КОС для проведения промежуточной аттестации по ОГСЭ.03.Иностранный язык (английский) 35.02.07 Механизация сельского хозяйства
Контрольно-оценочные средства для проведения промежуточной аттестации по ОГСЭ.03.Иностранный язык(английский) 35.02.07 Механизация с/х
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Областное бюджетное профессиональное образовательное учреждение
«Калиновский сельскохозяйственный техникум»
Директор ОБПОУ «КСХТ» | |
Приказ №105 от «23» июля 2019 г. | |
__________________ В.Н.Копцев |
Контрольно-оценочные средства
для проведения промежуточной аттестации
по учебной дисциплине
2019 г.
Комплект контрольно-оценочных средств по учебной дисциплине ОГСЭ.03. ИНОСТРАННЫЙ ЯЗЫК (АНГЛИЙСКИЙ) разработан на основе Федерального государственного образовательного стандарта среднего профессионального образования (ФГОС СПО) по специальности 35.02.07 МЕХАНИЗАЦИЯ СЕЛЬСКОГО ХОЗЯЙСТВА в соответствии с рабочей программой учебной дисциплины.
Организация - разработчик: ОБПОУ «Калиновский сельскохозяйственный техникум»
Разработчик: Мартыненкова Ирина Ивановна - преподаватель ОБПОУ «Калиновский сельскохозяйственный техникум»
Предметной цикловой комиссией | Заместитель |
Протокол №10 от «04» июля 2019 г. | Директора по учебной работе |
Председатель ПЦК | ОБПОУ «КСХТ» |
_________________ Баранова Л.М. | ____________ Мартыненков В.Б. |
подпись Ф.И.О. | подпись Ф.И.О. |
1.Паспорт комплекта оценочных средств
1.1. Область применения комплекта оценочных средств
Комплект оценочных средств предназначен для оценки результатов освоения учебной дисциплины ОГСЭ.03. ИНОСТРАННЫЙ ЯЗЫК (АНГЛИЙСКИЙ).
Аттестация проводится в форме экзамена.
1.2. Проверяемые результаты обучения:
Код | Результаты освоения (объекты оценивания) | Основные показатели оценки результата
У 1 | вести диалог на изучаемом языке | -осуществлять запрос и обобщение информации на английском языке; -формулировать свое отношение к высказыванию собеседника; -обращаться за разъяснениями; - соблюдать правила общения. |
У 2 | устно выступать с сообщениями. | - устанавливать связи устного высказывания с изученной тематикой; - описывать события; - излагать факты. |
У 3 | понимать высказывания на изучаемом языке в различных ситуациях общения | - узнавать речевые обороты; - формулировать значение слов на родном языке; - соблюдать порядок слов в предложении. |
У 4 | понимать основное содержание текстов | - выделять основные факты в тексте; - отделять в тексте главную информацию от второстепенной; - раскрывать причинно-следственные связи. |
У 5 | создавать различные жанры и типы письменных сообщений | - описывать явления, события; - излагать факты в письме личного и делового характера; - заполнять различные виды анкет; - сообщать сведения о себе в форме принятой в странах изучаемого языка. |
З1 | значение новых лексических единиц | - определять значение иностранных слов на родном языке; - описывать существенные черты объекта, обозначаемого лексической единицей. |
З2 | языковой материал и ситуации общения в рамках изученных тем | - определять значение языкового материала на родном языке; - называть единицы речевого этикета; - определять ситуацию общения. |
З3 | новые значения изученных глагольных форм | - определять видовременные формы глагола; - перечислять средства и способы выражения модальности глагола. |
З4 | лингвострановедческую и социокультурную информацию | - перечислять основные лингвострановедческие реалии; - описывать социокультурные явления стран изучаемого языка ; -определять значение реалии на иностранном и на родном языке. |
З5 | понимать тексты, построенные на языковом материале | - осознавать основную идею и смысл текста - сделать необходимые выводы по тексту. |
З6 | понимать инструкции и нормативные документы по профессии на изучаемом языке | - осознавать смысл инструкции на изучаемом языке; - передавать содержание инструкции на родном языке; - различать нормативные документы на изучаемом языке. |
1.3.Таблица сочетаний проверяемых знаний и умений
У1. Уметь вести диалог на изучаемом языке; У2. Устно выступать с сообщениями; У3. Понимать высказывания на изучаемом языке в различных ситуациях общения; З2. Языковой материал и ситуации общения в рамках изученных тем. | -осуществлять запрос и обобщение информации; -формулировать свое отношение к высказыванию собеседника; -обращаться за разъяснениями; - соблюдать правила общения; - устанавливать связи устного высказывания с изученной тематикой; - описывать события; - излагать факты; - узнавать речевые обороты; - формулировать значение слов на родном языке; - соблюдать порядок слов в предложении; - определять значение языкового материала на родном языке; - называть единицы речевого этикета; - определять ситуацию общения. | №1 (В№1-25). |
У3. Понимать высказывания на изучаемом языке в различных ситуациях общения; З1. Значение новых лексических единиц; З4. Новые значения изученных глагольных форм. | - узнавать речевые обороты; - формулировать значение слов на родном языке; - соблюдать порядок слов в предложении; - определять значение иностранных слов на родном языке; - определять видовременные формы глагола; - перечислять средства и способы выражения модальности глагола. | №2 (В№1-25). |
У4. Понимать основное содержание текстов; З6. Понимать инструкции и нормативные документы по профессии на изучаемом языке. | - выделять основные факты в тексте; - раскрывать причинно-следственные связи; - осознавать смысл инструкции на изучаемом языке; - передавать содержание инструкции на родном языке; - различать нормативные документы на изучаемом языке. | №3 (В№1-25). |
2. Комплект оценочных средств
2.1. Задания для проведения экзамена
Вариант № 1
Текст задания: Read and translate the text.
What is agriculture?
Agriculture is an important branch of economy. Economic growth of any country depends on the development of agriculture which supplies people with food and clothing and industry with raw materials.
The word "agre" is a Latin word. It means the cultivation of fields in order to grow crops. Now agriculture also includes the use of land to breed farm animals.
We do not know when people began to grow crops. It was many thousand years ago. Now crop production and animal husbandry are highly developed branches of agriculture.
