … can be defined as a system of organizations
a) supply chain b) information flow c) traffic flow d) internal logistic
15) Supply chain activities transform …
a) semi-finished products b) natural resourses c) materials d) information
16) The supply chain goal is to reduce the total cost …
a) products b) industry c) logistics d) raw materials
Оценка __________
Преподаватель _________________
КЛЮЧИ К ТЕСТУ (Вариант I):
Задание 1. | Задание 2. | |||
| 1 | b) | 10 | b) |
2 - origin | 2 | a) | 11 | d) |
3 - outbound | 3 | d) | 12 | d) |
4 - service | 4 | b) | 13 | c) |
5 - operational | 5 | a) | 14 | d) |
6 - activities | 6 | c) | 15 | a) |
7 - technology | 7 | b) | 16 | c) |
8 | c) | |||
9 | b) |
Задание 1. | Задание 2. | |||
| 1 | d) | 10 | d) |
2 - clearance | 2 | c) | 11 | a) |
3 - vehicle | 3 | d) | 12 | a) |
4 - systems | 4 | a) | 13 | c) |
5 - vessels | 5 | c) | 14 | b) |
6 - costs | 6 | c) | 15 | b) |
7 - money | 7 | a) | 16 | d) |
8 - services | 8 | d) | ||
9 | a) |
Задание 1. | Задание 2. | |||
| 1 | a) | 10 | a) |
2 - inventory | 2 | b) | 11 | b) |
3 - responsiveness | 3 | a) | 12 | a) |
4 - categories | 4 | c) | 13 | a) |
5 - safety | 5 | b) | 14 | d) |
6 - excellence | 6 | a) | 15 | b) |
7 - sites | 7 | c) | 16 | a) |
8 - costs | 8 | b) | ||
9 | d) |
Задание 1. | Задание 2. | |||
| 1 | b) | 10 | b) |
2 - flows | 2 | d) | 11 | c) |
3 - distribution | 3 | a) | 12 | c) |
4 - organizations | 4 | b) | 13 | d) |
5 - information | 5 | a) | 14 | a) |
6 - goods | 6 | a) | 15 | b) |
7 - oders | 7 | d) | 16 | a) |
8 - schedules | 8 | b) | ||
9 | c) |
По теме: методические разработки, презентации и конспекты

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Контрольно-оценочные средства для проведения директорской контрольной работы по дисциплине: ОГСЭ.03 Иностранный язык, специальность: 43.02.10 Туризм
Материалы для проведения директорской контрольной работы по дисциплине: ОГСЭ.03 Иностранный язык, составлены в соответствии с действующими стандартами для специальности: 43.02.10 ТуризмЦель проведения...

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