Методическая разработка. Сборник текстов по теме: English-speaking countries Для обучающихся 2 курсов ссузов
методическая разработка
Сборник текстов с заданиями по английскому языку составлен с целью изучения страноведения. Использование страноведческой информации в процессе обучения обеспечивает повышение познавательной активности обучающихся, благоприятствует их коммуникативным навыкам и умениям, а так же способствует положительной мотивации и решению воспитательных задач. Цель пособия – оказание помощи студентам при самостоятельной работе с текстовым материалом, необходимым для совершенствования лексических навыков.
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Предварительный просмотр:
Областное государственное автономное
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«Белгородский строительный колледж»
Методическая разработка
Сборник текстов
по теме:
English-speaking countries
для обучающихся 2 курсов ссузов
Белгород, 2022
Пояснительная записка
Сборник текстов с заданиями по английскому языку составлен с целью изучения страноведения. Использование страноведческой информации в процессе обучения обеспечивает повышение познавательной активности обучающихся, благоприятствует их коммуникативным навыкам и умениям, а так же способствует положительной мотивации и решению воспитательных задач.
Цель пособия – оказание помощи студентам при самостоятельной работе с текстовым материалом, необходимым для совершенствования лексических навыков и умений чтения адаптированной литературы и ведения беседы по страноведческой тематике. Для работы с текстом предлагаются задания: на чтение, перевод, нахождение эквивалентов лексики в текстовом материале, на формирование и развитие грамматических и лексических навыков. Темы соответствуют содержанию лексического аспекта рабочей программы для второго курса. Сборник предназначен для обучающихся 2 курсов ссузов, как для аудиторной, так и для внеаудиторной работы.
Разработали: Козьменко И.В. и Кованченко А.Н. преподаватели иностранного языка ОГАПОУ «БСК»
На заседании предметно-цикловой комиссии Заместитель директора
общих гуманитарных социально-экономических по учебно-методической
и общеобразовательных дисциплин работе __________
Петрова Н.В.
Протокол №__ от»__»____________ 2022г
Председатель ПЦК ___________
Игнатенко Н.А.
«__»____________ 2022г.
- The British Isles……………………………………………………...4
- The USA…………………………………………………………..…6
- Holidays in Great Britain………………………………………….…9
- Schools in Britain……………………………………………………12
- Sports and games which are popular in Britain...……………………15
- The most popular Mass media.…………………………………… 18
- English weather …………………………………………………..…20
Text 1. The British Isles.
The United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland is situated on two large islands called the British Isles. The largest island is Great Britain, which consists of three parts: England, Scotland and Wales. The smaller island is Ireland and there are about five thousand small islands. The country's shores are washed by the Atlantic Ocean, the North Sea and the Irish Sea. The English channel separate Great Britain from the continent.
The total area of the U.K. is 244.000 square kilometers with a population of 56 million. It is one of the most populated countries in the world. The greater part of the population is urban. About 80 percent of people live in numerous towns and cities. More than seven million people live in London area. Very often the inhabitants of The United Kingdom and Northern Ireland are called English.
The surface of the British Isles varies very much. There are many mountains in Scotland, Wales and northwest of England but they are not very high. Ben Nevis in Scotland is the highest mountain. Scotland is also famous for its beautiful lakes.
The mountains in Great Britain are not very high. There are many rivers in Great Britain, but they are not very long. The Themes is the deepest, the longest and the most important river in England.
The United Kingdom is a highly developed industrial country. It produces and exports machinery, electronics, textile. One of the main industries of the country is shipbuilding.
Words and expressions:
United Kingdom (UK) Соединенное Королевство
Great Britain Великобритания
the largest самый большой
the smaller island остров поменьше
total общий
greater больший
London area территория Лондона
to vary отличаться
the highest самый высокий
The Themes Темза
the deepest самый глубокий
the longest самый длинный
shipbuilding судостроение
Задания к тексту 1. The British Isles.
Задание №1
Прочитайте и устно переведите текст. Составьте план текста.
