КОНТРОЛЬНО – ИЗМЕРИТЕЛЬНЫЕ МАТЕРИАЛЫ дисциплина ОГСЭ.03 Иностранный язык специальность 31.02.03 Лабораторная диагностика (очная форма обучения) IV курс 8 семестр (дифференцированный зачёт)
учебно-методический материал
Назначение контрольно-измерительных материалов (далее КИМ)
КИМ для проведения дифференцированного зачёта нацелены на оценку результата подготовки обучающихся, освоивших программу дисциплины ОГСЭ.03 Иностранный язык к окончанию 8 семестра 4 курса.
КИМ позволяют объективно оценить качество подготовки и уровень освоения обучающимися содержания дисциплины Иностранный язык по темам разделов 7-8 семестра, а также по приоритетным темам разделов всего курса обучения с использованием заданий стандартизированной формы.
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Предварительный просмотр:
Департамент здравоохранения города Москвы
Государственное бюджетное профессиональное образовательное учреждение
Департамента здравоохранения города Москвы
«Медицинский колледж № 1»
(ГБПОУ ДЗМ «МК № 1»)
дисциплина ОГСЭ.03 Иностранный язык
специальность 31.02.03 Лабораторная диагностика
IV курс 8 семестр
(дифференцированный зачёт)
Цикловой методической комиссией № 1 (протокол от 2.12. 2021 № 4) | Методическим советом (протокол от 13.01.2022 № 3) |
ГБПОУ ДЗМ МК № 1 преподаватель О.В. Жукова
(место работы) (занимаемая должность) (инициалы, фамилия)
ГБПОУ ДЗМ МК № 1 методист О.В. Федосеева
(место работы) (занимаемая должность) (инициалы, фамилия)
1. 2. Документы, определяющие содержание КИМ | 5 |
1. 3. Характеристика содержания КИМ | 5 |
1.4. Структура КИМ, объем времени на выполнение заданий, оценивание заданий и работы в целом | 7 |
| |
3.1 Тесты по вариантам с эталонами ответов | 10 |
3.2 Тестовые задания для электронного тестирования | 27 |
1.1. Назначение контрольно-измерительных материалов (далее КИМ)
КИМ предназначены для проведения дифференцированного зачета как в письменной форме, так и в форме электронного тестирования на образовательном портале колледжа и предназначены для оценки результата подготовки обучающихся, освоивших программу дисциплины ОГСЭ.03 Иностранный язык к окончанию 8 семестра IV курса.
КИМ позволяют объективно оценить качество подготовки и уровень освоения обучающимися содержания дисциплины по темам 3-8 семестров с использованием заданий стандартизированной формы.
1. 2. Документы, определяющие содержание КИМ
Комплект КИМ для проведения промежуточной аттестации в форме дифференцированного зачёта по ОГСЭ.03 Иностранный язык разработан на основании следующих нормативных документов:
- Федеральный государственный образовательный стандарт среднего профессионального образования по специальности 31.02.03 Лабораторная диагностика
- Рабочая учебная программа дисциплины Иностранный язык по специальности 31.02.03 Лабораторная диагностика
1.3 Характеристика содержания КИМ
1.3.1Тип работы: тест с разноуровневыми заданиями;
контролирующие материалы в форме теста для проведения дифференцированного зачёта.
Тесты содержат:
• понятийные задания базового уровня, нацеленные на проверку знания и понимания, с выбором одного верного ответа из четырёх предложенных;
• задания повышенного уровня, направленные на проверку усвоения знаний и сформированности одних и тех же умений на различных элементах содержания.
Варианты работы сопровождаются таблицей критериев оценки ее выполнения и шкалой перевода процентов в отметку по пятибалльной системе.
1.3.2. Объем проверяемого материала соответствует содержанию разделов рабочей учебной программы дисциплины ОГСЭ.03 Иностранный язык для специальности 31.02.03 Лабораторная диагностика:
Раздел1. Английский язык в профессиональной деятельности медицинского работника;
Раздел 2. Здоровье. Правила здорового образа жизни;
Раздел 3. История развития медицины;
Раздел 4. Системы органов человека и их функционирование;
Раздел 5. Внутренние органы и их строение;
Раздел 6. Несчастные случаи. Первая медицинская помощь;
Раздел 7. Болезни. Симптомы;
Раздел 8. Инструментальные исследования;
Раздел 9. Медицинские диагностические лаборатории;
Раздел 10. Особенности работы в медицинской лаборатории;
Раздел 11. Профессиональная деятельность лаборанта;
Раздел 12. Лекарственные средства;
Раздел 13. Условия работы лаборанта.
1.3.3. Проверяемые результаты обучения
Результаты обучения (освоенные умения, усвоенные знания) | Формируемые общие, профессиональные компетенции | Формы и методы контроля и оценки результатов обучения (письменная работа) | Формы и методы контроля и оценки результатов обучения (электронное тестирование) |
1 | 2 | 3 | |
Умения: | |||
общаться (устно и письменно) на английском языке на профессиональные и повседневные темы; переводить (со словарем) английские тексты профессиональной направленности; самостоятельно совершенствовать устную и письменную речь, пополнять словарный запас | ПК 1.2. ОК 4-6,8 | Тестовые задания на выбор одного ответа:1.1 -1.20 Задания на выбор нескольких правильных ответов, задание на установление соответствия позиций, представленных в двух множествах, задания на определение терминов и понятий, соответствующих предлагаемому контексту:2.1-2.10 | Тестовые задания на выбор одного ответа:001-060 Задания на выбор нескольких правильных ответов, задание на установление соответствия позиций, представленных в двух множествах, задания на определение терминов и понятий, соответствующих предлагаемому контексту:061-100 |
Знания: | |||
лексический (1200-1400 лексических единиц) и грамматический минимум, необходимый для чтения и перевода (со словарем) иностранных текстов профессиональной направленности. | ПК 1.1. ОК 4-6,8 | Тестовые задания на выбор одного ответа:1.1 -1.20 Задания на множественный выбор, установление соответствия, задание на дополнение терминов:2.1-2.10 | Тестовые задания на выбор одного ответа:001-060 на множественный выбор, установление соответствия, задание на дополнение терминов:061-100 |
- Структура КИМ, объем времени на выполнение заданий, оценивание заданий и работы в целом
1.4.1 Материалы дифференцированного зачета в письменной форме представлены в двух вариантах. Каждый вариант работы состоит из двух частей, в которых материалы заданий различаются по своему назначению, форме, содержанию и уровню сложности.
Часть 1 содержит 20 заданий с альтернативным выбором ответа.
