Учебно-методическое пособие по английскому языку
учебно-методическое пособие
Учебно-методическое пособие по английскому языку предназначено для студентов 1 курса СПО
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Предварительный просмотр:
Профессионально-педагогический колледж государственного образовательного учреждения высшего образования Московской области
«Государственный гуманитарно-технологический университет»
Зам. директора по УР
___________Н.В. Тихонова
Учебно-методическое пособие
по английскому языку
Преподаватель: Коровина А.П. Рассмотрено и одобрено на заседании ПЦК Протокол №___от «__»_______2020 Председатель_________ | Согласовано на заседании методического совета Протокол №__ от «__»_______2020 Методист________ |
Орехово-Зуево, 2020 г.
Содержание учебной дисциплины БД.03/04 Иностранный язык предусматривает освоение текстового и грамматического материала.
Текстовый материал для чтения, аудирования и говорения должен быть информативным; иметь четкую структуру и логику изложения, коммуникативную направленность, воспитательную ценность; соответствовать речевому опыту и интересам обучающихся.
Коммуникативная направленность обучения обусловливает использование следующих функциональных стилей и типов текстов: литературно-художественный, научный, научно-популярный, газетно-публицистический, разговорный.
Отбираемые лексические единицы должны отвечать следующим требованиям:
- обозначать понятия и явления, наиболее часто встречающиеся в литературе различных жанров и разговорной речи;
- включать безэквивалентную лексику, отражающую реалии англоговорящих стран (денежные единицы, географические названия, имена собственные, меры веса, длины, обозначения времени, названия достопримечательностей и др.);
- наиболее употребительную деловую и профессиональную лексику, в том числе некоторые термины, а также основные речевые и этикетные формулы, используемые в письменной и устной речи в различных ситуациях общения;
- вводиться не изолированно, а в сочетании с другими лексическими единицами.
Грамматический материал включает следующие основные темы.
Имя существительное. Образование множественного числа с помощью внешней и внутренней флексии; множественное число существительных, заимствованных из греческого и латинского языков; существительные, имеющие одну форму для единственного и множественного числа; чтение и правописание окончаний. Существительные исчисляемые и неисчисляемые. Употребление слов many, much, a lot of, little, a little, few, a few с существительными.
Артикль. Артикли определенный, неопределенный, нулевой. Чтение артиклей. Употребление артикля в устойчивых выражениях, с географическими названиями, в предложениях с оборотом there+ to be.
Имя прилагательное. Образование степеней сравнения и их правописание. Сравнительные слова и обороты than, as . . . as, not so . . . as.
Наречие. Образование степеней сравнения. Наречия, обозначающие количество, место, направление.
Предлог. Предлоги времени, места, направления и др.
Местоимение. Местоимения личные, притяжательные, указательные, неопределенные, отрицательные, возвратные, взаимные, относительные, вопросительные.
Имя числительное. Числительные количественные и порядковые. Дроби. Обозначение годов, дат, времени, периодов. Арифметические действия и вычисления.
Глагол. Глаголы to be, to have, to do, их значения как смысловых глаголов и функции как вспомогательных. Глаголы правильные и неправильные. Видовременные формы глагола, их образование и функции в действительном и страдательном залоге. Чтение и правописание окончаний в настоящем и прошедшем времени. Слова — маркеры времени. Обороты to be going to и there + to be в настоящем, прошедшем и будущем времени. Модальные глаголы и глаголы, выполняющие роль модальных. Модальные глаголы в этикетных формулах и официальной речи (Can/may I help you? Should you have any questions . . ., Should you need any further information . . . и др.). Инфинитив, его формы. Герундий. Сочетания некоторых глаголов с инфинитивом и герундием (like, love, hate, enjoyи др.). Причастия I и II. Сослагательное наклонение.
Вопросительные предложения. Специальные вопросы. Вопросительные предложения — формулы вежливости (Could you, please . . .? Would you like . . .? Shall I . . .? и др.).
Условные предложения. Условные предложения I, II и III типов. Условные предложения в официальной речи (It would be highly appreciated if you could/can... и др.).
Согласование времен. Прямая и косвенная речь.
Изучение общеобразовательной учебной дисциплины БД.04 Иностранный язык завершается подведением итогов в форме дифференцированного зачета по окончании 1 и 2 семестра в рамках промежуточной аттестации студентов в процессе освоения ППССЗ СПО на базе основного общего образования с получением среднего общего образования.
В связи с вышеизложенным задания для подготовки к экзамену включают в себя:
- Раздел “Чтение”, в котором обучающимся предоставляется текст для чтения и текст на понимание общего содержания.
- Раздел “Лексика”, в котором обучающиеся должны выполнить задание на знание тематической лексики.
- Раздел “Грамматика”, в котором обучающиеся должны выполнить задание на знание пройденных грамматических тем.
- Раздел “Говорение”, в котором обучающиеся должны сформулировать монологическое высказывание на заданную тему, а также составить диалог.
Освоение содержания учебной дисциплины «Иностранный язык» является достижение студентами следующих результатов:
Л1 сформированность ценностного отношения к языку как культурному феномену и средству отображения развития общества, его истории и духовной культуры;
Л2 сформированность широкого представления о достижениях национальных культур, о роли английского языка и культуры в развитии мировой культуры;
Л3 развитие интереса и способности к наблюдению за иным способом мировидения;
Л4 осознание своего места в поликультурном мире; готовность и способность вести диалог на английском языке с представителями других культур, достигать взаимопонимания, находить общие цели и сотрудничать в различных областях для их достижения; умение проявлять толерантность к другому образу мыслей, к иной позиции партнера по общению;
Л5 готовность и способность к непрерывному образованию, включая самообразование, как в профессиональной области с использованием английского языка, так и в сфере английского языка;
М1 умение самостоятельно выбирать успешные коммуникативные стратегии в различных ситуациях общения;
М2 владение навыками проектной деятельности, моделирующей реальные ситуации межкультурной коммуникации;
М3 умение организовать коммуникативную деятельность, продуктивно общаться и взаимодействовать с ее участниками, учитывать их позиции, эффективно разрешать конфликты;
М4 умение ясно, логично и точно излагать свою точку зрения, используя адекватные языковые средства;
П1 сформированность коммуникативной иноязычной компетенции, необходимой для успешной социализации и самореализации, как инструмента межкультурного общения в современном поликультурном мире;
П2 владение знаниями о социокультурной специфике англоговорящих стран и умение строить свое речевое и неречевое поведение адекватно этой специфике;
П3 умение выделять общее и различное в культуре родной страны и англоговорящих стран;
П4 достижение порогового уровня владения английским языком, позволяющего выпускникам общаться в устной и письменной формах как с носителями английского языка, так и с представителями других стран, использующими данный язык как средство общения;
П5 сформированность умения использовать английский язык как средство для получения информации из англоязычных источников в образовательных и самообразовательных целях.
