Учебно-методический материал по теме «Проблемы систем воздушного судна»
учебно-методический материал

Данный учебно-методический материал направлен на повторение и закрепление изученного материала по теме «Проблемы систем воздушного судна» и может использоваться как во время проведения аудиторных занятий, так и для самостоятельной работы курсантов.



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Учебно-методический материал

по теме «Проблемы систем воздушного судна»

Данный учебно-методический материал направлен на повторение и закрепление изученного материала по теме «Проблемы систем воздушного судна» и может использоваться как во время проведения аудиторных занятий, так и для самостоятельной работы курсантов.

Данный материал составлен для курсантов УВД 3 курса 5 семестра по теме «Проблемы систем воздушного судна». В заданиях курсанты прорабатывают следующие аспекты вышеупомянутой темы:

  • проблемы тормозной системы;
  • отказ системы электроснабжения;
  • проблемы гидравлической системы.

С помощью заданий осуществляется проработка, закрепление и проверка следующих знаний, умений и навыков:

Освоить профессиональную лексику, методы развития умений и навыков общения на английском языке (диалог, беседа, собеседование, сообщение, доклад и так далее).

Владеть материалом по разговорным и специальным темам дисциплины.

Знать правила ведения радиотелефонной связи и правила радиообмена.

Проводить радиообмен с экипажами иностранных воздушных судов и понимать его на уровне, не ниже четвертого (рабочего) уровня шкалы оценки языковых знаний Международной организации гражданской авиации.

Понимать сущность и социальную значимость своей будущей профессии, проявлять к ней устойчивый интерес.

Организовывать собственную деятельность, выбирать типовые методы и способы выполнения профессиональных задач, оценивать их эффективность и качество.

Принимать решения в стандартных и нестандартных ситуациях и нести за них ответственность.

Осуществлять поиск и использование информации, необходимой для эффективного выполнения профессиональных задач, профессионального и личностного развития.

Использовать информационно-коммуникационные технологии в профессиональной деятельности.

Самостоятельно определять задачи профессионального и личностного развития, заниматься самообразованием, осознанно планировать повышение квалификации.

Работать с нормативными документами, справочной литературой и другими источниками информации, регламентирующими организацию и обслуживание ВД.

Материал может быть использован для составления заданий для письменной контрольной работы по дисциплине «Фразеология радиообмена на английском языке» по теме «Проблемы систем воздушного судна». В конце даны возможные вопросы для устного опроса, зачета, экзамена по вышеупомянутой теме.


Ex.1. Match the systems of the aircraft to their functions.

  1. Electrical System

  1. is designed to prevent ice formation on aircraft vital areas and permits aircraft operation without restriction by icing conditions. The aircraft ice protection is provided by heating of critical areas (engine air intakes, leading edge, windshields, pitot tubes, static ports, etc) using hot air or electrical power.
  1. Fuel  System

  1. provides maintaining the air in the pressurized compartments at the desired level of pressure, temperature and freshness. The required bleed air for the system is supplied either by engine compressors or APU or a high pressure ground air supply unit.The bleed air is cooled, conditioned and distributed to the individual compartments (flight compartment, passenger compartments and cargo compartments) and then discharged overboard through outflow valves.

  1. Oil System

  1. is designed to operate undercarriage, wheel brakes, nose wheel steering, control surfaces, etc. This system is normally divided into at least two systems with maximum degree of independence. Each system comprises engine driven pumps, accumulators, valves, heat exchangers and filters. A non- inflammable liquid is the usual working fluid.
  1. Hydraulic system

  1. Proper lubrication of the engine is essential to the extension of engine life and prevention of excessive maintenance. The oil system provides a means of storing and circulating oil throughout the internal components of the engine.

  1. Air conditioning and pressurization system
  1. The function of this system is to provide a means of storing fuel in the airplane and transferring this fuel to the airplane engine. Fuel systems are classified according to the method used to furnish fuel to the engine from the fuel tanks. The two classifications are the "gravity feed" and the "fuel pump system."

  1. Anti-icing system

  1. Electrical energy is required to operate navigation and communication radios, lights, and other airplane equipment.Most airplanes are equipped with a direct-current (DC) electrical system and an alternating-current (AC) electrical system.

Ex.2. Match the left column to the right one.