Часть 2 содержит 10 заданий с кратким ответом:
задания на выбор и запись нескольких правильных ответов из предложенного перечня ответов;
задания на установление соответствия позиций, представленных в двух множествах.
1.4.2 Материалы дифференцированного зачета для электронного тестирования состоят из заданий, которые различаются по своему назначению, форме, содержанию и уровню сложности.
Часть 1 содержит 60 заданий с альтернативным выбором ответа.
Часть 2 содержит 40 заданий с кратким ответом:
задания на выбор и запись нескольких правильных ответов из предложенного перечня ответов;
задание на установление соответствия позиций, представленных в двух множествах.
1.4.3 При электронном тестировании посредством Образовательного портала ГБПОУ ДЗМ «МК №1» происходит автоматическое формирование тестового варианта, состоящего из индивидуального набора 30 заданий. Каждый вариант содержит определенное количество заданий каждого уровня сложности, формируемых из банка тестовых заданий.
1.4.4 Объем времени на выполнение заданий, оценивание заданий и работы в целом
Уровень сложности | № заданий в 1 варианте (письменная форма) | № заданий (электронное тестирование) | Количество заданий в одном варианте | Время на 1 задание (мин) | Количество баллов за 1 задание | Всего баллов |
Б (ВО) | 1.1 – 1.20 | 001-060 | 20 | 1 | 1 | 20 |
П (КО) | 2.1-2.10 | 061-100 | 10 | 2 | 2 | 20 |
Условные обозначения
Уровни сложности заданий: Б – базовый; П – повышенный
Тип задания:
ВО - задания с альтернативным выбором ответа;
КО - задания с кратким ответом; задание с множественным выбором; задание на установление последовательности; задание на установление соответствия; задания на определение терминов и понятий.
1.4.5 Система оценки заданий в баллах:
Правильное выполнение заданий базового уровня оценивается 1 баллом. Задание считается выполненным верно, если ответ записан (выбран) в той форме, которая указана в инструкции по выполнению задания.
Правильное выполнение заданий повышенного уровня оценивается 2 баллами.
Эти задания оцениваются следующим образом:
- полное правильное выполнение задания – 2 балла;
- неполное выполнение задания (неполное или неточное определение понятия или дополнение; отсутствие одной необходимой цифры при выполнении задания на соответствие или выбор нескольких ответов) – 1 балл;
- неверное выполнение задания (неправильное определение понятия, дополнения; указание двух или более ошибочных цифр) – 0 баллов.
1.4.6 Перевод баллов в оценку
Границы оценок (процент результативности) при тестировании:
«отлично» – 100-90% правильных ответов,
«хорошо» – 89-80% правильных ответов,
«удовлетворительно» – 79-70% правильных ответов,
«неудовлетворительно» – менее 70% правильных ответов.
Оценка (отметка) Результативность | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 |
Неудовлетворительно | Удовлетворительно | Хорошо | Отлично | |
Число баллов | 27 и менее | 28-31 | 32-35 | 36-40 |
Процент результативности (правильных ответов) | Менее 70% правильных ответов | 70%-79% | 80%-89% | 90%-100% |
№ п/п | Контролируемые элементы содержания | Письменная работа
| Электронное тестирование | ||||
1 вариант | 2 вариант | ||||||
уровень сложности Б(ВО) № задания | уровень сложности П(КО) № задания | уровень сложности В(РО) № задания | уровень сложности Б(ВО) № задания | уровень сложности П(КО) № задания | уровень сложности В(РО) № задания | ||
Английский язык в профессиональной деятельности медицинского работника | 1.3 | 2.7, 2.9 | 1.2 | 2.8,2.9 | 004, 005 | 006, 007, 023, 024 | |
Здоровье. Правила здорового образа жизни |
1.16 | 1.15,1.16 | 032,033, 034,050, 052, 056 | 036, 040 | |||
История развития медицины | 1.13 | 1.12 | 020,021,026,027 | 008,009, 033 | |||
Системы органов человека и их функционирование | 1.11,1.171.20 | 2.8 | 1.13,1.4 | 2.1 | 023,024, 025,028, 047, 049 | 012,022, 025, 032 | |
Внутренние органы и их строение | 1.6,1.12,1.15 | 2.1,2.2 | 1.14,1.3 | 2.2,2.5 | 013,030,031,035, 043,044, 045,046, 048 | 011,013, 026, 031 | |
Несчастные случаи. Первая медицинская помощь | 1.4,1.14 | 2.3 | 1.10,1.18 | 2.4 | 029,053 | 010, 021 | |
Болезни. Симптомы | 1.18 | 2.6 | 1.11,1.17 | 2.6 | 022,036, 037,038, 040,041, 051,055, 059 | 005,017, 018,019, 029, 030 | |
Инструментальные исследования | 1.7 | 1.20 | 014,015,039,042 | ||||
Медицинские диагностические лаборатории | 1.19 |
| 1.19 | 57, 58, 60 | 28 | ||
Особенности работы в медицинской лаборатории | 1.1,1.2 | 2.5 | 1.1,1.6 | 2.3 | 001,002,003 | 001,016, 020,027, 034, 036 | |
Профессиональная деятельность лаборанта | 1.5,1.10 | 1.5,1.7 | 006,009, 010,011, 012, 039 | 002,003, 004, 035 | |||
Лекарственные средства |
| 2.4 | 2.7 | 007, 008 | 014, 015 | ||
Условия работы лаборанта | 1.8,1.9 | 2.10 | 1.8,1.9 | 2.10 | 016,017, 018,019, 024 |
3.1 Тесты по вариантам с эталонами ответов
Департамент здравоохранения города Москвы
Государственное бюджетное профессиональное образовательное учреждение
Департамента здравоохранения города Москвы «Медицинский колледж № 1»
Промежуточная аттестация
дифференцированный зачет
дисциплина ОГСЭ. 03 Иностранный язык
специальность 31.02.03 Лабораторная диагностика
IV курс 8 семестр
Вариант № 1
Инструкция: выберите один правильный ответ и запишите цифру, под которой он находится.
- Complete the definition.
_______ refers to any process that removes, kills, or deactivates all forms of life.
- sterilization
- disinfection
- sanitization
- pasteurization
1.2 Complete the definition.
Disinfection is the process of elimination of ____pathogenic microorganisms (excluding bacterial spores) on inanimate objects.
- some
- most
- little
- few
1.3 Complete the sentence.
The metric unit of volume is the ____.
