Конспект урока "Станок ЧПУ"
план-конспект урока по теме

Абдрахимова Эльвира Герсовна

Данный урок был одним из первых моих урок, имеющих  профессилональную направленность. Частично материал для данного урока был взят с данного сайта и переработан. Поэтому я не могу сказать, что это разработка урока полностью пренадлежит мне. Согласитесь. что именнно обмен опытом и своими наработками помогает нам, преподавателям, совершенствоваться. Урок разработан для студентов, обучающихся по профессии "Станочник" Возможно данный материал будет полезен для Вас, коллеги.


Файл konspekt.docx154.23 КБ
Файл konspekt_studenta.docx66.74 КБ

Предварительный просмотр:

Министерство образования и науки Челябинской области                                                                               Государственное бюджетное образовательное учреждение

среднего профессионального образования

(среднее специальное учебное заведение)

«Снежинский политехнический техникум имени Н.М.Иванова»

Методическая разработка урока

по дисциплине иностранный язык (английский)

A High-Tech life



                                                                                                   иностранного языка

                                                                                               Абдрахимова Э.Г.


Пояснительная записка


Познавательный аспект – знакомство с мнениями людей о высоких технологиях.

Развивающий аспект – развитие способности к обобщению, развитие логичности и доказательности.

Воспитательная цель - формирование уважительного отношения к мнению другого человека, потребности в высказывании своего собственного мнения.

Учебный аспект – совершенствование речевых навыков.

Сопутствующая задача – развитие умения вести диалог с обменом мнениями с использованием речевой функции agreeing/ disagreeing, уметь решать проблему, поставленную на уроке.

Речевой материал:

Рецептивный: intercity – междугородний, managed - управляться; rely - доверять; rushhour - час пик; notreliable- не заслуживают доверия.

Продуктивный: Internet – Интернет; invaluable-бесценный; junk - ненужная вещь, хлам; tostore - хранить; essential – необходимы.

Конструкций для выражения функций согласия и несогласия agreeing (That’s right. I also think so…)

Disagreeing (On the contrary…, It is said that…, I think, it is absolutely right/ wrong to…)

Оборудование: компьютер, мультимедийное оборудование, подключение компьютера к Интернету, магнитофон.

Ход урока




Today we are going to speak about things which are very familiar and interesting for you.

There are a great number of technological advances that make our life easier every day: computers, calculators, digital recorders, CD players, and all of the other gadgets that have become so commonplace. Without a doubt, many of these technological toys have become popular in your class and family.

They can make our job and study easier, get us information faster, and keep us connected with friends and family. But through all of this, children, like adults, are not immune from the "gotta have it now" syndrome.

Before considering those big-ticket purchases, take a moment to weigh the pros and cons of the latest goodies to decide if they're right for your family!

2. Постановка цели и проблемы

What can you say about these words:

We cannot live without modern inventions - is it true statement?


It is said that…

I also think so.

I don’t agree.

On the one hand it is…, but on the other hand …

And what about your work? Is it important that the work was modernization of the equipment?

The most famous new equipment of machine-operators on metal is a lathe machine with programmed control (CNC)

Are you agree with me? Every year, the lather machines are subject to modernization and perfection of this is yet to be achieved.

What is the main difference between a lathe machine and CNC?

* The main difference is that the CNC will allow a more accurate detail sizes, and all the work will performed by computer

So our purposes for today’s lesson are:

1. To know different opinions about high- technological things, advantages and disadvantages of modern inventions and their role in the life of people.

2. To give your own opinions, arguments for and against electric and electronic gadgets and machines.


Введение лексики

Now look at slide № 1 – there we will find the lexical material, which you should use on our lesson.

Lathe -токарныйстанок

a lathe machine with programmed control (CNC) - станоксЧПУ

Transmission - коробкапередач

Frame - станина

Drill - сверло

Cutters - резцы

Turret grandmother - револьвернаябабка

Lathe chuck - токарныйпатрон

Electric motor - электродвигатель

technological advances - технологическийпрогресс
gadgets -гаджеты

commonplace - обычноеявление
moderninventions - современныеизобретения

modernization of the equipment - модернизацияоборудования

machine-operators on metal - машина-операторпометаллу

high - technological things - высоко - технологичныевещи


Основная часть

And now let`s play a game. Imagine that you work with a foreign partner you should explain to him how to work with CNC

Join in pair. One of you worker, another a foreign partner

  1. And first you should explain the meaning of symbols on the remote control

Пультуправлениястанком – The remote control of CNC






Проворот шпинделя


Питание на станок подано (сеть)


Вращение шпинделя влево


Включено / Выключено


Вращение шпинделя вправо


Режимы сверления / нарезания резьбы




Name of controls
Applicability of the management bodies on the machine

Наименование органов управления
Применяемость органов управления на станке


Кнопка «Проворот шпинделя»


Лампа «Питание на станок подано»


Кнопка «Вращение шпинделя влево»


Кнопка «СТОП »-останов шпинделя


Кнопка «Вращение шпинделя вправо»


Переключатель сверления / нарезания резьбы


Переключатель «Включение СОЖ»


Кнопка «Аварийный стоп»

Развитие монологической речи

I am sure that all of you have different inventions at home. Have you?

