Russian Folk Crafts
учебно-методический материал
Материал для проведения занятий у студентов 4 курса отделения "Декоративно-Прикладное Искусство"
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Данный комплект учебных материалов предназначен для студентов 4 курса направления «Декоративно-прикладное искусство» по теме: “Народные промыслы России”.
Некоторые студенты имеют положительную мотивацию к изучению английского языка, но не имеют возможности применять свои знания на практике. Поэтому существует проблема невостребованности полноценных знаний английского языка, значительно снижающая мотивацию при изучении предмета. Это указывает на необходимость становления и развития внутренних мотивов познавательной деятельности. Данная разработка ориентирована на формирование таких компетенций как способность к обобщению, восприятию информации, способность логически верно строить устную и письменную речь, способность адекватно переводить тексты с английского языка на русский язык. Для создания мотивации к изучению темы используются проблемные, поисковые методы, а также репродуктивные и продуктивные упражнения для развития учебных навыков.
Такие цели, как пробуждение интереса студентов к традициям народа и расширение их знания о народных промыслах России, конечно, ставились. Давайте говорить честно, студенты этого направления изучают общие вопросы декоративно-прикладного искусства (истории ремесел, виды ремесел, их роли в жизни человека) еще на первых курсах колледжа, но на русском языке. Поэтому, основной целью является показать студентам, что даже с их не всегда отличными знаниями английского языка, не стоит бояться читать профессиональные тексты на иностранном языке и можно общаться на английском языке в различных формах и на различные темы, в том числе в сфере профессиональной деятельности, с учетом приобретенного словарного запаса, а также условий, мотивов и целей общения.
По плану (Общий Гуманитарный и Социально-Экономический учебный цикл) иностранному языку на 4 курсе направления «Декоративно-прикладное искусство» отводится 1 час в неделю. Разработка предназначена для 4 уроков. Первый тема посвящена русским народным ремеслам в целом. В следующих трех разделах предложен материал о каждом из ремесел, изучаемых студентами на практических занятиях (Хохлома, лаковые миниатюры Палеха и Дымковская игрушка). Каждый из разделов пособия построен таким образом, чтобы процесс овладения материалом был доступным и в то же время максимально эффективным. При ознакомлении с новыми лексическими единицами нужно помнить, что в последующих разделах они не предлагаются как новые слова. В каждом разделе текст и задания, различные по сложности. Если предложенные тексты относятся больше к научно-популярным, с использованием профессиональной лексики, то некоторые задания к ним требуют специальных знаний по предмету.
Russian Folk Crafts
Pre-reading activity.
- What types of crafts do you know?
- Which of these types do you study at college?
- Have you got any items of Russian national crafts at home? Name them.
Russia is rich in its national creativity. Some forms of Russian handicrafts are well known worldwide.
Khohloma represents a decorative painting of wooden ware and furniture. The prevailing colours are black, yellow, golden, green and red.
A style of Russian ceramic, Gzhel gets its name from a village where pottery has been produced since the 14th century. It is famous for its surprisingly beautiful painted, unique, original and bright ceramic. Gzhel has its own pure style. This style represents elegant blue and dark-blue flowers and patterns on a white background. The name "Gzhel" has occurred from the name of village Gzhel, where this ceramic is made.
Zhostovo painting is a traditional Russian folk art in which metal trays are painted with lovely floral designs. A tray`s edge is decorated with an easy and openwork ornament. It`s interesting to know, that at first the similar list has appeared in Ural Mountains (there were a lot of metal plants that time) and only in the first half of the nineteenth century trays began to be made in villages of Moscow province. One of those villages was Zhostovo.
Moulded painted clay figures that are sometimes in the form of a pennywhistle. The Russian handicraft is still produced, according to tradition, in the village of Dymkovo.
Rostov Finift is a traditional Russian art form of painting on enamel (often on jewelry – brooches, rings, earrings). The Russian handicraft had its origins in Rostov in the 18th century when artists first painted miniature icons on enamel for the church.
Palekh are small paintings (often of Russian fairy tales or literary works), which are produced with tempera paints on varnished boxes or cases made of papier-mâché.
Pavlov Posad shawls traditionally are bright and colorful. The first fast-printed shawls were produced in the middle on 19-th century. In the very beginning shawls were woven of yarns. It took much time to produce shawls and as a result those shawls were quite expensive. A single shawl could take up to 18 months to complete.