Наименование разделов, тем | Результаты обучения - коды | Уровень освоения | Формы и методы контроля и оценки |
1 | 2 | 3 | 4 |
Введение | Л1 - Л5, М1, М4 П1, П2 | 2,3 |
Тема 1. Семья. | Л1 - Л5, М1, М4 П1, П2 | 2,3 |
Тема 2. Дом, в котором я живу | Л1 - Л5, М1, М4 П1, П2 | 2,3 |
Тема 3. Студенческая жизнь. | Л1 - Л5, М1, М4 П1, П2 | 2,3 |
Тема 4. Познавательная деятельность. | Л1 - Л5, М1, М4 П1, П2 | 2,3 |
Тема 5. Досуг | Л1 - Л5, М1, М4 П1, П2 | 2,3 |
Тема 6. Транспорт | Л1 - Л5, М1, М4 П1, П2 | 2,3 |
Тема 7. Национальные традиции | Л1 - Л5, М1, М4 П1, П2 | 2,3 |
Тема 8. Навыки общественной жизни | Л1 - Л5, М1, М4 П1, П2 | 2,3 |
Тема 9. Спорт | Л1 - Л5, М1, М4 П1, П2 | 2,3 |
Тема 10. Путешествие | Л1 - Л5, М1, М4 П1, П2 | 2,3 |
Тема 11. Краеведение | Л1 - Л5, М1, М4 П1, П2 | 2,3 |
Тема 12. Россия, ее национальные символы, государственное устройство, правовые институты, достоприме- чательности | Л1 - Л5, М1, М4 П1, П2 | 2,3 |
Тема 13. Англоговорящие страны их нац. символы, гос. устройство, правовые институты, достоприме- чательности | Л1 - Л5, М1, М4 П1, П2 | 2,3 |
Тема 14. Культурные традиции | Л1 - Л5, М1, М4 П1, П2 |
| |
Тема 15. Инфраструктура | Л1 - Л5, М1, М4 П1, П2 | 2,3 |
Тема 16. Спорт. | Л1 - Л5, М1, М4 П1, П2 | 2,3 |
Тема 17. Искусство и культура. | Л1 - Л5, М1, М4 П1, П2 | 2,3 |
Тема 18. Экскурсии и путешествия. | Л1 - Л5, М1, М4 П1, П2 | 2,3 |
Тема 19. Экология. | Л1 - Л5, М1, М4 П1, П2 | 2,3 |
Тема 20. Профессиональный уровень | Л1 - Л5, М1, М4 П1, П2 | 2,3 |
Содержание обучения | Характеристика основных видов учебной деятельности студентов (на уровне учебных действий) |
Виды речевой деятельности | |
Говорение: • монологическая речь |
• диалогическая речь |
| |
Чтение: • просмотровое |
• поисковое |
• ознакомительное |
• изучающее |
Письмо |
Речевые навыки и умения | |
Лексические навыки |
Грамматические навыки |
• наличие грамматических явлений, не присущих русскому языку (артикль, герундий и др.);
Произносительные навыки |
Таблица 1. Критерии оценивания навыков говорения. Монологическая речь
Решение коммуникативной задачи | Лексико-грамматическое оформление речи | Произносительная сторона речи | Оценка |
Задание выполнено полностью: цель общения достигнута; тема раскрыта в полном объеме. | Используемый лексико-грамматический материал соответствует поставленной коммуникативной задаче. Демонстрируется разнообразный словарный запас и владение изученными в 5 классе грамматическими структурами, используются различные типы предложений. | Речь понятна: звуки произносятся правильно, без фонематических ошибок. | 5 (отл.) |
Задание выполнено: цель общения достиг- нута, но тема раскрыта не в полном объеме. | Используемый лексико-грамматический материал соответствует поставленной коммуникативной задаче. Лексико - грамматические ошибки практически отсутствуют (допускается не более 2 негрубых языковых ошибок, не затрудняющих понимание) | Речь понятна: все звуки произносятся правильно, допускаются 1 фонематическая ошибка, не меняющая значение высказывания. | 4 (хор.) |
Задание выполнено частично: цель общения достигнута не полностью; тема раскрыта в ограниченном объеме. | Наблюдается некоторое затруднение при подборе слов и неточности в их употреблении. Используются простые грамматические структуры. Допускаются лексико-грамматические ошибки, но не более 3 языковых ошибок. | Речь понятна: все звуки произносятся правильно, допускаются 2 фонематические ошибки, не меняющие значение высказывания. | 3 (удов.) |
Задание не выполнено: цель общения не достигнута. | Недостаточный словарный запас, неправильное использование грамматических структур, многочисленные языковые ошибки не позволяют выполнить поставленную коммуникативную задачу. | Речь почти не воспринимается на слух из-за неправильного произношения многих звуков и многочисленных фонематических ошибок | 2 (неуд.) |
Таблица 2. Критерии оценивания навыков говорения. Диалогическая речь
Решение коммуникативной задачи | Взаимодействие с собеседником | Лексико-грамматическое оформление речи | Произносительная сторона речи | Оценка |
Задание выполнено полностью: цель общения достигнута; тема раскрыта в полном объеме. | Демонстрирует хорошие навыки и умения речевого взаимодействия с партнером: умеет начать, поддержать и закончить беседу; соблюдает очерёдность при обмене репликами, соблюдает нормы вежливости. | Используемый лексико-грамматический материал соответствует поставленной коммуникативной задаче. Демонстрируется разнообразный словарный запас. | Речь понятна: звуки произносятся правильно, без фонематических ошибок. | 5 (отл.) |
Задание выполнено: цель общения достигнута, но тема раскрыта не в полном объеме | Демонстрирует навыки и умения речевого взаимодействия с партнером: умеет начать, поддержать и закончить беседу; но демонстрирует наличие проблемы в понимании собеседника, не всегда соблюдает нормы вежливости. | Используемый лексико-грамматический материал соответствует поставленной коммуникативной задаче. Лексико - грамматические ошибки практически отсутствуют. | Речь понятна: все звуки произносятся правильно, допускаются фонематическая ошибка, не меняющая значение высказывания. | 4 (хор.) |
Задание выполнено частично: цель общения достигнута не полностью; тема раскрыта в ограниченном объеме. | Демонстрирует несформированность навыков и умения речевого взаимодействия с партнером: умеет начать, но не стремится поддержать беседу и зависит от помощи со стороны собеседника. | Демонстрируется достаточный словарный запас, но наблюдается некоторое затруднение при подборе слов и неточности в их употреблении. Допускаются не более 3 языковых ошибок. | Речь понятна: все звуки в потоке речи произносятся правильно, соблюдается правильный интонационный рисунок. | 3 (удов.) |
Задание не выполнено: цель общения не достигнута; тема не раскрыта. | Не может поддержать беседу. | Недостаточный словарный запас, неправильное использование грамматических структур, много- численные языковые ошибки | Речь почти не воспринимается на слух из-за неправильного произношения многих звуков и многих фонематических ошибок. | 2 (неуд.) |
Таблица 3. Критерии оценивания чтение текста вслух (максимум 2 балла)
Фонетическая сторона речи | |
2 | Речь воспринимается легко: необоснованные паузы отсутствуют; фразовое ударение и интонационные контуры, произношение слов практически без нарушений нормы; допускается не более пяти фонетических ошибок, в том числе одна-две ошибки, искажающие смысл |
1 | Речь воспринимается достаточно легко, однако присутствуют необоснованные паузы; фразовое ударение и интонационные контуры практически без нарушений нормы; допускается не более семи фонетических ошибок, в том числе три ошибки, искажающие смысл |
0 | Речь воспринимается с трудом из-за значительного количества неестественных пауз, запинок, неверной расстановки ударений и ошибок в произношении слов, ИЛИ допущено более семи фонетических ошибок, ИЛИ сделано четыре и более фонетические ошибки, искажающие смысл |
Таблица 4. Критерии оценивания чтение текста на понимание содержания
Решение коммуникативной задачи | Характеристика ответа | Оценка |
Коммуникативная задача полностью решена; ученик полностью понял и осмыслил содержание текста в объеме, предусмотренном заданием (чтение с общим, выборочным или полным пониманием содержания). | Демонстрирует хорошие навыки и умения определять тему/основную мысль текста; выделяет главные факты, исключая второстепенные; может догадаться о значении незнакомых слов; верно устанавливает причинно-следственную взаимосвязь между событиями/фактами текста. | 5 (отл.) |
Коммуникативная задача решена; ученик полностью понял и осмыслил содержание прочитанного иноязычного текста за исключением деталей и частностей, не влияющих на понимание этого текста в объеме, предусмотренном заданием | Демонстрирует навыки и умения определять тему/основную мысль текста; в большинстве случаев верно выделяет главные факты, исключая второстепенные; демонстрирует наличие проблемы при анализе отдельных мест текста, при оценке текста и высказывании собственного мнения. | 4 (хор.) |
Коммуникативная задача решена частично; ученик частично понял и осмыслил содержание прочитанного иноязычного текста | Демонстрирует несформированность навыков и умения определять тему/основную мысль текста; не может полно и точно понимать содержание текста; в большинстве случаев не может выбрать необходимую / интересующую информацию | 3 (удов.) |
Коммуникативная задача не решена, ученик не понял прочитанного иноязычного текста в объёме, предусмотренном заданием | Демонстрирует многочисленные ошибки в понимании прочитанного текста, которые не позволяют выполнить коммуникативную задачу | 2 (неуд.) |
Таблица 5. Критерии оценивания выполнения заданий в разделах “Грамматика” и “Лексика”
По каждому показателю оценки результата выставляется 1 балл (соответствие эталону) или 0 баллов (несоответствие эталону).
Процент результативности (правильных ответов) | Оценка уровня подготовки | |
балл (отметка) | вербальный аналог | |
90 ÷ 100 | 5 | отлично |
80 ÷ 89 | 4 | хорошо |
70 ÷ 79 | 3 | удовлетворительно |
менее 70 | 2 | неудовлетворительно |
Окончательная оценка является средней арифметической оценкой по всем разделам.