Well, at the next task we are going to make a little speech about one of them/ Each of you will work with his own text, and on the base on it will make his own.

Let`s remember how we work with the text

1 step – read by yourself

2 step – write down unknown words

  • make 2 sentences with these words

3 step – read the text once again and translate it

4 – make the task

What can you say about the value of computer in your life?

As for me, I can’t imagine my life without a personal computer (PC). It is so fast, convenient and reliable to work on a PC. It helps me in solving many routine problems and not only. Computer is extremely multifunctional appliance. Either it is a complex calculation of some mathematical tasks or large text word processing, Hi-Fi-quality music composing or high-definition video watching computer is a very useful and labor-saving gadget. I study on my PC, entertain myself during the free time. It is a great possibility to easily develop different skills yourself with the use of Internet, containing immeasurable amount of helpful information like encyclopedias, teaching programs, smart guides and much more. At all this is available only through the computer.

As far as I know your family has a car. Tell us some words about advantages and disadvantages of using the car.

Well. Our family has a car. It is Toyota. It is very comfortable to have a car when we are coming to the holidays. We can see many interesting places, countryside, cities and towns, rivers, lakes. But if we are tired, we can stop any place to have a rest and snack. There many fast food cafes along the roads. We can bye necessary things and to stay at night in small camping. But there are some disadvantages of having a car. Fist, they are very expensive in exploitations. Second we can’t use our car if it is very cold in the street.

You wrote, that you can hardly live without the television. What is the meaning of TV in your life?

Television is one of the greatest achievements of the 20-th century. It is the most popular part of mass media. Today every family has a TV-set. TV has changed much since the time of its invention and so has its role. There have been numerous debates concerning advantages and disadvantages of television. When TV first appeared its main purpose was to give official information to people. It was supported by the government. Now television plays a big role in every civilized society. Today television gives people a possibility to be well informed and enjoy "civilized pleasures." The programmes are various and people have a chance to select what they want to see. Television provides great opportunities for education. There are programmes devoted to specialized subjects. With the help of TV it is possible to learn foreign languages, to know a lot of wonderful things concerning the world flora and fauna. TV teaches the ideals of democracy and political argument. Watching television can be compared with reading books.)


What are your arguments for and against the computer, the car and the phone? Let` try to make a list of Pros + and Cons -

Варианты ответов



1. Mobile phones are very easy and convenient things; they do not borrow a lot of place.


2. It is possible to take photos of the interesting moments of the life


3. It is possible to keep (store) and change all work made by you


4. It is possible to store (keep) photos, books, encyclopedias, dictionaries in a computer.


5. Helps in homework.


6. Saves time in information search.


7. Through Internet sites it is possible to exchange opinions with different people


8. It is possible to ask for advice at other people.


9. You do not feel lonely



1. Many children become nervous when they play violent games on a computer


2. Computer distracts from school lessons


3. You become dependent from a computer


4. Spoils sight and become the cause of many diseases


5. Influences on hearing


6. It is impossible to use during the lessons


7. Not all families can allow ( позволить) to buy to themselves the car


8. It is possible to get in accident or to get stuck in a traffic jam


9. They demand much money in service and using

Завершение работы. Выводы. Решение проблемы, поставленной на уроке

Well, students. Let’s do the conclusion. Do you remember the purposes of our lesson?

Look at the blackboard.

You can see here some arguments. And they are approximately equal. What are your decisions according these statements?

Technology- especially consumer electronics- are some of the greatest advances currently being made available to all members of Russia society. They can make our jobs easier, get us information faster, and keep us connected with friends and family. But through all of this, children, like adults, are not immune from the "gotta have it now" syndrome. Before considering those big-ticket purchases, take a moment to weigh the pros and cons of the latest goodies to decide if they're right for your family!


I’m quite satisfied with your work at the lesson today. I’m pleased with your answers and work. Thank you for your participation. Thank you for today’s lesson.

Your marks are:

See you in a week

Предварительный просмотр:

A High-Tech life


What can you say about these words:

We cannot live without modern inventions - is it true statement?


It is said that…

I also think so.

I don’t agree.

On the one hand it is…, but on the other hand …

And what about your work? Is it important that the work was modernization of the equipment?

