Методическая разработка урока по иностранному языку (английский) по теме "English in the Modern World"
план-конспект урока
Урок направлен на совершенствование лексических навыков по страноведческой тематике на уровне свободного высказывания в виде монологической и диалогической речи и предназначен для студентов 1 курса всех специальностей
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Предварительный просмотр:
Методическая разработка урока по дисциплине: «Иностранный язык» (английский) Тема: «English in the modern world» Для студентов 1 курсов Преподаватель Орлова И.В. | |
Тип урока | комбинированный |
Цели урока | формирование коммуникативной компетенции учащихся на основе изученных лексических единиц, речевых и грамматических структур по страноведческой тематике |
Задачи урока | Образовательные задачи:
Развивающие задачи:
Воспитательные задачи:
Знания, умения, навыки и качества, которые актуализируют/ приобретут/ закрепят/др. ученики в ходе урока | Ученики
Необходимое оборудование и материалы | Оборудование: компьютер веб-браузер (например, Internet Explorer); мультимедийный проектор; интерактивная доска; Оснащение урока: видеоролик-загадка “What City Is It?” (более качественный вариант размещен по адресу http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=edMQMXBdT4Q); презентация “The National Russian Government”; слайд-шоу (презентация результатов проектной деятельности учащихся) “Images of Russia” http://moemesto.ru/bernata/file/7439651/Images_of_Russia.pps; flash-анимация “Coat of Arms of Balakovo”; аудиоматериал из аудиоприложения к учебнику английского языка «Английский с удовольствием» для 9 класса (треки 42, 43); песня “Подмосковные вечера” на английском языке (песню можно скачать с сайта издательства «Просвещение», перейдя по ссылке http://www.prosv.ru/info.aspx?ob_no=16094, выбрав аудиокурс по английскому языку для 7 класса Афанасьевой О.В., Михеевой И.В., часть 1, трек 3); тест “Russia. Geography” (электронный/бумажный вариант); ключи для взаимоконтроля; карточка с установками на ролевую игру; карта России; плакаты с символикой; портреты Пушкина, Гагарина, Левитана; фотографии памятников А. Пушкину, Ю. Долгорукому, М. Ломоносову в Москве; речевые образцы; фотографии с видами России; сувениры; русский каравай; стол, накрытый в соответствии с традициями русского чаепития. |
Подробный конспект урока | |
Мотивация учащихся | I Организационный момент. Сообщение цели урока, темы. T: Dear children! I expect our lesson to be very interesting and exciting today because we are going to talk about your dearest and most favourite place on the Earth, about the greatest and most powerful country. Can you guess what country it is? P: I suppose we are going to talk about Russia. T: Right you are. Read the name of our lesson, please. P: The name of our lesson is “Russia, My Homeland.” Речевая зарядка. T: What is the official name of our country? P: The official name of our country is the Republic of the Russian Federation. T: What is the capital of the Russian Federation? P: The capital of Russia is Moscow. T: What is the population of our country? P: The population of our country is over 140 million people. T: Why do we call the Russian Federation a multinational country? P: We call Russia a multinational country because people of different ethnic groups live there. T: What nations make up the Russian Federation? P: Russians, Tatars, Ukrainians, Chuvash’s, Bashkir’s, Belarussians, Mordva and other nations make up the Russian Federation. T: Russia is the largest country in the world, isn’t it? P: Yes, it is. |
Ход и содержание урока | II 1) T: You can see a map of Russia on your desks. Look at it and choose the right geographical names to complete the statements in the test. Do it as long as the music sounds. Учащиеся выполняют тестовое задание, пока звучит музыка. (Тест можно предложить учащимся как в бумажном, так и в электронном виде, созданный в программах Excel, MS PowerPoint или MS FrontPage). (Приложение 1, 2) T: Are you ready? Exchange your works, please, and check them. You may use the keys… Now hand in your tests. I shall see them later. Учащиеся обмениваются работами и осуществляют взаимопроверку по ключам. (Если тест выполнялся на компьютерах, учащиеся получают отметку по окончании работы) 2) T: Russia is not only the largest country in