In my opinion, everyone in our country must know some information about arts and crafts of Russia. It helps us understand the originality and uniqueness of our country.
ware – изделие clay – глина
prevailing – преобладающий enamel – эмаль, покрывать эмалью
pottery – глиняная посуда, varnish – лак, лакировать
гончарное производство lacquer – лак, лакировать
pattern – образец, модель shawl – шаль
tray – поднос wool – шерсть
open work – ажурная работа, мережка woven – тканый
mould – лепить, формовать yarn – пряжа
- Match the names of Russian crafts with the definitions:
1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 |
- Imagine that you are going abroad and will stay with a host family. What Russian souvenir would you present them? Why? These words and expressions can help you: a popular souvenir, a luxurious and precious gift, a practical thing, hand-made, a real masterpiece, attractive, a unique composition.
Golden Khokhloma
Khokhloma is a brightest phenomenon of Russian folk arts. The technique of gilding without using real gold is amazing. Traditionally Khokhloma pieces were produced in the monasteries and were designed primarily for the Tsar court.
It must be mentioned that Khokhloma was the name of a large village on the bank of the Volga River in Central Russia. This village Khokhloma was the centre of trade. Craftsmen from nearby villages brought their handicraft wares for sale. Merchants from many places went there to buy goods and then sold them all over Russia and abroad. That was why people started to associate painted dishes with the name of the village.
The Khokhloma handicraft became known as early as the 17th century in Nizhegorodsky region. The masters of Nizhny Novgorod wood manufacture made spacious houses decorated them with wood carving, made distaffs and wooden tableware. They developed their skills further on and their mastery obviously influenced the appearance of Khokhloma as a trend in folk art.
Khokhloma painting amazes with its delicate grass pattern and festive coloring, which is based on a combination of scarlet, cinnabar and gold against the black lacquer background. This is a feature only found in Khokhloma. Masters traditionally used tin powder and lacquer to obtain such a rich gold color. Today they use aluminium powder. Each silver piece is painted by hand, without any initial sketching, insuring that everyone is a unique work of art.
The magic of golden Khokhloma is in the final step. When the lacquer coating is applied, any of the ornament that the artist has left silver turns into a beautiful “Gilt” illusion. Every piece takes approximately 58 days to make, and some up to four months.
Khokhloma painting is a magical process whereby ordinary white wood acquires the beauty and brightness of gilding. The origin of methods of painting woodenware in a distinctive gold color, without using gold itself, is still a special secret.
Khokhloma products have maintained a 300-year old tradition of unique decoration techniques that at the same time makes them highly practical. It’s hard to believe, but Khokhloma woodenware kitchen utensils are waterproof, heat resistant and unaffected by food acids.
primarily – в первую очередь initial – первоначальный, исходный
trade – торговля sketch, sketching – зарисовка, набросок
merchant – купец insure – обеспечивать
spacious – просторный gilt – позолота, позолоченный
distaff – прялка approximately – около, приблизительно
obviously – очевидно acquire – приобретать, получать
festive – праздничный scarlet – алый, красный
distinctive – отличительный utensil – посуда
cinnabar – киноварный, красный resistant – стойкий, устойчивый
tin – олово affect – влиять, воздействовать
obtain – получать, приобретать acid – кислота
- If you are a real Khokhloma craftsman, arrange the parts of technology in the correct order to create a masterpiece.
- Wood is aired in a timber for a year or two.
- Workpieces are turned on a lathe.
- The workpieces are grounded with clay mortar and oiled with flaxseed oil after that they are treated with drying oil and dried. This step is repeated 3 to 4 times.
- Each item is air dried again and then is covered by tin or aluminum powder.
- Then the silver-coloured piece is ready for painting which is done in oils and is secured by drying in a furnace.
- Afterwards the work is covered with several layers of varnish, each of them dried separately in a stove. It is under the influence of high temperature, that varnish turns silver colour of the article into golden.
1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 |
timber – древесина, пиломатериал flaxseed - льняное семя
lathe – токарный станок secure – закреплять
mortar – раствор article – предмет
- Find synonyms for the following words: original, firstly, drawing, commerce, provide, roomy, about, holiday, typical, red, tableware, receive.
Palekh Miniature
Palekh miniature is a Russian folk handicraft of a miniature painting, which is done with tempera paints on varnished articles made of papier-mâché (small boxes, cigarette cases etc.).
