Food & Health. Rainbow of Food
методическая разработка
Методическая разработка занятия по английскому языку для студентов 1 курса СПО
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Дисциплина: ОДБ.04 «Иностранный язык»
Тема занятия: Питание и здоровье. Food & Health. Радуга еды. Rainbow of
Food. Полезная еда.
Цели занятия:
Методическая: |
Обучающая: — повторить ранее изученные и активизировать новые лексические единицы по теме;
— научиться слушать и читать тексты о еде;
— развивать умения смыслового и поискового чтения, умения прогнозировать содержание текста, выделять основную мысль, устанавливать смысловые соответствия;
— развивать умения аудирования, монологической речи;
Развивающая: — развивать учебно-познавательную и социокультурную компетенции;
— развивать навыки работы с информацией (поиск, выделение нужной информации, обобщение)
Воспитательная: — мотивировать к изучению иностранного языка;
— формировать нравственные ценности и ориентиры.
Вид занятия: практическое занятие
Методическое обеспечение: рабочая программа учебной дисциплины, учебно-методический комплекс, раздаточный материал.
Технические средства обучения: компьютер, проектор, презентация, аудиоприложение.
Литература: «Английский в фокусе» ("Spotlight") для 10 класса общеобразовательных учреждений (авторы О. В. Афанасьева, Д. Дули, И. В. Михеева, Б. Оби, В. Эванс), 2015
І. Начало занятия. Слайд 1
- Приветствие. Беседа о готовности студентов к занятию.
Teacher (T): Hello, boys and girls! Nice to see you. Take your seats. Let’s start our lesson. Слайд 2
II. Введение в языковую атмосферу.
- Warming - up. Речевая разминка. Слайд 3
T: Let’s read and translate the poem.
No smoking, no drinking,
No running, stop thinking.
Work all day, play all night,
Do what I say – that’s right.
Turn left, turn right,
Always love, never fight.
Come early, don’t be late,
Try to be good, don’t hate.
(Работа со стихотворением: хоровое, фронтальное, индивидуальное чтение, перевод.)
T: Do you think these rules are true to life? (Обсуждение правил здорового образа жизни, предложенных в стихотворении).
- Brainstorming. Мозговой штурм. Слайд 4
T: Let’s divided into groups. On your desks you have cards with English proverbs and Russian equivalents to the following proverbs. Who of you will be faster those will win. Let’s begin.
1. An apple a day keeps the doctor away. | Кто яблоко в день съедает, у того врач не бывает. (Лук семь недугов лечит, а чеснок семь недугов изводит) |
2. Early to bed, early to rise makes a man healthy, wealthy and wise. | Кто рано ложится и рано встает, здоровье, богатство и ум наживет. (Кто рано встает, тому бог подает.) |
3. After dinner sleep a while, after supper walk a mile. | После обеда посиди немного, после ужина с милю пройдись. (После обеда полежи, а после ужина походи.) |
4. Health is the greatest wealth. | Здоровье – величайшее богатство. (Здоровье дороже всякого богатства.) |
5. Tastes differ. | Вкусы расходятся. (О вкусах не спорят. На вкус и цвет товарища нет.) |
6. Eat at pleasure, drink with measure and enjoy life as it is. | Ешь в удовольствие, пей в меру, и наслаждайся жизнью — такой как она есть. (Хлеб на ноги ставит, а вино - валит.) |
7. Gluttony kills more men than a sword. | От обжорства гибнет больше людей, чем от меча. (Ешь поменьше, проживешь подольше.) |
- Aim. Сообщение коммуникативной темы и цели занятия.
Слайд 5 T: Let’s guess together what we are going to talk about. Look at the “Words of Wisdom”. Read them, translate and explain your understanding of these words.
Student (S): -Tell me what you eat, and I’ll tell you what you are. (Скажи мне, что ты ешь, и я скажу, кто ты / что ты из себя представляешь.)