Задание №2
Выпишите предложения из текста со словами, данными ниже. Переведите их письменно.
Слова: situated, washed, populated, urban, inhabitants, surface, famous
for, industrial, shipbuilding.
Задание №3
Дополните предложения словами из текста.
- The United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland is situated on,..
- The largest island is..., which consists of three parts...
- The smaller island is...
- ... separate Great Britain from the continent.
- It is one of the most... countries in the world
- The greater part of the population is... .
- More than ... people live in London area.
- Very often the inhabitants of the United Kingdom and Northern Ireland are called...
- ... of the British Isles varies very much
- 10.... in Scotland is the highest mountain.
- 11. Scotland is also famous for...
- There are many... in Great Britain, but they are not very long.
- ...is the deepest, the longest and the most important river in England.
- The United Kingdom Is a highly developed ... country.
Задание №4
Определите, верное утверждение или нет. T/F
1 .The United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland is situated on four large islands.
2. The largest island is Great Britain.
3. Great Britain consists of three parts: England, Germany, Wales.
4. The smaller island is Ireland and there are about seven million small islands.
5. The country's shores are washed by the Indian Ocean, the Black Sea and the Irish Sea.
6. The population of Great Britain is 46 million.
7.1t is not the most populated countries in the world.
8. The greater part of the population is urban.
9. The inhabitants of the United Kingdom and Northern Ireland are called English.
10. There are not many mountains in Scotland, there are many rivers.
Задание №5
Составьте предложения из данных слов так, чтобы они соответствовали предложениям в тексте.
- and, island, which, parts, the, England, largest, consists, Great, Britain, three, and, Scotland, is, of, Wales.
- high, Great, Britain, the, very, in, mountains, not, are.
- country, the, a, developed, Kingdom, highly, industrial, is, United.
Задание №6
Исправьте в предложениях допущенные ошибки, следуя тексту.
- The smallest island is Great Britain, which consists of two parts: Scotland and Wales.
- More than seventeen thousand people live in London area.
- The surface of the British Isles doesn't vary very much.
- There are many rivers in Great Britain, and they are very long.
- The United Kingdom isn't a highly developed industrial country.
- One of the main industries of the country is machine building.
Задание №7 Напишите краткий пересказ текста, используя данные выражения.
1. The text is headlined …
2. The main idea of the text is …
3. The text is about …
4. The text is devoted to …
5. The text deals with …
6. The text touches upon …
7. The text presents some results which illustrate …
8. The purpose of the text is to give the reader some information about…
9. The aim of the text is to provide the reader with some data on …
Text 2. The USA
The USA is composed of 50 states. It occupies the central part of North American continent. It borders on Canada in the north and on Mexico in the south.
The waters of the Atlantic Ocean wash the USA in the east and the waters of the Pacific Ocean wash the country in the west. The Hawaiian Islands are in the Pacific Ocean. They became the 50th state of the USA in 1958. The total area of the country is 9000 square kilometers. The population is more than 200 million people.
Washington is the capital of USA. English is the official language. The flag of the USA is known as the "Stars and Stripes".
The Rocky Mountains extend from Alaska through the USA to Mexico, but greater part of the country is a plain. There are many rivers in USA and the longest is Mississippi. The USA economy grew greatly during the world wars. In those times American monopolists got great profits.
The country is rich in mineral resources, heavy industry prevails in the USA economy, including mining, metallurgy, machine building, chemical industry. Power and food industries are well developed too.
The USA is the federative republic. The president is the head of the state. He is also commander-in-chief of army and navy. The highest legislative organ in the country is the congress, which consists of the senate and House of Representatives.
Words and expressions:
to be composed of состоять из
to border граничить
The Hawaiian Islands Гавайские острова
to be known as быть известным как
greater больший
to get (got) получать
profits прибыль
mineral resources полезные ископаемые
to prevail преобладать
mining горная промышленность
machine building машиностроение
power industry энергетическая промышленность
commander-in-chief главнокомандующий
House of representatives Палата представителей
Задания к тексту 2. The USA
Задание №1
Прочитайте и устно переведите текст. Составьте план текста.