Задания выполняются после изучения 70-80% тематического материала в специально отведенное время на уроках, либо на дополнительных занятиях, либо в виде домашнего задания.
Необходимо рассчитывать и распределять время на каждый раздел, так как на экзамене предполагается ограничение по времени подготовки. Так в разделе “Чтение” в задание на чтение вслух отводится только полторы минуты для контроля скорости чтения. Заданию на чтение и выполнение заданий отводится в среднем 10 минут. Выполнение заданий в разделах “Грамматика”, “Лексика” и “Говорение” не должно занимать больше 10 минут на каждый раздел. В среднем подготовка задания должна занимать не более 45 минут.
Вариант 1.
- Раздел “Чтение”
- Прочитайте текст вслух. У вас есть полторы минуты на то, чтобы прочитать текст вслух.
What are the best careers for the future? How will everything change? Is it possible to prepare for the jobs of tomorrow — today? Many of us would love to have definite answers for these questions. Unfortunately, nobody can say for sure what the future holds. The best we can do is make intelligent guesses based on past and current trends. Still, even such guesses can help us imagine some pretty astonishing possibilities.
Here's one thing we know: change will keep happening. America and the rest of the world will experience social, cultural, economic, environmental, and technological changes. Some of these changes can be foreseen (such as the likely impact of climate change). But many of them can't be predicted. New challenges may arise without any warning. And "happy accidents" may lead to positive new discoveries that solve long-standing problems.
- Прочитайте текст и выполните задания.
Rita Nelson is fourteen, and she has changed her school because her parents moved to another town this summer.
“Let me tell you about my new school. I’m having a great time. All pupils are very friendly, but it’s very different from my old school. I can tell you! First of all school starts at 8.00 here, a whole, hour before it did in that school. This morning I forgot about it and got to school ten minutes late, so the teacher put a note into my record-book. I was really angry!
There are a lot of other differences in this school, of course. We have seven lessons here almost every day. What else? The school day is different, too. In my former school we finished school at 3.00, and then most pupils went home. Here we finish lessons at 3.30, and then most pupils go to sports practice. Well, they love sports here.
I joined gymnastics and football clubs here. A lot of girls play football in this school. I had my first practice yesterday, and I feel tired today.
Another important thing here is learning to do practical things. Their metal and wood shops are like small factories, and we are taught to drive as well. It’s fantastic. I had my first lesson in driving a tractor yesterday.”
Задания к тексту.
1. Выберите правильный ответ и вставьте в таблицу.
- Rita Nelson is _______
a) 13 b) 14 c) 15
- Lessons in Rita’s previous school started at
a) 7 o’clock b) 8 o’clock c) 9 o’clock
- Rita has _______ lessons every day.
a) 5 b) 6 c) 7
- Rita’s lessons are over at
a) 3. 00 b) 3.30 c) 4.00
- After lessons most pupils go
a) to sports practice b) home c) for a walk
2. Верны или не верны данные утверждения?
- Rita doesn’t like her new school.
- Today Rita came to school in time.
- Student don’t love sports in the new school.
- Many girls play football in the new school.
- Rita likes to drive a tractor.
3. Ответьте на вопросы.
- Why has Rita changed her school?
- When do the lessons begin?
- Why did the teacher put a note into Rita’s record-book?
- What clubs did she join?
- What games do girls play in her new school
Раздел “Грамматика”
Выберите правильный вариант и запишите в таблицу выбранные буквы под соответствующими цифрами.
- She ……..a book now.
a) reads b) is reading c) read
- This house ……last year.
a) is building b) was built c) was build
- My grandparents …….in the garden now.
a) work b) worked c) are working
- …you…morning exercises every day?
a) Do..do b ) Are …doing c) Does..do
- He …..TV every evening.
a) watchs b) is watching c) watches
- We …fish yesterday, it …..very tasty.
a) cook, is b) cook, are c) cooked, was
- My friends …..to the seaside next week.
a) will go b) would go c) will gone
- …. Elbrus is the highest peak of …Caucasian Mountains.
a) the, the b) -, the c) the, -
- The text …..in an hour.
a) will be printed b) will print c) prints
- A little girl ……funny pictures very day.
a) draws b) is drawing c) draw
Раздел “Говорение”
Задание 1. Расскажите о себе и своем друге, пользуясь планом
- Name \ surname
- Age
- Еducation
- Appearance
- Features (clever, kind, outgoing, funny)
- Good at … (subjects)
- Interested in … (hobbies)
- Fond of \keen on \ afraid of …(activities)
- Favourite (sport, music, singer, film, actor, food, drink, activity)
Задание 2. Сформулируй и задай вопросы партнеру по диалогу.
How old | | ?
What | are you | interested in\good at\fond of\ afraid of?
Where | | from ?
What | is your | name\surname\address\ phone number? |
Who | favourite sport\music\singer\film\actor \food\drink? |
Вариант 2.
- Раздел “Чтение”
- Прочитайте текст вслух. У вас есть полторы минуты на подготовку и полторы минуты, чтобы прочитать текст вслух.
Modern cell phones are capable of much more than just sending and receiving phone calls. Mobile phones used in today's world allow users to send and receive text messages, emails, photos and videos as well as access the internet, play games, listen to music, use GPS and more. The cell phone has become an important communication tool that is used by people all over the world to keep in contact with each other at any time.
Despite all the positive benefits of cell phones, there are also some negative side effects which include the danger of cell phones being used while driving, students cheating on tests by using their cell phone to access information. Cell phones are often banned in classrooms due to the distractions they can cause.
- Прочитайте текст и выполните задания.
Mysterious Monster
At different times, thousands of people say that they have seen a large animal in the famous lake called Loch Ness in Scotland. For many centuries, people have tried to catch it. People who live there always talk about the mysterious animal in the lake, and many of them believe that it is still there today.
In 1933, John McGregor, a local businessman, saw that the lake began to bubble, and a huge animal with two humps came out of it.
After that, scientists examined the lake with underwater equipment and tried to find out what kind of animal lived there. Of course, they haven’t found it yet, because the lake is so deep and so dark.
Tourists from all over the world have visited Loch Ness, they hope to see the monster. They have even given it a nickname “Nessie”. Many people even show photos of the monster, but they are usually photos of the pictures of the monster. Scientists suppose that the Loch Ness monster is a dinosaur, which has survived since the Ice Age.
Here is a description of the monster:
Length: About 50 metres.
Body: With two humps.
Half horse, half snake and quite small.
Long and thin, like a giraffe.
People think that it eats sheep on land and underwater plants.
Shy, doesn’t want to be seen.
Lives in the deepest and coldest parts of the lake about 1 km from the surface.
Задания к тексту.
1. Выберите правильную концовку для предложений, ответ вставьте в таблицу.
- Loch Ness is in …
England b) Scotland c) Wales
- Loch Ness is …
a lake b) a river c) a village
- Scientists examined the lake with
a) underwater equipment c) computers d) special ultrasound gadgets
- Tourists have given the monster a nickname
Locky b) Nessie c) Lohnessi
2. Верны или не верны данные утверждения?
- For many centuries, people have tried to catch the Loch Ness monster.
- No one believes that the Loch Ness monster is still in the lake today.
- In 1956, John McGregor, a local businessman, saw that the lake began to bubble.
- The lake is very deep.
- Many people show photos of the monster.
3. Дополните описание Лохнесского чудовища.
- Length: About _______ (1)
- Body: With two humps.
- Half __________ (2), half snake and quite small.
- Long and thin, like a giraffe.
- Yellow-brown.
- People think that it eats __________ (3) on land and underwater ________ (4).
- Shy, doesn’t want to be seen.
- Lives in the deepest and __________ (5) parts of the lake about 1 km from the surface.
Раздел “Грамматика”
Выберите правильный вариант и запишите в таблицу выбранные буквы под соответствующими цифрами.
- Where …..you…..last summer?
- would …go b) did ..go c) will …go
- I …..often …about it.
- ask b) asked c) am asked
- The workers ……a new bridge lately.
- have build b) built c) have built
- ….USA is separated from …Europe be …Atlantic Ocean.
- the, -, the b) the, the, the c) the, -, -
- ….he …..in that office two years ago?
- Will…work b) Did …worked c) Did…work
- This man came from …..France.- a) the b)-
- A lot of nice roses …..in this garden every year.
- are growing b) are grown c) will grown
- ….your sister …..the flowers every week?
- Does …water b) Do…water c) Is….watering
- They ….to a new flat recently.
- will move b) has moved c) have moved
- She ….all her pets already.
