Урок по теме"Русская живопись"
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Урок для студентов специальности "Архитектура". Тема урока "Русская Живопись"
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Тема урока: «Russian painting»
Дисциплина: английский язык
Курс - 2
Межпредметные связи: английский язык, мировая художественная культура, история.
Цели урока:
- расширение знаний о русских художниках и их творчестве средствами иностранного языка, повышение коммуникативных умений и навыков студентов;
- развитие иноязычной речевой культуры студентов при описании произведений искусства;
-приобщение студентов к культуре, формирование чувства уважения к памятникам искусства, традициям и обычаям прошлого, воспитание любви к своему Отечеству
Задачи урока:
- закрепить лексический материал по теме урока
- стимулировать интерес к русской живописи, культурным традициям, истории России;
- раскрыть своеобразие русской живописи, культурных традиций, творчества русских художников;
- использование культурологического материала в качестве культурного фонда межнационального общения.
Оборудование урока:
- мультимедийный проектор
-таблицы по грамматической теме «Степени сравнения прилагательных»
- демонстрационный материал по теме «Русская живопись»
- карточки по теме «Степени сравнения прилагательных»
- фильм «Илья Репин»
- тесты с видео-викториной по фильму «Иван Суриков»
- карточки с лексическим материалом по теме «Живопись»
- тексты для работы по теме «Третьяковская галерея»
- два ватмана форматом А-3
- краски. цветные карандаши (2 набора)
- тексты для домашнего задания по теме « Русские живописцы»
План урока:
- Организационный момент.
- Вступительное слово преподавателя.
Good afternoon. Today we shall speak about Russian painting and about great Russian painters. But from the beginning we must repeat some new words of this topic. We have learned them last lesson. I shall show you words in English and you translate me in Russian.
- Повторение лексического материала по теме «Живопись». Преподаватель показывает студентам карточки со словами на английском языке, а они должны перевести их на русский язык:
Artist – художник
Colourist – колорист
Masterpiece – шедевр
Impression – впечатление
Pail colours – бледные цвета
Subject – сюжет
Talent – талант
Stand the test of the time – выдержать испытание временем
Seascape – морской пейзаж
Colour scheme – колорит, цветовая схема
Преподаватель просит студентов разгадать кроссворды по теме урока. Студенты выполняют два варианта заданий.
- Объяснение темы «Художники – передвижники». Во время рассказа
преподаватель обращает внимание студентов на даты и новый
лексический материал. После объяснения преподаватель задает
вопросы по прослушанному материалу.
About painting
In 1871 the first mobile art exhibition started traveling from town to town in Russia. It was organized by the Association of Mobile Art Exhibitions (“Peredvizhniki”) which later united almost all the greatest Russian realistic artists of the second half of the 19th century.
The Association considered that one of its primary tasks was to promote the civic and aesthetic education of the people.
The Association acquainted people with realistic art, which raised the most important questions of the time.
The Association existed for 50 years and its members included such prominent Russian artists as Kramskoy, Surikov, Polenov, Shishkin, Vasnetsov, Brullov, Savrasov and many others.
The “Peredvizhniki” group reformed all the genres of painting in Russia. Genre painting and landscapes occupied the most prominent place in their work. Landscape painting fascinated the onlooker with the beauty and charm of the Russian country-side.
The Association held 48 mobile art exhibitions, visiting a great number of places all over Russia. The 48th and last exhibition of the Association was in 1923.
- When did the first mobile exhibition start traveling from town to town?
- Who organized these exhibitions?
- What was the primary task of “Peredvizhniki”?
- What prominent Russian artists were included in Association?
- Were they modern artists or realistic artists?
- When was the last exhibition of “Peredvizhniki”?
- Просмотр отрывка из фильма о жизни и творчестве Василия Ивановича Сурикова. Перед фильмом преподаватель рассказывает кратко о тех событиях из жизни Сурикова, которые не будут охвачены в этом отрывке. После просмотра фильма студенты пишут видео-викторину по просмотренному материалу.
Видео-викторина по фильму «Василий Иванович Суриков»
- In what picture did Surikov paint his relatives?
- “The Prince’s Judgement”
- “The Morning of the Execution of the Streltsi”
- “Menshikov in Beryozov”
- In picture “The Taking of the Snow Fortress” was his remembering of:
- his childhood
- student’s years
- his wife
- The picture “The Conquest of Siberia by Yermak Timofeyevich” was bought by:
- Pavel Tretyakov
- Academy of Art
- Tsar
- When Surikov was given a title of Academician in:
- 1895
- 1899
- 1885
- When did his mother die?
- 4. 02. 1899
- 4. 02. 1895
- 4. 02. 1896
- What was the main in his canvas “Suvorov Traversing the Alps”
- miracle
- movement
- calmness
- For what picture Surikov was awarded by order of St. Vladimir
- “Stepan Rasin”
- “Tsarevna Visiting a Convent”
- “Suvorov Traversing the Alps”
- When did Surikov depict his last historic work “Stepan Rasin”?