Задание №2
Выпишите предложения из текста со словами, данными ниже. Переведите их письменно.
Слова: to be composed of, to border, total, capital, known as, during, profit, mineral resources, power, commander-in-chief.
Задание №3
Дополните предложения словами из текста,
- The USA 50 states.
- It borders on ... in the north and on ... in the south.
- The waters of the ... ... wash the USA in the east and the waters of the wash the country in the west.
- The Hawaiian Islands are in the
- ... is the capital of USA.
- ... is the official language.
- The flag of the USA known as the ... .
- There are many ... in USA and the longest is ... .
- in those times got great profits.
- 10 are well developed too.
- The USA is the
- The president is the ... of the state.
Задание №4
Определите, верное утверждение или нет. T/F
- The USA is composed of 55 states.
- It occupies the central part of South American continent.
- It borders on Mexico in the north and on Canada in the south.
- The Hawaiian Islands are in the Pacific Ocean.
- The population is more than 300 million people.
- Belfast is the capital of the USA.
- English is the official language.
- There are many mountains in USA.
- The USA economy grew greatly during the last years.
- Power and food industries are well developed too.
Задание №5
Исправьте в предложениях допущенные грамматические ошибки, следуя тексту. Объясните правила.
l. The USA are composed of 50 state.
2. It border on Canada on the north and on Mexico on the south.
3. The Hawaiian Islands is in the Pacific Ocean.
4. They became the 50th state in the USA at 1958.
S. Washington the capital of USA.
б. Тhеге is many rivers on USA and long is Mississippi.
7. Power and food industries is well developed too.
Задание №6
Составьте предложения из данных слов так, чтобы они соответствовали предложениям в тексте.
- from, the, but, the, USA, part, a, Rocky, is, the, extend, greater, of, plain, country, Mountains, Mexico, Alaska, to, through;
- USA, economy, the, wars, grew, the, during, greatly, world;
- consists, organ, the, of, senate, highest, congress, the, legislative, country, is, the, in, the, of, and, Representatives, House, which.
Задание №7 Напишите краткий пересказ текста, используя данные выражения.
1. The text is headlined …
2. The main idea of the text is …
3. The text is about …
4. The text is devoted to …
9. The text deals with …
5. The text touches upon …
6. The text presents some results which illustrate …
7. The purpose of the text is to give the reader some information about…
8. The aim of the text is to provide the reader with some data on …
Text 3. Holidays in Great Britain
There are eight public holidays (bank holidays) a year in Great Britain, that is days on which people do not need to go to work. They are: Christmas Day, Boxing Day, New Year's Day, Good Friday, Easter Monday, May Day, Spring Holiday and Late Summer Holiday. The term "bank holiday" dates back to the 19th century when in 1871 and 1875 most of these days were constituted bank holidays, that is, days on which banks were to be closed. The observance of these days is no longer limited to banks.
All the public holidays, except Christmas Day and Boxing Day observed on the 25th and 26th of December respectively, do not fall on the same date each year. Good Friday and Easter Monday depend on Easter Sunday which falls on the first Monday in May. The Spring Holiday falls on the last Monday of May, while Late Summer Holiday falls on the last Monday in August.
Most of these holidays are of religious origin, though for the greater part of the population they have lost their religious significance and are simply days on which people relax, eat, drink and make merry.
Certain customs and traditions are associated with most public holidays. The reason is that many of them are part of holiday seasons as Easter and Christmas holiday seasons which are religious by origin and are connected by centuries-old traditions.
Besides public holidays, there are other festivals, anniversaries and simply days, on which certain traditions are observed, but unless they fall on a Sunday, they are ordinary working days.