- will feed b) has fed c) fed
Раздел “Говорение”
Задание 1. Расскажи о своей квартире или доме, пользуясь планом
- It is big\small
- There are … rooms in it. They are …
- There is\isn’t much furniture in …
- There is a …
- There are some\many …
- The … (TV set) is … (near, behind) the … .
- My favourite room is …, because …
Задание 2. Сформулируй и задай вопросы партнеру по диалогу.
- … big or small?
- How many rooms…? What are they?
- Is there much furniture in … ?
- Is there a … (TV set, a computer, a sofa, …) in … ?
- Where is the (TV set, a computer, a sofa, …)?
- … favourite room? Why?
Вариант 3.
- Раздел “Чтение”
- Прочитайте текст вслух. У вас есть полторы минуты на подготовку и полторы минуты, чтобы прочитать текст вслух.
Many pieces of clothing are invented for a functional purpose before they ever become fashionable, but as they become symbolic of a certain kind of lifestyle, certain items become expressive of meaning. For example, cowboy boots originated as functional footwear for men working in the West. Cowboys were seen as rugged and individualistic because of the demands of their occupation, and cowboy boots have persisted as a choice fashion item for people wishing to express these values. Even when worn far from ranches or cows, cowboy boots continue to signify values that appeal to people everywhere. Fashion is often fueled by the desire to be different enough to stand out but similar to belong to the group that your clothing helps to identify.
- Прочитайте текст и выполните задания.
Music in the Streets.
As you go home after a hard day’s work, and you get off the metro train, you sometimes have to walk a long way to the exit or to change trains. Suddenly in the noise, some music is heard. Those are street musicians. You take out a coin from your pocket and throw it into their hat or instrument case. These musicians bring color and life to the city streets. Street musicians are aged between 17 and 30 years. Some of them are men, some women. They play classical music, pop or folk music, old and new songs. Many musicians are former university students or professional musicians.
Andrew Hain, for example, was once a music student, but he gave up music and became a painter. Now he plays in the underground because he doesn’t want to forget how to play. His girlfriend is a painter, too. She helps him to collect the money. Another street musician, David MacNell, tells new players:
“Learn new songs all the time, or else you’ll have fewer and fewer listeners. Wear bright clothes to attract attention. Make sure that the places where you choose to play are warm. The best places are bridges and certainly the underground.”
On Sundays, Hyde Park is the best place, as the speakers here address the people. The street musicians are doing their business with the many tourists who visit the park. The weather is one of the worst problems. It is not so easy to play the violin or the guitar on a rainy November day in London and try to smile.
A much worse problem is the police. From time to time, they come, and the musicians are moved to a different place. True, they are not often fined. One musician told me:
“The policeman asked me what I was doing. I said I was just practicing. Some money just fell out of my pocket into the guitar case, and I was told to leave my place. I think it’s not fair. People love street music. It makes the city more attractive.”
Задания к тексту.
1. Верны или не верны данные утверждения?
- Street musicians are aged between 17 and 30 years.
- Andrew Hain, for example, was once a music professor.
- On Mondays, Hyde Park is the best place for street musicians.
- The weather is one of the worst problems for street musicians.
- Street musicians are very often fined.
2. Вставьте слова по смыслу.
- Andrew Hain gave up music and became a ____________.
- The street musicians are doing their business with the many __________ who visit the Hyde Park.
- It is not so easy to play the violin or the _________ on a rainy November day in London
- Make sure that the places where you choose to play are _________.
- I was told _______________.
3. Ответьте на вопросы.
- Why should street musicians wear bright clothes?
- What are the best places for street musicians?
- Which is worse for street musicians – the weather or the police?
- Why do street musicians need to learn new songs all the time?
Раздел “Грамматика”
Выберите правильный вариант и запишите в таблицу выбранные буквы под соответствующими цифрами.
- They write new words in …..notebooks.
a) theirs b) their c) them
- …New Zealand is not far from ….Australia.
a)the, the b)-, - c) the, -
- My friends …..in the park yesterday evening.
a) see b) saw c) were seen
- When ….you……your friends yesterday?
a) Have…met b) Did…meet c) Do…meet
- An interesting film …..on TV next week.
a) will be shown b) will show c) show
- …you ever …..to St. Petersburg?
a) Did …..be b) Has…been c) Have ….been
- She ….never ….to France.
a) have been b) has been c) was
- ….Mississippi is larger than ….Thames.
a) -, the b) the, the c) the, -
- I will put on ….best dress.
a) me b) mine c) my
- We often ….this game in the evening.
a) play b) are playing c) had played
Раздел “Говорение”
Задание 1. Расскажите о фактах, связанных со временем и датами твоей жизни, пользуясь планом и опорами.
- date, day of the week, month today/yesterday/tomorrow.
- the date of your/your mother’s/your best friend’s birthday
- the dates of 4 Russian holidays.
- the time of your first lesson/dinner/now.
- Today is the … of … . It is … today. It is …
- My birthdays is on …
- My mum’s birthdays is on …
- My best friend’s birthdays is on …
- … (holiday) is on …
- My first lesson is at …
- My dinner is at …
- It is … now.
Задание 2. Сформулируйте и задайте вопросы партнеру по диалогу.
- date in 2 days?
- your birthday?
- your mother’s birthday?
- your best friend’s birthday?
- date of any holiday?
- time the 4th lesson finish?
- time of your breakfast?
- time now?
Вариант 4.
- Раздел “Чтение”
- Прочитайте текст вслух. У вас есть полторы минуты на подготовку и полторы минуты, чтобы прочитать текст вслух.
We go to a theatre to see a play, that is to say, a performance given by actors and actresses. A play of a serious character, dealing with important human problems is called a tragedy. A play of a humorous, lighter character is a comedy. Dramatists are called playwrights nowadays, and there are no longer such great dramatists as Shakespeare or Show.
If we want to go to a theatre, we buy tickets at a box office and show them to an attendant at an entrance. In the building, there is a hall, a large foyer and a cloakroom where we leave our overcoats, hats, etc. An audience can walk in the foyer in the intervals. Many doors lead to an auditorium consisting of stalls, boxes, and balconies. In front of the auditorium, there is a curtain separating it from a stage. The curtain rises when a play begins and falls at the end of each act.
- Прочитайте текст и выполните задания.
Great Britain
The United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland is situated on two large islands called the British Isles. The largest island is Great Britain, which consists of three parts: England, Scotland and Wales. The smaller island is Ireland and there are about five thousand small islands.
The country's shores are washed by the Atlantic Ocean, the North Sea and the Irish Sea. The English channel separate Great Britain from the continent.
The total area of the U.K. is 244.000 square kilometers with a population of 56 million. It is one of the most populated countries in the world. The greater part of the population is urban. About 80 percent of people live in numerous towns and cities. More than seven million people live in London area. Very often the inhabitants of The United Kingdom and Northern Ireland are called English.
The surface of the British Isles varies very much. There are many mountains in Scotland, Wales and northwest of England but they are not very high. Ben Nevis in Scotland is the highest mountain. Scotland is also famous for its beautiful lakes.
The mountains in Great Britain are not very high. There are many rivers in Great Britain, but they are not very long. The Themes is the deepest, the longest and the most important river in England.
The United Kingdom is a highly developed industrial country. It produces and exports machinery, electronics, textile. One of the main industries of the country is shipbuilding.
Задания к тексту «Great Britain»
- Дополните предложения словами из текста.
- The United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland is situated on,..
- The largest island is..., which consists of three parts...
- More then ... people live in London area.
- Scotland is also famous for...
- The United Kingdom Is a highly developed ... country.
- Определите, верное утверждение или нет.
- The United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland is situated on four large islands.
- Great Britain consists of three parts: England, Germany, Wales.
- The country's shores are washed by the Indian Ocean, the Black Sea and the Irish Sea.
- The population of Great Britain is 46 million.
- The inhabitants of the United Kingdom and Northern Ireland are called English.
- Исправьте в предложениях допущенные ошибки, следуя тексту.
- The smallest island is Great Britain, which consists of two parts: Scotland and Wales.
- More than seventeen thousand people live in London area.
- There are many rivers in Great Britain, and they are very long.
- The United Kingdom isn't a highly developed industrial country.
- One of the main industries of the country is machine building.
Раздел “Грамматика”
Выберите правильный вариант и запишите в таблицу выбранные буквы под соответствующими цифрами.
- Whose umbrella is this? – It is ….
- mine b) my c) her
- ..London is …capital of …Great Britain.