Aircraft part


  1. Fuselage    
  1. consists of a strut with a shock absorber, the main gear, the nose gear, the wheels with tyres, the retracting and lowering mechanism and brakes  
  1. Tail Assembly / Empennage
  1. the main horizontal aerofoil or mainplane  
  1. Wing
  1. an engine used to move a vehicle or an aircraft
  1. Landing gear / Undercarriage    
  1. the body of a plane to which the wings and tail assembly are attached and which has a cockpit section at the front end and a cabin section  
  1. Power plant            
  1. movable aerofoils such as ailerons, rudder, elevators, flaps, slats, spoilers and    speedbrakes, which can be operated from the cockpit by the pilot, thus changing the aircraft attitude
  1. Control surfaces          
  1. attached to the aft part of the fuselage, consisting of vertical and horizontal stabilizers, the rudder and elevators

Ex. 3. Read the information and remember the ASSIST principles.








  • A - acknowledge the emergency, inform the crew if fire/smoke is observed from the undercarriage area;
  • S - separate the aircraft and if necessary prioritise it for landing, allow long final if requested, keep the active runway clear of departures, arrivals and vehicles;
  • S - silence the non-urgent calls (as required) and use separate frequency where possible;
  • I - inform the airport emergency fire rescue services and all concerned parties according to local procedures; as tower controller expect airport authorities to execute their emergency plan; inform the supervisor and other sectors/units concerned;
  • S - support the flight by providing any information requested and necessary such as type of approach, runway length and aerodrome details, etc.
  • T - provide time for the crew to assess the situation, don’t press with non urgent matters.

Ex.4. Read the information and make 3 questions.

Brake Problems

May result in:

  • Loss of braking performance
  • Fire
  • Tyre deflation / tyre burst
  • Braking without or partial antiskid-protection significantly increased landing distance required
  • tyre deflation / tyre burst
  • aircraft controllability issues

Brake failure and subsequent poor deceleration or degraded directional control in turn could result in:

  • Runway excursion (both overrun and veer-off)
  • Uncommanded aircraft ground movements / taxiway excursion
  • Collision with objects on the ground/other aircraft
  • Runway blockage due to immovability of an aircraft


  • Pilots, if aware prior landing of the brake problem, to request:
  • the longest runway available;
  • the widest runway available whenever directional control problems on the ground are anticipated;
  • to execute holding procedures for thorough approach briefing and procedure review as well as to burn fuel and minimise weight;
  • to divert to alternate aerodrome if any condition such as poor braking action, runway contamination or adverse weather is present at the destination aerodrome or if any other conditions exist that could result in higher ground speed on touchdown or are unfavorable for taxi;
  • to divert to alternate aerodrome depending on availability of maintenance personnel and respective technical facilities should the airplane need repair.
  • Aircraft overrunning runway threshold at far end (stop end);
  • Aircraft swerving off of the runway;
  • Tyre burst and associated damage to the aircraft - inform the aircraft crew and the airport fire rescue services if a burst tyre was observed;

Blocked runway after landing - plan ahead regarding pending departures and arrivals, possibly sequencing them for other runways if available.


  • Inform pilot about runway length and condition;
  • When aircraft on final do not allow poor positioning for the approach, monitor carefully alignment, height, speed, distance from touchdown;
  • Keep safety strip clear;
  • Advise pilots of EMAS, if available
  • Plan ahead the pending traffic, consider assigning priority to the arrivals if necessary due to possibility of blocked runway;
  • Make arrangements for towing equipment to be on stand-by as appropriate;
  • Request help of technical staff required to inspect and assess the damage to the aircraft as appropriate;
  • If pilot reports vibrations during the take-off/landing roll - consider possible tyre burst/debris on the runway and make the necessary arrangements for runway inspection. Inform the pilot if tyre burst has occurred, especially important if it took place after take-off.

Additionally, as a ground controller consider coordinating where to position on the ground an aircraft that requires a prolonged brake cooling period following a hot brake incident to minimise the disruption to other traffic.

Ex.5. Match the phrases in the left column to the right ones.

  1. Shall I contact your airline/company?
  1. I did not quite understand (that).
  1. What does it mean?
  1. What has happened?/ What is the trouble?  
  1. I did not quite catch
  1. Do you want me to contact your company?  
  1. Do you have any related problems?
  1. Could you explain the meaning, please?
  1. Can you say that in other words?
  1. Do you have any other problems?  
  1. What is the problem?  
  1. Could you rephrase, please?  