Words and expressions:
a public holiday официальный праздник
a bank holiday "банковский" праздник (официальный праздник)
that is то есть
Boxing Day День подарков
New Year's Day Новый год
Good Friday пятница перед Пасхой
Easter Monday понедельник после Пасхи
May Day Первое мая
to date back to восходить к
to be constituted a bank holiday получить статус официального праздника
observance Празднование
to be no longer limited to banks не распространяться больше только на банки
to be observed праздноваться, соблюдаться
respectively соответственно
to fall выпадать
origin происхождение
greater больший
to make merry веселиться
custom обычай
to be associated быть связанным
to be a part of a holiday season быть частью многодневного праздника
centuries-old traditions многовековые традиции
unless they... если они не...
Задания к тексту 3. Holidays in Great Britain
Задание №1
Прочитайте и устно переведите текст. Составьте план текста.
Задание №2
Выпишите предложения из текста со словами, данными ниже.
Переведите их письменно.
Слова: term, limited, respectively, origin, to relax, customs, anniversaries.
Задание №3
Дополните предложения словами из текста.
- There are eight a year in Great Britain, that is days on which ... do not need to go to ... .
- dates back to the 19th century when in 1871 and 1875 most of these days were holidays, that is, days on which batiks were to be... .
- ... the public ... , except Christmas Day and Boxing Day ... on the 25th and 26th of , do not fall on the same date ... year.
- The falls on the last... of..., while Late Summer ... falls on the last... in ... .
- … customs and traditions are ... with most... holidays.
- The ... of these ... is no longer ... to ... .
- The term dates ... to the 19th ... when in ... and ... most of... days were ... bank holidays,... is ,days on were to ... closed .
- Good ... and depend on which falls on the first... in ... .
- ... public ... , there are other festivals,... and simply ... ,on ... certain ... are ... , but unless they fall on a ... they are ... working ... .
- Most of these holidays... of... origin,... for the greater part of the ... they have lost and are simply days on ... people ... , eat, drink and ... merry .
Задание №4
Определите, верное утверждение или нет. T/F
- There are six public holidays (bank holidays) a year in America, that is days on which people must go to work.
- They are: Christmas Day, Boxing Day, New Year's Day, Good Friday, Easter Monday, May Day, Spring Holiday and Late Summer Holiday.
- The term "bank holiday" dates back to the 20th century when in 1671 and 1678 most of these days were constituted bank holidays, that is , days on which banks were open .
- All the public holidays, except Good Friday and Boxing Day observed on the 25th and 26th of December respectively, do not fall on the same date each year .
- Good Friday and Easter Monday depend on Easter Sunday which falls on the second Monday in May.
- The Spring Holiday falls on the last Wednesday of May, while Late Summer Holiday falls on the last Monday in August
- All holidays are of religious origin, though for the greater part of the population they have lost their religious significance and are simply days on which people relax, eat, drink and make merry
- Certain customs and traditions are not associated with most public holidays.
Задание №5
Исправьте в предложениях допущенные грамматические ошибки, следуя тексту. Объясните правила.
- There is eight public holiday a year in Great Britain.
- The term "bank holiday " date back to the 19th century when at 1871 and 1875 most of these days is constituted bank holidays.
- The observance of these days are no longer limited to banks.
- Good Friday and Easter Monday depends on Easter Sunday which fall on the first Monday on May.
- Most of these holidays is of religious origin.
- Certain customs and traditions is associated with most public holidays.
- The reason are that many of them are part of holiday seasons as Easter and Christmas holiday seasons.
Задание №6
Составьте предложения из данных слов так, чтобы они соответствовали предложениям в тексте.
- The, all except, public, Christmas , holidays, day ,Boxing ,and, day, On, observed, 25th, the, 26th, December, of, do, respectively, not, on, fall, same, the , each, date ,year, on;
- These, most, of, are, of, origin, holidays, religious, for, the, though, part, greater ,the, of, they, lost, population, have, religious, their, significance, and, simply, are, on, days, people, relax, which, and, drink, eat, and, merry, make;
- holidays, traditions, certain, most, with, customs, are, public, associated, and.
Задание №7 Напишите краткий пересказ текста, используя данные выражения.