- liter
- meter
- gram
- pound
1.4 Complete the definition.
_____is used in treatment or prevention of a disease.
- cotton wool
- bandage
- medication
- blood
1.5 Complete the sentence.
__________is a complete blood count that measures sodium, potassium, chloride, bicarbonate, blood urea nitrogen (BUN), magnesium, creatinine, glucose, and sometimes includes calcium.
- molecular studies
- cellular studies
- biochemical analysis
- urinalyses
1.6 Complete the sentence.
The main function of red cells is ____ oxygen to the body cells.
- to produce
- to help
- to eat
- to carry
1.7 Complete the sentence.
_____ produces images of the heart, lungs, airways, blood vessels and the bones of the spine and chest.
- A chest x-ray
- Biopsy
1.8 Complete the sentence.
____ is more important to you, the job itself or your salary?
- Why
- Who
- Which
- How
1.9 Complete the sentence.
What were the_____tasks for you in your last job?
- difficult
- more difficult
- most difficult
- difficulties
1.10 Complete the sentence.
Determination of sputum character, its quantity, color, transparency, odor, consistency, presence of impurities and various inclusions is called ______.
- microbiological study
- microscopic examination
- final examination
- macroscopic examination
1.11 Complete the sentence.
When a woman is pregnant, the baby grows in her ______ until it is born.
- stomach
- liver
- womb
- pancreas
1.12 Complete the sentence.
The ______ produces bile that is stored in the gallbladder.
- blood vessels
- lungs
- bladder
- liver
1.13 Complete the sentence.
It is known that … drove out plague from Athens by lighting fires in the streets of the city.
- Hippocrates
- Robert Koch
- Louis Pasteur
- Edward Jenner
1.14 Complete the sentence.
Jerry suffered from serious injuries got in the accident. He broke his _________, ribs and right leg.
- intestines
- kidney
- spine
- heart
1.15 Complete the sentence.
In the abdomen there is the stomach, kidneys, the urinary bladder, the bowels, the liver, ____ and many other organs.
- the clavicle
- the larynx
- the spinal cord
- the gallbladder
1.16 Complete the sentence.
The body needs to receive a sufficient number of nutrients every day: proteins, _____, fats, vitamins, minerals, and trace elements.
- carbohydrates
- carbon dioxide
- carbon chloride
- carbonic acid
1.17 Select the proper form of the verb.
The kidneys are placed one on each side in the lumbar region of the spine, on the posterior abdominal wall, at the level of the twelfth thoracic and first-second lumbar vertebrae. A kidney ____ about 150 grams and is covered by membranes.
- weight
- weights
- weighs
- weigh
1.18 Complete the sentence.
____ is loss of brain function, when the blood supply to the brain is suddenly interrupted.
- gastritis
- stroke
- pneumonia
- diabetes
1.19 Complete the sentence.
____ is a sample of tissue taken from the body in order to examine it more closely.
- A chest x-ray
- Biopsy
- Find only one correct statement.
- Each cardiac cycle consists of three phases: the first phase of short contraction- the atrial systole, the second phase of a more prolonged contraction- the ventricular systole, and the period of rest which is called the diastole.
- Each cardiac cycle consists of three phases: the first phase of short contraction- the ventricular diastole, the second phase of a more prolonged contraction- the atrial diastole, and the period of rest which is called the systole.
- Each cardiac cycle consists of three phases: the first phase of short contraction- the atrial systole, the second phase of a more prolonged contraction- the ventricular systole. The period of rest is called the vacations.
- Each cardiac cycle consists of three phases: the first phase of long contraction- the atrial systole, the second phase of short contraction- the ventricular systole. The period of rest is called the diastasis.
Инструкция 1. Из каждого задания выберите все правильные ответы и запишите цифры, соответствующие им.
2.1 Complete the statement.
Typical signs and symptoms of pneumonia include combination of productive or dry____, ____, ____, and trouble breathing, depending on the underlying cause.
- cough
- chest pain
- sneezing
- fever
- Complete the sentence.
Many things can affect urine color, such as ____, _____, _____ and diseases.
- medications
- fluid balance
- wrong diet
- pleasant sounds
- Complete the sentence.
____, ____, ____ may be a source of infection.
- boiled water
- contaminated milk
- clothes
- a sick person
2.4 Select all true statements.
- If the instruction says to take one tablet four times a day, you can take two tablets twice a day.
- You shouldn’t drink alcohol while you take some types of medicines.
- You should stop the course of antibiotic treatment if you feel better.
- Medicines can sometimes cause severe allergic reactions.
- 1,3
- 2,3
- 2,4
- 1,4
2.5 Complete the sentence.
Disinfection can be achieved by ____ or ____ methods.
- chemical
- physical
- progressive
- curative
2.6 Complete the sentence.
____, ____, ____, mucus can make urine look cloudy (not clear).
- blood
- sperm
- strong wind
- bacteria
Инструкция 2. Установите соответствие и запишите цифру правильного варианта ответа.
2.7 Find pairs of synonyms. One word under the letter is unnecessary.
1. 1.dorsal 2) 2.abdomen 3) 3.esophagus 4) 4.thorax 5) 5.cranium | 1. A)skull b) B) larynx c) C) chest d) D) gullet e) E) back f) F) belly |
- 1-A, 2-C, 3-B, 4-D, 5-E
- 1-E, 2-F, 3-D, 4-C, 5-A
- 1-A, 2-B, 3-C, 4-D, 5-E
- 1-E, 2-D, 3-C, 4-F, 5-A
2.8 Complete the sentences.
1. Blood is a fluid | A. the activity of the body cells. |
2. Blood determines | B. protect against infections. |
3. Erythrocytes contain | C. erythrocytes, leukocytes and thrombocytes. |
4. Leukocytes | D. connective tissue. |
5. The formed elements are | E. hemoglobin. |
- 1-C, 2-A, 3-E, 4-B, 5-D
- 1-D, 2-A, 3-E, 4-B, 5-C
- 1-C, 2-E, 3-C, 4-A, 5-D
- 1-C, 2-B, 3-E, 4-A, 5-D
2.9 Match the words with the prefixes.
1. dis- | A. forgettable, fortunate, believable |
2. un- | B. moral, mobile, possible |
3. im- | C. correct, different, visible |
4. in- | D. agree, like, function |
- 1-A, 2-D, 3-B, 4-C
- 1-D, 2-B, 3-A, 4-C
- 1-D, 2-A, 3-B, 4-C
- 1-D, 2-A, 3-C, 4-B
- Select two incorrect Laboratory Safety Rules.
- Treat all chemicals in the lab as toxic substances. Keep them off your skin and clothes.
- Smoking, drinking and eating are forbidden in the laboratory. But you can eat or drink something, if you are very hungry or thirsty.
