Krutyakova Ksenia Andreevna

Страница учителя английского языка

I can not choose the best. The best chooses me.

Профессия: teacher

Профессиональные интересы: перевод песен на русский язык,чтение книг на иностранном языке,

Увлечения: кулинария

Регион: Республика Татарстан

Населенный пункт: Казань

Место работы: МБОУ Школа №12


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"Before you travel, organise your clothes and money. Take half your clothes and twice the money." Susan Helier
Susan Helier

Speak english!))

О себе

Let me introduce myself. What about me? Well…firstly, I am a pretty girl and creative person. It is difficult to describe myself. I think I am serious and honest

To tell many good words about yourself is not very modest, but I am charming.  The most difficult thing is to tell something objective about myself, but I will try. 

Once upon a time, a nice brown hair girl was born in Kazan. And that was me, of course. 

Is there anybody going to listen to my story? 

It is time to throw off the mask and tell something important about myself. 

I am Ksenia Andreevna.

Parents decided to call me Ann, and I think they were right.  Yesterday I was Ksenia, but today I am Ksenia Andreevna . 

In 5 years, I will be 29. 

I am a reliable woman.

My father is a bus driver, my mom is a teacher/ I work at school as an English teacher.

As for my interests, I love cooking, sleeping and eating ;)

Книги, которые сформировали мой внутренний мир

 Произведения А.С. Пушкина,Л.Н.Толстого,Ф.М. Достоевского.Люблю стихи С. Есенина. Ф. Тютчева, А. Фета. В юношеском возрасте влюблена была в поэзию М Цветаевой. 

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