1. The text is headlined …
2. The main idea of the text is …
3. The text is about …
4. The text is devoted to …
5. The text deals with …
6. The text touches upon …
7. The text presents some results which illustrate …
8. The purpose of the text is to give the reader some information about…
9. The aim of the text is to provide the reader with some data on …
Text 4. Schools in Britain
All English children must stay at school from age of 5 until they are 16. The schools are divided into two groups: state schools and private schools. State schools are divided into the following types: Grammar schools. Children from these schools show a preference for academic subjects, though many grammar schools now also have some technical subjects. Technical schools. These schools are for children, who are interested in physics, chemistry and mathematics. Modern schools. Boys and girls who like to work with their hands can go there to get some trade. Comprehensive schools. These schools usually combine all types of secondary education. They have physics, chemistry, biology, machine workshops and also geography, history, art and domestic course.
There are also many schools, which the State doesn't control. They are private schools. They charge fees for educating children and many of them are boarding schools and schools only for girls or boys. After leaving school many young people go to colleges or universities. Colleges offer courses in teacher training and some professions connected with medicine. There are about 90 universities in Britain. After graduating from the university a student gets a degree. Most degree courses at universities last 3 years, language courses 4 years, medicine and dentistry courses 5-7 years. Students usually very busy because of their training, but many of them have to work in the evenings to pay for it.
Words and expressions:
to stay at school учиться в школе
a private school частная школа
a grammar school "грамматическая школа"
to show a preference for academic subjects проявлять склонность к …
to get some trade получить профессию
a comprehensive school общеобразовательная школа
to combine объединять
a secondary education среднее образование
a machine workshop мастерская
a domestic course домоводство
to control управлять
to charge fees брать плату
educating обучение
a boarding school интернат
leaving окончание
teacher training подготовка учителей
to be connected быть связанным
to graduate from окончить
to get a degree получить степень
a degree course курс с присвоением степени
to last длиться
Задания к тексту 4. Schools in Britain
Задание №1
Прочитайте и устно переведите текст. Составьте план текста.
Выпишите предложения из текста со словами, данными ниже
Переведите их письменно.
Слова: stay, divided, preference, interested, combine, private, boarding schools, teacher training .
Дополните предложение словами из текста.
- The ... are ... into two groups: state schools and private schools.
- ... and ... who like to work with ... hands can go ... to get some trade.
- They are ... schools.
- 4 school many ... people go to ... or universities.
- There are about in Britain.
- Colleges offer... in and some ... connected with medicine.
- State ... are divided into the ... types.
- These ... are for children, who are ... in physics ... and ....
- ... are also many schools which the State ... control.
- ... usually very busy ... of their... ,but many of... have to work in the ... to pay for it.
Определите, верное утверждение или нет. T/F
- All English children must stay at school from age of 7 until they are 14.
- The schools are divided into three groups: state schools private schools and secondary schools.
- Children from these schools show a preference for academic subjects, though many grammar schools now also have some technical subjects.
- Technical schools are for children who are interested in technical subjects, chemistry and mathematics.
- Boys and girls who like to work with their hands can go there to get some trade.
- Comprehensive schools usually combine all types of secondary education.
- There are also many schools which the State controls.
- After leaving school many young people go to colleges or universities.
- There are about 90 colleges in Britain.
Задание №5
Исправьте в предложениях допущенные грамматические ошибки, следуя тексту. Объясните правила.
- l. The schools is divided into two group: state schools and private schools.
- Children from this schools show a preference for academic subjects, though many grammar school now also have some technical subjects.
- These schools is to children, who is interested in physics, chemistry and mathematics .
- Boys and girls who like to work with their hands can goes there to get some trade.
- They has physics, chemistry, biology, machine workshops also geography, history, art and domestic course.
- There are also many schools, which the State don't control.
- They is private schools.
- After leaving school many young people go to colleges or universities.
Составьте предложения из данных слов так, чтобы они соответствовали предложениям в тексте.