Life is impossible without plants. They play a highly, important role in everyday life of people. Plants that ate grown by farmers are known as farm crops. They are used for many different purposes. Most of them are used directly as food for people, some are consumed by farm animals, others are used in industry and medicine.
In order to increase crop yields and animal products our collective and state farms apply widely intensive technologies.
Текст задания: Answer the following questions.
1. Why is agriculture very important?
2. What are the two branches of agriculture?
3. What does the Latin word "agre" mean?
4. Is life possible without plants?
5. Where are farm crops used?
6. How do people increase crop yields?
Текст задания: Translate the instruction.
Duties of the Тractorer
Тractorer must: to drive a tractor; to inspect equipment, as required, to fuel and lubricate oil, that is, to provide adequate care; in cases of failure to repair the tractor; when defects are detected, make appropriate inventory and records, to begin work only in overalls and following admission, the medical worker to her.
Вариант № 2
Текст задания: Read and translate the text.
Two branches of agriculture
There are two main branches of agricultural production — crop production and animal husbandry.
Crop production is the practice of growing and harvesting crops. The most important crops grown by man are grain crops, vegetables and grasses. In order to obtain high yields crops are grown under favorable soil and climatic conditions.
Animal husbandry is a branch of agriculture including the breeding of
farm animals and their use. Dairy and beef cattle, hogs, sheep, and poultry
are widely bred throughout the world. Farm animals are highly important
sources of food for man. They are kept for the production of such nutritious
products as meat, milk and eggs.
Many crops grown by man are used in feeding livestock. At the same time manure produced by farm animals is an important source for the maintenance of soil fertility . Most of the nutrients taken by plants from the soil are thus returned. Applying manure, farmers improve the physical condition of the soil.
Thus, crop production and animal husbandry are closely connected with each other.
Текст задания: Answer the following questions.
1. What are the two branches of agriculture?
2. What is crop production?
3. What are the main farm crops?
4. What does animal husbandry include?
5. What products do farm animals produce?
6. What is manure used for?
7. How do farmers improve the physical condition of the soil?
Текст задания: Translate the instruction.
Tractor driver's rights: to create decent working conditions and provide a good job. On providing with all necessary tools, means of protection and overalls. To liaise with management to communicate any information relating to its activities. Make suggestions to improve production. Upon detection of any faults, breakdowns or in the absence of the necessary tools, the tractor operator can refuse to work on this technique.
Вариант № 3
Текст задания: Read and translate the text.
Plant, its parts and their functions
Plants are highly important sources of food for man and farm animals. They also supply people with clothing, shelter and many other things as well.
To obtain high yields of farm crops it is necessary to study the principal parts of the plant and their functions.
The principal parts of a plant are the root system and the above ground portion consisting of stems, leaves, flowers and seeds.
The root performs two main functions. It absorbs plant nutrients as well as water from the soil and anchors the plant. There are two types of roots: fibrous roots and tap roots. All grain crops have fibrous roots, while tap roots are typical of legumes and root crops. Alfalfa and sugar beets are examples of crops having tap roots.
As to stems and leaves they are usually above the ground. To support leaves and to conduct water and nutrients from the roots to the leaves are the main functions of the stem. The food used by green plants is produced in the leaves through the process known as photosynthesis.
A flower is the part of the plant where seeds are produced. Thus, to produce seeds the plant must have flowers.
All parts of a plant must be developed well in order to function properly, If conditions for plant growth are not favourable the plant will be weak to develop its parts well.
Текст задания: Answer the following questions:
1. What do roots absorb from the soil?
2. Which crops have fibrous roots?
3. Have legumes fibrous roots?
4. What are the functions of the stem?
5. Where are seeds produced?
6. Why must all parts of a plant be developed well?
Текст задания: Translate the instruction.
The tractor driver is responsible for: failure or improper performance of work duties; violation of the established rules of internal regulations of the organization; violation of the established rules of fire safety; violation of the established rules of labor protection; negligent attitude to the provided tools and materials, their storage in non-compliance with the rules; loss or theft of working equipment; damage to property, working equipment both accidentally and intentionally.
Вариант № 4
Текст задания: Read and translate the text.
Classification of field crops
Crops are variously grouped and classified. They may be classified as cultivated crops such as potatoes and corn or as non-cultivated crops such as wheat or barley.
Crops may also be grouped according to the duration of their growth. Annual crops complete their life cycle in one growing season. Biennials require two seasons to produce seed. Perennials grow for more than two seasons, producing seed each year.
According to their use field crops may be classified into many groups. The most important of them are:
- Cereal or Grain Crops. A cereal is a grass grown for its edible grain. Wheat, corn, rye, barley, oats and rice are to be mentioned as the most important grain crops.
- Legumes for Seed. The principal legumes grown for seed are field peas, field beans and soybeans. Sometimes the aim of growing them is to improve soil fertility because they are able to fix atmospheric nitrogen through the bacteria living on their roots.
- Forage Crops. These are the crops used as feed for farm animals in the form of pasture, hay or silage. Most of them are perennials.
4. Root Crops, Unlike cereals root crops are grown because of the food value of their roots. There are many root crops grown by man. They are sugar beets, carrots, radishes and others. They are biennials.
5. Tuber Crops. The most important tuber crop cultivated throughout the world is potatoes. Like root crops they are biennials but people grow them as annuals.
Текст задания: Answer the following questions
1. Is wheat a cultivated crop?
2. What is a biennial crop?
3. For how many years does alfalfa grow?
4. Do perennial crops produce seed each season?
5. Why do legumes increase soil fertility?
6. What root crops do you know?
7. Is potato a biennial crop?
Текст задания: Translate the instruction.
Duties of the Тractorer: Тractorer must: to drive a tractor; to inspect equipment, as required, to fuel and lubricate oil, that is, to provide adequate care; in cases of failure to repair the tractor; when defects are detected, make appropriate inventory and records, to begin work only in overalls and following admission, the medical worker to her.
Вариант № 5
Текст задания: Read and translate the text.
The practice of farming
The practice of farming, including the cultivation of the soil (for raising crops) and the raising of domesticated animals. The units for managing agricultural production vary from smallholdings and individually owned farms to corporate-run farms and collective farms run by entire communities or by the government.
