"Правила поведения в сети"
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Презентация по теме "Правила поведения в сети" для 3 курса
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What is etiquette on the Internet? As in real life, there is a certain etiquette on the Internet that should be observed
Follow the rules of etiquette Do not abuse caps and do not use obscene language.Do not write messages only in capital letters.Don't overload other users with messages.
Be careful when using hyperlinks Check the links for reliability. Do not send links to malicious or fraudulent resources.
Follow the privacy rules Do not share other users' personal information without their permission.Don't share other users' personal information if they don't want to.
Be polite and respectful Do not insult other users. Respect different points of view and opinions.
Be careful with photos and videos Do not post compromising photos of other users.Do not upload questionable photos and videos to websites.
Be careful when communicating with strangers Don't trust your personal information to strangers. Do not meet strangers in real life without first checking.
Protect your computer Install antivirus software.Do not download programs from unreliable sources to your computer.
Respect copyright Do not copy or distribute the content without the permission of the copyright owner.Indicate authorship if you use other people's content.
Do not abuse social networks Do not participate in fraud chains.Do not publish or distribute fakenews .
Be careful with information about your work Do not share confidential information about your work.Don't spread rumors about your colleagues.
Do not provoke conflicts Do not react to provocations and trolling. Do not insult or humiliate other users.
Do not support cyberbullying Do not participate in the discussion or dissemination of messages that humiliate and offend other users.If you have witnessed cyberbullying, report it to the moderators or administrators of the resource.
Secure Internet is everyone's concern Remember that Internet security is the task of every user.By following the rules of etiquette, you will make the Internet a safer and friendlier place for everyone.
Thanks for your attention!
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