the world it is also one of the most powerful states. Look at the screen, please. Here is hidden the structure of the Russian National Government. Let’s restore the scheme. Please, click on one of the boxes, read the sentence and complete it. Check your answer and click on the appropriate word to fill in the scheme. Учащиеся поочередно нажимают на один из секторов схемы, читают начало появляющихся на экране предложений, заканчивают их, проверяют свой ответ и вносят в соответствующий сектор таблицы слова, вставленные в предложения. В результате получается схема российского правительства. (Приложение 3) P1: The Head of our country is… (the President) P2: The Prime Minister is the Head of… (the Council of Ministers) P3: The official name of the Russian Parliament is… (the Federal Assembly) P4: The upper House of the Federal Assembly is… (the Federal Council) P5: The lower House of the Federal Assembly is… (the State Duma) T: So, what political system does the Russian Federation represent according to the Constitution? P: The Russian Federation is a presidential republic. T: Who is the President of Russia at the moment? P: The Russian President is Dmitry Anatolyevich Medvedev. T: Right you are. 3) T: You know that each state has its symbols. What are the official symbols of our country? P: The official symbols of Russia are the flag, the national emblem and the anthem. T: Listen to the text for the information on the flag and the state emblem of the Russian Federation. Учащиеся слушают текст об официальных символах России (упр. 98, с. 94, упр.101, с. 95). (Приложение 1) T: Let’s divide our class into two groups. Group 1, talk about the flag of our country. Use the questions as a guide (ex. 99, p.94):
Group 2, use the following questions to talk about the emblem of Russia (ex. 102, p.95):
Учащиеся делятся на две группы. Первая группа говорит о национальном флаге, вторая – о государственном гербе. 4) T: Now look at the picture of our local emblem. Arrange the sentences in the proper order to create a description of it. The first and the last sentences are already done for you. 1. This is an emblem of our native town Balakovo. It reflects the realities of the present day and gives our town the status of a major energy center on the Volga. (6) It consists of several elements. (2) It symbolizes the historic significance of the town as a large grain pier on the Volga. (4) Above the emblem we can see the rising sun on a red background. (5) In the left part of the emblem is the emblem of Saratov region (three silver sterlets on a blue background). (7) The main part of the emblem is a silver floating boat with a golden sheaf of grain on a blue background. (3) 8. The emblem was introduced in 2000. Учащиеся расставляют на интерактивной доске предложения в правильной последовательности и получают описание герба города Балаково. (Приложение 4) T: How do the design and colours of the emblem reflect the history of our town? P: We can see a silver floating boat with a golden sheaf of grain on a blue background. It reflects the historic significance of our town as a large grain pier on the Volga. 5) T: Well, Russia is a wonderful country. It has always been a country of mystery and attraction for foreigners. Winston Churchill once said that Russia "is a riddle wrapped in a mystery inside an enigma". Some pupils of our group have been working on a project “Welcome to Russia!” for some weeks. Now they are ready to introduce their first results. Presentation “What do foreigners imagine when they think of Russia?” T: Here is a special task for you, P1. You can find all the instructions in this card. Please, get ready. Контроль домашнего задания – отчет о работе над проектом «Добро пожаловать в Россию!»: презентация на тему «Что представляют себе иностранцы, когда думают о России?» (Приложение 1) Один из учеников получает карточку с установками на ролевую игру, готовится сыграть роль иностранного гостя. (Приложение 1) T: Now you will have a chance to demonstrate that we are really friendly and hospitable. Today we are waiting for a foreign guest. Let’s meet our guest according to the old Russian tradition with bread and salt. They are symbols of hospitality. 