One can hardly believe that these fairytale-like paintings on lacquered black caskets, which seem to be popular exemplars of something “old-Russian”, in some way owe their appearance at the beginning of the 20th century. Before Russian Revolution Palekh was famous by its icons. After 1917 Palekh icon-painters faced the necessity of finding new ways for implementing their creative potentials.
The technology of making a semi-finished product was borrowed from the lacquer handicraft masters of Fedoskino. The Palekh miniatures usually represent characters from real life, literary works, fairy tales, bylinas, and songs. Troika driving, couples, dances, battles are beautiful in forms and colours. They are full of dynamic rhythm. They are painted with local bright paints over the black background and are known for their delicate and smooth design and abundance of golden shading. You will never find the two boxes that are the same as the character behind each box is expressed through its own unique shape and painting. That is why these priceless items have become very popular Russian souvenirs.
Works by Palekh masters are kept in numerous museums of Russia and abroad. The State Palekh Art Museum in Palekh boasts of the biggest miniature painting collection, comprising over two thousand works.
tempera – водоразбавляемые краски, приготовляемые на основе сухих порошковых пигментов
appearance – появление, возникновение
implement – осуществлять, реализовать
smooth – гладкий, ровный
abundance – изобилие, богатство
shading – штриховка
priceless – бесценный, неоценимый, драгоценный
boast – гордиться, хвастать
comprise – включать, составлять
rectangular – прямоугольный
dip – окунать
attach – прикреплять, крепить
hinge – петля
clasp – замок, замочек
squirrel – белка
magnifying glasses – лупа
- Do you want to know more about the techniques of making and painting of these unique masterpieces? Do the task (2 versions):
- Use the proper words:
The process of making these _(1)_ boxes is very long and difficult, sometimes it takes 2 months. Sheets of cardboard are glued together and _(2)_ into forms first. They are of different forms: round and oval, square and rectangular. Then, the papier-mâché forms are dried, dipped in linseed oil and dried again using special heating _(3)_. This _(4)_ stage takes about one month. After that the boxes are polished by hand using _(5)_. Then the craftsmen attach hinges and clasps to them. They cover the boxes with _(6)_ paste and dry the boxes for 24 hours. At this stage the forms are _(7)_ again. Each box is then coated with lacquer 2 or 3 times, each _(8)_ should dry for 24 hours before another coat can be applied. All the boxes become red on the _(9)_, black on the outside. | black polished coat inside sand pressed lacquer preparatory equipment |
The painting begins at last. It sometimes takes a year to paint a _(10)_ on it. First, artists make a sketch on their painting on the box. Then they use squirrel-hair _(11)_ to apply egg-emulsion tempera and gold leaf to the _(12)_ on the boxes. Artists must be _(13)_ to spend long hours working on small intricate sections of their composition. Sometimes the artists use magnifying glasses as they work because it is quite difficult for them to see _(14)_ pictures clearly, it is interesting that the gold leaf is polished with a wolf's _(15)_. | patient tiny tooth surface miniature brushes |
- Use the words in capitals to form new words that fit in the space in the text:
The process of _MAKE_these lacquer boxes is very long and difficult, sometimes it takes 2 months. Sheets of cardboard are glued together and pressed into forms first. They are of _DIFFER_ forms: round and oval, square and rectangular. Then, the papier-mache forms are dried, dipped in linseed oil and dried again using special _HEAT_ equipment. This preparatory stage takes about one month. After that the boxes are _POLISH_ by hand using sand. Then the _CRAFTSMAN_ attach hinges and clasps to them. They cover the boxes with black paste and dry the boxes for 24 hours. At this stage the forms are polished again. Each box is then coated with lacquer 2 or 3 times, each coat should dry for 24 hours before another coat can be _APPLY_. All the boxes become red on the inside, black on the outside.
The _PAINT_ begins at last. It sometimes takes a year to paint a miniature on it. First, _ART_ make a sketch on their painting on the box. Then they use squirrel-hair brushes to apply egg-emulsion tempera and gold leaf to the surface on the boxes. Artists must be patient to spend long hours working on small intricate sections of their _COMPOSE_. Sometimes the artists use magnifying glasses as they work because it is quite difficult for them to see tiny pictures _CLEAR_, it is interesting that the gold leaf is polished with a wolf's tooth.