- the, the, the b) -, -, the c) -, the, -
- The pupil …..to the library recently.
- will go b) has gone c) went
- …you ….a test last week?
- Did …wrote b) will write c) Did…write
- They reached …Pacific Ocean by means of ….Panama Canal.
- -, - b) the, the c) the, -
- …..you …..a lot of friends last Friday?
- Did …invite b) have …invited c) Do …invite
- …..you….a present last birthday?
- Have …got b) Did …got c) Did…get
- She always …..homework.
- does b) do c) done
- We …. the first prize last month.
- win b) won c) have won
- …Oka flows into ….Volga.
- -, the b) the, the c) the, -
Раздел “Говорение”
Задание 1. Расскажи том, как добраться до твоего дома от колледжа, пользуясь планом и опорами.
- My house is in … (town)
- My address is …
- It is better to go to my house by …
- So, сome out of the …, go to\across … by …, turn left\right\ round the corner … , walk along\past …
Задание 2. Сформулируй и задай вопросы партнеру по диалогу.
- Place of the cinema\bank\square\your house\college in your town
- How to get from your house to the nearest shop\ the bus stop\ the cafe
- transport ... to get to college
Вариант 5.
- Раздел “Чтение”
- Прочитайте текст вслух. У вас есть полторы минуты на подготовку и полторы минуты, чтобы прочитать текст вслух.
Sports is something which almost all of us have done at some point in our lives. But there are a few people who take it to a whole new level and do some of the most daring sports possible. Scuba diving is not for the faint-hearted. It was wonderful to explore the underwater world, but it is filled with many dangers. If a diver ascends too fast to reach the surface, it can lead to a life-threatening condition. Then there is always a chance of getting attacked by such dangerous underwater animal as a shark. Mountain Climbing involves climbing up and down the mountains. The climbers are exposed to many risks. The sport requires the climbers to be extremely fit and you have to have years of experience before moving on to climb some of the tougher mountains.
- Прочитайте текст и выполните задания.
The United States of America
The USA is composed of 50 states. It occupies the central part of North American continent. It borders on Canada in the north and on Mexico in the south.
The waters of the Atlantic Ocean wash the USA in the east and the waters of the Pacific Ocean wash the country in the west. The Hawaiian Islands are in the Pacific Ocean. They became the 50th state of the USA in 1958. The total area of the country is 9000 square kilometers. The population is more than 200 million people.
Washington is the capital of USA. English is the official language. The flag of the USA is known as the "Stars and Stripes".
The Rocky Mountains extend from Alaska through the USA to Mexico, but greater part of the country is a plain. There are many rivers in USA and the longest is Mississippi. The USA economy grew greatly during the world wars. In those times American monopolists got great profits.
The country is rich in mineral resources, heavy industry prevails in the USA economy, including mining, metallurgy, machine building, chemical industry. Power and food industries are well developed too.
The USA is the federative republic. The president is the head of the state. He is also commander-in-chief of army and navy. The highest legislative organ in the country is the congress, which consists of the senate and House of Representatives.
Задания к тексту «The United States of America»
1. Дополните предложения словами из текста,
- It borders on ... in the north and on ... in the south.
- The waters of the ... ... wash the USA in the east and the waters of the wash the country in the west.
- ... is the capital of USA.
- ... is the official language.
- The flag of the USA known as the ... .
- Определите, верное утверждение или нет.
- The USA is composed of 55 states.
- It occupies the central part of South American continent.
- It borders on Mexico in the north and on Canada in the south.
- The Hawaiian Islands are in the Pacific Ocean.
- The population is more than 300 million people.
- Составьте предложения из данных слов так, чтобы они соответствовали предложениям в тексте.
- from, the, but, the, USA, part, a, Rocky, is, the, extend, greater, of, plain, country, Mountains, Mexico, Alaska, to, through;
- USA, economy, the, wars, grew, the, during, greatly, world;
- consists, organ, the, of, senate, highest, congress, the, legislative, country, is, the, in, the, of, and, Representatives, House, which.
- Canada, the, borders, on, south, in, north, It, and, the, on, Mexico, in.
- President, The, the, is, state, head, the
Раздел “Грамматика”
Выберите правильный вариант и запишите в таблицу выбранные буквы под соответствующими цифрами.
- Last year we went to ……Urals.
- - ,b) the
- ….UK has a royal family.
- the, b) -
- His new book …..next year.
- will be finished b) will finish c) will be finish
- Bread …..every day.
- eats b) are eaten c) is eaten
- These trees …..last autumn.
- are planted b) were planted c) will plant
- This work …..tomorrow.
- will do b) will be done c) will done
- My question ….two days ago.
- will answer b) will be answered c) was answered
- Hockey …..in winter.
- is played b) was played c) play
- Mushrooms …..in autumn.
- were gathered b) are gathered c) will gather
- St Petersburg ….in 1703.
- was founded b) is founded c) will be founded
3.Раздел “Говорение”
Задание 1. Расскажи о своем рабочем дне, пользуясь планом и опорами.
- I get up at …
- It takes me …
- My classes start at …
- We usually have … lessons a day.
- At … o’clock our classes are over.
- I come back home at …
- At home I …, …
- If I have time, I …
- I go to bed at …
Задание 2. Сформулируй и задай вопросы партнеру по диалогу.
- Time to get up/ to go to bed
- Time the job starts and finishes
- Food for breakfast/ lunch/ dinner
- Time and place of breakfast/ lunch / dinner
- Activities in the evening
Вариант 6.
1. Раздел “Чтение”
- Прочитайте текст вслух. У вас есть полторы минуты на подготовку и полторы минуты, чтобы прочитать текст вслух.
Robots start to play an active role in the medical check-ups of patients. They can do it at a distance if a patient is very far away from the hospital. Robotic technology is very important in telemedicine, but these days robots go one step further. They can mow patrol hospital corridors and call on the rooms to check on patients' health. After the examination of the patient, the robot can put all the results on record for the doctor to see and make further instructions to the medical staff. Medical robots look like a mobile cart with a video screen and medical monitoring equipment. The cart "knows" which way to go and which patients to monitor at a given time. This device frees the doctors' time.
- Прочитайте текст и выполните задания.
There are eight public holidays (bank holidays) a year in Great Britain, that is days on which people do not need to go to work. They are: Christmas Day, Boxing Day, New Year's Day, Good Friday, Easter Monday, May Day, Spring Holiday and Late Summer Holiday. The term "bank holiday" dates back to the 19th century when in 1871 and 1875 most of these days were constituted bank holidays, that is, days on which banks were to be closed. The observance of these days is no longer limited to banks.
All the public holidays, except Christmas Day and Boxing Day observed on the 25th and 26th of December respectively, do not fall on the same date each year. Good Friday and Easter Monday depend on Easter Sunday which falls on the first Monday in May. The Spring Holiday falls on the last Monday of May, while Late Summer Holiday falls on the last Monday in August.
Most of these holidays are of religious origin, though for the greater part of the population they have lost their religious significance and are simply days on which people relax, eat, drink and make merry.
Certain customs and traditions are associated with most public holidays. The reason is that many of them are part of holiday seasons as Easter and Christmas holiday seasons which are religious by origin and are connected by centuries-old traditions.
Besides public holidays, there are other festivals, anniversaries and simply days, on which certain traditions are observed, but unless they fall on a Sunday, they are ordinary working days.
Задания к тексту «Holidays»
- Дополните предложения словами из текста.
- There are eight a year in Great Britain, that is days on which ... do not need to go to ... .
- dates back to the 19th century when in 1871 and 1875 most of these days were holidays, that is, days on which batiks were to be... .
- ... the public ... , except Christmas Day and Boxing Day ... on the 25th and 26th of , do not fall on the same date ... year.
- The falls on the last... of..., while Late Summer ... falls on the last... in ... .
- … customs and traditions are ... with most... holidays.
2. Определите, верное утверждение или нет.
- There are six public holidays (bank holidays) a year in America, that is days on which people must go to work.
- The term "bank holiday" dates back to the 20th century when in 1671 and 1678 most of these days were constituted bank holidays, that is , days on which banks were open .
- Good Friday and Easter Monday depend on Easter Sunday which falls on the second Monday in May.
- All holidays are of religious origin, though for the greater part of the population they have lost their religious significance and are simply days on which people relax, eat, drink and make merry
- The reason is that many of them are part of holidays season as Easter and Christmas holiday season which are religious by origin and are connected by
3.Исправьте в предложениях допущенные грамматические ошибки, следуя тексту. Объясните правила.
