Интерактивная викторина-контроль (playthrough presentation) на тему English for Food Industry; Cooking.
методическая разработка

Мурашко Юлианна Владиславовна

Данная презентация яыляется мультифункциональной и содержит в себе наглядно-практические свойства. Используется для проверки знаний учеников и повторения пройденного материала для поваров и темы "Cooking", "Utensils" и "Flavours".


Файл 556.pptx2.48 МБ

Предварительный просмотр:

Подписи к слайдам:

Слайд 1

Тема баллы Taste and Quality of Food 1 2 3 4 5 Methods of cooking and kitchen tools 1 2 3 4 5 English Idioms 1 2 3 4 5 Fish and Meat 1 2 3 4 5

Слайд 2

The first stage (level) of the meat

Слайд 3


Слайд 4

The most fried part of the dishes

Слайд 5


Слайд 6

Isn’t flavored or delicious taste of the food

Слайд 7


Слайд 8

Say the differences between crunchy and crispy

Слайд 9

In brief, crunch is more muscular than crisp . While crispiness is almost always confined to the edges or outsides of foods, crunch is bold enough to carry all the way through. Crunch is loud, hard and tough.

Слайд 10

Say the differences between hot and spicy

Слайд 11

“Spicy” refers to the combination of and the amount of spices that are put into the dish . Many of our Indian dishes contain quite a number of spices, but many are not classified as “Hot”. “Hot”, refers to how much of any type of pepper is used in the recipe as well as how hot that particular pepper is.

Слайд 12

запеченная рыба сушеная, вяленая рыба жареная рыба рыба на гриле соленая рыба копченая рыба рыба на пару Name the English equivalents for listed methods of cooking fish

Слайд 13

baked fish — запеченная рыба dried fish — сушеная, вяленая рыба fried fish — жареная рыба grilled fish — рыба на гриле salted fish — соленая рыба smoked fish — копченая рыба steamed fish — рыба на пару Answers

Слайд 14

Stainless steel frying pan – сковородка из нержавеющей стали. Cast Iron frying pan – чугунная сковородка

Слайд 15

Say the meaning in Russian of the Cast Iron frying pan and Stainless steel frying pan?

Слайд 16

Turner Slotted spoon Ladle Skimmer Spaghetti spoon Slotted turner Chinese turner Spoon Grater Peeler Pizza turner Ice cream spoon Pizza cutter Peeler Can opener Bottle opener

Слайд 17

Name as much kitchen utensils as you can

Слайд 18

Name this method of cooking

Слайд 19

To steam (steamed fish/meat/vegetables) Steamed [ stiːmd ] — приготовленный на пару

Слайд 20

Listen to a conversation between two cooks. Check the utensils that the man will use with the cake batter. Complete the conversation. Cook 1: Hey, Evelyn. 1_____ _____ _____ me that whisk? Cook 2: Sure. Wait, I think it’s dirty. It was just used to stir gravy. Cook 1: Oh, I don’t want it in my cake batter then 2______ _______ is there? Cook 2: Let’s see. There’s a 3 _____ ______ here. Cook 1: No, that won’t work. 4____ _____ _____ ? Cook 2: Here, 5____ _____ a spoon? Cook 1: It’s not perfect. 6 ____ ____ ____. Thanks.

Слайд 21

Cook 1: Hey, Evelyn. 1 would you hand me that whisk? Cook 2: Sure. Wait, I think it’s dirty. It was just used to stir gravy. Cook 1: Oh, I don’t want it in my cake batter then 2 what else is there? Cook 2: Let’s see. There’s a 3 clean ladder here. Cook 1: No, that won’t work. 4 Is that it ? Cook 2: Here, 5 How about a spoon? Cook 1: It’s not perfect. 6 but it will work . Thanks. Answers

Слайд 22

Match the meaning with this idiom As cool as a cucumber «Donald Trump stayed as cool as a cucumber even after he had been turned down by a lot of citizens» А) крутой как огурец В) веселый как огурчик С) сила огурца, как сила земли D) спокоен как удав

Слайд 23

Спокоен как удав

Слайд 24

Explain the meaning A piece of cake

Слайд 25

Пример употребления : « Making your lips bigger now is a piece of cake» (« Увеличить губы — это сейчас дело пары минут»).

Слайд 26

Explain the idiom To go nuts / to go bananas

Слайд 27

Примеры употребления : « I didn’t go nuts, I wanted a breast surgery!» (« Да не сошла я с ума, я просто хотела увеличить грудь!»); « Have you gone bananas? Do you really want to marry her?» (« Ты свихнулся? Правда хочешь на ней жениться?»).

Слайд 28

Explain the meaning With a pinch of salt / grain of salt

Слайд 29

Пример употребления : « My mom accepted my profession choice with a pinch/grain of salt» (« Моя мама скептически отнеслась к моему выбору профессии»).

Слайд 30

Explain the meaning. To bring home the bacon

Слайд 31

«Самостоятельно зарабатывать на жизнь» Пример употребления : «I bring home the bacon myself and feel awesome » («Я зарабатываю на жизнь самостоятельно и горжусь этим»).

Слайд 32

Name these types of meat

Слайд 33

Beef Lamb Pork Duck Goose Turkey

Слайд 34

Describe as close as possible the way of cooking a steak

Слайд 36

Name the three most popular meat dishes?

Слайд 37


Слайд 38

Match the words (1-8) with the definitions (A-H) Roe Fish Clam Shack Lobster Shrimp Seafood Shellfish To remove the outer layer from something A creature with a smooth, two-part shell A creature with claws and hard shell Food made with creatures from the sea A creature with scales and fins A cluster of fish eggs A creature with a hard exterior A narrow-bodied creature whose tail is typically eaten

Слайд 39

Answers Roe – F (a cluster of fish eggs) Fish – E (a creature with scales and fins) Clam – G (a creature with a hard exterior) Shuck – A (a creature with a hard exterior) Lobster – C (a creature with a hard exterior) Shrimp – H (a creature with a hard exterior) Seafood – D (food made with creatures from the sea) Shellfish – B (a creature with a smooth, two-part shell)

Слайд 40

Name these type of fish

Слайд 41

Eel Herring Salmon

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