Тема: «Поездка во Франкфурт на Майне»
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We go to Frankfurt am main by train from Belorussky railway station
You can buy tickets to Frankfurt am Main at long-distance ticket offices.
In order to purchase a ticket to Frankfurt am Main, you definitely need a passport and a Sh e ngen visa
If you do not have a Schengen visa, you can arrange it in the German Embassy
This is a train Moscow - Frankfurt am Main. Travel time is 1 day and 7 hours.
This is a train from Moscow to Frankfurt am Main. Coupe is equipped for 2 people.
This is a reserved place for the train to Frankfurt am Main. It accommodates up to 4 people.
This is a sedentary train car from Moscow to Frankfurt on the main
The train also has a dining car. And own bar
This is the main bus station Frankfurt where the train arrives from Moscow
This is the ticket office of the main station in Frankfurt am Main. Here you can buy a return ticket to Moscow
This is a four-star hotel Fleming's Hotel where tourists stop after a long trip. The price of a room for two people is about 76 euros
This is a regular room for two people. All the rooms in this hotel are very comfortable.
This is the reception, where tourists draw up a hotel room. For this you need a passport
art museum in Frankfurt am Main, one of the most significant collections of art in Germany.
This is Römer, the old town hall of Frankfurt on the lane, this building is about 600 years old. It is a symbol of this city.
This is a garden of palm trees. This garden was founded in 1871 at the time of the opening of the garden it was visited by all famous personalities
This is the house-museum of the famous German writer Goethe. This house is located in Innenstadt in Frankfurt am Main . Today, anyone can see how the famous German writer lived.
This is the maintower. A skyscraper in Frankfurt am Main is a building up to 200 meters high with a viewing platform on the roof
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