Crops . For successful production, the land must be prepared (ploughed, cultivated, harrowed, and rolled), seed must be planted and the growing plants nurtured. This may involve fertilizers, irrigation, pest control by chemicals, and monitoring of acidity or nutrients. When the crop has grown, it must be harvested and, depending on the crop, processed in a variety of ways before it is stored or sold. Greenhouses allow cultivation of plants in cold climates. Hydroponics allows commercial cultivation of crops using nutrient-enriched water instead of soil. Special methods, such as terracing, may be adopted to allow cultivation in steep regions and to retain topsoil in mountainous areas with heavy rainfall.
Animals are raised for wool, milk, leather, dung (as fuel), or meat. They may be semidomesticated, such as reindeer, or fully domesticated but nomadic (where naturally growing or cultivated food supplies are sparse), or kept on a farm. Animal farming involves rearing, feeding, breeding, gathering the produce (eggs, milk, or wool), slaughtering, and further processing such as tanning.
Текст задания: Complete the sentences using the words below.
1.For successful production, the land must be… .
2.… of farming, including the cultivation of the soil (for raising crops) and the raising of domesticated animals.
3.When the crop has …, it must be harvested.
4.… are raised for wool, milk, leather, dung, or meat.
5.Greenhouses allow cultivation of plants in … climates.
Cold , grown , prepared, the practice, animals.
Текст задания: Translate the instruction.
Duties of the Тractorer: Тractorer must: to drive a tractor; to inspect equipment, as required, to fuel and lubricate oil, that is, to provide adequate care; in cases of failure to repair the tractor; when defects are detected, make appropriate inventory and records, to begin work only in overalls and following admission, the medical worker to her.
Вариант № 6
Текст задания: Read and translate the text.
Tillage and Tillage Implements
As you know tillage is used to prepare the ground for seeding or planting, to retard weed growth and to improve the physical condition of soil. Tillage includes various operations: plowing (primary tillage), harrowing (secondary tillage), deep tillage, cultivation, fertilizing, etc.
Primary tillage, or plowing, may be done by various kinds of plows, such as two-way plows, disk plows, rotary plows, etc. The plows may be both tractor-mounted and tractor-drawn.
Tractor-drawn plows are attached to the tractor by an adjustable hitch which permits horizontal adjustment of the plow and prevents "nosing" of plow points. The hitch incorporates a spring release or some other device which disconnects the plow when it strikes an obstacle. In some plows each bottom is held in working position by a heavy spring which permits the bottom to raise and pass over the obstacle. Tractor-drawn plows are provided with a lifting mechanism which raises them from or lowers them to their working position. The lifting mechanism may be either mechanical or hydraulic. There are also1 two levers —one for regulating the depth of plowing, the other for levelling the plow.
A tractor-mounted plow is a compact unit of high maneuverability which is adjusted by means of hydraulic Controls. Due to hydraulic controls the tractor operator can quickly connect and disconnect the implements without leaving the cabin. Tractor-mounted plows, like tractor-drawn plows, have two levers — one is used for regulating the depth, the other — for levelling the plow.
Secondary tillage, or harrowing, is done to refine the ground after plowing. Depending on the physical condition of soil 2 and other factors various kinds of harrows must be used, such as, disc harrow, spike-tooth harrow, spring-tooth harrow, etc.
It goes without saying that all types of harrows, like plows, are either tractor-mounted or tractor-drawn.
There are other implements' intended for retarding weed growth, such as row-crop cultivators, field cultivators, spring-tooth weeders, etc.
Текст задания: Answer the following questions
1.What kind of tillage do you know ?
2.What operations includes tillage?
3.What kind of plow do you know?
4.Describe a tractor-mounted plow.
5.How much levers have tractor-mounted plows?
6.What factors affect the secondary tillage?
7.What other implements do you know?
Текст задания: Translate the instruction.
Tractor driver's rights: to create decent working conditions and provide a good job. On providing with all necessary tools, means of protection and overalls. To liaise with management to communicate any information relating to its activities. Make suggestions to improve production. Upon detection of any faults, breakdowns or in the absence of the necessary tools, the tractor operator can refuse to work on this technique.
Вариант № 7
Текст задания: Read and translate the text.
. Potatoes, beets
Potato is a highly important food crop. In addition it is used as livestock feed and as an industrial crop. Now it is grown in most countries of the world.
Good yields are obtained where growing season temperature is between 16 to 21°C and where the rainfall is 12 to 18 inches (дюйм = 2,5 см) per year. So, commercial production is largely limited to die areas where the climate is cool and moist. Potatoes are known to produce better yields when they are grown after alfalfa and are planted in the same field only once (один раз) in six or seven years.
Beet crop is one of the most widely grown root crops. There are two main kinds of beets, sugar beets and table beets. Both of them are best adapted to growing in the temperate climate.
Table beets are used by people for food when roots are young. At this time they are rich in protein and minerals.
Sugar beet is an industrial crop. It is high in sugar, up to 20 per cent. There are some factors which favour the accumulation of sugar in the roots. They are soil fertility, enough moisture, low temperature.
Most of the sugar beets are grown in Europe including the Soviet Union.
Текст задания: Complete the sentences.
1.Table beets are used by people…
2.Potato is a highly…
3.Now potato is grown in most countries…
4.Sugar beet is…
5.There are two main kinds of beets…
an industrial crop , important food crop , of the world , for food, sugar beets and table beets.
Текст задания: Translate the instruction.
The tractor driver is responsible for: failure or improper performance of work duties; violation of the established rules of internal regulations of the organization; violation of the established rules of fire safety; violation of the established rules of labor protection; negligent attitude to the provided tools and materials, their storage in non-compliance with the rules; loss or theft of working equipment; damage to property, working equipment both accidentally and intentionally.
Вариант № 8
Текст задания: Read and translate the text.
Electricity in agriculture
Electricity has become highly important in our modern world. It has made our work easier and our life more comfortable.
In agriculture electricity is being used in many ways. It is especially widely applied in animal buildings for lighting and for operating different machines such as barn cleaners, feed conveyers, automatic ventilators and automatic waterers.
Electric energy is more economical than any other forms of energy. Electricity operated machines save time and labour, increase labour productivity and improve the quality of work.
Текст задания: Answer the questions.
1.What is the role of electricity in agricultural?