- 1906
- 1901
- 1900
Vasili Ivanovich Surikov
V. I. Surikov was born in Krasnoyarsk. He was descendant of the Cossaks who had come together with Yermak.
He started some drawing and painting at school, and then he went to St. Petersburg to enter the Academy. He was a brilliant student. His first works were successful. His works were displayed at the exhibition of “Peredvizhniki”. And Pavel Tretyakov purchased his pictures for the Gallery. The most famous work of that time was “Boyarina Morozova”. Surikov was happy with his wife Maria until her death. She died, leaving him with two daughters. And he returned to native Krasnoyarsk.
Descendant - потомок
8.Сообщение студентов о художниках-передвижниках- И.И. Шишкине и И. И. Левитане.
Teacher: Now we shall listen reports about Ivan Ivanovich Shishkin and Isaak Ilich Levitan.
Ivan Ivanovich Shishkin
He was born in Yelabuga in a merchant’s family. His father supported his desire to enter Moscow school of arts in 1852. He continued in St. Petersburg Academy from 1856 to 1860. He received gold medal for his work “Vistas on Valaam Island” (1860) and trip to Europe. He returned to Russia in 1865 and received the title of Academician.
Shishkin was one of the founders of Association “Peredvizhniki”. In his work he depicted vast expanse of fields, forests, rye, beauty of Russian nature.
Shishkin was not fortunate in his private life. He lost two wives and sons. But he looked however at the scenery of his own life with a clear, healthy, prosaic vision.
His masterpieces are “Rye”, “In a Pine Forest”, “Mast Tree Grove” were made with a great love to Russian landscapes. Shishkin draw trees as in a misery forest.
His last canvas was “Mast Tree Grove”, a pine grove near Yelabuga, a familiar combination of big and small size, strong and fragile which he could see so penetratingly.
He died instantaneously in 1898 while working at a new picture.
Isaak Ilich Levitan
He was man of great talent, and the best Russian landscape painter. He continued in the lines of Venetsianov, Savrasov, Vasiliev, trying to make landscape genre even more emotional and poetic. He was the most talented pupil of Savrasov.
He was born in Latvia. In the 1870s their family moved to Moscow, in 1873 Levitan entered Moscow school of arts. He early lost his parents and knew not from books about difficulties of life.
At the age of 18 he painted his “Autumn day. Sokolniki” which was bought by Tretyakov. Levitan was a close friend of Anton Chekhov. They had much in common – poetic vision and representation of the world around them.
His famous works were – “Golden Autumn”, “March”, “Still Waters” and many others.
Levitan created something approaching to the impressionist school of landscape painting in Russia. During his life, Levitan enjoyed fame not only in Russia but in Europe as well. His life and work were stopped by a grave heart disease.
9.Повторение грамматического материала: «Степени сравнения прилагательных и наречий» (Каждому студенту выдаётся таблица по грамматической теме)
Зачитываются студентами способы образования степеней сравнения у прилагательных и наречий.
Закрепление материала проходит в игровой форме. Преподаватель раздаёт студентам 8 прилагательных в начальной форме и предлагает выбрать из нескольких подготовленных на карточках преподавателем форм степеней сравнения и перевести их на русский язык. Прилагательные даются из лексического материала темы урока:
Charming – more charming – the most charming
Soft – softer – the softest
Warm – warmer – the warmest
Original – more original – the most original
Positive – more positive – the most positive
Lyrical – more lyrical – the most lyrical
Pale – paler – the palest
Luminous – more luminous – the most luminous
- Описание картин «Боярыня Морозова» Сурикова и «Осенний день.
Сокольники» Левитана. Задание было дано студентам на дом. Лексический материал сообщений высвечивается на экране по ходу выступлений студентов.
Teacher: I asked you prepared description about two canvases “Boyarinya Morosova” by Surikov and “ Autumn Day in Sokolniki” by Livitan.
“ Boyarinya Morosova” by Surikov
Suricov’s picture “Boyarinya Morosova” is a very large canvas showing boyarinya Morosova being taken in a sledge to prison. Her figure is depicted facing the spectator. Her face is pale, her eyes are burning with fanatic passion.
On both sides of the sledge we see crowds of onlookers. Each face has individual personality, and we can tell what they fell about the event. Most obviously they sympathize deeply with the boyarinya, and their gestures are meant to show their support.
The picture is striking for its wonderful use of color, which skillfully renders the atmosphere of event while at the same time creating a colorful thought tragic scene.
