Books and how to talk about them
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Here are some things famous people have said about books. What do you think they mean?
“Some books are to be tasted, others to be swallowed, and some few to be chewed and digested” Francis Bacon
“I suggest that the only books that influence us are those for which we are ready”
“A good book is the best of friends, the same today and forever Martin Tupper.
“What really knocks me out is a book that, when you finish reading it, you wish the author that wrote it was a terrific friend of yours and you could call him up on the phone whenever you felt like this” J.D.Salinger
Answer the following questions
What role does reading play in your life?
Is reading a pleasure or rather a must for you?
Some people claim e-books will soon replace paper books. What is your opinion.
What are pluses and minuses of e-books?
Talking about books
Match the comments with these different kinds of reading material:
a. a novel
b. a reference book
c. a teenage magazine
d. a legal document
1. I love dipping into it from time to time to check dates and that sort of thing.
2. I read her last one from cover to cover in one day.
3. There’s a brilliant twist at the end.
4. It’s too high-brow – far too intellectual for my taste.
5. It’s only light reading but some of the articles can be quite informative.
6. Some chapters were fairly heavy-going.
7. Make sure you read the small print before signing.
8. I read it and re-read it but I couldn’t make head nor tail of it.
9. I gave up after about fifty pages. I just couldn’t get into it.
10. You have to be patient at the beginning. It takes a while to get going.
11. Its gripping, absolutely riveting, right to the very end.
12. I just couldn’t put it down until I’d finished it.
13. It’s full of interesting tit-bits about history.
14. It’s unputdownable. I’m sure it’s going to be a real blockbuster.
The metaphors of reading and books are important in a number of common idiomatic expressions. Use these expressions in the situations below:
a. turn over a new leaf d. reading between the lines
b. an open book e. read too much into it
c. judge a book by its cover f. very well read
1. Rachel is very interesting, isn't she? If you want to know anything , ask her.
Oh, yes. She is ………….
2. Jim, why can you never find anything on your desk?
Because I am naturally untidy. I know I am going to ….
3. Brenda completely ignored me this morning I must have put my foot in it yesterday.
She is just not in a good mood at the moment. I wouldn't …….
4. What I like about Susanna is her openness and honesty.
Yes, what you see is what you get. She's……
5. Everybody seems to be happy with the idea of Isabel joining our group.
Except Jack, He said he was,t against the idea., but …… I think he's got his doubts
about her.
6. I was completely wrong about our new manager. When I saw the pigtail, I thought
“What have we got there?”
Well you know what they say. Never………..
Fill in the missing nouns
1. I am turning over a new…
2. You' ve got to read between ….
3. I read it from cover to ……
4. It takes a … to get going.
5.I don't read the small …
Write a 60-70 words review describing book you've read recently. Use the expressions you've learnt.
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