Топик по английскому языку " Времена года". 6 класс
учебно-методический материал на тему
Предварительный просмотр:
Four seasons
There are four different seasons in a year. The coldest season is always winter. The lakes and rivers freeze over; snow covers trees and ground like a white wooly counterpane. The days are getting significantly shorter and the nights are getting longer. The shining sun is cold and gives us no warmth.
Winter afford us many opportunities to have a good time in the open air. The people can skate, sledge, ski and play different winter games. One of these winter sport games is hockey.
The nature is beautiful in winter. The forests look like a snowy Fairyland. Different animals prepare for winter in different way. Many birds migrate to warm countries. Some animals stay active and try to find enough food. Some of them sleep in their holes .After winter comes spring. This pleasant season is a long-awaited part of the year for many people. The nature awakes in spring. The trees and bushes send out green leaves. All around grows green grass and beautiful flowers burst into blossom. The migrating birds come home from warm countries and the animals leave their holes.
Day by day, the weather is getting better and warmer. The sky is seldom cloudy and it doesn`t often rain. The sun shines very brightly and the winds are not as rough as in winter.
Summer begins in June, after the last spring month. It is the favorite season for the most people. They go on their vacations and pass much time in the open air. Schoolchildren and students have long vacations in summer. Many people go to the seaside or to the country at this time of the year.
The summer weather is warm and sometimes even hot. The sky is often cloudless but sometimes it rains. Summer rains are very important for future harvest. This season affords us great opportunities to sunbathe, to swim and to go in for sports.
Autumn comes after summer. It`s getting colder with every passing day. The sky is often cloudy and it rains. The weather is not as fine as in summer. It is rather warm in early autumn and it is usually cold or even very cold in late autumn. However, this season has also very positive features. In autumn, ripen many fruits and vegetables. The people gather the harvest. The leaves on the trees became yellow, red and orange. It looks beautiful and very picturesque. But at the end of autumn the leaf fall stripes the trees of their leaves and makes them naked. Schoolchildren and students go to schools and universities.
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