Melting pot , викторина" Знаешь ли ты Америку"
методическая разработка по теме
Данная методическая разработка представляет собой внеклассное мероприятие , в котором участникам предлагается ответить на ряд интересных вопросов по истории, культуре, геграфии Америки
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Предварительный просмотр:
Ф.И.О.: Касьмина Оксана Ивановна
Место проживания: Тамбовская область, г. Жердевка, ул. Парковая, д.23, кв.1 (393671)
Название учебного заведения: ТОГБОУ СПО « Жердевский колледж сахарной промышленности»
Дисциплина: Английский язык
Учебник: Ощепкова В.В. The USA : Geography, History, Education, Painting- Москва :» Лист»,1997
Тема: « Melting Pot» ( викторина : « Знаешь ли ты Америку?»)
Курс : 1
Продолжительность мероприятия: 45 минут
Пояснительная записка.
Методическая разработка внеклассного мероприятия на тему “ Melting Pot” предназначена для обучающихся 1 курсов средних специальных заведений. Эта викторина состоит из 14 вопросов с тремя вариантами ответов на каждый вопрос . Участники викторины должны выбрать один вариант ответа. Задания этой викторины охватывают самые разные области знаний: историю, географию, культуру, политику.
Цели мероприятия:
- расширение творческого кругозора обучающихся;
- развитие коммуникативных навыков и умений;
- воспитание уважительного отношения к культуре , традициям США;
План проведения мероприятия:
- Организационный момент .
- Вступительное слово ведущего. Представление членов жюри.
- Представление команд.
- Проведение викторины: « Вопрос- ответ»
- Подведение итогов викторины
- Награждение победителей.
Сценарий викторины “ Melting Pot”
- создание положительной мотивации к изучению английского языка;
- развитие коммуникативных навыков и умений;
- расширение страноведческих знаний обучающихся
Мероприятие открывает приветственное слово ведущего, который представляет членов жюри и команды.
Ведущий: Everybody knows that the USA is often called “melting pot” because it is a country of immigrants who work together as Americans while retaining their ethnic identities. Our game is called “ Melting Pot” too because we have prepared questions from different spheres of life: history, geography, art, politics, culture. The USA means the United States of America. I would put it another way. It seems to me the letter
“U” stands for “ Unique, unforgettable”
“S” stands for “ Smart, serious”
“ A” stands for “ Attractive, ambitious”
So, let us discover this unique and attractive country once more for ourselves!
Далее ведущий объясняет правила викторины. Команды по очереди будут отвечать на вопросы ведущего ( один правильный ответ- один балл). В случае если команда дает неверный ответ, то право дать свой вариант ответа передается другой команде. На обсуждение каждого вопроса отводится минута.
Чтобы определить, какая команда будет начинать игру, капитанам команд предлагаются карточки с названиями нескольких американских штатов, в которых перепутаны буквы. Команда, чей капитан « расшифрует» название быстрее, получает право отвечать первой.
Примерное задание для капитанов:
1 Сeonntcuict ( Connecticut)
2 Ogoern ( Oregon)
3 Wcsinonis ( Wisconsin)
4 Narbeksa (Nebraska)
5 Mgiihcna (Michigan)
Вопросы для викторины:
Ведущий: The first people to arrive in America from this European country built a town which they named in honour of the capital of their Motherland. But 40 years later, when this country was at war with England, English fleet under the command of the Duke of York appeared before this town. It was occupied by the English and was renamed as New York. This is the name that has remained to this day.
The first question: What was the first name of New York?
- New Paris; B- New Amsterdam; C- New Rome;
( The right answer: B- New Amsterdam)
Ведущий: In the fifth or sixth century Polynesian voyagers sailed to this island across thousand of miles of the Pacific their double canoes. British captain James Cook accidentally rediscovered this island in 1778. Famous American author , Mark Twain, once called this island “ the loveliest fleet of islands that lies anchored in any ocean”.
The second question: What is the name of this island?
- Hawaii; B- Bahama; C- Caribbean;
( the right answer: A-Hawaii)
Ведущий: By the way Hawaiian former kingdom was annexed by the USA ,and in 1959 it became its fiftieth state. The first official ties between Hawaii and the USA were through trade in sugar.
Ведущий: It is known that after seven years of waiting, Christopher Columbus found success because Isabella, Queen of Spain, agreed to aid him in carrying out his ambitious plans. Three small vessels , only one of which had a deck, were fitted out. The largest of these commanded by Columbus was called “The Santa Maria”. The second vessel was called “The Pinta”.
The third question: What was the name of the third vessel?