6) В роли иностранного гостя выступает ученик, получивший индивидуальное задание с установками на ролевую игру. Учащиеся встречают гостя с хлебом-солью. Guest: Good morning, boys and girls! My name is Mark MacWizard. Ps: Good morning, Mark! We are very glad to meet you. You are welcome! P: In Russia there is a tradition to meet guests with bread and salt Help yourself! G.: Thank you for bread and salt. What a remarkable tradition! Гость рассказывает о себе. G.: Now let me introduce myself. I come from Tunbridge Wells, England. I am a student. I am fond of history and languages. Two years ago I began learning Russian and took an interest in your country, in its history, traditions and customs, in its people. Recently I have come to Russia to see it with my own eyes. I am very interested in everything here. T: I think you are just in time. We are talking about Russia today and you should join our chat. G.: Thank you. May I ask some questions then? T: Certainly. Гость задает вопрос, показывая на стол с сувенирами (матрешками, предметами, расписанными под гжель, хохлому), самоваром, баранками и т. д. G.: What are those beautiful things on the table? Are they traditionally Russian? *** T: Let’s introduce some of these things to our guest. Read the texts you have on your desks and match them with the pictures. Look round the classroom and find the headlines for each text. a) The main dishes of the traditional menu are blini (pancakes) with honey, caviar or sour cream, different soups (like shchi and borshch), pirozhki, pelmyeni (boiled pastry with meat filling) served with mustard, butter, vinegar or sour cream. Russian people eat brown bread with nearly every meal. b) Usually tourists buy such traditional Russian souvenirs as beautifully painted mugs, plates and spoons from the village of Khokhloma, Palekh boxes and Matryoshka dolls. Matryoshka is a symbol of Russian folk art. The doll first appeared in Russia at the end of the 19th century and since then it has always been the most favourite Russian souvenir. But Russian Matryoshka is not only a toy with surprise or just souvenir. It is a symbol of motherhood, family and unity. c) Perhaps the greatest Russian love is tea. It's drunk without milk and is often served with homemade jam (varienye), baranki (circles of dry pastry) and pirozhki (baked pastry with some filling). Russian-style tea is a special ceremony when people sit around a table with a samovar (tea-urn) placed in the middle, and drink hot strong tea with a slice of lemon either from cups or from glasses in glassholders. Headlines: Russian Tea Drinking (c), Russian Souvenirs (b), Traditional Menu (a) Учащиеся читают тексты о русских сувенирах, национальной кухне и традиционной церемонии чаепития, соотносят прочитанное с иллюстрациями (Приложение 1), подбирают к каждому тексту заголовок. Заголовки, написанные на листах, и иллюстрации размещены в разных местах классной комнаты. Учащимся предлагается найти их. T: Let’s present our guest with this souvenir. P: Take it, please. G.: Thank you. It is very pleasant. T: We would like to treat you to Russian tea as soon as our lesson is over. G.: Thank you for everything. It was very interesting to listen to you. Учащиеся дарят гостю сувенир, приглашают его на чай по окончании урока. *** T: To know a country means to know its people. Russia is famous for its talented and unique poets, writers, artists and musicians. Let’s have some rest and listen to the song “Moscow Suburb Nights” by Soloviov-Sedoy and Mikhail Matusovskiy. It is famous all over the world. Sing it along! Релаксация – прослушивание и исполнение песни «Подмосковные вечера» на английском языке. На доске – портреты Пушкина, Левитана, Гагарина. G.: I can see portraits of some famous Russian people on the board. I can recognize some of them. He is Alexander Pushkin, the greatest poet and writer. He is Yuri Gagarin, the first Russian cosmonaut. But who is that man? P: He is Isaak Levitan, a Russian artist. T: Children, use the information and tell our guest about Levitan. Учащиеся составляют совместный рассказ о художнике, используя биографические факты. (Приложение 1) Ps: Isaak Levitan was born in August, 1860. He had two sisters and a brother. Isaak spent his childhood in a small village of Kibarty. In 1873 he began learning to paint. He showed the poetic beauty of Russian nature in his works. The painter used the best traditions of Russian artists. He watched the countryside, the