Слайд 6 S: -When people eat a lot of sweets, they can have bad teeth.
S: When people eat a lot of fat food, they can become fat.
S: When people eat a lot of fruit and vegetables, they look good and pretty.
S: When people eat right food, they are healthy.
S: When people eat a lot of junk food, they can have health problems.
S: Americans eat a lot of fast food and drink much cola, so many of them are overweight. A lot of famous people are vegetarians, they look great.
T: So we can agree that people are what they eat. Have you understood what topic we are going to work at during the lesson?
S: Food. Food and diet. Food and health…
Слайд 7 T: The theme of the lesson today is “Rainbow of food”. Today we are going to talk about healthy eating and choose the right food and we are going to learn how food colour affects us.
T: Do you care about your health?
Слайд 8 Look at the screen and tell me what would you like to know, to remember, to learn, to speak about at this lesson? (Схема, которая без труда может самостоятельно вывести цель и задачи занятия.)
S: I would like…
to know
to speak about
bad and good habits how to look great what health problems teenagers have my attitude to health problems health rules to convince teenagers to follow a healthy way of life |
III. Основная часть.
- Check on. Homework. Контроль домашнего задания.
- Pre-reading activities. Этап подготовки к чтению.
Работа с новым лексическим материалом.
Слайд 9 T: Don’t mix up some words “food”, “dish”, “meal”. Who wants to read?
Слайд 10 S: Me. Food means something that people and animals eat, or plants absorb, to keep them alive.
Слайд 11 Dish means food prepared in a particular way as part of meal.
Слайд 12 Meal means an occasion when food is eaten, or the food which is eaten on such an occasion.
Слайд 13 – закрепление изученного материала
Слайд 14 T: (беседа) What is healthy food? Is it full of vitamins? Where are there most of the vitamins? Of course, different fruits and vegetables are very useful for our health. What fruits do you grow in your garden? What is your favourite fruit? What vegetables do you eat every day? What vegetables do you hate eating?
Exercise 1 page 102. Групповая работа
Слайд 15 T: Open your books at page 102, look at exercise 1. Please, read the task.
S: Which of the following items are fruits vegetables? Find them in the picture above.
What colour is each? Which of these words are countable/uncountable? What are their plural forms?
S: Let’s divided into 3 groups. The first group will divide all words into 2 groups (fruit and vegetables). The second group will divide all words into groups according to their colours. The third group will divide all these words into countable and uncountable nouns and name their plural forms. You have some minutes to be ready.
T: Your time is up. The first group, please, read words denoting fruit. and vegetables.
Слайд 16 S: The words denoting fruit are “grape, apple, orange, tomato, cherry, raisin, lemon, melon, strawberry, blueberry, pineapple, peach, pear, raspberry, plum, watermelon, banana, fig, lime”. The words denoting vegetables are “broccoli, carrot, corn, lettuce, celery, aubergine, pea, pumpkin, cabbage”
T: The second group, please, read the words according to their colours.
Слайд 17-19
purple | red | green | orange | blue | yellow |
grape plum fig aubergine | apple tomato cherry strawberry raspberry watermelon | apple, melon pear, lime watermelon broccoli lettuce, сabbage celery, pea | orange melon peach carrot pumpkin | raisin blueberry | lemon melon pineapple pear banana corn |
T: What colour is the largest group?
S: It’s green.
T: What colour is the smallest one?
S: It’s blue.
T: What fruit and vegetables have colours in their roots?
S: They are orange, blueberry.