2.For what purposes we use electricity?
3.Is electric energy more economical than any other forms of energy?
Текст задания: Translate the instruction.
Duties of the Тractorer: Тractorer must: to drive a tractor; to inspect equipment, as required, to fuel and lubricate oil, that is, to provide adequate care; in cases of failure to repair the tractor; when defects are detected, make appropriate inventory and records, to begin work only in overalls and following admission, the medical worker to her.
Вариант № 9
Текст задания: Read and translate the text.
Robots today and tomorrow
Robots are ideal workers not only for industry but for agriculture as well. In the Soviet Union robotization is a young branch of agricultural mechanization. It is highly important because of both certain lack of working hands in the country and the necessity to eliminate hand labour, which is one of the main social and economic problems of the day.
If robots were widely used in agriculture, labour productivity would be raised greatly, crop, meat and milk yields would be increased and the product quality would be improved due to more timely performing of farm operations.
Robot-type agriculture is used now in irrigation systems where people are no longer needed to apply and control water or move irrigation pipelines.
Intensive work has been started on the development of various types of robots designed specially for agriculture. New robots are likely to appear for doing work on fields. Such electronic farmers'will be able to till the soil, to sow seeds and to harvest crops. They will be able even to see weeds and control them. The farmer will only press the necessary buttons on the control panel and then leave the machine which will work unattended.
Time is not very far when many labour-consumin operations on farms will be performed by robots.
Текст задания: Complete the sentences:
1.Robots are machines that
2.All operations in crop growing would be timely performed
3.There are few robots
4.No hand labour is required
a.when robots are used.
b.specially developed for agriculture.
c.can perform work unattended.
d.if different robots were used in this branch of agriculture.
Текст задания: Translate the units of tractor from English into Russian.
1. engine; 2. front subframe; 3. front driving wheels; 4. cab; 5. fuel tank; 6. rear subframe; 7. rear driving wheels; 8. hitch.
Вариант № 10
Текст задания: Read and translate the text.
Effects of mechanization on American agriculture
The dominant trend in American agriculture in the past years can be summarized in two words - increased productivity.
The increased productivity is a resist of technological revolution. The principal components of this revolution in crop and livestock production have been greater use of fertilizers, improved crop varieties, better breeding and feeding practices, better skills in management, mechanization and automation being the most important among them.
Mechanization and application of other scientific developments to farming have increased the output per farm worker. Hand labour required for farming has markedly decreased while the production per person has increased.
The increase in production is greater in crop farming than in livestock breeding because crop production has been mechanized to a greater extent than in livestock production.
About 50 years ago 27 per cent of the total population of the country was engaged in agriculture, now the employment in this sector of the economy is about 2.5%. In 1955 labour made up 32 per cent of the cost of farming; by 1980 it only 3.1 per cent. The machinery cost in farming, on the other hand, has continued to increase.
The organization of agriculture in the years to come will use less land, lees labour, fewer but better managers and much more capital, machines and various types of technology. These trends have been in progress for decades and it is unlikely3 that there will be any change from this direction.
Текст задания: Find and translate the sentences, which says
- о факторах научно-технической революции;
- о снижении ручного труда в сельском хозяйстве;
- о более высокой продуктивности растениеводства;
- об основных тенденциях развития сельского хозяйства в будущем.
Текст задания: Translate the instruction.
The tractor driver is responsible for: failure or improper performance of work duties; violation of the established rules of internal regulations of the organization; violation of the established rules of fire safety; violation of the established rules of labor protection; negligent attitude to the provided tools and materials, their storage in non-compliance with the rules; loss or theft of working equipment; damage to property, working equipment both accidentally and intentionally.
Вариант № 11
Текст задания: Read and translate the text.
Soviet tractors
The tractor industry in our country is highly developed. Many different types of tractors are being produced for doing various agricultural practices on soils, including the K-701 wheeled tractor powered by a 300 horse power engine the T-150 crawler tractor, MTZ — 80 wheeled tractor and many others. These tractors are used with different mounted and trailed farm machines for plowing, cultivating, harrowing, sowing and harvesting agricultural crops.
At present millions of tractors are working in the fields of the state and collective farms. With the modern Soviet tractors all the main field operations have been fully mechanized in our country.
Текст задания: Insert necessary word (industry, at present, used with).
1. Tractors are __________different mounted and trailed farm machines.
2. The tractor ________in our country is highly developed.
3. _______ millions of tractors are working in the fields.
Текст задания: Translate the units of tractor from English into Russian.
1. engine; 2. front subframe; 3. front driving wheels; 4. cab; 5. fuel tank; 6. rear subframe; 7. rear driving wheels; 8. hitch.
Вариант № 12
Текст задания: Read and translate the text.
Mechanization in livestock raising
Further increase in animal productivity is achieved both by the introduction of new machinery and by wider electrification and automation of different processes on livestock farms.
Some kinds of livestock equipment are almost completely automatic, thus eliminating most of the hand labour. Many farms are using now automatic waterers which provide water to livestock at all times. At the press of the button silage unloaders remove silage from the silo and drop it into the conveyer that carries the silage to the feed troughs. The feeding of grain and hay to dairy cattle has also been almost completely mechanized on some farms. On most farms manure is collected and transported automatically.
Different machines are now being used which permit a better digestion of various feeds by livestock. For instance, grain grinders, feed mixers, forage cutters increase the feeding value of grain, roughages and other feeds.
Milk pipelines connected to milking machines carry the milk to milk tanks where it is automatically cooled to the proper temperature.
In some poultry houses time clock devices are installed so that chickens can be fed automatically at the desired time of the day. On many poultry farms eggs are cleaned, graded and packed primarily by automation.
Текст задания: Answer the following questions:
1.How is higher productivity achieved?
2.Does mechanization eliminate hand labour?
3.What do silage unloaders do?
4.Is manure collected automatically?
5.What machines increase the feeding value of feeds?
6.What processes are mechanized in poultry breeding?
Текст задания: Translate the instruction.
Duties of the Тractorer: Тractorer must: to drive a tractor; to inspect equipment, as required, to fuel and lubricate oil, that is, to provide adequate care; in cases of failure to repair the tractor; when defects are detected, make appropriate inventory and records, to begin work only in overalls and following admission, the medical worker to her.