fields, the woodlands, the meadows. One of his famous works is “Autumn Day. Sokolniki Park” (1879). Anton Chekhov called him “Russia’s best landscape painter”. *** G.: How interesting! I’ve never heard about Isaak Levitan before. But I’ve learnt a lot of new things about some outstanding Russian people during my currant visit. Two days ago I was in Moscow. I went sightseeing there. Moscow is wonderful. It is remarkable for its monuments. I took some pictures of them. Could you help me to make up captions for each photo? T: Please, look at the photos and say who monuments are to. Гость показывает фотографии памятников, отснятые им во время пребывания в Москве, и просит учащихся помочь подписать их. P1: This is a monument to Lomonosov. It is situated in front of Moscow University. P2: This monument is to Alexander Pushkin. It is situated in front of the “Pushkinsky” cinema. P3: And this is a monument to Yuri Dolgoruky, the founder of Moscow. It is situated opposite the Mossovet building. Гость подписывает фотографии после ответа учащихся. G.: Thank you for your help. T: Are there any questions to our guest? P1: Did you enjoy your staying in Moscow? G.: Certainly, I did. Moscow is a remarkable city. It is the city of contrasts: so friendly and gentle in many ways, yet in other ways, quite proud and powerful. P2: What other cities are you going to visit during your trip? G.: I would like to visit a lot of different cities and towns. But I’m afraid I have little time. 7) T: And I suggest you to go for an exciting journey just now. Let’s watch a video clip about one of the Russian cities. Try to guess what city it is about. Видеоролик-загадка о городе-герое Волгограде. (Приложение 5) Аудирование текста с просмотром видеозаписи. Учащимся предлагается угадать, о каком городе идет речь. Просмотр останавливается прежде, чем на экране появится название города. T: Well, what city is the film about? P1: I suppose it is about the city of Volgograd. T: Let’s go on viewing to see if you are right. T: Well, you have guessed. You are very attentive today. I would like to present you with the booklet about Volgograd. Take it, please. P1: Thank you very much. Ученик, давший правильный ответ, получает буклет о Волгограде. Завершается просмотр ролика; последний кадр с названием города остается на экране. 8) T: And what can you read on the screen? P: Волгоград – город-герой. Volgograd is a hero-city. T: What other hero-cities can you name? Ps: Moscow, St. Petersburg, Smolensk… T: I think the memory of World War II is deeply felt in Russia, isn’t it? What is special about this holiday this year? P1: In 2010 we are going to celebrate the 65th anniversary of the end of the Soviet Union’s participation in World War II in Europe. P2: Annually on the 9th of May we celebrate Victory Day. Беседа о подвиге русского народа в Великой Отечественной войне, о предстоящем праздновании 65-ой годовщины окончания войны. |
Проверка и оценивание ЗУНКов | Проверка знаний и оценивание работы учащихся происходит в течение всего урока после выполнения определенных заданий (например, сразу после выполнения электронного теста учащиеся получают отметку за выполненный тест и т. п.). В конце урока учитель высказывает общее впечатление от работы учащихся на уроке. |
Рефлексия деятельности на уроке | Рефлексия - What have we done at our lesson? - What have you learned at our lesson? - Have you enjoyed working at our today’s English lesson? |
Домашнее задание | III Подведение итогов урока. T: Well done. I think we must always remember the heroism of our soldiers during the war. We must be proud of them and of our Motherland. Are you proud of your country? Do you love it? P1: Yes, I’m proud of Russia and I like it very much. P2: I love my country and I’m very proud of it, too. Беседа о чувствах национальной гордости за свою страну и любви к ней. Домашнее задание T: It is fine to be patriotic and love your nation, but it is not good to want to be separate and better than all other nations. We are all in this world together! Take this quiz to see how patriotic you are. It will be your first home task. Next lesson we are going to discuss your results. The second task you can choose yourself. Please, write an essay about our local flag or our local emblem. |
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