Ex.6. Read the information and make 3 questions.

Electrical Problems

May result in:

  • Increased workload. Crew determining the nature and the severity of the problem.
  • Turning off non-critical electrical items (such as second radio, passenger cabin lighting and recirculation fans and other non essential electrical systems) in order to isolate and identify the source of the problem and / or to reduce the electrical load.
  • A decision to land at the nearest/most suitable airport.

The worst case related scenario is an on board fire in flight which is caused by an electrical fault and cannot be contained readily by the crew.


  • Navigation problems. Commercial aircraft are equipped with stand by instruments which are either mechanical or independently powered. In general, these instruments provide attitude, altitude and airspeed information and have limited or no navigation capability.
  • Communication loss if the malfunctions affect the radio equipment.
  • Loss of Transponder temporarily or completely if it is necessary to reduce electrical load or a failure has occurred on the channnel powering the in use transponder.
  • Limited readback. Expect crews to minimise the readbacks and possibly to acknowledge ATC instructions by keying the microphone.
  • Level changes to maintain VMC.
  • Manual gear extension.
  • Approach and landing without landing lights


  • Inform the pilot about nearest suitable aerodrome and provide radar vectors as necessary.
  • Provide airfield and weather information .
  • Coordinate and arrange (if applicable) type of approach desired by the crew.
  • It is important to avoid a go-around because of ATC action, whether by direct or indirect cause.
  • If practicable keep the flight clear of IMC.
  • Arrange for Ground Power on arrival (GPU).

Ex.7. Match the phrases in the left column to the right ones.

  1. Say again (your message, request)
  1. What kind of assistance do you need?
  1. Confirm  (Confirm you have electrical failure / Confirm electrical failure)
  1. Could you repeat (that), please?
  1. Report the nature of your problem. / Report details of your problem.
  1. Do you need any help?  
  1. Keep me advised.  
  1. Advise the status on board.  
  1. Report the situation on board.
  1. What are you going to do next?
  1. What assistance do you require?
  1. Do you have electrical problem? Is that correct?
  1. Do you require any assistance?  
  1. Keep me informed.  
  1. Report your intentions.
  1. What kind of (medical, technical) problem do you have?

Ex.8. Read the information and make 3 questions.

Hydraulic Problems

May result in:

  • Difficulties with extending/retracting of landing gear;
  • Lack of autopilot;
  • Partial control over different control surfaces;
  • Reduced braking capability upon landing;
  • Lack of control over thrust reversers;
  • Loss of nose wheel steering making it difficult or impossible to clear the runway after landing;
  • Partial/total loss of control while flying.


  • Larger margins of adherence to cleared flight level;
  • Non standard phraseology used by the flight crew to describe the problem, e.g. we lost green (yellow, blue) hydraulics, or we lost 1 (2, standby) hydraulics etc., depending on the aircraft manufacturers' labeling system;
  • Sudden descent or climb;
  • Wider radius of turns with smaller rate of turn;
  • High approach speed;
  • Lack of autopilot (effect on CAT-landings);
  • Partial control over different control surfaces;
  • Reduced braking capability upon landing;
  • Runway excursion/blockage;
  • Post-landing fire, airframe damage.


  • Time and space - Provide increased separation between the affected aircraft and all others. Expect non-routine manoeuvres.
  • Information about nearest and nearest suitable airports - runway length and direction, operational status, etc;
  • Weather information - Updated weather information provided by ground communication channels;
  • Navigational help - depending on the circumstances, radar vectors could be required;
  • Additional Information - for example: type of emergency support at requested airport.
  • Clear and precise communication - every effort should be made to present all available information and receive all details that might be needed by crew, emergency staff, etc;
  • Effective personnel management - additional staff might be required to handle the informational flow and provide better service to the affected aircraft;
  • Fast coordination - crucial information should be delivered to all affected parties without delay. Information focal points should be pre-defined and tested for conformance.

Ex. 9. Give the English equivalents.

1. Вы объявляете бедствие?  

2. Всем бортам, прекратить радиопередачи, бедствие.

3. Всем бортам, бедствие окончено, возобновить связь в нормальном режиме.

4. Подтвердите, что вы отменяете бедствие.

5. Понял, отмена бедствия.