(текст – приложение 1)
- True or False?
- Palekh miniatures have been produced since the 17th century.
- After 1917 Palekh masters continued to paint miniature icons on the boxes.
- Each masterpiece is unique in painting.
- It takes more time to paint a miniature on the box then to make it.
Dymkovo Toys
Pre-reading activity.
- Did you try to make figures out of clay when you were a child?
- Did you “bake” them in the kitchen stove? What was the result?
Bright and joyful Dymkovo toys are moulded painted clay figures of people and animals, sometimes in the form of a penny whistle. It is one of the old Russian folk art handicrafts which still exists in a village of Dymkovo. The chief manufacturers of toys were women and children who worked seasonally first and later throughout the year. They used the local red clay that was not far from the village.
The tradition of making pennywhistles in the form of a horse or a bird goes back to the ancient magic ritual images and has to do with the agricultural calendar holidays. Later on, little figures lost their magic meaning and turned into toys for children, the making of which would become an artistic handicraft.
These days, the Dymkovo toys are known as a popular Russian souvenir. In this handicraft as in any trade with traditions the set of heroes is long and fairly strictly delineated: the landlady, the nanny, the horserider, the turkey with a huge tail, the plump pig, the deer with golden horns, the cockerel and others.
The Dymkovo toys are moulded from a mixture of local potter’s clay and riversand. The parts of a toy are then fastened together with watery clay. The toys are dried and heated to high temperatures in a kiln to induce reactions that lead to permanent changes including increasing their hardening and setting their shape. After they are tempered in a furnace, they are whitewashed with chalk diluted in milk, then painted with tempera in 4 to 10 (or more) colors, and decorated with gold leafs. Massive, abstract, and somewhat grotesque forms of the Dymkovo toys are emphasized by geometric ornaments of circles, bands and dots of different colors and sizes. Nowadays Dymkovo masters try to create new types of characters, new themes and compositions.
penny whistle – свистулька temper – закалять
fasten – скреплять furnace – печь
kiln – обжиговая печь dilute – растворять, развести
induce – вызывать emphasize – акцентировать
hardening – упрочнение band – лента
- Translate into English:
Среди многих ремесел, которыми славится Россия, особое место занимает производство игрушек. В деревне Дымково – одном из районов Вятки, в XIX веке здесь были огромные залежи песка и глины. Местные умельцы придумали использовать это природное богатство и стали делать для малышей ярко раскрашенные керамические игрушки в виде людей и животных. Изделия характеризуются геометрическим рисунком, состоящим из полос, кругов, ячеек. Дымковская игрушка, как ее стали называть в народе, помимо оригинальной росписи, отличается золотым убранством.
(текст – приложение 2)
Приложение 1:
The process of making these lacquer boxes is very long and difficult, sometimes it takes 2 months. Sheets of cardboard are glued together and pressed into forms first. They are of different forms: round and oval, square and rectangular. Then, the papier-mâché forms are dried, dipped in linseed oil and dried again using special heating equipment. This preparatory stage takes about one month. After that the boxes are polished by hand using sand. Then the craftsmen attach hinges, joints, and clasps to them. They cover the boxes with black paste and dry the boxes for 24 hours. At this stage the forms are polishes again. Each box is then coated with lacquer 2 or 3 times, each coat should dry for 24 hours before another coat can be applied. All the boxes become red on the inside, black on the outside.
The painting begins at last. It sometimes takes a year to paint a miniature on it. First, artists make a sketch on their painting on the box. Then they use squirrel-hair brushes to apply egg-emulsion tempera and gold leaf to the surface on the boxes. Artists must be patient to spend long hours working on small intricate sections of their composition. Sometimes the artists use magnifying glasses as they work because it is quite difficult for them to see tiny pictures clearly, it is interesting that the gold leaf is polished with a wolf's tooth.
Приложение 2:
Among the many crafts that Russia is famous for a special place is occupied by the production of toys. In the village of Dymkovo – one of the districts of Vyatka, in the XIX century there were huge deposits of sand and clay. Local craftsmen came up with the use of this natural wealth and began to make brightly painted ceramic toys for kids in the form of people and animals. Products are characterized by a geometric pattern consisting of bands, circles, cells. The Dymkovo toy, as it began to be called among the people, in addition to the original painting, it is distinguished by gold decoration.
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