Past Perfect (упражнения)
учебно-методический материал

Булавина Елена Вадимовна

Пособие по грамматике английского языка по теме Present Perfect. Можно использовать на занятиях (в групповой или инндивидуальной работе), а так же в качестве домашнего задания. Данная работа состоит из двух частей - теоретической и практической.


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Предварительный просмотр:

Past Perfect

1 We form the Past Perfect with had a past participle (finished, gone):



I/you/he/she/it/we/they   had   gone.


I/you/he/she/it/we/they   hadn’t   gone.


Had  I/you/he/she/it/we/they   gone?

2 Look at this example:

Jane had gone home when I phoned her at the office. (=First, Jane went home. Later, I phoned her.)

3 We use the Past Perfect (had gone) for something that happened before something else in the past. We use the Past Perfect for the thing that happened first; we use the Past Simple (phoned) for the thing that happened later.

When I got home, I saw that the letter had arrived. (=First, the letter arrived. Later, I got home and I saw it.)

When he had finished his homework, he went to bed. (=First, he finished his homework. Later, he went to bed.)

He couldn’t pay the bill because he had left his wallet at home. (=First, he left his wallet at home. Later, he couldn’t pay the bill.)

I was very nervous because I hadn’t driven a car on the motorway before. (before=before then)

Note also this example with by the time (=when): By the time he was twenty-five, he had made a million pounds.



Complete the sentences using the Past Perfect forms of the verbs in brackets.

0 I didn’t watch the film because I had seen it before.

1 We couldn’t eat at the restaurant because we ________ (not/book) a table.

2 I couldn’t buy it because I ______ (spend) all my money.

3 I was tired because I ______ (get up) very early that morning.

4 He didn’t know the answer because he ______ (not/do) his homework.

5 She was very happy because she ______ (win) a prize.

6 I _______ (forget) my pen so I had to borrow one.

7 When I got home, I switch on the answerphone. Several people ______ (leave) message for me.

8 I ______ (not/hear) the joke before; I laughed a lot.

9 When we came out of the restaurant, we saw that our car _____ (disappear).

10 She couldn’t see the photographs very well because she ______ (not/bring) her glasses.

11 The ground was very dry; it ________ (not/rain) for a long time.


Henry invited some friends to his flat for a meal. Look at the things that he did and did not do, before his guests arrived. Complete the phrases, using the Past Perfect.

0 He bought the food

1 He cleaned the flat

2 He didn’t buy anything to drink.

3 He had a shower.

4 He changed his clothes.

5 He started preparing the meal.

6 He didn’t finish preparing.

By the time his guests arrived:

0 he had bought the food.

1 _____________________

2 _____________________

3 ______________________

4 ______________________

5 _______________________

6 _______________________


Complete the sentences so they mean the same as the pairs of sentences above them. Use the Past Perfect and the Past Simple.

0 We finished our meal. Then we went for a walk.

When we had finished our meal, we went for a walk.

1 I did the course. Then I was able to speak the language well.

When I ____________________________________________.

2 He did not his work. Then he went home.

When ______________________________________________.

3 Everyone left. Then I went to bed.

When ______________________________________________.

4 She had a glass of water. Then she felt better.

When ______________________________________________.

5 He did the washing-up. Then he listened to some music.

When ______________________________________________.

6 Steve saved enough money. Then he bought a new motorbike.

When ______________________________________________.

7 I discussed the problem with a friend. Then I felt happier.

When ______________________________________________.

8 She finished speaking. Then I gave my opinion.

I ________________ when she __________________.

9 The guests left. Then we tidied the house.

We __________________ when ___________________________.



1 hadn`t/had not booked

2 had spent

3 had got up

4 hadn’t\had not done

5 had won

6 had forgotten

7 had left

8 hadn’t\had not heard

9 had disappeared

10 hadn’t\had not brought

11 hadn’t\had not rained


1 he had cleaned the flat

2 he hadn’t\had not brought anything to drink

3 he hah had a shower

4 he had changed his clothes

5 he had started preparing the meal

6 he hadn’t\had not finished preparing the meal


1 When I had done the course, I was able to speak the language well

2 When he had done all his work, he went home

3 When everyone had left, I went to bed

4 When she had had a glass of water, she felt better

5 When he had done the washing-up, he listened to some music

6 When Steve had saved enough money, he bought a new motorbike

7 … I had discussed the problem with a friend

8 … gave my opinion … had finished speaking

9 … tidied the house … the guests had left

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