- Shorts (regardless of length), short skirts, sleeveless shirts, tops are not permitted. You can wear such clothes in the laboratory only if they are very beautiful and fashionable.
- Keep your hands and face clean. Flush any spill on your body with cold water for at least 15 minutes. Wash your hands with soap and warm water before leaving the laboratory.
- 2,3
- 3,4
- 1,3
- 2,4
Департамент здравоохранения города Москвы
Государственное бюджетное профессиональное образовательное учреждение
Департамента здравоохранения города Москвы «Медицинский колледж № 1»
Промежуточная аттестация
дифференцированный зачет
дисциплина ОГСЭ. 03 Иностранный язык
специальность 31.02.03 Лабораторная диагностика
IV курс 8 семестр
Вариант № 2
Часть1. Инструкция: выберите один правильный ответ и запишите цифру, под которой находится правильный ответ.
1.1 Complete the definition.
Sterilization refers to any process that removes, kills, or deactivates ____forms of life.
- some
- most
- all
- few
1.2 Complete the sentence.
The metric unit of weight is the___.
- liter
- meter
- gram
- pound
1.3 Complete the sentence.
Determination of sputum character, its quantity, color, transparency, odor, consistency, presence of impurities and various inclusions is called ______.
- microbiological study
- microscopic examination
- final examination
- macroscopic examination
1.4 Complete the sentence.
Recreational drugs, such as opioids or hallucinogens, are chemical substances that affect________.
- the central nervous system
- the skeletal system
- the endocrine system
- the respiratory system
1.5 Complete the sentence.
______ include such analysis as liver function tests, DNA test, sexually transmitted diseases test and others.
- molecular studies
- cellular studies
- biochemical analysis
- urinalyses
1.6 Complete the sentence.
A blood test is a laboratory analysis performed on a blood sample that is usually extracted from ____ in the arm using a needle.
- a vein
- a bone
- a muscle
- a nail
1.7 Complete the sentence.
____ of the head is a painless, noninvasive test that produces detailed images of the brain stem recorded by the scanner.
- A chest x-ray
- Biopsy
1.8 Complete the sentence.
_______have you been looking for a job?
- How long
- How deep
- How old
- How high
1.9 Complete the sentence.
____ you prefer to work alone or in groups?
- Are
- Have
- Is
- Do
1.10 Complete the definition.
_____is a substance used in the diagnosis, treatment, or prevention of a disease.
- bandage
- a drug
- cotton wool
- blood
1.11 Complete the sentence.
______aches are often caused by eating too much.
- Stomach
- Head
- Back
- Neck
1.12 Complete the sentence.
Dr. Alexander Fleming_____ penicillin in 1928.
- taught
- examined
- used
- discovered
1.13 Complete the sentence.
When a woman is pregnant, the baby grows in her ______ until it is born.
- stomach
- liver
- womb
- pancreas
1.14 Complete the sentence.
Human heart makes ___.
- from 90-100 beats per minute
- from 60 to 72 beats per minute
- from 50 to 90 beats per minute
- from 60 to 72 beats per hour
1.15 Answer the question.
Which habit can help you to stay healthy?
- To smoke a pack of cigarette every day.
- To spent more than 5 hours playing computer games.
- To eat a lot of vegetables and sleep 8 hours a day.
- To sleep all day long.
1.16 Complete the sentence.
______ is the interdisciplinary study of connection between certain types of meteorological conditions and the health of plants, humans, and all other animals.
1.17 Complete the sentence.
____ is a disease in which the body cannot control the level of sugar in the blood.
- gastritis
- flu
- pneumonia
- diabetes
1.18 Find the wrong word in this list of symptoms of poisoning.
- stomachache
- nausea
- fracture
- vomiting
1.19 Complete the definition.
Diabetes mellitus is an endocrine disease caused by a lack of the hormone ____ in the body or its low biological activity.
- insulin
- serotonin
- hemoglobin
- adrenaline
1.20 Complete the definition.
____ is a measurement of the electrical activity of the heart over a period of time, which is used by doctors to detect and study many heart problems.
- A chest x-ray
- Biopsy
Инструкция 1. Из каждого задания выберите все правильные ответы и запишите цифры, соответствующие им.
2.1 Complete the statement.
Endocrine glands are ductless glands of the endocrine system that secrete their products, hormones, directly into the blood. In humans, the major endocrine glands are _____ and______.
- the thyroid gland
- the adrenal glands
- the pancreas
- the salivary glands
2.2 Complete the sentence.
The skin guards the underlying ____, ____, ____ and internal organs.
2.3 Complete the statement.
The prevention of laboratory accidents requires great care and constant vigilance because many laboratories contain significant risks, such as high and low pressures and temperatures, corrosive and toxic chemicals and chemical vapors, ____, ____, ____, explosions, and biohazards including infective organisms and their toxins.
- high voltages
- radiation
- sunset
- fire
2.4 Complete the statement.
There are several types of wounds: _____ wounds, _____ wounds, ____wounds, abrasions and avulsion.
- scary
- lacerated
- puncture
- incised
2.5 Complete the statement.
The brain lies in the biggest cavity of the skull which is called the cranial cavity, and is divided into three main parts____ , _____, and the _____.
the medulla
the cerebrum
2.6 Complete the statement.
Chronic disease is a condition or a disorder that lasts for a longer period of time or has long-lasting health effects, such as___, ___, ___.
- diabetes
- tuberculosis
- arthritis
- heart attack
Инструкция 2. Установите соответствие и запишите цифру правильного варианта ответа.
2.7 Make up correct sentences.
1. All medicines can cause unwanted_________. |
| C. overdose |
| D. prescribe |
- 1-A, 2-B, 3-C, 4-E, 5-D
- 1-B, 2-A, 3-C, 4-E, 5-D
- 1-A, 2-B, 3-E, 4-C, 5-D
- 1-A, 2-B, 3-C, 4-D, 5-E
2.8 Match the words with the suffixes.
1. -or | A. develop, measure, treat |
2. -ness | B. act, operate, visit |
3. -ment | C. weak, ill, sick |
4. -al | D. remove, survive, alive |
- 1-B, 2-C, 3-A, 4-D
- 1-C, 2-B, 3-A, 4-D
- 1-B, 2-A, 3-C, 4-D
- 1-B, 2-C, 3-D, 4-A
2.9 Find pairs of synonyms. One word under the letter is unnecessary.
1) 1.mandible 2) 2.extremity 3) 3.maxilla 4) 4.clavicle 5) 5.cranium | a) A) limb b) B) lower jaw c) C) collar-bone d) D) knee e) E) upper jaw f) F) skull |
- 1-F, 2-C, 3-B, 4-D, 5-E
- 1-B, 2-A, 3-E, 4-C, 5-F
- 1-E, 2-F, 3-D, 4-C, 5-A
- 1-A, 2-B, 3-C, 4-D, 5-E
2.10 Select three correct Laboratory Safety Rules.
1. Treat all chemicals in the lab as toxic substances. Keep them off your skin and clothes.
2. Smoking, drinking and eating are forbidden in the laboratory. But you can eat or drink something, if you are very hungry or thirsty.