- There is eight public holiday a year in Great Britain.
- The term "bank holiday " date back to the 19th century when at 1871 and 1875 most of these days is constituted bank holidays.
- The observance of these days are no longer limited to banks.
- Good Friday and Easter Monday depends on Easter Sunday which fall on the first Monday on May.
- Most of these holidays is of religious origin.
Раздел “Грамматика”
Выберите правильный вариант и запишите в таблицу выбранные буквы под соответствующими цифрами.
- She ……..a book now.
a) reads b) is reading c) read
- This house ……last year.
a) is building b) was built c) was build
- My grandparents …….in the garden now.
a) work b) worked c) are working
- …you…morning exercises every day?
a) Do..do b ) Are …doing c) Does..do
- He …..TV every evening.
a) watchs b) is watching c) watches
- We …fish yesterday, it …..very tasty.
a) cook, is b) cook, are c) cooked, was
- My friends …..to the seaside next week.
a) will go b) would go c) will gone
- ….Elbrus is the highest peak of …Caucasian Mountains.
a) the, the b) -, the c) the, -
- The text …..in an hour.
a) will be printed b) will print c) prints
- A little girl ……funny pictures very day.
a) draws b) is drawing c) draw
Раздел “Говорение”
Задание 1. Расскажиnе о покупках, пользуясь планом и опорами.
- I like/dislike shopping …
- I shop mostly offline/ online … because it is … (cheaper/ more convenient/ etc.)
- My favourite shops are …
- I do my food shopping at … .
- I usually buy … .
- I spend more money on …
- To save money and time I …
Задание 2. Сформулируй и задай вопросы партнеру по диалогу.
- Places for shopping (food/clothes/other goods)
- Favourite shops
- Online/offline type of shopping
- Kinds of thing like buying
- The last purchase
Вариант 7.
- Раздел “Чтение”
- Прочитайте текст вслух. У вас есть полторы минуты на подготовку и полторы минуты, чтобы прочитать текст вслух.
Michelangelo Buonarotti is considered one of the greatest artists of the Renaissance. He is looked at as an equal counterpart to Leonardo da Vinci and Rafael. He was a true Renaissance man; a poet, an artist, a sculptor and an architect.
Michelangelo was born in a banking family just outside of Florence. When he was very young, his mother died, and his father sent him to live with a stone cutter's family.
Michelangelo always wanted to be an artist and he hated school. After studying for two years, Michelangelo discovered his true passion — sculpture. His father unwillingly sent him to the school for sculptors founded by the great Lorenzo de Medici. Lorenzo was a great patron of the arts and saw Michelangelo's talent early.
To enhance his knowledge of the human body, Michelangelo visited the monastery of San Spirito to examine the dead. At night he would dissect the corpses in secret. By knowing what the body looked like under the skin, and how the muscles work, he was able to create life-like drawings.
- Прочитайте текст и выполните задания.
Education in England
All English children must stay at school from age of 5 until they are 16. The schools are divided into two groups: state schools and private schools.
State schools are divided into the following types:
Grammar schools. Children from these schools show a preference for academic subjects, though many grammar schools now also have some technical subjects.
Technical schools. These schools are for children, who are interested in physics, chemistry and mathematics.
Modern schools. Boys and girls who like to work with their hands can go there to get some trade.
Comprehensive schools. These schools usually combine all types of secondary education. They have physics, chemistry, biology, machine workshops and also geography, history, art and domestic course.
There are also many schools, which the State doesn't control. They are private schools. They charge fees for educating children and many of them are boarding schools and schools only for girls or boys.
After leaving school many young people go to colleges or universities.
Colleges offer courses in teacher training and some professions connected with medicine.
There are about 90 universities in Britain. After graduating from the university a student gets a degree. Most degree courses at universities last 3 years, language courses 4 years, medicine and dentistry courses 5-7 years.
Students usually very busy because of their training, but many of them have to work in the evenings to pay for it.
Задания к тексту «Education in England»
- Дополните предложение словами из текста.
- The ... are ... into two groups: state schools and private schools.
- ... and ... who like to work with ... hands can go ... to get some trade.
- They are ... schools.
- school many ... people go to ... or universities.
- Colleges offer... in and some ... connected with medicine.
- Определите, верное утверждение или нет.
- All English children must stay at school from age of 7 until they are 14.
- The schools are divided into three groups: state schools, private schools and secondary schools.
- Children from these schools show a preference for academic subjects, though many grammar schools now also have some technical subjects.
- Technical schools are for children who are interested in technical subjects, chemistry and mathematics.
- After leaving school many young people go to colleges or universities.
3. Составьте предложения из данных слов так, чтобы они соответствовали предложениям в тексте.
- usually, busy, students, of, very, but, their, have, them, in, training, work, it, to, for, the, evenings, pay, because, of, many, to;
- universities, after, or, leaving, colleges, school, to, many, go, young, people;
- trade, boys, some, and, to, who, get, girls, there, like, go, to, can, work, hands, with, their.
- University, graduating, the, a, degree, from, a, student, After, gets
- English, stay, 16, must, at, All, age, school, they, children, from, of, 5, until, are.
2.Раздел “Грамматика”
Выберите правильный вариант и запишите в таблицу выбранные буквы под соответствующими цифрами.
- Where …..you…..last summer?
- would …go b) did ..go c) will …go
- I …..often …about it.
- ask b) asked c) am asked
- The workers ……a new bridge lately.
- have build b) built c) have built
- ….USA is separated from …Europe be …Atlantic Ocean.
- the, -, the b) the, the, the c) the, -, -
- ….he …..in that office two years ago?
- Will…work b) Did …worked c) Did…work
- This man came from …..France.- a) the b)-
- A lot of nice roses …..in this garden every year.
- are growing b) are grown c) will grown
- …. your sister …..the flowers every week?
- Does …water b) Do…water c) Is….watering
- They ….to a new flat recently.
- will move b) has moved c) have moved
- She …. all her pets already.
- will feed b) has fed c) fed
Раздел “Говорение”
Задание 1. Расскажите о себе и своем друге, пользуясь планом
- Name \ surname
- Age
- Еducation
- Appearance
- Features (clever, kind, outgoing, funny)
- Good at … (subjects)
- Interested in … (hobbies)
- Fond of \keen on \ afraid of …(activities)
- Favourite (sport, music, singer, film, actor, food, drink, activity)
Задание 2. Сформулируй и задай вопросы партнеру по диалогу.
How old | | ?
What | are you | interested in\good at\fond of\ afraid of?
Where | | from ?
What | is your | name\surname\address\ phone number?
Who | |favourite sport\music\singer\film\actor \food\drink?
Вариант 8.
- Раздел “Чтение”
- Прочитайте текст вслух. У вас есть полторы минуты на подготовку и полторы минуты, чтобы прочитать текст вслух.
Every person loves the place where he or she was born, but people are always wondering whether the country or the city is the ideal place to live. Let us consider what the advantages and the disadvantages of life in the city and life in the country are. It is clear that fishing, walks in the forest or just enjoying the sunrise can be a part of your daily life if you live in the countryside. Besides, living in the countryside is cheaper and safer than in a city. Finally, life in the countryside is quiet, peaceful, and healthy.
The problem of employment in the countryside is really crucial today. It is especially acute for young people and professionals. In 330 BC, Aristotle wrote that, by nature, a man belonged to a city. Many people love busy city life. The first thing that needs to be said is living in a metropolis provides plentiful opportunities, both in career and studies. Different sorts of enterainment such as museums, music halls, theaters, exhibitions, restaurants, nightclubs are located in cities.
However, among the disadvantages, there are high prices, crime, enormous traffic jams with overcrowded noisy streets. Also, pollution is the greatest disadvantage of city life today.
- Прочитайте текст и выполните задания.
The British are a sports - loving nation. Cricket, football, rugby, tennis, table tennis, badminton and snooker were invented in Britain. The first rules for such sports as boxing, golf, hockey, yachting and horse-racing also appeared in Britain. The most popular sports which people take part in rather than watching are angling, snooker and darts.
Cricket is the English game. A match can take five days - and still end in a draw. This game was being played 250 years ago.
Football began as a contest between neighbouring villages - without a limit of number of the players on each side and almost without rules. The rules of the modern game consolidated only in 1863.
Golf was probably invented in Holland, but has been played in Scotland for at least 400 years. At first, it was played with balls made of wood, then of leather stuffed with feathers.
The first rules for tennis appeared in England in the first tournament in Wimbledon in 1877. Wimbledon is still the world's most famous tennis centre.