Вариант № 13
Текст задания: Read and translate the text.
Mechanization of Soviet farms
Soviet farms have an adequate number of tractors and other farm machinery. But quantitative growth is not all that is important. The quality of farm machines is the problem which should be paid much attention to.
Today such processes as soil tillage, planting, harvesting and transportation are all performed by machinery. One can say that the level (уровень) of mechanization in crop growing is high.
The mechanization of animal husbandry is a more difficult problem. The USSR has started to use the industrial methods hi this branch of agriculture by developing large livestock-breeding complexes. These complexes are now often called meat and milk factories. The level of mechanization is the same there as in industry. The same conveyer system is used at such factories but they produce animal products.
Текст задания: Make singular from plural.
Farms, tractors, machines, processes, methods, complexes, factories, products.
Текст задания: Translate the units of tractor from English into Russian.
1. engine; 2. front subframe; 3. front driving wheels; 4. cab; 5. fuel tank; 6. rear subframe; 7. rear driving wheels; 8. hitch.
Вариант № 14
Текст задания: Read and translate the text.
Trends in Tractor Design
It is known that the need for more food, feed and industrial crops regularly grows. Farmers usually meet these ever increasing demands by increasing crop yields. This largely depends on the quantity and quality of the machinery supplied by tractor and agricultural engineering industry. The most important machine used on farms is the tractor. The heart of the tractor is its power unit, that is, the engine.
The main trend adopted in designing new tractors and other farm machinery is as follows:
- to increase the capacity of the engine, mainly by increasing its power and field speed;
- to improve the design of transmission, chassis and the engine;
- to reduce fuel consumption and maintenance time;
- to improve labour conditions for tractor operators, etc.
The designers said that this trend would result in basic improvements in tractor design. As a result, for example, both the wheeled and track-type general purpose tractors T-150 used in conjunction with trailing or mounted machines and implements are now able to perform not only a number of routine operations, such as soil cultivation, sowing and harvesting, but also land reclamation, earth-moving and other jobs. Of great importance now is 3 that both the wheeled and the crawler models have up to 70% of standardized parts, which is of great importance.
The most important feature of the T-150 is its high power which provides higher field speeds as compared to other general-purpose tractors. Its other important feature is the dual transmission system. The tractor is equipped with an all-metal cab which may be heated and ventilated. When tractor operators began to work on the T-150 they said the new cab had greatly improved their labour conditions.
The basic technical data (specifications) of the T-150 crawler-type tractor are as follows: engine power — 150 hp, at 200 r.p.m. fuel consumption per brake horse power — 185 gph speeds — eight forward and four reverse range of speeds — 2.68 to 15.89 km/h track — 1435 mm ground clearance — 300 mm average soil compacting pressure — 0,44 kg/cm2 mass (weight) —7400 kg
Текст задания: Find 10 adjectives and form three degrees of comparison.
Текст задания: Translate the instruction.
Duties of the Тractorer: Тractorer must: to drive a tractor; to inspect equipment, as required, to fuel and lubricate oil, that is, to provide adequate care; in cases of failure to repair the tractor; when defects are detected, make appropriate inventory and records, to begin work only in overalls and following admission, the medical worker to her.
Вариант № 15
Текст задания: Read and translate the text.
Harvesting Machinery
Harvesting machinery or equipment is a mechanical device used for harvesting. There are several types of harvesting machines which are generally classified by crop. Reapers are used for cutting cereal grains, threshers for separating the seed from the plant; whereas corn or maize harvesting is performed by employing a specially designed mechanical device mechanical corn pickers. A typical harvesting machine comprises of a traveling part, a reaping part, and a baler part.
Harvesting machines are also used for controlling the production of weeds. Machines like field choppers, balers, mowers, crushers and windrowers are the common examples of this category. A forage harvester is used for cutting and chopping of almost all silage crops.
Текст задания: Find English equivalents.
В наши дни, механическое устройство, рисовое поле, типичная машина для сборки урожая, пример из этой категории, использоваться, сбор овощей.
Текст задания: Translate the instruction.
The tractor driver is responsible for: failure or improper performance of work duties; violation of the established rules of internal regulations of the organization; violation of the established rules of fire safety; violation of the established rules of labor protection; negligent attitude to the provided tools and materials, their storage in non-compliance with the rules; loss or theft of working equipment; damage to property, working equipment both accidentally and intentionally.
Вариант № 16
Текст задания: Read and translate the text.
Types of Harvesting Machinery
Following is a brief description of major harvesting machines used all around the globe:
- Crop Harvesting Machine: The mechanical device which harvests forage crops cultivated in upland/paddy field and forms roll bale simultaneously was developed, is termed as crop harvesting machinery. It comprises of traveling, reaping and a baler part.
- Grain Harvesting Machine: This machine is used to harvest grains, the edible brans or fruit seeds of a cereal crop.
- Root crop Harvesting Machine: Traditionally root crops are harvested with diggers and digger-pickers. Now a days, several machines are available in the market. Modern sugar-beet harvester is one of the most popular examples of the root crop harvesting machine.
- Threshers: Threshers or threshing machine is used for the separation of grain from stalks and husks.
- Vegetable Harvesting Machine: Nowadays, machines are also available for the harvesting of vegetables. These vegetable harvesting machines, are quite common among the global vegetable farmers. Tomato harvesting machine is the most common example of this.
Текст задания: Answer the following questions:
1.What is Harvesting Machinery?
2.What types of harvesting machinery do you know?
3.What is crop Harvesting Machine?
4.For what purposes is used grain Harvesting Machine?
5.Give an example of root crop Harvesting Machine.
6.Call vegetable Harvesting Machine.
Текст задания: Translate the units of tractor from English into Russian.
1. engine; 2. front subframe; 3. front driving wheels; 4. cab; 5. fuel tank; 6. rear subframe; 7. rear driving wheels; 8. hitch.
Вариант № 17
Текст задания: Read and translate the text.
Losses in harvesting grain crops
Grain harvest losses result from shattering of the standing grain, shattering during windrowing, picking up the window with the combine, and threshing, separating and cleaning in the combine. Estimates of acceptable losses for small grains such as wheat, barley and oats are placed at 3 percent of total yield. Total yield is harvested yield plus harvest losses. It is usually very difficult to reduce total losses below 1-2 percent so the operator must decide on the value of the crop, the cost of combining and the time available for combining or climate conditions. Some harvest loss is unavoidable in order to get a reasonably clean threshing job done in the time available.