Слайд 20 T: The third group, please, read the countable nouns and then uncountable ones and name their plural forms.
countable | uncountable | Plural forms |
grape, apple, orange, tomato, cherry, raisin, lemon, melon, strawberry, blueberry, pineapple, peach, pear, raspberry, plum, watermelon, banana, fig, lime, carrot, lettuce, aubergine, pea, pumpkin, cabbage | Broccoli, corn, celery | grapes, apples, oranges, tomatoes, cherries, raisins, lemons, melons, strawberries, blueberries, pineapples, peaches, pears, raspberries, plums, watermelons, bananas, figs, limes some broccoli, carrots, some corn, lettuces, some celery, some aubergines, peas, pumpkins, cabbages. |
(групповой контроль)
their score | All words (29) were named correctly | 1-6 words were named incorrectly | 7-12 words were named incorrectly | 13 words and < |
their mark | 5 | 4 | 3 | 2 |
Слайд 21-25 T: What compound words can you find?
S: They are strawberry, raspberry, watermelon, blueberry, pineapple.
Exercise 2 page 102. Парная работа
T: Let’s read the task ex. 2, p. 102.
Слайд 26-27 T: Do you know the cooking methods? I want you to look at the screen and match the pictures with the words.
Слайд 28 T: Now, work in pairs and make up the dialogues as in example:
- How do you prefer to eat potatoes?
- We usually eat potatoes roasted or boiled. I prefer boiled.
T: I give you for 3 minutes to prepare your dialogue.
T: Your time is over. It’s interesting to know what cooking method do you use at home.
Exercise 3 page 102. Групповая работа / самостоятельная работа
Слайд 29 T: (Работа со списком слов к уроку- групповая работа.) Now we’ll go to p. WL17. We need to read the vocabulary for the lesson. Read after me.
- Find cooking methods in this vocabulary
- Find the names of fruits
- Find the names of vegetables
- Find verbs
Слайд 30 T: Choose the correct word. Check in your dictionary. Ex.3, p.102. (самостоятельная работа)
Слайд 31 S: 1 still, 2 bitter, 3 spices,4 starving, 5 artificial,6 main (самоконтроль)
- Reading. Чтение текста
Exercise 4 page 102. Групповая работа / Парная работа
Слайд 32 T: Now we are going to listen to the text “Rainbow of food”, read it, translate and do some exercises.
T: (После прослушивания текста) What is this text about?
S: Rainbow diet.
Т: What is it? What is rainbow diet?
S: The color of food influences on its characteristics. There are 5 main types of food, each has its own peculiarities.
Т: What color types of food do you know?
S: Yellow, green, orange, red, purple.
Слайд 39 T: (Чтение текста) Read the text again. Which colour food should you eat if…
Слайд 40 S: 1. you have a difficult exam to study for? Orange
2. you are feeling very nervous about meeting someone? Green
3. you are worried about getting lines and wrinkles? Purple
4. you’ve been feeling a bit sad lately? Yellow
5. you are taking part in a championship swimming match? red
- Релакс - пауза. Слайд 41
Просмотр видеоролика
- Post-reading activities. Выполнение после текстовых коммуникативных упражнений.
Exercise 5 page 103. Групповая работа
T: Find words in the text related to the body. Compare with a partner. Add some more
S: These words are “blind, mind, eyesight, a smile, tummy, teeth, bones, ear, brain, grinning. Слайд 42
Exercise 6 page 103. Парная работа
T: Find the verbs/phrases which mean:
Слайд 43 S:
1. Eat or buy sth you really enjoy = treat yourself
2. Get rid of = fight of
3. Depressed and miserable = down in the dumps
4. Smiling broadly = frimming from ear to ear
5. Looking for = in a search of
T: Explain the words/phrases in bold (boost, brain, concentration, infections, eyesight, optimistic, emotions, complain, tummy, handful, creative).