There are a lot of sports games which are popular in Britain. 25 million of people take part in sports. Sports is on the program of all state and private school and universities. Nearly all schools have sports grounds and swimming pools. Indeed, sports is a part of everyday life in Britain.
Задания к тексту «Sports»
- Дополните предложения словами из текста.
- ... is the ... game.
- This game was ... played 250 ... ago.
- ... is still the ... most famous
- The ... are a sports -... nation.
- There are a lot of which are ... in Britain.
- Определите, верное утверждение или нет
- The British are not a sports - loving nation.
- The first rules for such sports as boxing, golf, hockey, yachting, and horse - racing also appeared in England.
- Cricket is the Russian game.
- A match can take five days - and still end in a draw.
- Snooker began as a contest between neighbouring villages - without a limit of number of the players on each side and almost without rules.
Исправьте в предложениях допущенные грамматические ошибки, следуя тексту.
- The British is a sports - loving nation
- Cricket the English game.
- A match can takes five days - and still end in a draw.
- Football begin as a contest between neighbouring villages - without a limit of number of the players on each side and almost without rules.
5. Golf is probably invented in Holland, but has been played in Scotland for at least 400 year.
6. There are a lot of sports game which are popular at Britain.
Составьте предложения из данных слов так, чтобы они соответствовали предложениям в тексте.
- in, indeed,, Britain, sports, life, is, everyday, a, part, of;
- universities , sports, and, is , school, on, private, the, and, program, state, of, all;
- feathers, at, with, first, stuffed, it, leather, played, of, was, then, with, wood, balls, of, made.
2.Раздел “Грамматика”
- They write new words in …..notebooks.
a) theirs b) their c) them
- …New Zealand is not far from ….Australia.
a)the, the b)-, - c) the, -
- My friends …..in the park yesterday evening.
a) see b) saw c) were seen
- When ….you……your friends yesterday?
a) Have…met b) Did…meet c) Do…meet
- An interesting film …..on TV next week.
a) will be shown b) will show c) show
- …you ever …..to St. Petersburg?
a) Did …..be b) Has…been c) Have ….been
- She ….never ….to France.
a) have been b) has been c) was
- ….Mississippi is larger than ….Thames.
a) -, the b) the, the c) the, -
- I will put on ….best dress.
a) me b) mine c) my
- We often ….this game in the evening.
a) play b) are playing c) had played
3.Раздел “Говорение”
Задание 1. Расскажи о своей квартире или доме, пользуясь планом
- It is big\small
- There are … rooms in it. They are …
- There is\isn’t much furniture in …
- There is a …
- There are some\many …
- The … (TV set) is … (near, behind) the … .
- My favourite room is …, because …
Задание 2. Сформулируй и задай вопросы партнеру по диалогу.
- … big or small?
- How many rooms…? What are they?
- Is there much furniture in … ?
- Is there a … (TV set, a computer, a sofa, …) in … ?
- Where is the (TV set, a computer, a sofa, …)?
- … favourite room? Why?
Вариант 9.
- Раздел “Чтение”
- Прочитайте текст вслух. У вас есть полторы минуты на подготовку и полторы минуты, чтобы прочитать текст вслух.
Life in a city is much easier than in the country — developed transport system, sewerage system, sports clubs, shopping mails, etc. Modern men are too sophisticated for simple country pleasures. There is far more entertainment in a city than in the country. Cities offer high concentration of good things in life: big stores, restaurants, theatres, cinema, art galleries. Life is more convenient in a city, as services are always better there. It is possible to go out, make friends and never be cut off from them by weather conditions. Generally, people do not mind what you do in a city. In the country, everybody knows you and expects you to live and behave in a certain way. Moreover, life is never dull in a city; people always have something to do there.
It is needless to say that citizens are more advantaged in education. Students have museum classes and excursions. They can attend lectures and preparatory courses, and therefore have more chances to enter this or that university. After graduating from a university, the residents of big cities are more likely to find a prestigious and well-paid job. They are more communicative, more experienced. They usually have more friends and relatives to help them. In a city, people have more chances to succeed.
- Прочитайте текст и выполните задания.
Mass media
The most popular sources of entertainment and information are the press, radio and TV. The press plays an important part in the life of society. Millions of Americans in their free time read newspapers. In the USA daily newspapers are published in 34 different languages. The daily newspapers are of two kinds: quality and popular. A quality paper is a serious newspaper which publishes articles and commentaries about politics. A popular paper contains many photographs; its articles are often sensational and mostly deal with private life of famous people.
The radio does not interfere in your activity. You can listen to the radio while doing some work about the house, reading a book or driving a car. On the radio you can hear music, plays, news and different discussions. A peculiar feature of the American radio is soap opera. It is a sentimental dramatic serial that describes domestic problems. Soap opera is usually broadcast every day. There are a lot of games on the radio. Radio has also cultural and educational programs. Many programs consist of classical music.
Television is a "chewing gum for ears and eyes". There are many serials on TV in the USA. They appeared in the 1950s. TV games attract a large audience. During TV quiz programs viewers answer different questions. There are many educational programs on television. Educational TV films and programs are shown in schools and colleges as a part of the curriculum.
Выпишите предложения из текста со словами, данными ниже.
Переведите их письменно.
Слова: popular sources , important, daily, contains , interfere, peculiar, soap, cultural, serials.
Задание №3
Дополните предложения словами из текста.
- The most popular sources of entertainment and information are... .
- A quality paper is a serious newspaper which publishes ....
- You can listen to the radio while doing... .
- On the radio you can hear ....
- A peculiar feature of the American radio is ... .
- Radio has also ....
- There are many serials on ... .
- Educational TV films and programs are shown in ... .
- TV games... a large ... .
- Many programs ... of... music.
Определите, верное утверждение или нет.
- The press doesn't play an important part in the life of society.
- Millions of Americans in their free time read newspapers.
- In the USA daily newspapers are published in 14 different languages.
- A popular paper contains many songs.
- The radio interferes in your activity.
- You can listen to the radio while doing some work about the house.
- On the radio you can hear music, plays, the news and fairy- tales.
- A peculiar feature of the American radio is a fable.
- There are a lot of games on the radio.
- Many programs consist of pop music.
Исправьте допущенные ошибки в предложениях, следуя тексту.
- The books play an important part in the life of society.
- Millions of Englishmen in their free time read books.
- The press does not interfere in your activity
- Soap opera is usually broadcast every week.
- There are a lot of stories on the radio.
- Radio has also cultural and sports programs.
7. There are many serials on the radio in USA.
Составьте предложения из данных слов так, чтобы они соответствовали предложениям в тексте.
- often, are, popular, a, many, paper, life, people, articles, contains, of, famous ,with, its, private, deal, photographs, sensational, and, mostly;
- a, is , problems, that, it, sentimental, serial, domestic, dramatic, describes;
- music, many, classic, programs, of, consist.
2.Раздел “Грамматика”
- Whose umbrella is this? – It is ….
- mine b) my c) her
- ..London is …capital of …Great Britain.
- the, the, the b) -, -, the c) -, the, -
- The pupil …..to the library recently.
- will go b) has gone c) went
- …you ….a test last week?
- Did …wrote b) will write c) Did…write
- They reached …Pacific Ocean by means of …. Panama Canal.
- -, - b) the, the c) the, -
- ….. you …..a lot of friends last Friday?
- Did …invite b) have …invited c) Do …invite
- ….. you….a present last birthday?
- Have …got b) Did …got c) Did…get
- She always …. homework.
- does b) do c) done
- We …. the first prize last month.
- win b) won c) have won
- …Oka flows into …. Volga.
- -, the b) the, the c) the, -
Раздел “Говорение”
Задание 1. Расскажи о фактах, связанных со временем и датами твоей жизни, пользуясь планом и опорами.
- date, day of the week, month today/yesterday/tomorrow.
- the date of your/your mother’s/your best friend’s birthday
- the dates of 4 Russian holidays.
- the time of your first lesson/dinner/now.
- Today is the … of … . It is … today. It is …
- My birthdays is on …
- My mum’s birthdays is on …
- My best friend’s birthdays is on …
- … (holiday) is on …
- My first lesson is at …
- My dinner is at …
- It is … now.
Вариант 10.
1.Раздел “Чтение”
- Прочитайте текст вслух. У вас есть полторы минуты на подготовку и полторы минуты, чтобы прочитать текст вслух.