6. У вас по-прежнему аварийная ситуация?

7. Какова ситуация на борту?

8. Докладывайте о состоянии на борту регулярно.

9. Держите меня в курсе.

10. Ответ не получен. Если слышите, установите код ответчика 1234.

11. В чем проблема? ( Что случилось?)

12. В чем суть (характер) вашей проблемы?

13. Сообщите детали вашей проблемы, когда будет возможно.

14. У вас есть еще какие-нибудь проблемы?

15. Сколько времени вам потребуется на устранение проблемы?

16. Вы можете сохранять высоту?

17. Какое  ваше последнее известное местонахождение?

18. Каковы ваши намерения?                                                              

19. Каково ваше решение?

20. Вы можете продолжать нормальный полет/нормальную навигацию?

21. Вы можете продолжать полет до пункта назначения?

22. Вы хотите изменить маршрут полѐта?

23. Почему вы хотите изменить маршрут полета?

24. Вы будете продолжать, как запланировано?

25. Вы собираетесь следовать/продолжать в пункт назначения?

26. Вы собираетесь возвращаться (на аэродром вылета)?

27. Почему вы намереваетесь вернуться (на аэродром вылета)?

28.Где вы собираетесь выполнять вынужденную/аварийную посадку?

29. Вы собираетесь следовать на запасной аэродром?

30. Какова причина ухода на запасной?

31. У вас есть аэродромная информация (данные аэродрома)?

32. Вам нужна погода нового пункта назначения (URRR)?

33. Внимание, аварийное снижение в районе EP с эшелона 200 до эшелона 100.

34. Аварийные службы оповещены/приведены в готовность.    

Ex.10.Compare 3 emergency scenarios and choose the problems:

Brake Problems

Hydraulic Problems (Complete or partial failure of flight controls, gear extension, brakes, flaps, nose wheel steering)

Electrical Problems (Loss of all generators (alternators) / battery power only

power supply reduced to emergency level)



• High stress level in the cockpit

• NAV – failure, including compass

• Transponder switched off (save energy)

• Communication failure

• Limited readbacks

• Level changes to maintain VMC

• Manual gear extension

• Possible engine failure


• Inform landing aerodrome

If needed, inform pilot about:

• Next suitable aerodrome

• Aerodrome details as soon as possible

• Suitable vectors and position information

• Save energy

• Avoid IMC


May result in:

• Fuel Dumping

• Gear Problems

• Brake Problems

• Relatively High Speed

• Approach and Landing


• Limited manoeuvrability

• Limited flap setting

• Limited bank angle

• Manual gear extension, no retraction possible

• Holding pattern for necessary checks

• Extended final

• Higher approach speed on final (up to 220 Kt IAS on flapless approach)

• Limited braking capability

• Possible overrun

• RWY blocked on landing


• Increase vertical and lateral separation

• Ask if dangerous goods on board

• Ask for number of Persons On Board (POB)

• Avoid ATC-caused GO AROUND

• Clear RWY according to local instructions

• Keep safety strip clear

• Towing equipment on stand-by as appropriate

If needed, inform pilot about:

• Next suitable aerodrome

• Aerodrome details as soon as possible

• WX information of landing aerodrome

• Fire or smoke from brakes

(3) ………………………………………………


• Pilots request longest RWY

• Overrunning RWY threshold at far end

• Burst tyre

• ACFT may swerve off RWY

• RWY blocked after landing


• Inform pilot about RWY length / condition

• Keep safety strip clear

• Towing equipment on stand-by as appropriate

• Technical staff required

Возможные вопросы на зачете / экзамене / устном опросе по теме «Проблемы систем воздушного судна»:

  1. How many systems are there in the aircraft? Can you name them?
  2. What is a hydraulic system used for?
  3. What is driven by the hydraulic system?
  4. What is electric power/ or electric system required for?
  5. What operation does the electric system provide?
  6. Where does air get into cabin from?
  7. Why must the air in the cabin be pressurized?
  8. What is an anti-icing system used for?
  9. Are there any fire, overheat and smoke detectors in the plane?
  10. What is used to extinguish fire?
  11. Are there any systems operating independently of ground?
  12. What does pilotage equipment contain?
  13. What failure do you think is the most dangerous?
  14. Do you agree that the most important aircraft systems are duplicated or ever triplicated?

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