- Isabella; B- Helen; C-Nina;
( The right answer: C-Nina)
Ведущий: At last, on October 12, 1492, land was discovered. It was one of the Bahama islands which Columbus called San Salvador.
The fourth question: How many weeks did Columbus’s voyage last?
- 10 weeks; B- 11 weeks; C-8 weeks;
( The right answer: A- 10 weeks)
Ведущий: Europe, Asia, Africa were known as the three parts of the world. Amerigo Vespucci, a native of Florence and a navigator, proved the existence of the fourth part. The first printed account of the mainland of the New World was published in 1504. 0ne German professor suggested that the fourth part should be called America, after Amerigo Vespucci.
The fifth question: What was the first country that was called” America”?
- Venezuela B- Colombia C- Brazil;
(The right answer: C-Brazil)
Ведущий: The English had visited America at different times. But they had never stayed very long. The first Englishman came to Newfoundland in 1498.
The sixth question: What was the name of the first Englishman?
- John Cabot; B- Sir Francies Drake; C-Sir Humphry Gilbert;
(The right answer: A-John Cabot)
Ведущий: By the way, in 1577 Sir F. Drake sailed along the western coast of America on his voyage around the world. In 1583 a few men with Sir H. Gilbert tried to settle in Newfoundland, but they found it too cold.
Ведущий: It is known that a group of Englishmen , called the London Company, sent three ships to America. In April 1607 the people saw the green shores of Chesapeake Bay. The ships sailed up the river, which the colonists named “the James”.
The seventh question: Why did they give such name to the river?
- In honour of the captain; B-in honour of their king; C-because of the popularity of the name;
( The right answer: B – in honour of their king)
Ведущий: King James the First gave the London Company a charter, or the right to build a colony in the new land.
Ведущий: At the beginning of the 18th century a number of Russian expeditions explored Alaska. Until the end of the century there were more than 80 expeditions by explorers, merchants, hunters.
The eighth question: When did Russian merchant G. Shelikhov found the first Russian settlement on Kodiak island?
- In 1789; B-in 1898; C- in 1798;
( The right answer: C-in 1798)
Ведущий: What is the name of the first American president to live in the White House?
- Thomas Jefferson; B- John Adams; C-James Madison;
(The right answer: B- John Adams)
Ведущий: By the way, J. Adams was the second president and he served only one term.
Ведущий: Henry Ford said once:” America is not a country of money, it is a country of wealth. It is not a country of rich men, it is a country of successful workers.” H. Ford introduced efficient , low-cost car, he began the era of mass production of the cars.
The ninth question: When did this era begin?
- 1908 October; B- 1909 October; C- 1908 November;
( The right answer: A- 1908 October)
Ведущий: The 19th century American writer Edgar A.Poe is said to be the founder of detective genre.
The tenth question: Which famous Edgar A. Poe poem is named for a bird?
- “The Sparrow”; B-“The Swan”; C-“The Raven”;
(The right answer: C-“The Raven”)
Ведущий: America is famous for its skyscrapers. The highest American skyscraper is Empire State Building.
The eleventh question: Which American architect is called the “Father of the Skyscraper?”
- Louis Henry Sullivan; B- Frank Gehry; C- Thom Mayne;
(The right answer: A-Louis Henry Sullivan)
Ведущий: The twelfth question: In which state do the highest trees in the world “redwood” or “ sequoia” grow?
A-Florida; B-Wyoming; C- California;
(The right answer: C-California)
Ведущий:The thirteenth question: Which American artist painted portraits of outstanding historical leaders and scenes of important historical events including “The Declaration of Independence” and three famous portraits of George Washington?
A-John Trumbull; B-Benjamin West; C- Mary Cassatt;
(The right answer: A-John Trumbull)
Ведущий: By the way, of the 48 figures crowded into the canvas of “The Declaration of Independence” , 36 were painted from life. Standing at the table before John Hancock are John Adams, Roger Sherman, Robert R. Livingston, Thomas Jefferson and Benjamin Franklin.
Ведущий: The fourteenth question: Which sport is considered to be the national pastime of America?
- Tennis; B-Soccer; C- Baseball;
(The right answer: C- Baseball)
В конце викторины ведущий предоставляет слово членам жюри для подведения итогов и награждения победителей. Закончить мероприятие можно следующими словами:” Will Rodjers said once:” America has two best friends : the Pacific and the Atlantic Oceans.” I hope that after this game you have become American friends too!
Литература, используемая при подготовке к мероприятию:
Ощепкова В.В. The USA : Geography, History, Education, Painting- Москва :» Лист»,1997
Интернет-ресурсы: http://
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