Loss studies show a considerable amount of grain is left in the field due to shattering out of the grain heads. This can occur at several stages in the harvest operation. A considerable amount of grain is lost from the standing grain. A hailstorm on standing grain can shell heads, break them off and cause severe lodging problems. Wind can blow entire heads down or shell out a number of kernels. As the grain moisture content decreases, susceptibility to shatter and birds becomes greater. Some grain varieties are more shatter resistant than others. Cutting grain at moisture contents of 20-35 percent will help to avoid some of the shatter loss.
Random field checks show that combine operators are doing a good job of setting their combines to thresh and separate the grain. But more concern should be devoted to getting the grain into the machine.
Farmers usually adjust their machines to recommendations in the operator's manual for the particular crop to be harvested. In the field small adjustments should be performed according to field conditions.
Текст задания: Answer the following questions:
1.Call causes grain harvest losses.
2.Is it usually very difficult to reduce total losses below 1-2 percent?
3.What show loss studies?
4.Which harm (вред) brings the wind?
5.What can show random field checks?
6.Why farmers usually adjust their machines?
Текст задания: Make singular from plural.
Losses, estimates, grains, conditions, heads, problems, kernels, operators, combines, farmers.
Вариант № 18
Текст задания: Read and translate the text.
Cultural practices
Before planting a grower has to perform some tillage operations that insure proper environment for germination. The first tillage operation is plowing. It may be done either in the fall or in spring, depending on the crop and the region. Harrowing and rolling are the operations that are known to insure a level and firm seedbed.
Nowadays the traditional tillage practices are increasingly replaced by minimum tillage. Under minimum tillage the number of operations is reduced. Farm machines can prepare the soil, apply fertilizers, and plant the seed in one operation. Main advantages of this method are lower soil compaction and lower labour and energy costs.
Planting the seed is usually done when the soil and the air are warm enough. For cereals to germinate well two factors must be controlled during planting: depth and rate. Everybody knows the depth of planting the seed to depend largely on the type of the soil and the size of the seed. The coarse seeds of corn and peas are to be planted much deeper than fine seeds of clover or alfalfa. The establishment of high-quality stand is also favoured by a proper seeding rate. Too thick or too thin sowing lowers grain production.
Harvesting is the last cultural practice. Mechanical harvesting helps farmers obtain highest yields of good quality.
Текст задания: Call Russian equivalents international words.
Situation, unbalanced, effectively, aeration, progressive, automatically, irrigation, importer, limited, unlimited, economist.
Текст задания: Answer the following questions.
1.What is the first tillage operation?
2.What other tillage operations are neccesary before planting? What is minimum tillage?
3.What are the advantages of minimum tillage?
4.What factors are important during planting?
5.What is the last cultural practice?
Вариант № 19
Текст задания: Read and translate the text.
History of the plow
First steel plows came to the fields of America in 1937. First plows were of the "walking" type, that is, the operator walked behind the plow while horses pulled it.
Some decades later the first riding plow was developed. The plow was mounted on wheels and pulled by two to four horses. It had a place for the operator to sit. The operator could plow two acres per day, as compared to about one acre with the walking plow.
Today there are tractor-drawn plows that can plow an acre or more per hour.
Текст задания: Complete the sentences.
1.Plows and various cultivators are used.
2.Self-propelled machines are those that.
3.Silage unloader and milking machines are powered
4.Cereals are planted
a.are not powered by tractors
b.with tractor-drawn drills
c.to till the soil
d.with electricity.
Текст задания: Find English equivalents and make your own sentences with them.
Плуг, получить развитие, колесо, сегодня, акр, день, лошади, в сравнении, тянуть, место, поле, тип.
Вариант № 20
Текст задания: Read and translate the text.
Mechanization in crop production
Tillage practices vary with soil and climatic conditions and the crop that is to be grown. Tillage includes plowing, harrowing and rolling the soil. There are some purposes of tilling the soil. They are to improve the aeration and temperature conditions, to produce a firm soil and to control weeds. Different types of plows, harrows and rollers are now available to till the soil.
Seed should be sown in a firm, moist soil and covered at a proper depth to germinate rapidly and uniformly. Many various types of grain drills and planters have been developed to suit varying farm requirements. Some modern drills are equipped with attachments for seeding legume and grass seed and for spreading fertilizers. So, seed can be sown and fertilizer spread in one operation. Fertilizers can also be broadcast before planting. Recently attachments have been added to planters for applying insecticides and herbicides to the soil.
Harvesting crops is the final field operation. Combines that harvest and thresh small grains and some other crops have displaced most threshing machines or threshers. For harvesting to be successful, one should grow a variety that is adapted to mechanical harvesting. The plants should be of uniform height and should mature uniformly. Root crops and potatoes are harvested with root lifters and potato diggers respectively.
Текст задания: Answer the following questions:
1.What operations does tillage include?
2.What machines are used in tilling the soil?
3.What are some drills equipped with?
4.What is the final field operation?
5.What machines are used in root crop and potato harvesting?
Текст задания: Complete the sentences of the following words and phrase.
1. tillage practices; by applying; proper; can be; improved; soils. 2. a fine oil; are used; harrows; to produce. 3. seed; in; a moist soil; rapidly, germinates. 4. in one operation; harvest; thresh; and; combines.
Вариант № 21
Текст задания: Read and translate the text.
Equipment for planting cereals
Broadcasting by hand was used in the USA as the main method of planting wheat and other small grains about a century ago. Later various types of grain drills and seeders have been developed.
Today, with a 12-foot (фут = 30,5 cm) tractor-drawn drill one person can seed 50 to 60 acres per day at a proper rate and at uniform depth. To increase the daily acreage two or more of these drills are combined together.
The warm-season cereals are grown in tropical lowlands year-round and in temperate climates during the frost-free season. Rice is commonly grown in flooded fields, though some strains are grown on dry land. Other warm climate cereals, such as sorghum, are adapted to arid conditions.