3. Do not taste anything in the laboratory. This applies to food as well as to chemicals.
4. Shorts (regardless of length), short skirts, sleeveless shirts, tank tops, and halter tops are not permitted. You can wear such clothes in the laboratory only if they are very beautiful and fashionable.
5. Keep your hands and face clean. Flush any spill on your body with cold water for at least 15 minutes. Wash your hands with soap and warm water before leaving the laboratory.
- 1, 3, 5
- 1, 2, 5
- 2, 4, 5
- 2, 3, 5
4.1 Эталоны ответов к варианту 1.
Часть 1 – задания с альтернативным выбором одного правильного ответа из нескольких.
Задание | Ответ | Задание | Ответ |
1.1 | 1 | 1.11 | 3 |
1.2 | 2 | 1.12 | 4 |
1.3 | 1 | 1.13 | 1 |
1.4 | 3 | 1.14 | 3 |
1.5 | 3 | 1.15 | 4 |
1.6 | 4 | 1.16 | 1 |
1.7 | 2 | 1.17 | 3 |
1.8 | 3 | 1.18 | 2 |
1.9 | 3 | 1.19 | 3 |
1.10 | 4 | 1.20 | 1 |
Часть 2 – задания с открытым ответом, на установление соответствия, множественный выбор.
Задание | Ответ |
2.1 | 1 2 4 |
2.2 | 1 2 3 |
2.3 | 2 3 4 |
2.4 | 3 |
2.5 | 1 2 |
2.6 | 1 2 4 |
2.7 | 2 |
2.8 | 1 |
2.9 | 3 |
2.10 | 1 |
4.1 Эталоны ответов к варианту 2.
Часть 1 – задания с альтернативным выбором одного правильного ответа из нескольких.
Задание | Ответ | Задание | Ответ |
1.1 | 3 | 1.11 | 1 |
1.2 | 2 | 1.12 | 4 |
1.3 | 4 | 1.13 | 3 |
1.4 | 1 | 1.14 | 2 |
1.5 | 1 | 1.15 | 3 |
1.6 | 1 | 1.16 | 2 |
1.7 | 4 | 1.17 | 4 |
1.8 | 1 | 1.18 | 3 |
1.9 | 4 | 1.19 | 1 |
1.10 | 2 | 1.20 | 1 |
Часть 2 – задания с открытым ответом, на установление соответствия, множественный выбор.
Задание | Ответ |
2.1 | 1 2 |
2.2 | 1 2 3 |
2.3 | 1 2 4 |
2.4 | 2 3 4 |
2.5 | 1 3 4 |
2.6 | 1 2 3 |
2.7 | 2 |
2.8 | 1 |
2.9 | 2 |
2.10 | 1 |
3.2 Тестовые задания для электронного тестирования
::Иняз001::Complete the definition.
_______ refers to any process that removes, kills, or deactivates all forms of life.
~ sanitization
::Иняз002::Complete the definition.
Sterilization refers to any process that removes, kills, or deactivates ____forms of life.
::Иняз003::Complete the definition.
Disinfection is the process of elimination of ____pathogenic microorganisms (excluding bacterial spores) on inanimate objects.
::Иняз004::Complete the sentence.
The metric unit of weight is the___.
::Иняз005::Complete the sentence.
The metric unit of volume is the ____.
::Иняз006::Complete the sentence.
Determination of sputum character, its quantity, color, transparency, odor, consistency, presence of impurities and various inclusions is called ______.
~microbiological study
~microscopic examination
~final examination
=macroscopic examination
::Иняз007::Complete the definition.
_____is a substance used in the diagnosis, treatment, or prevention of a disease or as a component of a medication.
=a drug
~cotton wool
::Иняз008::Complete the sentence.
Recreational drugs, such as opioids or hallucinogens, are chemical substances that affect________.
=the central nervous system
~the skeletal system
~the endocrine system
~the respiratory system
::Иняз009::Complete the sentence.
__________is a complete blood count that measures sodium, potassium, chloride, bicarbonate, blood urea nitrogen (BUN), magnesium, creatinine, glucose, and sometimes includes calcium.
~molecular studies
~cellular studies
=biochemical analysis
::Иняз010::Complete the sentence.
______ include such analysis as liver function tests, DNA test, sexually transmitted diseases test and others.
=molecular studies
~cellular studies
~biochemical analysis
::Иняз011::Complete the sentence.
______ include full blood count, hematocrit and MCV («mean corpuscular volume»), erythrocyte sedimentation rate (ESR), cross-matching and blood cultures.
~molecular studies
=cellular studies
~biochemical analysis
::Иняз012::Complete the sentence.
A blood test is a laboratory analysis performed on a blood sample that is usually extracted from ____ in the arm using a needle.
=a vein
~a bone
~a muscle
~a nail
::Иняз013::Complete the sentence.
The main function of red cells is ____ oxygen to the body cells.
~to produce
~to help
~to sell
=to carry
::Иняз014::Complete the sentence.
____ of the head is a painless, noninvasive test that produces detailed images of the brain stem recorded by the scanner.
~A chest x-ray
::Иняз015::Complete the sentence.
_____ produces images of the heart, lungs, airways, blood vessels and the bones of the spine and chest.
=A chest x-ray
::Иняз016::Complete the sentence.
_______have you been looking for a job?
=How long
~How deep
~How old
~How high
::Иняз017::Complete the sentence.
____ is more important to you, the job itself or your salary?
::Иняз018::Complete the sentence.
____ you prefer to work alone or in groups?
::Иняз019::Complete the sentence.
What were the_____tasks for you in your last job?
~more difficult
=most difficult
::Иняз020::Select a word with the following meaning.
_____ is the act of creating something that has never been made or used before or a machine, device, or system that has never been made by someone before.
::Иняз021::Select a word with the following meaning.
____ is a new thing or a new method of doing something; the introduction of new ideas, methods, or things.
::Иняз022::Complete the sentence.
There was an ____ of cholera after the disaster.
::Иняз023::Complete the sentence.
When a woman is pregnant, the baby grows in her ______ until it is born.
