Китайская кухня
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Chinese cuisine is rather old and full of authentic traditions. Over the time there were added some foreign ingredients, but the core of the cuisine remained unchanged.
Perhaps the most famous Chinese dishes include fried rice, sweet-and-sour chicken, Peking duck and turtle soup.
China’s Regional Food Types The main features of China’s regional cuisines can be described as follows : China can be divided into several regions with distinct styles of cooking. The ingredients used are based on the natural and agricultural products of each region. The main features of China’s regional cuisines can be described as follows:
Northern China food — salty, simple, less vegetables with wheat as the staple food. Food using wheat as its main ingredient, such as noodles and dumplings is prevalent there.
Western China food — hearty halal food
Eastern China food — sweet and light
Central China food — spicy with a lot of seasonings
Southern minority food — sour, and many minorities eat chilies every day
One of the basic principles of Chinese food is that it should consist of small pieces. And the two culinary secrets include the right cut and proper roasting.
ways of cooking At all there are more than thirty ways of cooking there. Food can be quick fried, fried in deep oil layer, cooked in water, vinegar or syrup, fried on low heat, stewed.
Interesting ingredients for sauce: Slurry – equal parts of corn starch and water mix. Sherry- English : /ˈ ʃɛri / , Spanish : Jerez [ xeˈɾeθ ] is a fortified wine made from white grapes that are grown in Spain .
The 8 Most Popular Chinese Dishes You Should Try
Sweet and Sour Pork Sweet and sour pork ( 糖醋里脊 ) has a bright orange-red color, and a delicious sweet and sour taste.At the beginning there was only sweet and sour pork, but to meet demands, there have been some developments on this dish. Now, the pork can be substituted by other ingredients like chicken, beef or pork ribs.
Kung Pao Chicken Kung Pao Chicken ( 宫保鸡丁 ) is a famous Sichuan-style specialty, popular with both Chinese and foreigners. The major ingredients are diced chicken, dried chili, and fried peanuts. People in Western countries have created a Western-style gong bao chicken, for which the diced chicken is covered with cornstarch, and vegetables, sweet and sour sauce and mashed garlic are added.
Ma Po Tofu Ma po tofu ( 麻婆豆腐 ) is one of the most famous dishes in Chuan Cuisine with a history of more than 100 years. Ma (麻) describes a spicy and hot taste which comes from pepper powder, one kind of condiment usually used in Chuan Cuisine. The milky tofu is enriched with brownish red beef and chopped green onion. It is really a tasty delicacy.
Wontons Since the Tang Dynasty (618–907), it has been a custom for people to eat wontons ( 馄饨 ) on the winter solstice. The most common shape of a wonton is simple a right triangle, similar to Italian tortellini. Wontons are commonly boiled and served in soup or sometimes deep-fried. The filling of wontons can be minced pork or diced shrimp.
Dumplings With a long history of more than 1,800 years, dumplings are a traditional food widely popular in North China. Dumplings ( 饺子 ) consist of minced meat and chopped vegetables wrapped into a thin piece of dough skin. Popular fillings are mince pork, diced shrimp, ground chicken, beef, and vegetables. They can be cooked by boiling, steaming, or frying. Dumplings are a traditional dish eaten on Chinese New Year’s Eve.
Chow Mein The "Chow mein " ( 炒面 ) is the Cantonese pronunciation of the Chinese characters above, which means stir-fried noodles. Generally speaking, this stir-fried dish consists of noodles, meat (usually chicken, beef, shrimp, or pork), onions and celery. For making chow mein , the noodles need to be cooked in boiling water for a while. After they becoming cool, then move to the step of stir-frying.
Peking Roasted Duck Peking duck ( 北京烤鸭 ) is a famous dish from Beijing, enjoying world fame, and considered as one of China’s national dishes. Peking duck is savored for its thin and crispy skin. The Sliced Peking duck is often eaten with pancakes, sweet bean sauce, or soy with mashed garlic. It is a must-taste dish in Beijing!
Spring Rolls Spring rolls ( 春卷 ) are popular dish! The filling of spring rolls could be vegetables or meat, and the taste could be either sweet or savory. After fillings are wrapped in spring roll wrappers, the next step is frying. Then the spring rolls are given their golden yellow color.
Lemon Chicken Recipe https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3TTZZhYZ7mY + Agabekyan I.P. Chinese Cuisine Cantonese Lemon Chicken Recipe P. 234
Sources: http:// en365.ru/chinese_cuisine.htm https:// www.chinahighlights.com https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3TTZZhYZ7mY
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