- usually, busy, students , of, very, but, their, have, them, in, training, work, it, to, for, the, evenings, pay, because, of, many, to;
- universities, after, or, leaving, colleges, school, to, many, go, young, people;
- trade, boys, some, and, to, who, get, girls, there, like, go, to, can, work, hands, with, their.
Задание №7 Напишите краткий пересказ текста, используя данные выражения.
1. The text is headlined …
2. The main idea of the text is …
3. The text is about …
4. The text is devoted to …
9. The text deals with …
5. The text touches upon …
6. The text presents some results which illustrate …
7. The purpose of the text is to give the reader some information about…
8. The aim of the text is to provide the reader with some data on …
Text 5. Sports and games which are popular in Britain
The British are a sports - loving nation. Cricket, football, rugby, tennis, table tennis, badminton and snooker were invented in Britain. The first rules for such sports as boxing, golf, hockey, yachting and horse-racing also appeared in Britain. The most popular sports which people take part in rather than watching are angling, snooker and darts. Cricket is the English game. A match can take five days - and still end in a draw. This game was being played 250 years ago.
Football began as a contest between neighbouring villages - without a limit of number of the players on each side and almost without rules. The rules of the modern game consolidated only in 1863.
Golf was probably invented in Holland, but has been played in Scotland for at least 400 years. At first, it was played with balls made of wood, then of leather stuffed with feathers.
The first rules for tennis appeared in England in the first tournament in Wimbledon in 1877. Wimbledon is still the world's most famous tennis centre. There are a lot of sports games which are popular in Britain. 25 million of people take part in sports. Sports is on the program of all state and private school and universities. Nearly all schools have sports grounds and swimming pools. Indeed, sports is a part of everyday life in Britain.
Words and expressions:
a sport-loving nation нация любителей спорта
cricket крикет
rugby регби
snooker бильярд
yachting гонки на яхтах
horse-racing скачки
to originate происходить
to take part принимать участие
angling рыбная ловля
darts "дротики"
to take проходить
all the same все равно
to end in a draw закончиться вничью
to consolidate укрепляться
nearly почти
Задания к тексту 5. Sports and games which are popular in Britain
Задание №1
Прочитайте и устно переведите текст. Составьте план текста.
Задание №2
Выпишите предложения из текста со словами, данными ниже.
Переведите их письменно.
Слова: invented, take part, cricket, end in a draw, limit, consolidated, wood, popular, every day.
Дополните предложения словами из текста.
- ... is the ... game.
- This game was ... played 250 ... ago.
- ... is still the ... most famous
- 4 of people take part in ... .
- ... , sports is a part of... life in ... .
- 6. The ... are a sports -... nation.
- 7. There are a lot of which are ... in Britain.
- 8 ... match can take ... days -... still... in a draw.
Определите, верное утверждение или нет T/F
- The British are not a sports - loving nation.
- The first rules for such sports as boxing, golf, hockey, yachting, and horse - racing also appeared in England.
- Cricket is the Russian game.
- A match can take five days - and still end in a draw.
- Snooker began as a contest between neighbouring villages - without a limit of number of the players on each side and almost without rules.
- Cricket was probably invented in Holland, but has been played in Wales for at least 400 years.
- Wimbledon is still the world's most famous tennis centre.
- There are not a lot of sports games which are popular in Britain.
Исправьте в предложениях допущенные грамматические ошибки, следуя тексту.
- The British is a sports - loving nation
- Cricket the English game.
- A match can takes five days - and still end in a draw.
- Football begin as a contest between neighbouring villages - without a limit of number of the players on each side and almost without rules.
- Golf is probably invented in Holland, but has been played in Scotland for at least 400 year.
- There are a lot of sports game which are popular at Britain.
Составьте предложения из данных слов так, чтобы они соответствовали предложениям в тексте.
- in, indeed,, Britain, sports, life, is, every day, a, part, of;
- universities , sports, and, is , school, on, private, the, and, program, state, of, all;
- feathers, at, with, first, stuffed, it, leather, played, of, was, then, with, wood, balls, of, made.
