Health. Healthy lifestyle
план-конспект урока на тему
Конспект открытого урока по теме Health. Healthy lifestyle (Здоровье. Здоровый образ жизни)
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Предварительный просмотр:
Цели: обобщить и систематизировать знания учащихся по теме «Здоровье».
Задачи урока:
- образовательные: развитие навыков говорения, чтения, произносительных навыков, отработка навыков выполнения заданий, развитие навыков диалогической речи; способствовать выработке умений формировать устные неподготовленные сообщения с опорой на источник информации, на жизненный и речевой опыт.
- развивающие: повышение мотивации к изучению иностранного языка, развитие навыка языковой догадки, интеллекта, памяти, внимания.
- воспитательные: создание условий для формирования ясных представлений студента о здоровом образе жизни, формирование необходимости беречь здоровье; умения работать в парах, самостоятельно
Тип урока: закрепление полученных ЗУН.
Вид урока: урок - практикум по аудированию, чтению, говорению, письму.
Методы обучения по степени самостоятельности мышления учащихся: репродуктивные, продуктивные; по степени управления учебной работой: под управлением учителя, самостоятельная работа.
Ход урока
1.Приветствие и оргмомент.
T: Good afternoon! Take your places. I’m glad to see you. By the way, how are you today?
Who is absent today?
2. Речевая разминка.
T: First of all, let’s begin our lesson with phonetic exercise.
There was a Young Man of Devizes,
Whose ears were of different sizes;
The one that was small
Was no use at all,
But the other won several prizes.
Одно ухо юнца в Ковентри,
Чем другое, длинней раза в три.
Ухо малое – глухо,
Ну, а длинное ухо
Получило в Париже Гран-при.
T: Look at the blackboard and match the beginnings and the endings of the proverbs.
An apple a day / is above wealth
Good health / keeps a man healthy, wealthy and wise.
Early to bed and early to rise / keeps the doctor away.
(Key: an apple a day keeps the doctor away- кто яблоко в день съедает, у того врач не бывает.
Good health is above wealth - Здоровье дороже денег.
Early to bed and early to rise makes a man healthy, wealthy and wise - Кто рано ложится и рано встает, здоровье, богатство и ум наживет.)
3. Объявление целей урока.
T: So, all these proverbs concern one topic and that is the topic of our lesson today. What is it? (They answer)
T: Right you are. It’s health and healthy lifestyle. Today we’ll revise everything we’ve learnt about health and at the end of the lesson we’ll make the rules how to keep fit.
4. Повторение по теме (болезни).
Unfortunately, a lot of people fall ill every day. Let’s revise the words and word combinations you’ve learnt. Look at the pictures and translate the words. (раздаточный материал)
Teacher: Let’s check your answers. Are there any volunteers?
P1, P2 …
Teacher: Thank you very much. I can see that you know the new words very well.
5. Задания на заполнение пропусков.
Ann is ill. If you fill in the gaps in your activity sheets you’ll learn what the matter with her is.
Task 1. Fill in the gaps with the words given below.
Yesterday Ann fell … . She had a bad … . It … when she moved. Besides, she was constantly … and … . The doctor came. He listened to her … and … . Then he took Ann’s … . It was rather high. The doctor told Ann to take some … for her cold.
Headache, temperature, ill, hurt, lungs, sneezing, chest, coughing, medicine.
So, we’ve found out that Ann is ill. Her mother loves her very much and tries to encourage her
6. Развитие навыка работы с текстом.
I’ll repeat and I think you’ll agree with me that nobody wants to be ill. Tell me the ways to keep fit. What are the ways to be healthy? (They answer)
Let’s read and translate the text “Keeping Fit”.
Keeping Fit
Good health is not something we are able to buy at the chemist’ and we can’t depend on getting it back with a quick visit to the doctor when we are ill, either. We often ruin our health by poor diet, stress, bad working environment and carelessness. By keeping fit, changing bad habits or the surrounding conditions we can make our body last without major problems. And what are the ways to keep fit?
First of all you must miss no chance of outdoor activities as an antidote to our sedentary lives. Skating or skiing in winter and swimming in summer must become part of your everyday life.
Second, exercise. You must exercise whenever you can – in the morning or in the evening. Third, regular meals are a must if you want to keep fit. Try to avoid going without any food for hours.
Nowadays, health specialists promote the idea of wellness for everybody. Wellness means achieving the best possible health within the limits of your body. One person may need fewer calories than another. Some people might prefer a lot easier exercise to more strenuous exercise.
The English people have become very concerned about their health recently. In fact, fitness has become almost a national obsession. In large cities and towns alike people jog regularly, join sports teams and going to health clubs and Fitness Centers to work out.
7. Развитие навыка устной речи.
T: Now you know what to do to be healthy and fit. So, you can give advice. Now let’s read the situation in your activity sheets and help the person.
B. George Smith smokes 40 cigarettes a day. He gets up late every morning, and drives to a café in the next street. He has a big breakfast and takes three spoons of sugar in his tea. Then he drives to the pub, and has 3 or 4 pints of beer before a big lunch. He never has any fruit after his lunch, because he prefers to have cake or sweets. The only exercise he gets is when he walks upstairs for his afternoon sleep. Later, he has a few more pints of beer and a big dinner, and then he watches television till midnight. At 2.00 he goes to bed, has a few last cigarettes, and goes to sleep with all his windows closed.
8. Аудирование.
T: Many people go in for sport because they keep fit. There are many kinds of sport in the world. What do you know kinds of sport? Very good. Listen to me and say what sports these people are talking of.
It was born in England. But now it has become a national sport of many countries. About 20 million people fill the stadiums every year to support their favourite players.
It’s usually associated with Australia or California, with sunny climates and ocean, joy and rest. But to do this sport you have to be strong, brave and patient.
There are moments when it’s impossible to see what’s happening on ice. Because quick changes are taking place. Players should be able to change direction while moving at very high speeds.
T: Let’s sum up the information we’ve learnt. What are the ways to keep fit? (Ученики подводят итог и говорят способы поддерживать себя в форме)
9. Домашнее задание.
Right down your homework. At home you’ll write the essay on the topic “How to keep fit”.
10. Подведение итогов. Выставление оценок.
I liked your work at the lesson. I’ll give an excellent (good, satisfactory) mark to …
The lesson is over. This is it.
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