Cool-season cereals are well-adapted to temperate climates. Most varieties of a particular species are either winter or spring types. Winter varieties are sown in the autumn, germinate and grow vegetative, then become dormant during winter. They resume growing in the springtime and mature in late spring or early summer. This cultivation system makes optimal use of water and frees the land for another crop early in the growing season.
Winter varieties do not flower until springtime because they require vernalization: exposure to low temperature for a genetically determined length of time. Where winters are too warm for vernalization or exceed the hardiness of the crop (which varies by species and variety), farmers grow spring varieties. Spring cereals are planted in early springtime and mature later that same summer, without vernalization. Spring cereals typically require more irrigation and yield less than winter cereals.
Текст задания: Answer the following questions.
1.What is the main method of planting grain a century ago?
2.What equipment is used for planting crops?
3.What kind of cereal do you know?
4.Are sown winter varieties in the autumn?
5.When are planted spring cereals?
6.What kind of cereals require more irrigation?
Текст задания: Complete the sentences.
1.Most varieties of a particular species are either winter or spring _____.
2.________the daily acreage two or more of these drills are combined together.
3.Spring _______ typically require more irrigation.
4.Winter varieties are sown in__________.
5._______makes optimal use of water and frees the land for another crop early in the growing season.
6.__________ are planted in early springtime.
7.Rice is commonly grown in___________, though some strains are grown on dry land.
8.Where winters are _________for vernalization, farmers grow spring varieties.
To increase , spring cereals, too warm , the autumn, types, flooded fields, cereals, cultivation system.
Вариант № 22
Текст задания: Read and translate the text.
Importance of machinery and energy in agriculture
More and more machines are used on farms today replacing hand labour and increasing labour productivity. With machines and power available farmers not only can do more work and do it more economically, but (hey can do higher-quality work and the work may be finished in a shorter and more favourable time.
Machines that are used for crop production include those that till the soil, plant the crops, perform various cultural practices during the growing season and harvest the crops.
Many machines are known to be powered by tractors. Implements such as plows, cultivators and planters may be mounted on a tractor or they may be pulled by a tractor.
However, an increasing number of farm machines are now self-propelled. These machines are grain combine harvesters, cotton pickers, forage harvesters, and many other specialized farm machines.
Machines that do not require mobility are usually powered with electric motors. Such machines include silage unloaders, livestock feeding equipment and milking machines.
Farm machines we use today are quite different from those the farmers used two or even one decade ago. The tractors, tractor-drawn planters and drills were smaller and less productive. They could plant less acres per day than the machines do now.
Текст задания: Complete the sentences.
1.Plows and various cultivators are used
2.Self-propelled machines are those that
3.Silage unloader and milking machines are powered
4.Cereals are planted
a. are not powered by tractors.
b. with tractor-drawn drills.
c. to till the soil.
d. with electricity.
Текст задания: Answer the following questions.
1.Do machines make labour more productive?
2.Can machines do work in a shorter time?
3.What machines are mounted on a tractor?
4.What self-propelled machines do you know?
5.Are milking machines powered with electricity?
6.What do modern machines differ in?
Вариант № 23
Текст задания: Read and translate the dialogue.
We go to the state farm
Alexei: Hello, everybody, grand news'. We're going to work on the kolkhoz just like real kolkhozniks do. There'll be a school team and we'll get paid for our work.
Vasily: Shall we? But we have got to learn how to work. It's not so
easy with all the modern machinery. We'll make poor workers. I'm afraid.
Alexei: Never mind, we'll manage.
Vasily: You are a young naturalist, and a gifted one, You've got
some knowledge of farming, but we haven’ t.
Grisha: I'm terribly keen on becoming a tractor-driver!
Vasily: Better be a combine-driver, but you never will.
Gnsha: Won't 1? And why, if I may ask?
Alexei: Because your favourite mark in physics is «two»
Grisha: That has nothing to do with my wish to work as a tractor-driver!
Vasily: Hasn't it? Look at him, comrades, he... . Hush, the headmaster' s coming, he'll tell us everything about our work on the kolkhoz.
Текст задания: Write 3 forms of verbs.
To be, to know, to go, to do, to work, to say, to make, to come, to ask, to happen.
Текст задания: Translate the units of tractor from English into Russian.
1. engine; 2. front subframe; 3. front driving wheels; 4. cab; 5. fuel tank; 6. rear subframe; 7. rear driving wheels; 8. hitch.
Вариант № 24
Текст задания: Read and translate the dialogue.
Andrei: Hello, Misha, everything's all right!
Masha: What is all right? What are you talking about?
Andrei: You know that Dad wants me to work on the hog farm, but I do not want to.
Misha: Yes, I know that you've quarrelled because of that.
Andrei: I think a man isn’t much use on a farm now if he does not know everything about machines. Mechanization is what I’m interested in.
Misha: I know that. You'd better tell me what's happened.
Andrei; Well, Mum came home upset because something had, gone wrong with the milking machine at the dairy-farm.
Misha: But there is Vlasov who does all the repairs.
Andrei: He is gone to town. And I asked Mum to let me have a go. I saw she didn't believe I could do it, but she took me to the dairy-farm and I repaired the machine in half an hour. Now it works all right.
Misha: Does your father know about it?
Andrei: Oh, yes. He said “Congratulations” and not a word about the hog farm.
Текст задания: Find English equivalents.
Комбайнёр, что случилось, школьная команда, молочная ферма, механизация – вот чем я интересуюсь, всё в порядке, знания о фермерстве, работать в колхозе, современные машины, что ты скажешь об этом.
Текст задания: Write 3 forms of verbs.
To be, to know, to go, to do, to work, to say, to make, to come, to ask, to happen.
Вариант № 25
Текст задания: Read and translate the text.
Niva SK-5 Self-Propelled Grain Combine can be used in climatic zones 1 to 19. The working parts of the combine are harvester, thresher, grain tank, shocker, front driving and reverse operated axles, driver’s seat and diesel engine. The harvester has an automatically operated universal reel. The cut height is 50-90 mm. The width of the harvester is 1200 mm. The harvester has a threshing drum and a concave. The threshing drum is 600 mm at 320-1365 rev/min. The straw walker has four hordes. Grain tank capacity is 3mm. Shocker capacity is 9 mm. The working speed ranges from 1.04 to 18 km/h.