Задание №7 Напишите краткий пересказ текста, используя данные выражения.
1. The text is headlined …
2. The main idea of the text is …
3. The text is about …
4. The text is devoted to …
5. The text deals with …
6. The text touches upon …
7. The text presents some results which illustrate …
8. The purpose of the text is to give the reader some information about…
9. The aim of the text is to provide the reader with some data on …
Text 6. The most popular Mass media.
The most popular sources of entertainment and information are the press, radio and TV. The press plays an important part in the life of society. Millions of people in their free time read newspapers. In Britain daily newspapers are published in many different languages. The daily newspapers are of two kinds: quality and popular. A quality paper is a serious newspaper which publishes articles and commentaries about politics. A popular paper contains many photographs; its articles are often sensational and mostly deal with private life of famous people.
The radio does not interfere in your activity. You can listen to the radio while doing some work about the house, reading a book or driving a car. On the radio you can hear music, plays, news and different discussions. There are a lot of games on the radio. Radio has also cultural and educational programs. Many programs consist of classical music.
Television is a "chewing gum for ears and eyes". There are many serials on TV in Britain. People like to see sentimental dramatic serials that describe domestic problems. Soap opera is usually broadcast every day. TV games attract a large audience. During TV quiz programs viewers answer different questions. There are many educational programs on television. Educational TV films and programs are shown in schools and colleges as a part of the curriculum.
Words and expressions:
mass media средства массовой информации
quality качественный
popular популярный
to do some work выполнять работу
feature черта
to appear появляться
quiz викторина
viewer зритель
Задания к тексту 6. The most popular Mass media.
Задание №1
Прочитайте и устно переведите текст. Составьте план текста.
Выпишите предложения из текста со словами, данными ниже.
Переведите их письменно.
Слова: popular sources , important, daily, contains , interfere, peculiar, soap, cultural, serials.
Задание №3
Дополните предложения словами из текста.
- The most popular sources of entertainment and information are... .
- A quality paper is a serious newspaper which publishes ....
- You can listen to the radio while doing... .
- On the radio you can hear ....
- A peculiar feature of the American radio is ... .
- Radio has also ....
- There are many serials on ... .
- Educational TV films and programs are shown in ... .
- TV games... a large ... .
- Many programs ... of... music.
Определите, верное утверждение или нет. T/F
- The press doesn't play an important part in the life of society.
- Millions of Americans in their free time read newspapers.
- In the USA daily newspapers are published in 14 different languages.
- A popular paper contains many songs.
- The radio interferes in your activity.
- You can listen to the radio while doing some work about the house.
- On the radio you can hear music, plays, the news and fairy- tales.
- A peculiar feature of the American radio is a fable.
- There are a lot of games on the radio.
- Many programs consist of pop music.
Исправьте допущенные ошибки в предложениях, следуя тексту.
- The books play an important part in the life of society.
- Millions of Englishmen in their free time read books.
- The press does not interfere in your activity
- Soap opera is usually broadcast every week.
- There are a lot of stories on the radio.
- Radio has also cultural and sports programs.
- There are many serials on the radio in USA.
Составьте предложения из данных слов так, чтобы они соответствовали предложениям в тексте.
- often, are, popular, a, many, paper, life, people, articles, contains, of, famous ,with, its, private, deal, photographs, sensational, and, mostly;
- a, is , problems, that, it, sentimental, serial, domestic, dramatic, describes;
- music, many, classic, programs, of, consist.
Задание №7 Напишите краткий пересказ текста, используя данные выражения.
1. The text is headlined …
2. The main idea of the text is …
3. The text is about …
4. The text is devoted to …
5. The text deals with …
6. The text touches upon …
7. The text presents some results which illustrate …
8. The purpose of the text is to give the reader some information about…
9. The aim of the text is to provide the reader with some data on …
Text 7. English weather
The English are famous for their tea and weather. The English are always talking about their weather. English weather is never the same two days running. The most beautiful time in Great Britain is the spring and early summer. All the cold winds, the fog and heavy rains have gone. It rains sometimes, it's often cloudy, but not so often as in the winter. It rains quite often during all the year in England. It's a green country with green grass and large gardens.