Слайд 44 S: Boost is energy. (энергия)
-Brain is inside our head. We think with it. (мозг)
-Infections are illnesses. (инфекции)
-Concentration is a possibility to focus on smt. (концентрация)
-Optimistic is happy, in a good mood, positive. (оптимистичный)
-Eyesight is vision. (зрение)
-Emotions are feelings. (эмоции)
-Complain means to be unsatisfied with smt and talk to someone about it. (жаловаться)
-A tummy is a stomach. (живот, желудок)
-A handful means a small amount of smt. (пригоршня)
-Creative is a person with imagination, who likes creating, designing or inventing smt. (творческий, креативный)
- Oral practice. Практика устного говорения. Групповая работа
Слайд 45 T: find the expressions in the text, translate them from English into Russian:
-Protect you from serious illnesses
-keep older people active
- treat yourself to
- give extra boost
- brain food
- improve your powers of concentration
-fight off infections
- eyesight
- stay happy
- make optimistic
- calm yourself down
- keep your emotions under control
- contain vitamins and minerals
- keep your teeth and bones strong and healthy
- are soothing both emotionally and physically
- prepare you for a good night’s rest
- make people more creative
- keep you looking young
T: make 10 questions to the text with these words (разные типы вопросов)
Примерные вопросы:
- What foods do you eat to protect from many serious illnesses?
- When do you eat red foods?
- Do you eat yellow foods or red foods to stay happy?
- What are brain foods?
- What is a great food to relax?
- Blue foods are soothing both emotionally and physically, aren’t they?
- What foods do creative people eat?
- What foods contain vitamins and minerals that keep your teeth and bones strong?
- Do you often eat rainbow food?
Exercise 7 page 103. Парная работа
T: Look at the food list you made in Ex. 4a. How healthy do you think it is? Discuss in pairs.
Слайд 46 T: Healthy food/Unhealthy food. Look at the chart. What do you learn about healthy and unhealthy food?
S: Healthy food is rich in vitamins, minerals and fibre. We can find high amounts of them in fruit and vegetables.
S: Healthy food is rich in protein. We can find high amounts of it in chicken, milk, cheese, yoghurt, meat and fish.
S: Healthy food is rich in carbohydrates. We can find high amounts of them in eggs, rice, potatoes and cereal.
Слайд 47 S: Unhealthy food is rich in sugar and fat.
S: We can find high amounts of it in sweets, biscuits, fizzy drinks, butter, oil, chocolate, crisps, cakes.
7. Составление диеты-радуги. Групповая работа
Слайд 48 Т: Look at the blackboard, I have a rainbow here. Let’s place all the names of food that we’ve learnt today on the blackboard and that’s how we shall complete our own rainbow diet. (По очереди работают у доски, располагая рядом с радугой картинки с овощами и фруктами в зависимости от их цвета.)
Т: Tell me, what for is red/orange/yellow/green/purple food?
T: Use this scheme:
Red food helps us …
It is …
I like it, because …
IV. Заключительная часть занятия.
- Summarizing.
Т: Dear friends, we’ve come to the end of our lesson.
Т: Let’s summarize your knowledge, you have got at this lesson.
T: I hope now you understand the importance of colour food. Our task is to summarize everything what we have learned today.
Слайд 49 T: Let’s make a revision. We have learned about? Fill in the gaps.
R_ _ _ _ _ W Food (Rainbow)
T: Please, give 2 adjectives characterizing this noun
H_ _ _ _ _y, T_ _ _y (Healthy, Tasty)
T: Please, try to remember and complete the sentences
T: Food can make us: (O_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ c, C_ _ _ _ _e) (Optimistic, Creative)
T: Food give us (B_ _ _ t, E_ _ _ _ y) (Boost ,Energy)
T: Food help us (K_ _ p our E_ _ _ _ _ _s, F_ _ _ _t off i_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _s) (Keep our emotions, fight off infections) Слайд 50
Слайд 51 T: Tell me what did we do at this lesson.
T: What new have you learnt today? What new words have you put down? Would you like to follow rainbow diet?
- Оценивание знаний студентов.
T: Your marks for today’s lesson.
- Home task.
T: At home you are to make up your own menu according to the rainbow diet. Try to use as many new words as possible.
Слайд 52
По теме: методические разработки, презентации и конспекты

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