::Иняз024::Complete the sentence.
______aches are often caused by eating too much.
::Иняз025::Complete the sentence.
The ______ produces bile that is stored in the gallbladder.
~blood vessels
::Иняз026::Complete the sentence.
Dr. Alexander Fleming_____ penicillin in 1928.
::Иняз027::Complete the sentence.
It is known that … drove out plague from Athens by lighting fires in the streets of the city.
~Edward Jenner
~Louis Pasteur
~Robert Koch
::Иняз028::Complete the sentence.
When the _________ produces too much acid it can lead to acid reflux.
::Иняз029::Complete the sentence.
Jerry suffered from serious injuries got in the accident. He broke his _________, ribs and right leg.
::Иняз030::Complete the sentence.
Human heart makes ___.
~from 90-100 beats per minute
=from 60 to 72 beats per minute
~from 50 to 90 beats per minute
~from 60 to 72 beats per hour
::Иняз031::Insert two words in a sentence
In the abdomen there is the stomach, the liver, kidneys, the urinary bladder, the bowels, ____ , ____ and many other organs.
~the clavicle
=the reproductive organs
~the spinal cord
=the gallbladder
::Иняз032::Answer the question.
Which habit can help you to stay healthy?
~To smoke a pack of cigarette every day.
~To spent more than 5 hours playing computer games.
=To eat a lot of vegetables and sleep 8 hours a day.
~To sleep all day long.
::Иняз033::Complete the sentence.
The body needs to receive a sufficient number of nutrients every day: proteins, _____, fats, vitamins, minerals, and trace elements.
~carbon dioxide
~carbon chloride
~carbonic acid
::Иняз034::Complete the sentence.
______ is the interdisciplinary study of connection between certain types of meteorological conditions and the health of plants, humans, and all other animals.
::Иняз035::Select the proper form of the verb.
The kidneys are placed one on each side in the lumbar region of the spine, on the posterior abdominal wall, at the level of the twelfth thoracic and first-second lumbar vertebrae. A kidney ____ about 150 grams and is covered by membranes.
::Иняз036::Complete the sentence.
____ is a disease in which the body cannot control the level of sugar in the blood.
::Иняз037::Complete the sentence.
____ is loss of brain function, when the blood supply to the brain is suddenly interrupted.
::Иняз038::Find the wrong word in this topic row.
::Иняз039::Complete the sentence.
____ is a sample of tissue taken from the body in order to examine it more closely. A doctor should recommend it when an initial test suggests an area of tissue in the body isn't normal.
~A chest x-ray
::Иняз040::Complete the definition.
Diabetes mellitus is an endocrine disease caused by a lack of the hormone ____ in the body or its low biological activity.
::Иняз041::Complete the definition.
____ is a large group of diseases that can start in almost any organ or tissue of the body when abnormal cells grow uncontrollably, go beyond their usual boundaries to invade adjoining parts of the body and/or spread to other organs.
::Иняз042::Complete the definition.
____ is a measurement of the electrical activity of the heart over a period of time, which is used by doctors to detect and study many heart problems.
~A chest x-ray
:: Иняз043::Complete the statement.
Bone is the type of ____ tissue that forms the body’s supporting framework, the skeleton.
::Иняз044::Complete the statement.
The bone marrow inside the bones is the body’s major producer of ____.
~only red blood cells.
~only white blood cells.
~red and white blood drops.
= both red and white blood cells.
::Иняз045::Complete the sentence.
Muscles, the active part of the motor apparatus, _____ into two groups: voluntary and involuntary muscles.
~are functionally divide
~is functionally divided
=are functionally divided
~functionally divided are
::Иняз046::Complete the sentence.
Muscles are the active part of the motor apparatus: their _____ are producing various movements, when they are active.
= contractions
~ decrease
::Иняз047::Complete the sentence.
The systemic circulation supplies arterial blood to all the organs and tissues of the body except the ____.
::Иняз048::Complete the sentence.
The shape of the brain cannot _____ from the shape of the skull.
=be determined
~be determine
::Иняз049::Complete the sentence.
Nervous system ______ the brain to the rest of the body through nerves.
::Иняз050::Complete the statement.
A course of __ got rid of the pains in his back.
::Иняз051::Complete the statement.
She’s suffering from a __ breakdown.
::Иняз052::Complete the definition.
___ is the general condition of body and mind ; the state of being bodily and mentally vigorous and free from disease.
::Иняз053::Choose the proper word.
_____ of them could help me, so I had to do it myself.
::Иняз054::Choose the proper word.
____ therapist in our polyclinic has a computer.
::Иняз055::Choose the proper form of the verb.
He said that he ____ such symptoms in Egypt.
=had already seen
~has already seen
~is seen
::Иняз056::Complete the definition.
___ is the natural state of rest in which your eyes are closed, your body is inactive, and your mind does not think.
::Иняз057::Choose the proper form of the verb.
Medical laboratory or clinical laboratory is a laboratory where tests are carried out on clinical specimens ____ information about the health patient to aid in diagnosis, treatment, and prevention of disease.
=to obtain
~to obtained
::Иняз058::Choose the proper word.
____modern laboratories of inorganic and organic and analytical chemistry are provided with gas, running water, and ventilating hood.
::Иняз059::Choose the proper form of the verb.
The doctor asked the patient what____ the day before.
~he have eaten
=he had eaten
~had he eaten
~he eaten
::Иняз060::Complete the sentence.
If you enter the laboratory, you will see ___, flasks, ___, funnels, evaporating dishes, weighing bottles.
= test-tubes
~ vases
= beakers
~ kettles
::Иняз061::Complete the sentence.
Disinfection can be achieved by ____ or ____ methods.
::Иняз062::Fill in the blanks.
Sputum is a pathological secret of the respiratory tract that is secreted during coughing and is caused by damage to the mucous membrane of the ___ , ___ and ___ tissue by infectious, physical or chemical agents.
::Иняз063::Complete the sentence.
____, ____, ____, mucus can make urine look cloudy (not clear).
~strong wind
::Иняз064::Complete the sentence.
Many things can affect urine color, such as ____, _____, _____ and diseases.
=fluid balance
=wrong diet
~pleasant sounds
::Иняз065::Complete the sentence.
____, ____, ____ may be a source of infection.
~boiled water
=contaminated milk
=a sick person
::Иняз066::Find pairs of synonyms. One word under the letter is unnecessary.