The autumn is a nice season. The sky is blue and the sun shines all the day. After spring comes short English summer. It's a time of journeys to the seaside to bathe in the sea.
The winter has no snow at all sometimes. But it's not the right statement for the North and Scotland. It's nice time for skating on rivers. The west is warmer than other parts of the country.
It's a difficult country for people who work outdoors. They are milkmen, farmers, postmen and policemen. It could be cold in the morning, warm in the afternoon and raining in the evening. One day it's sunny, next day it may be cold, and the next day it may be rainy.
The most terrible weather is the foggy weather. Sometimes the fog is thick and dirty. In London this is called smog: a mixture of smoke and fog. Sometimes it's so dark that people can't see the way and cars crawl along slowly with their lights-on.
Everybody in England hates to wake up in the morning and look through the window to see the fog on the street. "Terrible" weather say 20 million Englishmen, when they go to work in the morning.
Words and expressions:
running подряд
quite весьма
to shine светить
seaside побережье
at all вообще
statement утверждение
warmer теплее
milkman продавец молока (молочник)
thick густой
smog смог
to crawl along ползти
Задания к тексту 7. English weather
Задание №1
Прочитайте и устно переведите текст. Составьте план текста.
Задание №2
Выпишите предложения из текста со словами, данными ниже.
Переведите их письменно.
Слова: famous, beautiful, cloudy, grass, sky, snow, outdoors, raining, sunny, foggy, terrible.
Задание №3
Дополните предложения словами из текста.
- The ... are famous ... their tea and weather.
- English weather is never the same
- The most beautiful time in Great Britain is the ... and early ... .
- It... sometimes, it's often ... , not so often as in the ... .
- It's green ... with green ... and large ... .
- The ... has no ... at all sometimes.
- It's nice time for ... on rivers.
- 8 country for people who work ... .
- The most... weather is the ... weather.
- Sometimes the ... is and ... .
Задание №4
Определите, верное утверждение или нет. T/F
- The English are famous for their tea and coffee.
- The English are always talking about their weather.
- English weather is always the same two days running.
- The most beautiful time in Great Britain is the winter and early autumn.
- It rains quite often during all the year in England.
- The winter has no snow at all sometimes.
- The south is warmer than other parts of the country.
- It's not a difficult country for people who work outdoors.
- The most terrible weather is a rainy weather.
- Everybody in England likes to wake up in the morning and look
Задание №5
Исправьте в предложениях допущенные грамматические ошибки, следуя тексту. Объясните правила.
- English weather are never the same two day miming.
- The most beautiful time in Great Britain the spring and early summer.
- The autumn nice season.
- The winter have no snow at all sometimes.
- The west is warm than other parts of the country.
- A most terrible weather is foggy weather.
- Sometimes the fog thick and dirty.
- At London this are called smog; a mixture smoke and fog.
Задание №6
Составьте предложения из данных слов так, чтобы они соответствовали предложениям в тексте.
- winter, sometimes, often, not, it, the, as, rains, it's, so, but, often, cloudy, in;
- the, afternoon, it, be, warm, raining, could, in, the, cold, in, the, and, morning, in, evening;
- it's, people, cars, way, the, see, sometimes, with, dark, slowly, their, so, lights-on, that, along, can't, crawl, and.
Задание №7 Напишите краткий пересказ текста, используя данные выражения.
1. The text is headlined …
2. The main idea of the text is …
3. The text is about …
4. The text is devoted to …
5. The text deals with …
6. The text touches upon …
7. The text presents some results which illustrate …
8. The purpose of the text is to give the reader some information about…
9. The aim of the text is to provide the reader with some data on …
Ресурсы интернета:
- http://www.native-english.ru/topics
- http://iloveenglish.ru/tests
- http://engmaster.ru/word/15
- kopilkaurokov.ru
- Interactive-English.ru
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