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Хамзина Эльмира Рауэльевна
сайт учителя русского языка и литературы
Профессия: Учитель
Профессиональные интересы: Чтение художественной литературы
Увлечения: Походы
Регион: Республика Башкортостан
Населенный пункт: г. Белорецк
Место работы: МОБУ СОШ № 18
Звание, ученая степень: If to issue the
Ссылка на мой мини-сайт:
https://nsportal.ru/khamzina-elmira-rauelevnaIf to issue the text in the form of big monolithic "piece", hardly someone will read it. Such "piece" of the text looks as a high black fence behind which it is not visible uniform thought of the author, a fence without a uniform door, without a uniform shchelochka. For this reason the text always break into paragraphs. Small, including on the offers slightly connected on sense, they inform the author's text gradually, in parts, from simple to the difficult. Generally, turn impenetrable "fence" into the readable text.
If to issue the text in the form of big monolithic "piece", hardly someone will read it. Such "piece" of the text looks as a high black fence behind which it is not visible uniform thought of the author, a fence without a uniform door, without a uniform shchelochka.
For this reason the text always break into paragraphs. Small, including on the offers slightly connected on sense, they inform the author's text gradually, in parts, from simple to the difficult. Generally, turn impenetrable "fence" into the readable text.
As we already know from chapter 1, the HTML language for creation of the paragraph provides the pair <p> tag. Contents of this tag become the paragraph text:</p>
О себе
Я, Хамзина Эльмира Рауэльевна, учитель русского языка и литературы первой категории. Стаж работы двадцать три года в одной школе, которую окончила сама в тысяча девятьсот восемьдесят пятом году.
Книги, которые сформировали мой внутренний мир
If to issue the text in the form of big monolithic "piece", hardly someone will read it. Such "piece" of the text looks as a high black fence behind which it is not visible uniform thought of the author, a fence without a uniform door, without a uniform shchelochka.
For this reason the text always break into paragraphs. Small, including on the offers slightly connec
Мой взгляд на мир
"7 У" Учительского успеха.
1. Уверенность - знание своих прав и прав ребенка, способность защитить его.
2. Успешность - берясь за любое дело учитель должен предвидеть положительный результат, быть уверенным, что оно под силу детям.
3. Удивительность - надо развивать в себе незаурядность, дети не любят однообразие.
4. Уважительность - необходимо взаимное уважение: уважайте мнение детей, они будут уважать ваше. Воспитание без уважения - подавление.
5. Убедительность - уметь зажечь детские сердца, убедить их в важности любого дела.
6. Уравновешенность - в классе нужно быть готовым ко всему, к любой ситуации, уметь анализировать, сдерживать свои эмоции.
7. Улыбчивость - чувство юмора поможет в работе. Улыбка - это и оценка, и одобрение, и подбадривание, и залог успеха.
Мои достижения
If to issue the text in the form of big monolithic "piece", hardly someone will read it. Such "piece" of the text looks as a high black fence behind which it is not visible uniform thought of the author, a fence without a uniform door, without a uniform shchelochka.
For this reason the text always break into paragraphs. Small, including on the offers slightly connected on sense, they inform the author's text gradually, in parts, from simple to the difficult. Generally, turn impenetrable.
Моё портфолио
If to issue the text in the form of big monolithic "piece", hardly someone will read it. Such "piece" of the text looks as a high black fence behind which it is not visible uniform thought of the author, a fence without a uniform door, without a uniform shchelochka.
For this reason the text always break into paragraphs. Small, including on the offers slightly connected on sense, they inform the author's text gradually, in parts, from simple to the difficult. Generally, turn impenetrable "fence" into the readable text.
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