The most famous new equipment of machine-operators on metal is a lathe machine with programmed control (CNC)

Are you agree with me? Every year, the lather machines are subject to modernization and perfection of this is yet to be achieved.

What is the main difference between a lathe machine and CNC?

* The main difference is that the CNC will allow a more accurate detail sizes, and all the work will performed by computer


So our purposes for today’s lesson are:

1. To know different opinions about high - technological things, advantages and disadvantages of modern inventions and their role in the life of people.

2. To give your own opinions, arguments for and against electric and electronic gadgets and machines


New words

Lathe - токарный станок

a lathe machine with programmed control (CNC) - станок с ЧПУ

Transmission - коробка передач

Frame - станина

Drill - сверло

Cutters - резцы

Turret grandmother - револьверная бабка

Lathe chuck - токарный патрон

Electric motor - электродвигатель

technological advances - технологический прогресс
gadgets – гаджеты
commonplace - обычное явление
modern inventions - современные изобретения
modernization of the equipment - модернизация оборудования
machine-operators on metal - машина-оператор по металлу
high - technological things - высоко - технологичные вещи


Пульт управления станком – The remote control of CNC







Проворот шпинделя



Питание на станок подано (сеть)



Вращение шпинделя влево



Включено / Выключено



Вращение шпинделя вправо



Режимы сверления / нарезания резьбы



Включение СОЖ

Name of controls
Applicability of the management bodies on the machine

Наименование органов управления
Применяемость органов управления на станке


Кнопка «Проворот шпинделя»


Лампа «Питание на станок подано»


Кнопка «Вращение шпинделя влево»


Кнопка «СТОП »-останов шпинделя


Кнопка «Вращение шпинделя вправо»


Переключатель сверления / нарезания резьбы


Переключатель «Включение СОЖ»


Кнопка «Аварийный стоп»

5. Work with the text

1 step – read by yourself

2 step – write down unknown words

  • make 2 sentences with these words

3 step – read the text once again and translate it

4 – make the task

What can you say about the value of computer in your life?

As for me, I can’t imagine my life without a personal computer (PC). It is so fast, convenient and reliable to work on a PC. It helps me in solving many routine problems and not only. Computer is extremely multifunctional appliance. Either it is a complex calculation of some mathematical tasks or large text word processing, Hi-Fi-quality music composing or high-definition video watching computer is a very useful and labor-saving gadget. I study on my PC, entertain myself during the free time. It is a great possibility to easily develop different skills yourself with the use of Internet, containing immeasurable amount of helpful information like encyclopedias, teaching programs, smart guides and much more. At all this is available only through the computer.

As far as I know your family has a car. Tell us some words about advantages and disadvantages of using the car.

Well. Our family has a car. It is Toyota. It is very comfortable to have a car when we are coming to the holidays. We can see many interesting places, countryside, cities and towns, rivers, lakes. But if we are tired, we can stop any place to have a rest and snack. There many fast food cafes along the roads. We can bye necessary things and to stay at night in small camping. But there are some disadvantages of having a car. Fist, they are very expensive in exploitations. Second we can’t use our car if it is very cold in the street.

You wrote, that you can hardly live without the television. What is the meaning of TV in your life?

Television is one of the greatest achievements of the 20-th century. It is the most popular part of mass media. Today every family has a TV-set. TV has changed much since the time of its invention and so has its role. There have been numerous debates concerning advantages and disadvantages of television. When TV first appeared its main purpose was to give official information to people. It was supported by the government. Now television plays a big role in every civilized society. Today television gives people a possibility to be well informed and enjoy "civilized pleasures." The programmes are various and people have a chance to select what they want to see. Television provides great opportunities for education. There are programmes devoted to specialized subjects. With the help of TV it is possible to learn foreign languages, to know a lot of wonderful things concerning the world flora and fauna. TV teaches the ideals of democracy and political argument. Watching television can be compared with reading books.)

6. Pros and Cons



1. Mobile phones are very easy and convenient things; they do not borrow a lot of place.


2. It is possible to take photos of the interesting moments of the life


3. It is possible to keep (store) and change all work made by you


4. It is possible to store (keep) photos, books, encyclopedias, dictionaries in a computer.


5. Helps in homework.


6. Saves time in information search.


7. Through Internet sites it is possible to exchange opinions with different people


8. It is possible to ask for advice at other people.


9. You do not feel lonely




1. Many children become nervous when they play violent games on a computer


2. Computer distracts from school lessons


3. You become dependent from a computer


4. Spoils sight and become the cause of many diseases


5. Influences on hearing


6. It is impossible to use during the lessons


7. Not all families can allow ( позволить) to buy to themselves the car


8. It is possible to get in accident or to get stuck in a traffic jam


9. They demand much money in service and using

По теме: методические разработки, презентации и конспекты

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