Art has always been an interesting endeavor and it has been for a rather long period of time. Artists throughout the years have made a name for themselves and left lasting legacies that allowed many art lovers today to thank them for. And art, in any of its forms, has many stories to tell. There are plenty of stories about certain famous artists and their works. Such an example can be Leonardo da Vinci. Although many may have heard about Leonardo da Vinci's most famous artwork, the Mona Lisa, only a few may have known that it took the renowned artist 12 years just to paint and perfect Mona Lisa's lips. No wonder people are still trying to consider her mystical smile. During the time when the famous artwork was stolen from the Louvre in 1912, there were six replicas that were sold as originals, each at a very handsome price. This was done for a good three years until the original painting was finally recovered. Another thing to mention about Leonardo da Vinci is that he wrote all his personal notes in reverse, requiring others to use a mirror in order to read them.
- Прочитайте текст и выполните задания.
Weather and climate
The English are famous for their tea and weather. The English are always talking about their weather. English weather is never the same two days running.
The most beautiful time in Great Britain is the spring and early summer. All the cold winds, the fog and heavy rains have gone. It rains sometimes, it's often cloudy, but not so often as in the winter. It rains quite often during all the year in England. It's a green country with green grass and large gardens.
The autumn is a nice season. The sky is blue and the sun shines all the day. After spring comes short English summer. It's a time of journeys to the seaside to bathe in the sea.
The winter has no snow at all sometimes. But it's not the right statement for the North and Scotland. It's nice time for skating on rivers. The west is warmer than other parts of the country.
It's a difficult country for people who work outdoors. They are milkmen, farmers, postmen and policemen. It could be cold in the morning, warm in the afternoon and raining in the evening. One day it's sunny, next day it may be cold, and the next day it may be rainy.
The most terrible weather is the foggy weather. Sometimes the fog is thick and dirty. In London this is called smog: a mixture of smoke and fog. Sometimes it's so dark that people can't see the way and cars crawl along slowly with their lights-on.
Everybody in England hates to wake up in the morning and look through the window to see the fog on the street. "Terrible" weather say 20 million Englishmen, when they go to work in the morning.
Задания к тексту «Weather and climate»
- Дополните предложения словами из текста.
- The ... are famous ... their tea and weather.
- English weather is never the same
- The most beautiful time in Great Britain is the ... and early ... .
- It... sometimes, it's often ... , not so often as in the ... .
- It's green ... with green ... and large ... .
- The ... has no ... at all sometimes.
- It's nice time for ... on rivers.
8 country for people who work ... .
- The most... weather is the ... weather.
- Sometimes the ... is and ... .
Задание №4
Определите, верное утверждение или нет.
- The English are famous for their tea and coffee.
- The English are always talking about their weather.
- English weather is always the same two days running.
- The most beautiful time in Great Britain is the winter and early autumn.
- It rains quite often during all the year in England.
- The winter has no snow at all sometimes.
- The south is warmer than other parts of the country.
- It's not a difficult country for people who work outdoors.
- The most terrible weather is a rainy weather.
- Everybody in England likes to wake up in the morning and look
through the window to see the rain on the street.
Задание №5
Исправьте в предложениях допущенные грамматические ошибки, следуя тексту. Объясните правила.
- English weather are never the same two day miming.
- The most beautiful time in Great Britain the spring and early summer.
- The autumn nice season.
- The winter have no snow at all sometimes.
- The west is warm than other parts of the country.
- A most terrible weather is foggy weather.
- Sometimes the fog thick and dirty.
- At London this are called smog; a mixture smoke and fog.
Задание №6
Составьте предложения из данных слов так, чтобы они соответствовали предложениям в тексте.
- winter, sometimes, often, not, it, the, as, rains, it's, so, but, often, cloudy, in;
- the, afternoon, it, be, warm, raining, could, in, the, cold, in, the, and, morning, in, evening;
- it's, people, cars, way, the, see, sometimes, with, dark, slowly, their, so, lights-on, that, along, can't, crawl, and.
2.Раздел “Грамматика”
- Last year we went to ……Urals.
- - ,b) the
- ….UK has a royal family.
- the, b) -
- His new book …..next year.
- will be finished b) will finish c) will be finish
- Bread …..every day.
- eats b) are eaten c) is eaten
- These trees …..last autumn.
- are planted b) were planted c) will plant
- This work …..tomorrow.
- will do b) will be done c) will done
- My question ….two days ago.
- will answer b) will be answered c) was answered
- Hockey …..in winter.
- is played b) was played c) play
- Mushrooms …..in autumn.
- were gathered b) are gathered c) will gather
- St Petersburg ….in 1703.
- was founded b) is founded c) will be founded
Раздел “Говорение”
Задание 1. Расскажи о своем рабочем дне, пользуясь планом и опорами.
- I get up at …
- It takes me …
- My classes start at …
- We usually have … lessons a day.
- At … o’clock our classes are over.
- I come back home at …
- At home I …, …
- If I have time, I …
- I go to bed at …
Задание 2. Сформулируй и задай вопросы партнеру по диалогу.
- Time to get up/ to go to bed
- Time the job starts and finishes
- Food for breakfast/ lunch/ dinner
- Time and place of breakfast/ lunch / dinner
- Activities in the evening
Основные источники:
- Гичева Н.Г. 1200 тестов по английскому языку / Наталья гичева, Ольга Дворжец, Людмила Черкашина. – 7-е изд. — М., Айрис-пресс, 2009.
- Николенко Т.Г. Тесты по грамматике английского языка / Татьяна Николенко. – 8-е изд. — М., Айрис-пресс, 2009.
- Соловова Е. Н. С60 ЕГЭ 2016. Английский язык. Тематические тестовые задания / Е. Н. Соловова, John Parsons, Е. С. Маркова. — М.: Центр изучения английского языка Елены Солововой, 2016.
- http://grammar-tei.com/teksty-i-testy-po-chteniyu-dlya-7-klassa-reading-comprehension/ (тексты для чтения)
- http://www.native-english.ru/topics
- http://iloveenglish.ru/tests
- http://engmaster.ru/word/15
- https://www.1urok.ru/categories/2/articles/21621
- https://en7-vpr.sdamgia.ru/test
- https://nsportal.ru/shkola/inostrannye-yazyki/angliiskiy-yazyk/library/2013/02/16/sbornik-testov-po-angliyskomu-yazyku
- https://xn--j1ahfl.xn--p1ai/library/grammaticheskij_test_po_anglijskomu_yaziku_123557.html
Приложение 1
Раздел “Чтение”
Вариант 1
Ответы к тексту My New School Is Fantastic
Упражнение 1. 1b, 2c, 3c, 4b, 5a
Упражнение 2. 2,3,5
Упражнение 3.
1 false
2 false
3 false
4 true
5 true
Вариант 2
Ответы к тексту Mysterious Monster
Упражнение 1. 1 – b, 2 – a, 3 – a, 4 — b
Упражнение 2.
- true
- false
- false
- true
- true
Упражнение 3. 1 – 50, 2 – horse, 3 – sheep, 4 – plants, 5 – coldest
Вариант 3
Ответы к тексту Music in the Streets
Упражнение 1. 1 true, 2 false, 3 false. 4 true, 5 false
Упражнение 2. 1 painter, 2 tourists, 3 guitar 4. Warm 5. to leave my place
Упражнение 3.
- Possible answers.
- Street musicians should wear bright clothes to attract attention.
- The best places for street musicians are warm places – such as bridges and the underground.
- The police is a much worse problem.
- Street musicians need to learn new songs all the time to have more listeners.
Раздел “Грамматика”
Вариант 1,6
Правильные ответы: 1b, 2b, 3c, 4a, 5c, 6c, 7a, 8b, 9a, 10a,
Вариант 2,7
Правильные ответы: 11b, 12c, 13c, 14a, 15c, 16b, 17b, 18a, 19c, 20b,
Вариант 3,8
Правильные ответы: 21b, 22b, 23c, 24b, 25a, 26c, 27b, 28b, 29c, 30a,
Вариант 4,9
Правильные ответы: 31a, 32c, 33b, 34c, 35b, 36a, 37c, 38a, 39b, 40b,
Вариант 5,10
Правильные ответы: 41b, 42a, 43a, 44c, 45b, 46b, 47c, 48a, 49b, 50a.
Приложение 2
Бланк для выполнения заданий по разделам
Раздел | Проверка (Правильный ответ – 1 балл, неправильный – 0 баллов) | |
Раздел “Чтение”. Часть 2 | ||
Задание 1 | ||
Задание 2 | ||
Задание 3 | ||
Раздел “Грамматика”. | ||
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