1. 1.dorsal 2) 2.abdomen 3) 3.esophagus 4) 4.thorax 5) 5.cranium | a) A)skull b) B) larynx c) C) chest d) D) gullet e) E) back f) F) belly |
~1-A, 2-C, 3-B, 4-D, 5-E
=1-E, 2-F, 3-D, 4-C, 5-A
~1-A, 2-B, 3-C, 4-D, 5-E
~1-E, 2-D, 3-C, 4-F, 5-A
::Иняз067::Find pairs of synonyms. One word under the letter is unnecessary.
1) 1.mandible 2) 2.extremity 3) 3.maxilla 4) 4.clavicle 5) 5.cranium | a) A) limb b) B) lower jaw c) C) collar-bone d) D) knee e) E) upper jaw f) F) skull |
=1-B, 2-A, 3-E, 4-C, 5-F
~1-F, 2-C, 3-B, 4-D, 5-E
~1-E, 2-F, 3-D, 4-C, 5-A
~1-A, 2-B, 3-C, 4-D, 5-E
::Иняз068::Complete the sentence.
During the two World Wars, great advances were made in the field of plastic surgery, in which ____, ____, ____was taken from one part of the body and then was transplanted to a badly injured area in another part.
= skin
= muscle
~ face
= bone
::Иняз069::Complete the sentence.
The medicine of the Middle Ages was characterized by the following features: ___, ___, ___.
=the patients with leprosy lived in special colonies away from other people.
~the problem of pain was solved thanks to the discovery of cocaine, which was very effective as a local anesthetic.
=hospitals and Universities appeared in that period.
=people agreed that plague was god`s punishment for the sins of men.
::Иняз070::Complete the sentence.
There are several types of wounds: _____ wounds, _____ wounds, ____wounds, abrasions and avulsion.
::Иняз071::Complete the sentences.
1. Blood is a fluid | A. the activity of the body cells. |
2. Blood determines | B. protect against infections. |
3. Erythrocytes contain | C. erythrocytes, leukocytes and thrombocytes. |
4. Leukocytes | D. connective tissue. |
5. The corpuscular elements are | E. hemoglobin. |
~1-C, 2-A, 3-E, 4-B, 5-D
=1-D, 2-A, 3-E, 4-B, 5-C
~1-C, 2-E, 3-C, 4-A, 5-D
~1-C, 2-B, 3-E, 4-A, 5-D
::Иняз072::Fill in the gaps following the correct sequence of words.
The urinary system is the system which excretes the largest part of the waste products of the body. It consists of the ___, right and left, the __, tubes from each kidney which convey the urine to the ___, the urethra, a tube that leads from the bladder along which the urine is passed out of the body.
=kidneys, ureters, bladder
~kidneys, bladder, ureters
~ureters, bladder, kidneys
~kidneys, uterus, blood
::Иняз073::Fill in the gaps.
The brain lies in the biggest cavity of the skull which is called the cranial cavity, and is divided into three parts:____ , _____, and the _____.
=the medulla
=the cerebrum
::Иняз074::Select all true statements.
~If the instruction says to take one tablet four times a day, you can take two tablets twice a day.
=You shouldn’t drink alcohol while you take some types of medicines.
=It’s better not to stop the course of antibiotic treatment.
=Medicines can sometimes cause severe allergic reactions.
::Иняз075::Make up correct sentences.
1. All medicines can cause unwanted_________. |
| C. overdose |
| D. prescribe |
~1-A, 2-B, 3-C, 4-E, 5-D
=1-B, 2-A, 3-C, 4-E, 5-D
~1-A, 2-B, 3-E, 4-C, 5-D
~1-A, 2-B, 3-C, 4-D, 5-E
::Иняз076::Select two true statements.
=Long hair must always be tied back when using an open flame in lab.
~Eating and drinking in the lab is permissible only if you wash your hands and use clean glassware.
=Lab is not the place for fun; instead, it is a place where your actions should be thought through and purposeful.
~Taking chemicals from a laboratory is permissible if you need it.
::Иняз077::Complete the statement.
Typical signs and symptoms of pneumonia include a varying severity and combination of productive or dry____, ____, ____, and trouble breathing, depending on the underlying cause.
=chest pain
::Иняз078::Make up the definitions.
Type of pain | Character of pain |
1. Acute pain | A. can last for years and range from mild to severe on any given day. |
2. Chronic pain | B. results from stimulation of the pain receptors in your tissues, rather than your internal organs (in skin, muscles, joints, connective tissues, and bones). |
3. Somatic pain | C. results from injuries or damage to your internal organs in the chest, abdomen, and pelvis. |
4. Visceral pain | D.is short-term pain that comes on suddenly and has a specific cause, usually tissue injury. |
~1-A, 2-D, 3-B, 4-C
~1-D, 2-A, 3-C, 4-B
=1-D, 2-A, 3-B, 4-C
~1-C, 2-A, 3-B, 4-D
::Иняз079::Complete the statement.
Chronic disease is a condition or a disorder that lasts for a longer period of time or has long-lasting health effects, such as___, ___, ___.
~heart attack
::Иняз080::Complete the statement.
The prevention of laboratory accidents requires great care and constant vigilance because many laboratories contain significant risks, such as high and low pressures and temperatures, corrosive and toxic chemicals and chemical vapors, ____, ____, ____, explosions, and biohazards including infective organisms and their toxins.
=high voltages
::Иняз081::Complete the definitions.
1. A complete fracture | A. is when the bone is broken into more than two pieces or crushed. |
2. A single fracture | B. is when the bone cracks on one side only, not all the way through. |
3. A greenstick fracture | C. is when the bone has broken into two pieces. |
4. A comminuted fracture | D is when the bone is broken in one place. |
=1-C, 2-D, 3-B, 4-A
~1-D, 2-C, 3-B, 4-A
~1-C, 2-B, 3-D, 4-A
~1-A, 2-D, 3-B, 4-C
::Иняз082::Put the words and expressions in the correct order to make a sentence.
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 normal//oxygen//functioning//necessary for//of the//is/ / organs
=2, 6, 4, 1, 3, 5, 7
~1, 3, 5, 7, 2, 4, 6
~2, 7, 5, 3, 4, 1, 6
~1, 7, 2, 4, 3, 5, 6
::Иняз083::Match the words with the prefixes.
1. dis- | A. forgettable, fortunate, believable |
2. un- | B. moral, mobile, possible |
3. im- | C. correct, different, visible |
4. in- | D. agree, like, function |
=1-D, 2-A, 3-B, 4-C
~1-A, 2-D, 3-B, 4-C
~1-D, 2-B, 3-A, 4-C
~1-D, 2-A, 3-C, 4-B
::Иняз084:: Match the words with the suffixes.