Overall dimensions:
Length –10920 mm, Width –5300 mm,
Height – 4280 mm, Mass –7500 kg.
Текст задания: Answer the following questions.
In what zones is the Niva SK-5 used?
What working parts has the combine?
What reel has the harvester?
What is the diameter of the threshing drum?
Where is the threshing drum operated from?
How many hordes can have the straw walker?
What can be the capacity of the grain tank?
What can you say about the working speed of the combine?
What is the length of the combine?
Текст задания: Translate the units of tractor from English into Russian.
1. engine; 2. front subframe; 3. front driving wheels; 4. cab; 5. fuel tank; 6. rear subframe; 7. rear driving wheels; 8. hitch.
2.2. Пакет экзаменатора
Задание № 1 | |||
Результаты освоения (объекты оценки) | Основные показатели оценки результата | Критерии оценки результата | Оценка |
У1. Уметь вести диалог на изучаемом языке; У2. Устно выступать с сообщениями; У3. Понимать высказывания на изучаемом языке в различных ситуациях общения; З2. Языковой материал и ситуации общения в рамках изученных тем. | -осуществлять запрос и обобщение информации; -формулировать свое отношение к высказыванию собеседника; -обращаться за разъяснениями; - соблюдать правила общения; - устанавливать связи устного высказывания с изученной тематикой; - описывать события; - излагать факты; - узнавать речевые обороты; - формулировать значение слов на родном языке; - соблюдать порядок слов в предложении; - определять значение языкового материала на родном языке; - называть единицы речевого этикета; - определять ситуацию общения. | -Владеет основными произносительными и интонационными навыками устной речи и техникой чтения. -Коммуникативная задача решена полностью, применение лексики адекватно коммуникативной задаче, грамматические ошибки либо отсутствуют, либо не препятствуют решению коммуникативной задачи. | 5 (отл) |
-В достаточной степени владеет техникой чтения и основными произносительными и интонационными навыками устной речи. Однако допускает незначительные ошибки в произношении отдельных звуков и интонации иноязычной речи. -Коммуникативная задача решена полностью, но понимание текста незначительно затруднено наличием грамматических и/или лексических ошибок. | 4 (хор) | ||
-В недостаточной степени владеет техникой чтения и допускает многочисленные фонетические и интонационные ошибки, что затрудняет понимание речи. -Коммуникативная задача решена, но понимание текста затруднено наличием грубых грамматических ошибок или неадекватным употреблением лексики. | 3 (удовл) | ||
-Речь неправильная, с большим количеством фонетических и интонационных ошибок. Наблюдаются многочисленные ошибки на правила чтения. -Коммуникативная задача не решена ввиду большого количества лексико-грамматических ошибок. | 2 (неудов) | ||
Задание № 2 | |||
Результаты освоения (объекты оценки) | Основные показатели оценки результата | Критерии оценки результата | Оценка |
У3. Понимать высказывания на изучаемом языке в различных ситуациях общения; З1. Значение новых лексических единиц; З4. Новые значения изученных глагольных форм. | - узнавать речевые обороты; - формулировать значение слов на родном языке; - соблюдать порядок слов в предложении; - определять значение иностранных слов на родном языке; - описывать существенные черты объекта, обозначаемого лексической единицей; - определять видовременные формы глагола; - перечислять средства и способы выражения модальности глагола. | Имеется большой словарный запас, соответствующий предложенной теме. Речь беглая. Объем высказываний соответствует программным требованиям. | 5 (отл) |
Имеется достаточный словарный запас, в основном соответствующий поставленной задаче. Наблюдается достаточная беглость речи, но отмечается повторяемость и некоторые затруднения при подборе слов. | 4 (хор) | ||
Имеет ограниченный словарный запас, использует упрощенные лексико-грамматические структуры, в некоторых случаях недостаточные для выполнения задания в пределах предложенной темы. | 3 (удовл) | ||
Бедный лексический запас, отсутствует какая-либо вариативность в его использовании. | 2 (неудов) | ||
Задание № 3 | |||
Результаты освоения (объекты оценки) | Основные показатели оценки результата | Критерии оценки результата | Оценка |
У4. Понимать основное содержание текстов; З6. Понимать инструкции и нормативные документы по профессии на изучаемом языке. | - выделять основные факты в тексте; - отделять в тексте главную информацию от второстепенной; - раскрывать причинно-следственные связи; - осознавать смысл инструкции на изучаемом языке; - передавать содержание инструкции на родном языке; - различать нормативные документы на изучаемом языке. | -Владеет основными произносительными и интонационными навыками устной речи и техникой чтения. | 5 (отл) |
-В достаточной степени владеет техникой чтения и основными произносительными и интонационными навыками устной речи. Однако допускает незначительные ошибки в произношении отдельных звуков и интонации иноязычной речи. | 4 (хор) | ||
-В недостаточной степени владеет техникой чтения и допускает многочисленные фонетические и интонационные ошибки, что затрудняет понимание речи. | 3 (удовл) | ||
-Речь неправильная, с большим количеством фонетических и интонационных ошибок. Наблюдаются многочисленные ошибки на правила чтения. | 2 (неудов) |
2.3. Оценочный лист
код и наименование учебной дисциплины
ФИО ____________________________________________________________
Обучающийся на _______ курсе по специальности СПО
Результаты освоения (объекты оценивания) | Основные показатели оценки результата | Оценка |
Итоговая оценка |
Результаты освоения (объекты оценивания) | Основные показатели оценки результата | Оценка |
Итоговая оценка |
Результаты освоения (объекты оценивания) | Основные показатели оценки результата | Оценка |
Итоговая оценка |
Учебная дисциплина освоена, ОЦЕНКА______________________________
«____» ____________ 20__г. ___________________ /___________________/
По теме: методические разработки, презентации и конспекты

ТРЕБОВАНИЯ К ОФОРМЛЕНИЮ ПОЯСНИТЕЛЬНОЙ ЗАПИСКИ ВЫПУСКНЫХ КВАЛИФИКАЦИОННЫХ РАБОТ МЕТОДИЧЕСКИЕ УКАЗАНИЯ Специальности: 35.02.07 Механизация сельского хозяйства, 35.02.08 Электрификация и автоматизация сельского хозяйства, 23.02.03 Техническое обслужива
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