Canvas – полотно
A sledge – сани
Facing the spectator – лицом к зрителю
Passion – страсть
Crowds of onlookers – толпа зевак
Sympathize deeply – глубоко симпатизируют
Gestures – жесты
Striking – демонстрирует
Skillfully – умело
Render – выполнять
“Autumn Day in Sokolniki” by Levitan
The picture shows a broad path of Socolniki on an autumn day. Judging by the foliage of the trees it must be beginning of October. The maple trees lining the path on both sides are tinged with gold. The time of the day is probably late afternoon. The sky is completely overcast and the distance is misty, suggesting that the air is damp, as it usually is in autumn. The trees on both sides in the middle ground are still green. The sky and the misty atmosphere suggest that it might soon start to drizzle.
Path – дорожка
Judging – судя
Foliage – листва
Maple trees – кленовые деревья
Tinged – оттененная
Overcast – пасмурный (затянутый тучами)
Misty – туманный
Suggesting – предполагается
Damp – влажный
Drizzle – моросить дождь
In the foreground there is a figure of woman dressed in black. She is walking lightly along the path towards the spectator. She is looking down, and her face looks thoughtful and perhaps a little sad, in keeping with the rest of the scene, because there is suggestion of sadness in the picture of autumn. The picture is painted with a bold brush. The composition of the picture and the masterly use of colors, as well as the figure of the woman, all serve to create a forcefully expressive, sad but very beautiful picture of the country side.
Foreground – передний план
Lightly – легко
Spectator – наблюдатель
Thoughtful – задумчивый
Sad – печальный
Bold brush – смелой кистью
A forcefully expressive – сильное впечатлении
11. Преподаватель вызывает двух студентов и предлагает каждому вытащить карточку с названием жанра живописи. Студенты выбирают жанр и изображают на листах (А-3) при помощи красок и цветных карандашей тот жанр, который им достался при выборе (можно предложить студентам пейзаж и натюрморт).
Оценивается правильность изображения жанров.
В то время как студенты рисуют, другая часть группы описывает картину Левитана «Золотая Осень» в тетрадях.
Студенты зачитывают своё описание картины.
- Сообщение студента о Павле Третьякове.
Pavel Tretykov
The Moscow collector Pavel Tretykov came from a merchant family. He personified the recent economic as well as cultural evolution of his class. He and his brother Sergei multiplied the considerable family fortune by re-equipment textile mills in Kostroma with modern machinery and expanding the firm’s marketing facilities in Moscow.
They began collecting art in the 1850s. Tretyakov bought by far the most pictures at the first “Peredvizhniki”’s exhibition. From then on his massive patronage gave the “Peredvizhnikis” economic support. He spent 839 000 rubles on purchases. The Tretykov Gallery opened to public in Moscow in 1881. Later, in 1892, he gave his huge collection to Moscow as a gift.
Personified – персонифицировал
Multiplied – преумножил
Re-equipment – переоборудование
Textile – текстильный
Mills – станки
Facilities – оборудование
- Работа по тексту «Третьяковская галерея». Чтение и перевод текста по
The Tretyakov Gallery.
The State Tretyakov Gallery is an art museum of worldwide importance. It houses the greatest collection of works of Russian painters in the world.
The Tretyakov Gallery is well known in our country and abroad. It was founded by Pavel Tretyakov, who began to collect paintings in the 50s of the 19th century. Tretyakov devoted all his life to the Gallery. He gave priority to paintings of contemporary artists, whose work had a social significance. Many masterpieces could be found in the Gallery.
A number of portraits of outstanding Russian writers, artists, composers and scientists were painted for the Gallery on Tretyakov’s special orders or on his initiative. So Perov painted for the Gallery portraits of A. N. Ostrovsky, F. I. Dostoevskyi, Kramskoi – the portraits of I. A. Goncharov, A. N. Griboedov, L. N. Tolstoi, Repin – the portraits of I. S. Turgenev, F. I. Tyutchev, N. I. Pirogov.
Tretyakov also collected works of ancient art, pictures of Russian artists of the 18th and the first half of 19th century.
In 1892 Tretyakov put into life his long-cherished plan, he presented the Gallery to the city of Moscow.
Masterpieces of Russian painting collected in the Gallery give the possibility to trace the development of Russian art from ancient times to nowadays.
Among the examples of Russian ancient painting are such works of old Russian masters as A. Rublev, Theiphanes the Greek and others.
Portrait painting was considered to be the most prominent genre in the 18th century. Masters of Russian landscape glorified the modest charm of Russian nature, its fascinating beauty (A. Savrasov, V. Polenov, I. Levitan, I. Shishkin, A. Kuinji, V. Vasnetsov).
Museum of worldwide - музей мирового значения
Houses – размещается
Devoted all his life - посвятил всю свою жизнь
Contemporary artists – современные художники
Ancient art – древнее искусство
Put into life – воплотил в жизнь
Long-cherished – давно задуманный
The possibility to trace – возможность проследить
Landscape – пейзаж
Glorified - прославляли
Fascinating beauty – чарующая красота
- Итог урока. Выставление оценок.
- Домашнее задание. Тексты с заданиями по теме «Русские художники».
По теме: методические разработки, презентации и конспекты
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