1. -or | A. develop, measure, treat |
2. -ness | B. act, operate, visit |
3. -ment | C. weak, ill, sick |
4. -al | D. remove, survive, alive |
=1-B, 2-C, 3-A, 4-D
~1-C, 2-B, 3-A, 4-D
~1-B, 2-A, 3-C, 4-D
~1-B, 2-C, 3-D, 4-A
::Иняз085::Complete the statement.
The respiratory system consists of all the organs involved in breathing. These include the nose, _______.
=pharynx, larynx, trachea, bronchi and lungs
~farynx, larynx, trachea, bronchus and lungus
~pharynks, larynks, trachea, bronchi and lungs
~pharinx, larinx, trachea, bronchi and lumps
::Иняз086::Find only one correct statement.
=Each cardiac cycle consists of three phases: the first phase of short contraction- the atrial systole, the second phase of a more prolonged contraction- the ventricular systole, and the period of rest which is called the diastole.
~Each cardiac cycle consists of three phases: the first phase of short contraction- the ventricular diastole, the second phase of a more prolonged contraction- the atrial diastole, and the period of rest which is called the systole.
~Each cardiac cycle consists of three phases: the first phase of short contraction- the atrial systole, the second phase of a more prolonged contraction- the ventricular systole. The period of rest is called the vacations.
~Each cardiac cycle consists of three phases: the first phase of long contraction- the atrial systole, the second phase of short contraction- the ventricular systole. The period of rest is called the diastasis.
::Иняз087::Select two incorrect Laboratory Safety Rules.
~Treat all chemicals in the lab as toxic substances. Keep them off your skin and clothes.
=Smoking, drinking and eating are forbidden in the laboratory. But you can eat or drink something, if you are very hungry or thirsty.
=Shorts (regardless of length), short skirts, sleeveless shirts, tank tops, and halter tops are not permitted. You can wear such clothes in the laboratory only if they are very beautiful and fashionable.
~Keep your hands and face clean. Flush any spill on your body with cold water for at least 15 minutes. Wash your hands with soap and warm water before leaving the laboratory.
::Иняз088::Select three correct Laboratory Safety Rules.
1. Treat all chemicals in the lab as toxic substances. Keep them off your skin and clothes.
2. Due to danger of chemicals entering the mouth or lungs: smoking, drinking and eating are forbidden in the laboratory. But you can eat or drink something, if you are very hungry or thirsty.
3. Do not taste anything in the laboratory. This applies to food as well as to chemicals.
4. Shorts (regardless of length), short skirts, sleeveless shirts, tank tops, and halter tops are not permitted. You can wear such clothes in the laboratory only if they are very beautiful and fashionable.
5. Keep your hands and face clean. Flush any spill on your body with cold water for at least 15 minutes. Wash your hands with soap and warm water before leaving the laboratory.
=1, 3, 5
~1, 2, 5
~2, 4, 5
~2, 3, 4
::Иняз089::Complete the definitions.
Medical Laboratory typically includes the following areas:
1. Hematology | A. includes culturing of clinical specimens, including feces, urine, blood, sputum, cerebrospinal fluid, and synovial fluid, as well as possible infected tissue. |
2. Microbiology | B. analyzes whole blood specimens to perform full blood counts, and includes the examination of Blood films. |
3. Parasitology | C. commonly performs dozens of different tests on serum or plasma and includes quantitative testing for a wide array of substances, such as lipids, blood sugar, enzymes, and hormones. |
D. is where specimens are examined for parasites. For example, fecal samples may be examined for evidence of intestinal parasites such as tapeworms or hookworms. |
=1-B, 2-A, 3-D, 4-C
~1-A, 2-B, 3-D, 4-C
~1-B, 2-D, 3-A, 4-C
~1-B, 2-A, 3-C, 4-D
::Иняз090::Complete the statement.
Vital signs (also known as vitals) are a group of the most important medical signs that indicate the status of the body’s vital functions. There are four primary vital signs:______.
=body temperature, blood pressure, pulse, and respiratory rate
~body weight, blood pressure, pulse, and respiratory tract
~body temperature, blood color, pulse, and respiratory rate
~body temperature, blood pressure, palm, and respiratory rate
::Иняз091:: Complete the sentence.
The physical examination includes three stages: general examination; local examination; examination of body systems. On general examination the doctor _______.
~examines the patient’s head, eyes, nose, ears, oral cavity, neck, thyroid gland, etc. to estimate the functional state of particular parts of the body.
= determines the patient’s weight and height, observes his facial expression, movements, speech, state of lymphatic nodes, muscles, bones, joints.
~ studies the respiratory, endocrine, nervous and other systems.
~ collects information about the patient from social networks.
::Иняз092::Complete the sentence.
The skin has up to seven layers of ectodermal tissue and guards the underlying ____, ____, ____ and internal organs.
::Иняз093::Complete the statement.
Endocrine glands are ductless glands of the endocrine system that secrete their products, hormones, directly into the blood. In humans, the major endocrine glands are _____ and______.
=the thyroid gland
=the adrenal glands
~the pancreas
~the salivary glands
::Иняз094:: Find wrong statements.
~If the instruction says take one tablet four times a day, you can take two tablets twice a day.
~The more medicine you take, the faster you recover.
=You shouldn’t drink alcohol while you take some types of medicines.
=It’s better not to stop the course of antibiotic treatment.
::Иняз095::Complete the sentence.
Determination of sputum character, its quantity, ___, ____, ___, consistency, presence of impurities and various inclusions is called macroscopic examination.
= odor
::Иняз096::Complete the sentence.
The primary goal of first aid is to prevent ____ or serious ____ from worsening.
::Иняз097::Complete the sentence.
_____ are all green vegetables, which are great when you want to relax, calm yourself down or keep your emotions under control.
= Broccoli, lettuce and cucumbers
~ Broccoli, apples and cucumbers
~ Broccoli, lettuce and cranberries
~ Broccoli, lettuce and coconuts
::Иняз098::Find the wrong point in the Guidelines for Safe Chemical Storage.
~Chemicals should be stored no higher than eye level and never on the top shelf .
~Avoid storing chemicals on the floor (even temporarily) or extending into traffic aisles.
~Liquids should be stored in unbreakable or double-contained packaging.
=Store acids in green bottles.
::Иняз099::Complete the sentence.
She ___ so much blood that they ___ her transfusion.
=had lost, gave
~has lost, given
~have lost, giving
~having lost, gave
::Иняз100::Complete the question.
Instrumental methods of research – research with the use of various ___________.
= devices, appliances and instruments
~devices, machines and cars
~appliances, robots and cyborgs
~instruments, spells and devices
По теме: методические разработки, презентации и конспекты

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